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Created December 6, 2022 08:12
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implementation of Rapidly-exploring random tree (algorithm on wikipedia:
import qualified Data.List as L
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Random (randomRIO, RandomGen, randomR, initStdGen )
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import qualified Data.Set as S
type ConfigMap = (Int, Int)
type Vertex = (Int, Int)
type Graph = M.Map Vertex [(Vertex)]
euclideanDistance :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Float
euclideanDistance (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (**0.5) . fromIntegral $ (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2
addEdge :: Graph -> Vertex -> Vertex -> Graph
addEdge g a b = foldl (\acc (x,y) -> M.insertWith (\x y -> L.nub (x++y)) x y acc) g [(a,[b]), (b,[])]
nearestVertex :: Graph -> Vertex -> Vertex
nearestVertex g a = head $ L.sortBy f (M.keys g)
where f x y = compare (euclideanDistance x a) (euclideanDistance y a)
initRRT :: Vertex -> Graph
initRRT qInit = trace ("initRRT " ++ show qInit) $ M.insert qInit [] M.empty
newConfig :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Int -> Vertex
newConfig (x_, y_) (x,y) k = let a = atan ((fromIntegral (y - y_)) / (fromIntegral (x - x_)))
in trace ("-> " ++ show a) $ (x_ + (round .cos $a) , y_ + (round . sin $ a))
sampledConfig :: RandomGen g => g -> ConfigMap -> (Vertex,g)
sampledConfig g (w,h) = let (a,g_) = randomR (0,w) g
(b, g__) = randomR (0,h) g_
in ((a,b), g__)
sampledConfigStream :: RandomGen g => g -> ConfigMap -> [Vertex]
sampledConfigStream g c = L.unfoldr (\g_ -> Just (sampledConfig g_ c)) $ g
-- TODO put in delta k as a parameter
it_ :: Vertex -> Graph -> Graph
it_ v g = let (x_,y_) = nearestVertex g v
nk = newConfig (x_,y_) v 2
in addEdge g (x_,y_) nk
rrt :: RandomGen g => g -> ConfigMap -> Graph -> Int -> Graph
rrt gen c g k = foldl (\g_ v -> it_ v g_) g $ take k (sampledConfigStream gen c)
main = do
seed <- initStdGen
let initrrt = initRRT (10,10)
updatedrrt = rrt seed (500,500) initrrt 10
putStrLn . M.showTree $ updatedrrt
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