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Jonathan Lee Komar metzenseifner

  • The Alps
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metzenseifner /
Created August 9, 2022 13:49 — forked from Sam0230/
Installing Arch Linux ARM in a UTM virtual machine

Installing Arch Linux ARM in a UTM virtual machine


  1. Create a new virtual machine.
  2. Go to System tab, change architecture to `ARM64 (aarch64)' and increase memory as needed.
  3. Download Alpine Linux LiveCD:
curl -o alpine-virt-latest-aarch64.iso "$mirror/latest-stable/releases/aarch64/$(curl "$mirror/latest-stable/releases/aarch64/latest-releases.yaml" | /usr/bin/grep -E 'file: alpine-virt-[0-9\.]+-aarch64\.iso' | head -n 1 | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/\t//g' | sed 's/^file://')"
  1. Go to Drives tab, New Drive, set size to 20GiB or larger, then Inport Drive, choose the file you just downloaded.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
backend should be alsa
change buffer delay from default to 0.50
make sure amixer volume is set at boot (i used a unit file)
set name to whatever, %H is hostname
Description="Set volume level."
ExecStart=/usr/bin/amixer sset PCM -- 97%
metzenseifner / get-lineendings.rb
Created June 30, 2017 06:13
Ruby Get Line Endings
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
ARGF.each do |line|
if $. == 1
if line =~ /\r\n$/
puts "CRLF"
elsif line =~/\n$/
puts "LF"
elsif line =~ /\r$/
puts "CR"
metzenseifner /
Last active November 17, 2024 03:19
Fix ldconfig "file is empty, not checked" error
# --overwrite '*' whereby * means every file path; reinstall everything otherwise you might get "exists in filesystem" errors
pacman -Syyu $(pacman -Qnq) --overwrite '*'
SOURCE="/path/to/somewhere/" # slash means exclude "whatever" itself, but get everything underneath
rsync -e 'ssh -p3022'\
--archive \
--compress \
--progress \
--partial \
--ignore-existing \
--human-readable \
metzenseifner / excel_iterate_cell_by_cell_both_variants.scpt
Last active June 9, 2017 16:01
Excel Iterate Cell by Cell Both Variants
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set screen updating to false -- optimize performance
set range_selected to selection
-- setup ref vars for selection
set {range_selected_row_index, range_selected_column_index, range_selected_row_count, range_selected_column_count} to {get first row index of selection, get first column index of selection, get count rows of selection, get count columns of selection}
-- go row by row and iterate each column in each row
repeat with row_step from range_selected_row_index to range_selected_row_count -- row iteration
repeat with column_step from range_selected_column_index to range_selected_column_count -- column iteration
metzenseifner / excel_row_sequence_column_by_column.scpt
Created June 9, 2017 06:00
Excel Row Sequence Column by Column
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set screen updating to false -- optimize performance
set range_selected to selection
-- setup ref vars for selection
tell selection to set {range_selected_row_index, range_selected_column_index, range_selected_row_count, range_selected_column_count} to {get first row index of selection, get first column index of selection, get count rows of selection, get count columns of selection}
-- go row by row and iterate each column in each row
repeat with row_step from range_row_index to range_row_count -- row iteration
repeat with column_step from range_column_index to range_column_count -- column iteration
metzenseifner / excel_optimize_performance_screen_updating_false.scpt
Created June 9, 2017 05:48
Excel Optimize Script Performance (Screen Updating)
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set screen updating to false -- optimize performance