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Created December 16, 2011 19:28
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Baker's map
import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple
import Data.Ratio
f :: Rational -> Rational
f x
| x >= 0 && x <= 0.5 = 2*x
| x > 0.5 && x <= 1 = 2-2*x
f2 :: Rational -> Rational
f2 x
| x >= 0 && x <= 0.5 = 2*x
| x > 0.5 && x <= 1 = 2*x - 1
f3 :: (Rational,Rational) -> (Rational,Rational)
f3 (x,y)
| x >= 0 && x <= 0.5 = (2*x,y/2)
| x > 0.5 && x <= 1 = (2-2*x,1-y/2)
f4 :: (Rational,Rational) -> (Rational,Rational)
f4 (x,y)
| x >= 0 && x <= 0.5 = (2*x,y/2)
| x > 0.5 && x <= 1 = (2*x-1,(1+y)/2)
d :: Int -> [Double]
d x = map fromRational $ take x $ iterate f2 (1/123456)
--d2 :: Int -> [(Double,Double)]
--d x = map
m x = do plotList [] (d x)
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