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Last active April 29, 2022 00:14
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GeoHash in 100% python
# Adapted from:
import math
def encode(lat: float, lon: float) -> str:
lat = math.floor(2**64 * (lat + 90) / 180)
lon = math.floor(2**64 * (lon + 180) / 360)
lat = bin(lat)[2:]
lon = bin(lon)[2:]
geo = ''.join(i + j for i, j in zip(lon, lat))
geo = int(geo, 2)
return hex(geo)
def decode(geo: str) -> tuple[float, float]:
geo = int(geo, 16)
geo = bin(geo)[2:]
lat = ''.join(geo[1::2])
lon = ''.join(geo[::2])
lat = (int(lat, 2) * 180) / 2**64 - 90
lon = (int(lon, 2) * 360) / 2**64 - 180
return lat, lon
lat = 27.988056
lon = 86.925278
geo = encode(lat, lon)
lat, lon = decode(geo)
print(lat, lon)
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