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Last active October 21, 2020 18:44
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Partitioned table "ethereum.transactions"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
block_time | timestamp with time zone | | not null | | plain | |
nonce | numeric | | not null | | main | |
index | numeric | | not null | | main | |
success | boolean | | | | plain | |
from | bytea | | not null | | extended | |
to | bytea | | | | extended | |
value | numeric | | not null | | main | |
block_number | bigint | | not null | | plain | |
block_hash | bytea | | not null | | extended | |
gas_limit | numeric | | not null | | main | |
gas_price | numeric | | not null | | main | |
gas_used | numeric | | not null | | main | |
data | bytea | | | | extended | |
hash | bytea | | not null | | extended | |
Partition key: RANGE (block_number)
"transactions_block_number_btree" btree (block_number DESC)
"transactions_block_number_hash_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (block_number, hash)
"transactions_block_number_time" btree (hash, block_number)
"transactions_block_time" btree (block_time)
"transactions_from" btree ("from")
"transactions_hash" btree (hash)
"transactions_to" btree ("to")
Partitions: ethereum.transactions_p0 FOR VALUES FROM ('0') TO ('500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p1000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('1000000') TO ('1500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p10000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('10000000') TO ('10500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p10500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('10500000') TO ('11000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p11000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('11000000') TO ('11500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p11500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('11500000') TO ('12000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p12000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('12000000') TO ('12500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p1500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('1500000') TO ('2000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p2000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('2000000') TO ('2500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p2500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('2500000') TO ('3000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p3000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('3000000') TO ('3500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p3500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('3500000') TO ('4000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p4000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('4000000') TO ('4500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p4500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('4500000') TO ('5000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('500000') TO ('1000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p5000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('5000000') TO ('5500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p5500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('5500000') TO ('6000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p6000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('6000000') TO ('6500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p6500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('6500000') TO ('7000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p7000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('7000000') TO ('7500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p7500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('7500000') TO ('8000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p8000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('8000000') TO ('8500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p8500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('8500000') TO ('9000000'),
ethereum.transactions_p9000000 FOR VALUES FROM ('9000000') TO ('9500000'),
ethereum.transactions_p9500000 FOR VALUES FROM ('9500000') TO ('10000000'),
ethereum.transactions_default DEFAULT
application_name psql session
cluster_name 12/main configuration file
cron.database_name dune configuration file
DateStyle ISO, MDY configuration file
default_statistics_target 500 configuration file
default_text_search_config pg_catalog.english configuration file
dynamic_shared_memory_type posix configuration file
effective_cache_size 7864320 configuration file
effective_io_concurrency 200 configuration file
external_pid_file /var/run/postgresql/ configuration file
lc_messages C configuration file
lc_monetary C.UTF-8 configuration file
lc_numeric C.UTF-8 configuration file
lc_time C.UTF-8 configuration file
listen_addresses * configuration file
log_autovacuum_min_duration 0 configuration file
log_checkpoints on configuration file
log_connections on configuration file
log_disconnections on configuration file
log_error_verbosity default configuration file
log_line_prefix %m [%p] %q%u@%d configuration file
log_lock_waits on configuration file
log_min_duration_statement 300000 configuration file
log_rotation_age 1440 configuration file
log_temp_files 0 configuration file
log_timezone Etc/UTC configuration file
log_truncate_on_rotation on configuration file
maintenance_work_mem 8388608 user
max_connections 100 configuration file
max_locks_per_transaction 128 configuration file
max_parallel_maintenance_workers 4 configuration file
max_parallel_workers_per_gather 4 configuration file
max_stack_depth 2048 environment variable
max_wal_size 8192 configuration file
max_worker_processes 4 configuration file
min_wal_size 2048 configuration file
pg_partman_bgw.dbname dune configuration file
pg_partman_bgw.interval 86400 configuration file
pg_partman_bgw.role partman configuration file
port 5432 configuration file
random_page_cost 1.1 configuration file
shared_buffers 2621440 configuration file
shared_preload_libraries pg_partman_bgw,pg_cron configuration file
stats_temp_directory /var/run/postgresql/pg_stat_tmp_ram configuration file
superuser_reserved_connections 2 configuration file
TimeZone Etc/UTC configuration file
unix_socket_directories /var/run/postgresql configuration file
wal_buffers 2048 configuration file
work_mem 57344 configuration file
work_mem = '56MB'
effective_cache_size = '60GB'
effective_io_concurrency = 200
max_parallel_workers = 8
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 4
shared_buffers = '20GB'
random_page_cost = 1.1
"from" as LP,
count(*) as mints
FROM uniswap_v2."Pair_evt_Mint" m
INNER JOIN ethereum."transactions" tx ON m.evt_tx_hash = tx.hash
WHERE block_time > '5/1/20'
AND evt_block_time > '5/1/20'
ORDER BY 2 desc
dunev5=# SELECT attname, inherited, n_distinct
FROM pg_stats
WHERE tablename = 'Pair_evt_Mint';
attname | inherited | n_distinct
sender | f | 63
amount0 | f | -0.86164504
amount1 | f | -0.87452465
contract_address | f | 16786
evt_tx_hash | f | -0.99794143
evt_index | f | 576
evt_block_time | f | -0.56466025
evt_block_number | f | -0.56466025
sender | f | 2
amount0 | f | -0.9333791
amount1 | f | -0.9364092
contract_address | f | 182
evt_tx_hash | f | -1
evt_index | f | 416
evt_block_time | f | -0.8379525
evt_block_number | f | -0.8379525
(16 rows)
dunev5=# SELECT attname, inherited, n_distinct
FROM pg_stats
WHERE tablename = 'transactions';
attname | inherited | n_distinct
block_time | t | 741843
nonce | t | 301528
index | t | 495
success | t | 2
from | t | 662673
to | t | 416528
value | t | 369268
block_number | t | 741843
block_hash | t | 741843
gas_limit | t | 56820
gas_price | t | 42947
gas_used | t | 74212
data | t | 2.29023e+06
hash | t | -1
(14 rows)
Table "uniswap_v2.Pair_evt_Mint"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
sender | bytea | | | | extended | |
amount0 | numeric | | | | main | |
amount1 | numeric | | | | main | |
contract_address | bytea | | not null | | extended | |
evt_tx_hash | bytea | | not null | | extended | |
evt_index | bigint | | not null | | plain | |
evt_block_time | timestamp with time zone | | not null | | plain | 10000 |
evt_block_number | bigint | | not null | | plain | |
"Pair_evt_Mint_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (evt_tx_hash, evt_index)
"Pair_evt_Mint_evt_block_time_idx" btree (evt_block_time)
Statistics objects:
"uniswap_v2"."time_stat" (ndistinct, dependencies, mcv) ON evt_tx_hash, evt_block_time FROM uniswap_v2."Pair_evt_Mint"
Access method: heap
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