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Created September 26, 2021 17:42
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import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow, trace)
data GameTree a = Leaf a | Nodes (Maybe a) [GameTree a] deriving (Show, Eq)
type IsMaximizingPlayer = Bool
example :: GameTree Int
example =
Nodes Nothing
[Nodes Nothing
[Nodes Nothing
[Nodes Nothing [Leaf 5, Leaf 6],
Nodes Nothing [Leaf 7, Leaf 4, Leaf 5]],
Nodes Nothing
[Nodes Nothing [Leaf 3]]],
Nodes Nothing
[Nodes Nothing
[Nodes Nothing [Leaf 6],
Nodes Nothing [Leaf 6, Leaf 9]],
Nodes Nothing
[Nodes Nothing [Leaf 7]]],
Nodes Nothing
[Nodes Nothing [Nodes Nothing [Leaf 5]],
Nodes Nothing [Nodes Nothing [Leaf 9, Leaf 7],
Nodes Nothing [Leaf 6]]]]
score :: GameTree a -> Maybe a
score (Leaf a) = Just a
score (Nodes x _) = x
-- vanilla scoring
-- TODO: refactor
scoring :: (Num a, Ord a) => GameTree a -> IsMaximizingPlayer -> GameTree a
scoring leaf@(Leaf a) _ = leaf
scoring node@(Nodes (Just x) _) _ = node
scoring (Nodes Nothing x) isMax =
Nodes ((foldl1 f) <$> m) scoredNodes
where m = sequence. map score $ scoredNodes
scoredNodes = map ((flip scoring) (not isMax)) x
f = if isMax then max else min
rescore :: (Num a, Ord a, Bounded a) => a -> GameTree a -> GameTree a
rescore t (Nodes Nothing nodes) = Nodes (Just t) nodes
rescore _ a = a
c f b isM = (\(v,current,alpha) x ->
let c = fromMaybe minBound . score $ (pruningAlgorithm x (not isM) (alpha,b))
v_ = f v c
newA = f alpha v_
in (v_,c, newA))
--annotate1 :: GameTree a -> (GameTree a -> a) -> AnnotatedGameTree a
--annotate1 (Leaf a) _ = Leaf a
--annotate1 (Nodes x y) = (Nodes )
pruningAlgorithm :: (Num a, Ord a, Bounded a, Show a) => GameTree a -> IsMaximizingPlayer -> (a,a) -> GameTree a
pruningAlgorithm leaf@(Leaf a) _ _= leaf -- traceShow leaf leaf
pruningAlgorithm node@(Nodes (Just x) _) _ _ = node -- traceShow node node
pruningAlgorithm (Nodes Nothing nodes) isM (a,b) =
let f = if isM then max else min
(a_,b_) = if isM then (a,b) else (b,a)
passon = if isM then (,b) else (a,)
acc = if isM then (minBound, minBound, a_) else (maxBound, maxBound, a_)
fm = if isM then (<) else (>)
ff = (\(v,current,alpha) x ->
let c = (fromMaybe minBound) . score $ (pruningAlgorithm x (not isM) (passon alpha))
v_ = f v c
newA = f alpha v_
in (v_,c, newA))
e1 = scanl ff acc $ nodes
e = takeWhile (\(_,v,_) -> fm v b_) e1
y = drop (length e) nodes
(nodeValue, _,_) = last e
j = zipWith rescore (map (\(_,c,_) -> c) e) (take (length e) nodes)
in traceShow (show b_ ++ show e1 ++ "\n") (Nodes (Just nodeValue) (j ++ y))
main = putStrLn . show $ pruningAlgorithm example True (minBound, maxBound)
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