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Created December 11, 2022 09:41
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DP problem to check if a string is the result of interleaving two strings
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.List qualified as L
is_interleaved :: String -> String -> String -> Bool
is_interleaved a b inte = let alen = length a
blen = length b
k x y
| (x == alen) = drop y b == drop (x+y) inte
| (y == blen) = drop x a == drop (x+y) inte
| otherwise = ((a L.!! x == dest_elem) && ds M.! (x + 1,y)) || ((b L.!! y == dest_elem) && ds M.! (x ,y + 1))
where dest_elem = inte L.!! (x+y)
ds = M.fromList [((x,y),k x y) | x <- [0..alen], y <-[0..blen]]
in k 0 0
testCases :: [(String, String, String)]
testCases = [("al","pha", "alpha"), ("banana", "ananas", "bananaananas"), ("dynamic", "programming", "prodgyrnamammiincg")]
main = putStrLn . show . map (\(x,y,z) -> is_interleaved x y z) $ testCases
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