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Created October 24, 2011 09:10
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TDD vs. Regular Expressions - coding kata
class TimeValidator
public function isValid($time_specification)
return 1 == preg_match($this->buildRegExp(), $time_specification);
private function buildRegExp()
$minutes = '([0-5][0-9])';
$hours_less_than_24 = '([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3])';
$time_spec_24 = "$hours_less_than_24:$minutes";
$hours_less_than13 = '(0[1-9]|1[012])';
$ampm = '( [AP]M)';
$time_spec_12 = "$hours_less_than13:$minutes$ampm";
$time_specification_matcher = "/^($time_spec_24|$time_spec_12)\$/D";
return $time_specification_matcher;
require_once 'TimeValidator.php';
class TimeValidatorTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function setUp()
$this->validator = new TimeValidator();
* @dataProvider provideValidTimeSpecifications
public function testValidTimeSpecificationsAreAccepted($time_specification)
public function provideValidTimeSpecifications()
return array(
'24 hour time specification' => array('10:42'),
'12 hour time specification in the morning' => array('10:42 AM'),
'12 hour time specification in the afternoon' => array('10:42 PM'),
'12 hour time specification with leading zero' => array('01:42 PM'),
'24 hour time specification with leading zero' => array('00:42'),
'First minute of a 24 hour specification' => array('00:00'),
'First minute of a 12 hour specification' => array('01:00 AM'),
'Last 12 hour time specification in the morning' => array('12:59 AM'),
'Last 12 hour time specification in the afternoon' => array('12:59 PM'),
'Last 24 hour time specification' => array('23:59'),
* @dataProvider provideInvalidTimeSpecifications
public function testInvalidTimeSpecificationsAreNotAccepted($time_specification)
public function provideInvalidTimeSpecifications()
return array(
'Time specification must contain at least one colon' => array('1042'),
'Time specification must contain at most one colon' => array('10::42'),
'Time specification must not contain colon after minutes' => array('10:42:'),
'Hours must be numeric' => array('ab:42'),
'Hours must be less than 24' => array('24:42'),
'Minutes must be numeric' => array('10:ab'),
'Minutes must be less than 60' => array('10:60'),
'Hours must be two-digit' => array('1:42'),
'Minutes must be two-digit' => array('10:4'),
'12 hour format must end with AM or PM' => array('10:42 XY'),
'24 hour format must be exactly 5 characters long' => array('14:42 PM'),
'Hour part of 12 hour format must be less than 13' => array('13:00 PM'),
'12 hour format must be exactly 8 characters long' => array('12:45 AM'),
'Multiline strings are not accepted' => array("10:42\n"),
'12 hour time specification does not allow hours to be zero' => array('00:42 PM'),
private $validator;
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