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Created November 16, 2011 07:14
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ICPC 2011 FUKUOKA / Java Challenge AI
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class KL11 implements PlayerRoutine {
private static int _id = 0;
private String my_id;
private static boolean _initialized = false;
private static int _width, _height;
private static int _stage[][];
private static Direction _direction_map[][];
private int _speed_limit;
public KL11() {
my_id = "KLab-" + _id++;
_speed_limit= 3+_id*2;
private void dumpInfo(GameInfo info) {
String id = my_id;
int team = info.getOwnTeam();
int count = info.getOwnCount();
Direction direction = info.getOwnDirection();
int order = info.getOwnOrder();
int x = info.getOwnPosX();
int y = info.getOwnPosY();
int speed = info.getOwnSpeed();
int distance = info.getGoalDistance(x, y, count);
int distance0= info.getGoalDistance(x, y, 1);
"id=" + id +
" team=" + team +
" count=" + count +
" direc=" + +
" order=" + order +
" x=" + x + " y=" + y +
" speed=" + speed +
" dist=" + distance +
" dist0=" + distance0);
private void dumpAction(PlayerAction act) {
Handle h = act.getHandle();
Speed s = act.getSpeedChange();
String target = act.getTarget();
Type t = act.getType();
System.out.println("type=" + t + " handle=" + h + " speed=" + s + " target=" + target);
// 各 cell で車がどの方角を向いていて欲しいかを表示する.
private void dumpDirectionMap() {
int w = _width;
int h = _height;
int x,y;
// render direction map
for (y=0; y<h; ++y) {
for (x=0; x<w; ++x) {
char c = ' ';
Direction d = _direction_map[y][x];
if (d != null) {
switch (d) {
case NORTH:
c = '^'; break;
case SOUTH:
c = 'v'; break;
case WEST:
c = '<'; break;
case EAST:
c = '>'; break;
} else {
if (isWall(x,y)) c = '.';
else c = Integer.toString(_stage[y][x]).charAt(0);
// calc stage size.
private void _checkStageSize(GameInfo info) {
int i=0;
try {
for (i = 0;; ++i) info.getGoalDistance(i, 0, 0);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
_width = i;
try {
for (i = 0;; ++i) info.getGoalDistance(0, i, 0);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
_height = i;
private final boolean isGoal(int x, int y) {
return _stage[y][x] == 0;
private final boolean isWall(int x, int y) {
if (x<0 || x>=_width || y<0 || y>=_height) return true;
return _stage[y][x] == -1;
private final boolean isTight(int x, int y) {
int wall=0;
if (isWall(x-1, y)) wall++;
if (isWall(x+1, y)) wall++;
if (isWall(x, y-1)) wall++;
if (isWall(x, y+1)) wall++;
return wall>=2;
private void _adjustCost() {
int[][] costmap = new int[_height][_width];
final int w=_width;
final int h=_height;
LinkedList<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
for (int y=0; y<h; ++y) {
for (int x=0; x<w; ++x) {
if (_stage[y][x] <= 0) {
costmap[y][x] = _stage[y][x];
if (_stage[y][x] == 1) {
costmap[y][x] = _stage[y][x];
costmap[y][x] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // means not calculated.
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
int z = q.removeFirst();
int x=z%w;
int y=z/w;
int cost = costmap[y][x];
final int penalty = 3;
if (!isWall(x-1,y)) {
int nc = cost+1;
if (isTight(x-1, y)) nc+=penalty;
if (nc < costmap[y][x-1]) {
costmap[y][x-1] = nc;
if (!isWall(x+1,y)) {
int nc = cost+1;
if (isTight(x+1, y)) nc+=penalty;
if (nc < costmap[y][x+1]) {
costmap[y][x+1] = nc;
if (!isWall(x,y-1)) {
int nc=cost+1;
if (isTight(x, y-1)) nc+=penalty;
if (nc < costmap[y-1][x]) {
costmap[y-1][x] = nc;
if (!isWall(x,y+1)) {
int nc=cost+1;
if (isTight(x, y+1)) nc+=penalty;
if (nc < costmap[y+1][x]) {
costmap[y+1][x] = nc;
_stage = costmap;
private void _init(GameInfo info) {
if (_initialized) return;
int x=0, y=0;
final int w=_width;
final int h=_height;
// mapping goal distance.
_stage = new int[h][w];
// get lap count to goal.
int lap;
for (lap=0; lap<100; ++lap) {
x = info.getOwnPosX();
y = info.getOwnPosY();
if (info.getGoalDistance(x, y, lap+1) == -1)
for (y=0; y<h; ++y) {
for (x=0; x<w; ++x) {
_stage[y][x] = info.getGoalDistance(x, y, lap);
System.out.printf("%3d ", _stage[y][x]);
for (y=0; y<h; ++y) {
for (x=0; x<w; ++x) {
System.out.printf("%3d ", _stage[y][x]);
// assume direction at start is same to direction at goal.
_direction_map = new Direction[h][w];
Direction start_direction = info.getOwnDirection();
for (y=0; y<h; ++y) {
for (x=0; x<w; ++x) {
if (_stage[y][x] == 0) {
_direction_map[y][x] = start_direction;
if (_stage[y][x] < 0)
continue; // wall
Direction d = Direction.NORTH;
int xx=x, yy=y, max_st=0, st=0;
while (!isWall(xx,yy-1) && _stage[yy-1][xx] < _stage[y][x]) {
if (st > max_st) {
max_st = st; d = Direction.NORTH;
xx=x; yy=y; st=0;
while (!isWall(xx,yy+1) && _stage[yy+1][xx] < _stage[y][x]) {
if (st > max_st) {
max_st = st;
d = Direction.SOUTH;
xx=x; yy=y; st=0;
while (!isWall(xx-1,yy) && _stage[yy][xx-1] < _stage[y][x]) {
if (st > max_st) {
max_st = st;
d = Direction.WEST;
xx=x; yy=y; st=0;
while (!isWall(xx+1,yy) && _stage[yy][xx+1] < _stage[y][x]) {
if (st > max_st) {
max_st = st;
d = Direction.EAST;
_direction_map[y][x] = d;
_initialized = true;
private int _next_x, _next_y;
private Direction _next_direction;
private void predictNextPosition(int x, int y, int speed, Direction d, Handle h) {
_next_direction = d;
_next_x = x;
_next_y = y;
if (h == Handle.STRAIGHT) {
switch (d) {
case NORTH:
_next_y -= speed;
case SOUTH:
_next_y += speed;
case EAST:
_next_x += speed;
case WEST:
_next_x -= speed;
} else {
int ahead, side;
ahead = speed;
if (speed == 1) ahead = 0;
else ahead = (speed+1)/2;
side = speed - ahead;
switch (d) {
case NORTH:
_next_y -= ahead;
if (h == Handle.LEFT) {
_next_direction = Direction.WEST;
_next_x -= side;
} else {
_next_direction = Direction.EAST;
_next_x += side;
case SOUTH:
_next_y += ahead;
if (h == Handle.LEFT) {
_next_direction = Direction.EAST;
_next_x += side;
} else {
_next_direction = Direction.WEST;
_next_x -= side;
case EAST:
_next_x += ahead;
if (h == Handle.LEFT) {
_next_direction = Direction.NORTH;
_next_y -= side;
} else {
_next_direction = Direction.SOUTH;
_next_y += side;
case WEST:
_next_x -= ahead;
if (h == Handle.LEFT) {
_next_direction = Direction.SOUTH;
_next_y += side;
} else {
_next_direction = Direction.NORTH;
_next_y -= side;
private void gonext(int x, int y, int speed, Direction d, Handle h) {
if (speed>1 && h!=Handle.STRAIGHT) {
predictNextPosition(x, y, 1, d, Handle.STRAIGHT);
if (isWall(_next_x, _next_y)) return;
for (int sp=1; sp<=speed; ++sp) {
predictNextPosition(x, y, sp, d, h);
if (isWall(_next_x, _next_y)) return;
private int _calc_cost(int x, int y, Direction d) {
if (isWall(x,y)) return Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;
if (_direction_map[y][x] != d) {
return 10 + _stage[y][x];
return _stage[y][x];
private Handle _best_handle;
private Speed _best_speed;
private int _find_best(int l, int x, int y, int speed, Direction d) {
if (isWall(x,y)) return Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;
final int cur_cost = _calc_cost(x, y, d);
if (l==0) return cur_cost;
int best_cost = Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;
Handle best_h = Handle.STRAIGHT;
Speed best_s = Speed.STAY;
int next_cost;
int lap = 0;
int sp = speed;
//System.out.println("l=" + l + " x=" + x + " y=" + y + " speed=" + speed + " d=" + d);
// straight / stay
gonext(x, y, sp, d, Handle.STRAIGHT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
//System.out.println("cur="+cur_cost+ " next="+next_cost+ " lap="+lap);
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.STRAIGHT;
best_s = Speed.STAY;
// left / stay
gonext(x, y, sp, d, Handle.LEFT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.LEFT;
best_s = Speed.STAY;
// right / stay
gonext(x, y, sp, d, Handle.RIGHT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.RIGHT;
best_s = Speed.STAY;
sp = speed+1;
if (sp <= _speed_limit) {
// straight / acc
gonext(x, y, sp, d, Handle.STRAIGHT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.STRAIGHT;
best_s = Speed.UP;
// left / acc
predictNextPosition(x, y, sp, d, Handle.LEFT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.LEFT;
best_s = Speed.UP;
// right / acc
gonext(x, y, sp, d, Handle.RIGHT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.RIGHT;
best_s = Speed.UP;
sp = speed-1;
if (sp>0) {
// straight / brk
gonext(x, y, sp, d, Handle.STRAIGHT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.STRAIGHT;
best_s = Speed.DOWN;
// left / brk
gonext(x, y, sp, d, Handle.LEFT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.LEFT;
best_s = Speed.DOWN;
// right / brk
gonext(x, y, sp, d, Handle.RIGHT);
next_cost = _calc_cost(_next_x, _next_y, _next_direction);
if (next_cost > cur_cost+100) lap=-1;
else if (next_cost+100 < cur_cost) lap=1;
else lap=0;
next_cost = _find_best(l, _next_x, _next_y, sp, _next_direction) + lap*1000;
if (next_cost < best_cost) {
best_cost = next_cost;
best_h = Handle.RIGHT;
best_s = Speed.DOWN;
//System.out.println("l=" + l + " x=" + x + " y=" + y + " d=" + d);
//System.out.println(" cost=" + best_cost + " handle=" + best_h + " speed=" + best_s);
_best_speed = best_s;
_best_handle = best_h;
if (best_cost > 100000)
_best_speed = Speed.DOWN;
return best_cost;
public PlayerAction getNextAction(GameInfo info) {
int x = info.getOwnPosX();
int y = info.getOwnPosY();
int speed = info.getOwnSpeed();
Direction direction = info.getOwnDirection();
// System.out.println();
// dumpInfo(info);
_find_best(7, x, y, speed, direction);
if (speed >= _speed_limit && _best_speed == Speed.UP) {
_best_speed = Speed.STAY;
Type type = Type.MOVE;
String target = null;
if (_best_speed == Speed.STAY && _best_handle == Handle.STRAIGHT && info.getNearEnemy(true)!=null) {
type = Type.HATTACK;
target = info.getNearEnemy(true);
else if (_best_speed == Speed.STAY && info.getFarEnemy(false)!=null) {
type = Type.ATTACK;
target = info.getFarEnemy(false);
PlayerAction act = new PlayerAction(_best_speed, _best_handle, type, target);
return act;
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