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Created January 26, 2016 11:18
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Walk directory, print symlinks and non-symlinks
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Given a list of paths, walk the directory hierarchy of each path, taking
# the files within each and return a list of those items that are symlinks,
# and those that aren't
# Example:
# % ./ .
# Symlinks:
# './test.test'
# Non-symlinks:
# './Test/tes'
# './'
# './'
import sys, os, stat
class SeparatedPath:
def __init__(self, separator=", ", header=""):
self.separator = separator
self.header = header
def string(self, paths):
repr_paths = sorted(map(repr, paths))
return "%s%s" % (self.header, self.separator.join(repr_paths))
def find_files_modes(paths):
full_files = [os.path.join(base_dir, current_file)
for path in paths
for base_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(path)
for current_file in files]
return [(current_path, os.lstat(current_path).st_mode)
for current_path in full_files]
def find_symlinks(files_modes):
return [path
for path, mode in files_modes
if stat.S_ISLNK(mode)]
def separated_paths(separator, paths):
return separator.join(sorted(map(repr, paths)))
# When running tests:
if __name__ == "__main__":
sep_path = SeparatedPath("\n ", " ")
files_modes = find_files_modes(sys.argv)
paths = [path
for path, mode in files_modes]
symlinks = find_symlinks(files_modes)
non_symlinks = list(set(paths) - set(symlinks))
print "Symlinks:\n", sep_path.string(symlinks)
print "Non-symlinks:\n", sep_path.string(non_symlinks)
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