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Last active September 17, 2018 18:53
Show Gist options
  • Save mettamatt/18b9febcf4c33aa7cea8b1d757d9e934 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mettamatt/18b9febcf4c33aa7cea8b1d757d9e934 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Google Lighthouse integration with Tugboat. In order to use this, you'll need store your GitHub personal access token (GITHUB_TOKEN) as an environment variable on Tugboat. Make sure the token has all access to the repos and gists. You'll also need to upload your repos's SSH key from Tugboat to GitHub.…
image: tugboatqa/php:7-apache
default: true
# Install Node, Google Lighthouse, and jq
- apt-get update
- curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
- apt-get install -y nodejs chromium jq
- npm install -g lighthouse
build: |
# Warm the cache
"wget -e robots=off --quiet --page-requisites --delete-after --header \"Host:\" http://localhost || /bin/true"
# Test for a pull request.
if [[ -v TUGBOAT_GITHUB_HEAD ]]; then
# Grab the status url from GitHub
curl -sSL -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
STATUS_URL=$(cat status.json | jq -r '.[0] | .url');
# Set the Pull Request status to 'Pending'
curl -sSL -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
\-d "{ \"state\": \"pending\", \"target_url\": \"${TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_URL}\", \"description\": \"Building lighthouse report.\", \"context\": \"\" }" ${STATUS_URL} > /dev/null
# Run lighthouse as JSON, pipe it to jq to wrangle and send it to GitHub Gist via curl
# so Lighthouse Viewer can grab it.
lighthouse http://localhost --quiet --chrome-flags="--no-sandbox --headless" \
\--output json > audit.json
# Get the Lighthouse category scores.
cat audit.json | jq '.categories | .[] | {category: .title, score: (.score * 100)}' > score.json
# Send up a Gist
cat audit.json | jq -r "{ description: \"Tugboat:${TUGBOAT_REPO} - ${TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_URL}\", public: \"false\", files: {\"${TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_ID}-$(date "+%Y%m%d")\": {content: (. | tostring) }}}" \
| curl -sSL -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
\-d @- > results.gist
# Let's be nice and add the Lighthouse Viewer link in the Gist description.
GID=$(cat results.gist | jq -r '.id')
curl -sSL -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
\-d "{ \"description\": \"Tugboat: ${TUGBOAT_REPO} - Preview: ${TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_URL} - Lighthouse:${GID}\" }" "${GID}" > updated.gist
# Check for a pull request again.
if [[ -v TUGBOAT_GITHUB_HEAD ]]; then
# Leave a comment, posting Lighthouse scores for quick reference
PR=$(echo ${TUGBOAT_PREVIEW} | sed 's/pr//')
curl -sSL -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
\-d "{ \"body\": \"Lighthouse Report:\n $(cat score.json | jq -r '. | "- \(.category): \(.score)"' | sed -z 's/\n/\\n/g')\n${GID}\" }" "${TUGBOAT_GITHUB_OWNER}/${TUGBOAT_GITHUB_REPO}/issues/${PR}/comments" > comment.json
# Set the Pull Request status to 'Success'
curl -sSL -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
\-d "{ \"state\": \"success\", \"target_url\": \"${GID}\", \"description\": \"Your Lighthouse report is complete.\", \"context\": \"\" }" ${STATUS_URL} > /dev/null
# Print the link to the report in stdout.
echo -e "\n*************************************************************\n \
Your Lighthouse report is complete and can be accessed here:\n \${GID}\n\
*************************************************************\n" || /bin/true
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