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exercise@freeCodeCamp: Use the Twitchtv JSON API


For the challenge of freeCodeCamp's "Use the Twitchtv JSON API", and wanna make the it like a favorite channel list, with can watch live streams without leaving the webpage.

build by

Twitch API v5

  • basically use the Twitch Search Channels API to get all the channel information. Did not find the solution for get channels in one request, so the API fetching is by loop, it works, but not efficiently.
  • live stream's information is based on Twitch Get Stream by User.
  • embed video refers to Twitch Embedding Video and Clips. Somehow, (only) chrome can not play the video with a kind of "NullVideoAPI" and "CORS" problems, while other browsers don't have the issue. Can't figure out right now,
  • wanted to add channel manually on page, not by coding, so I found Twitch Search Channels to make it happen.

Materialize v0.99.0

  • It's the second time I use Materialize for making a webpage, feeling good, but still need lots of tweak to reach my expectation.
  • as a notification fuctnion, Materialize Toasts is easy to use. I benefit from it to info user when a channel goes online/offline from the opposite. Though the place where the "Toast" showing didn't satisfy me.
  • Floating button looks nice, but can not adapt it's way of putting a icon inside a button, cause of the click event was becoming triggered by the icon not the button.
  • SideNav works great, but... tweak is needed.

exercise@freeCodeCamp: Use the Twitchtv JSON API

For the challenge of freeCodeCamp's "Use the Twitchtv JSON API", and wanna make the it like a favorite channel list, with can watch live streams without leaving the webpage.

A Pen by 李孟諭 on CodePen.


<!-- 功能區 -->
<header class="navbar-fixed">
<a href="#" class="brand-logo left">My Channel</a>
<ul class="right">
<li><a class="btn-floating btn deep-purple lighten-3 pooh" data-activates="slide-out"><i class="material-icons">add</i></a></li>
<li><a class="btn-floating btn deep-purple lighten-3"><i id="editMode" class="material-icons">close</i></a></li>
<li><a class="btn-floating btn deep-purple lighten-3" href="#showDetail"><i class="material-icons">code</i></a></li>
<!-- 頻道顯示區 -->
<div id="online_sec" class="row"></div>
<div class="row"><div id="offline_sec"></div></div>
<!-- 頻道搜尋區 -->
<ul id="slide-out" class="side-nav">
<div class="row fixed-searchbar">
<div class="input-field col s12">
<i class="material-icons prefix">search</i>
<input id="search_Input" type="text">
<label for="search_Input">Channel search</label>
<div id="cart_sec" class="row"></div>
<!-- 預覽指定網頁 -->
<div id="showDetail" class="modal bottom-sheet">
<div class="modal-content">
<!-- Preloader -->
<div class="progress" style="display:none;">
<div class="indeterminate"></div>
<!-- page preview -->
<iframe id="myIframe" style="display:none;" src=""></iframe>
<!-- my code gist -->
<div id='myGist'>
<script src=""></script>
var time2Update = 10; //欲多久定期更新頻道狀態(秒)
$(document).ready(function() {
setInterval(function() {
}, time2Update * 1000);
// 資料結繫
var urlAPI = "";
var clientID = "prfmhk4lu5x7jvvo3nvpow5sptsls0";
var channelON = []; //儲存在線頻道用
var channelOFF = []; //儲存離線頻道用
var d4Channels = [
//結繋在線頻道,採用 Twitch Get Stream by User 方案 (
function bindOnlineChannel(channel) {
$.getJSON(urlAPI + "streams/" + channel + "?client_id=" + clientID, function(
) {
if ( !== null) {
// 在線者,若頁面上未顯示,則進行排版
var isThere = checkStatus(channel, true);
if (!isThere[0]) {
var c =;
// 後續上線者置後
cardHTML(, c.display_name, c.status, c.logo, c.url, true)
} else {
// 離線者,進行離線排版
//結繋離線頻道,採用 Twitch Get Channel by ID 方案 (
function bindOfflineChannel(channel) {
var isThere = checkStatus(channel, false);
// 若頁面上未顯示,再進行排版
if (!isThere[1]) {
$.getJSON(urlAPI + "channels/" + channel + "?client_id=" + clientID, function(
) {
// 後續離線者置前
cardHTML(, c.display_name, c.status, c.logo, c.url, false)
}).fail(function() {
// 不存在或停用之頻道
$(cardHTML(channel, channel, "channel doesn't exist", "", "", false)).insertAfter("#offline_sec");
// 結繫頻道搜尋,採用 Twitch Search Channels 方案 (
var queryLimit = 15; //限制結果數量
function searchChannel(inputKeyword) {
urlAPI +
"search/channels?query=" +
inputKeyword +
"&client_id=" +
clientID +
"&limit=" +
function(data) {
var html = "";
$.each(data.channels, function(i, c) {
html += cartHTML(,
// 資料操作
// 頻道取得。由於API一次僅能取得一個頻道,故需逐筆進行
function getChannels() {
$.each(d4Channels, function(i, val) {
// 頻道檢查
function checkStatus(channel, isOnline) {
// 判斷頻道原先之在/離線狀態
var hasOn = channelON.includes(channel);
var hasOff = channelOFF.includes(channel);
// 狀態有異動者,移除原先資訊
if ((hasOn && !hasOff && !isOnline) || (!hasOn && hasOff && isOnline)) {
rmvChannel(channel, isOnline ? "off" : "on");
// 回傳原先之狀態
return [hasOn, hasOff];
// 頻道查詢
function doSearch() {
if (keyword.val().trim().length > 0) {
} else {
// 設定訊息顯示持續時間(秒),採用 Materialize Toasts 方案 (
var alertSecond = 5;
// 頻道新增
function addChannel(channel) {
Materialize.toast(channel + " added", alertSecond * 1000);
// 頻道移除
function rmvChannel(channel, all0on0off) {
$("#" + channel).remove();
var msg = "";
if (all0on0off == "all") {
// 移除
msg = " removed";
d4Channels = jQuery.grep(d4Channels, function(val) {
return val !== channel;
} else if (all0on0off == "on") {
// 改為離線
msg = " offlined";
channelON = jQuery.grep(channelON, function(val) {
return val !== channel;
} else if (all0on0off == "off") {
// 改為在線
msg = " onlined";
channelOFF = jQuery.grep(channelOFF, function(val) {
return val !== channel;
Materialize.toast(channel + msg, alertSecond * 1000);
// 動作觸發
// 觸發即時輸入
var keyword = $("#search_Input");
keyword.on("input", function() {
// 進入編輯模式
$("#editMode").click(function(event) {
$("." + doDeleteBotton).toggle();
// 頁面點擊觸發
$(document).click(function(e) {
var el = $(;
// 離開編輯模式
if (el.attr("id") !== "editMode" && !el.hasClass(doDeleteBotton)) {
$("." + doDeleteBotton).hide();
// 執行頻道移除
if (el.hasClass(doDeleteBotton)) {
rmvChannel(el.parent().parent().attr("id"), "all");
// 執行頻道新增
if (el.hasClass(doAddeBotton)) {
// 排版功能
// 設定搜尋面版。採用 Materialize SideNav 方案 (
function setSideNav() {
menuWidth: 400,
edge: "right",
closeOnClick: false,
draggable: true
// 設定 Modal 元件。採用 Materialize Bottom Sheet Modals 方案 (
// 客製化 Modal 觸發動作,使能顯示 trigger 所指定之 data-url 內容
function setModal() {
ready: function(modal, trigger) {
var iframe = document.getElementById("myIframe");
var url ="url");
if (url.length !== "") {
iframe.src = url;
complete: function() {
// 在 iframe 完成載入後,再顯示 iframe,並隱藏 progress bar。
// 方案參考:
function showIframe(iframe) {
if (iframe.attachEvent) {
iframe.attachEvent("onload", function() { = "block";
} else {
iframe.onload = function() { = "block";
// 設定新增/刪除的按鈕名稱
var doDeleteBotton = "rmvBotton";
var doAddeBotton = "addBotton";
// 頻道卡片,採用 Materialize Card 方案 (
// 卡片內嵌有刪除按鈕
var autoplay = "false";
var muted = "false";
var urlEmbed =
"" +
autoplay +
"&muted=" +
muted +
function cardHTML(channel, title, content, logoURL, sourceURL, isOnline) {
// 設定卡片大小
var layout = isOnline ? "s12 m6 l4" : "s12 m4 l3 xl3";
// 設定狀態標示
var line = isOnline ? "online" : "offline";
var color = isOnline ? "teal" : "grey";
if (sourceURL == "") {
line = "error";
color = "red lighten-1";
var badge =
'<span data-badge-caption="" class="new badge ' + color + '">' + line + "</span>";
// 設定影片嵌入,採用 Twitch Embedding Video and Clips 方案 (
var iframeDIV =
'<div class="live">' +
'<iframe class="embedChannel" src="' +
urlEmbed +
channel +
'"' +
" allowfullscreen></iframe>" +
// 設定移除按鈕
var removeBotton = '<a class="btn-floating red ' + doDeleteBotton + '">x</a>';
// 設定頻道文字訊息
var contentDIV =
'<div class="card-content">' +
'<p class="flow-text">' +
title +
"</p>" +
'<p class="grey-text truncate">' +
content +
"</p>" +
// 設定卡片內容、底圖、連結
var cardDIV =
'<div class="card" style="background-image:url(\'' +
logoURL +
"');\">" +
removeBotton +
badge +
'<a' + (sourceURL == '' ? "" : ' target="_blank" href="' + sourceURL + '"') +
'>' +
contentDIV +
"</a>" +
// 輸出
return (
'<div id="' +
channel +
'" class="col ' +
layout +
'">' +
cardDIV +
(isOnline ? iframeDIV : "") +
// 頻道搜尋結果卡片,採用 Materialize Card 方案 (
// 卡片內嵌有新增按鈕
function cartHTML(
) {
// 設定卡片大小
var layout = "s12";
// 設定狀態標示
var badge =
'<span data-badge-caption="" class="new badge deep-purple lighten-4">' +
followers +
" followers</span>";
// 設定新增按鈕,已在個人清單者鎖定之
var addBotton =
'<a class="btn-floating waves-effect waves-light green left ' +
doAddeBotton +
(isInList ? " disabled" : "") +
'">' +
(isInList ? "✔" : "+") +
// 設定頻道文字資訊
var contentDIV =
'<div class="card-content">' +
'<p class="flow-text">' +
title +
"</p>" +
'<p class="grey-text truncate" style="padding-left:25px;">' +
content +
"</p>" +
// 設定卡片內容、底圖、連結
var cardDIV =
'<div class="card" style="background-image:url(\'' +
logoURL +
"');\">" +
addBotton +
badge +
'<a target="_blank" href="' +
sourceURL +
'">' +
contentDIV +
"</a>" +
// 輸出
return (
'<div data-channel="' +
channel +
'" class="col ' +
layout +
'">' +
cardDIV +
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
/* 底色 */
html {
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #4B367C);
background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #4B367C);
/* 選單 */
nav {
background-color: #4B367C;
.brand-logo {
margin: 0 11px;
font-family: 'Rationale', sans-serif;
nav ul a.btn-floating {
margin: 8px !important;
/* 頻道顯示 */
main {
padding-top: 16px;
.card {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right center;
background-size: auto 100%;
margin-bottom: 2px;
.card-content {
color: #212121;
padding-bottom: 15px !important;
.badge {
position: absolute;
margin: 0 !important;
.rmvBotton {
display: none;
position: absolute;
margin: -6px;
text-align: center;
.addBotton {
text-align: center;
.live {
margin-top: -8px;
padding-right: 1px;
padding-left: 1px;
.embedChannel {
border: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 13em;
/* 頻道搜尋區 */
.side-nav {
max-width: 90%;
.fixed-searchbar {
padding-top: 12px;
margin-bottom: 0;
#search_Result {
margin-bottom: 100px;
.side-nav a {
padding: 0;
/* Modals 微調*/
.bottom-sheet, .modal-content {
max-height: 75vh !important;
height: 75vh !important;
padding: 0 !important;
.progress {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
#myIframe {
border: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 99%;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
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