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Created March 20, 2022 17:04
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Simple bot for whatsapp
const fs = require('fs')
const makeWASocket = require('@adiwajshing/baileys').makeWALegacySocket
// Chat id
const chadtId = ''
const sock = makeWASocket({
printQRInTerminal: true
// start
sock.ev.on('connection.update', ({ connection, lastDisconnect }) => {
if (connection === 'open')
// ping
sock.ev.on('messages.upsert', async m => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2))
for (const message of m.messages)
if (message?.message?.conversation?.toLowerCase() === 'ping')
await sock.sendMessage(message.key.remoteJid, { text: 'pong' }, { quoted: message })
// sticker
sock.ev.on('messages.update', async m => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2))
for (const { update } of m) {
if (update?.key?.remoteJid !== chatId)
const info = {
sticker: fs.readFileSync('sticker.webp'),
mimetype: 'image/webp',
height: 64,
width: 64,
if (update.message === null)
await sock.sendMessage(update.key.remoteJid, info)
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