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Last active November 5, 2017 09:57
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  • Save mezcel/a2791b5418caabb1e1bd4f1f0def713c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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mod multimedia to be read by from Win to iPad via Camera Connection


A personal multimedia transfer hack for Win to iOS

This formats multimedia files to be read by the iPad via Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit

Working WIP

This is just a quick and dirty script. I was playing with BATCH and learning "ancient" DOS scripting. WARNING! I dont have any error traps. So read the prompts and dont commit the final step untill you agree with the confirmation screen.

  • iPad (i still have and use the iPad 1)
  • Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit
  • multimedia

I have not made the Bash version yet.. but you get the gist. It will be the same thing but Bash-ed


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:: Guidance: ht tps://
:: Guidance:
:: Guidance:
@echo off
set mydirectory="demoDir"
set a=1000000
set TAB=
set BORDER=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set LF=^
rem Two empty lines are required for newline LF^
set multiLine=photo-bat!LF!!LF!!LF!!TAB!This batch is intened to rename media file names. !LF!!TAB!I made this for transfering image files and video files on a Windows PC !LF!!TAB!to my iPad1 via Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit. Why? I wanted !LF!!TAB!to spontaneousely change my wallpaper and upload LoFi Hiphop YouTubes, !LF!!TAB!and I wanted to do it the DIY jerry-rigged way.!LF!!LF!
echo !multiLine!
set multiLine=!LF!!BORDER!!LF!
echo !multiLine!
type batwings.txt
set multiLine=!LF!!BORDER!!LF!
echo !multiLine!
set multiLine=USER INPUTS:!LF!!BORDER!!LF!
echo !multiLine!
:: User Input, Drive Letter
set multiLine=Enter the Drive letter of the Drive containing your desired media.!LF!For example: !LF!!TAB! for the C dive or C:, just enter c!LF!!LF!
echo !multiLine!
set /p myDrive=" Enter your Letter, then press [enter] = "
echo !LF!***!LF!*** You have selected the !myDrive!: drive!LF!***!LF!!LF!
:: User Input, File Path
set multiLine=Enter the foldeder path containing your media. !LF!!LF!!TAB!Remember to use backslash for Windows. !LF!!LF!!TAB!Example: ParentFolder\ChildFolder!LF!!LF!!LF!!LF!!TAB!Example: DCIM\ChildFolder
echo !multiLine!
set /p myFolderPath="Path of Multimedia Folder = "
echo !LF!***!LF!*** You have selected !myDrive!:\!myFolderPath!!LF!*** !LF!!LF!
:: User Input, File Extenstion
set multiLine=Enter the file type extension of the files you want transfered. !LF!!LF!!TAB!Example" for .jpg or .mp4, enter jpg or mp4 !LF!!TAB!IPORTANT: Leave out the dot "."!LF!!LF!
echo !multiLine!
set /p myMediaTypeExtension="File Extension = "
set multiLine=!LF!***!LF!*** You have selected !myDrive!:\!myFolderPath!\*.!myMediaTypeExtension! !LF!*** !LF!!LF!
echo !multiLine!
:: User Input, Confirmation
set multiLine=!BORDER!!LF!All files with the file extensions .!myMediaTypeExtension! is about to be renamed!LF!!TAB!The Name convention will be P00000n!LF!!TAB!The n will be an intremented number from1 to how ever many files !LF!!TAB!are in the: !myDrive!:\!myFolderPath! Directory!LF!!LF! Do you want to continue? !LF!!TAB!Example: P00001.!myMediaTypeExtension!, P00002.!myMediaTypeExtension!, P00003.!myMediaTypeExtension!, ect. !LF!!TAB!Enter [y] to coninue or [n] to exit!LF!!LF!
echo !multiLine!
set /p confirmation="Enter [y] or [n] = "
if !confirmation!==y GOTO yes
if !confirmation!==n GOTO no
if !confirmation! NEQ y GOTO mychoice
echo !LF!!BORDER!!LF!Renaming Files!LF!!BORDER!
:: set myRoot=F:\photo-bat\demoDir
set myRoot=!myDrive!:\!myFolderPath!
:: set myRootList=*.txt
set myRootList=*.!myMediaTypeExtension!
echo myRoot is !myRoot!
echo myRootList = !myRootList!
echo !LF!!BORDER!!LF!!LF!
:: Perform the Rename Process
cd !myFolderPath!
for /R %%G IN (*.!myMediaTypeExtension!) do (
Echo ren "%%G" "P!a!.*.!myMediaTypeExtension!"
ren "%%G" "P!a!.!myMediaTypeExtension!"
set /a a+=1
Echo Counter val !a!
echo !LF!!BORDER!!LF!Files are renamed!LF!!BORDER!
echo !LF!!BORDER!!LF!Exiting BAT!LF!!BORDER!
# Guidance:
# run powserh in Administrators mode
# Vote yes to mod security
# Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# & "C:\ChildeFolder\helloworld.ps1"
# Rename using replace to insert text in the middle of the name
# Set directory where the files you want to rename reside
# This will allow you to run the script from outside the source directory
$myrootDrive = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Drive"
$myrootDir = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Directory folder path"
$desiredFileExtension = Read-Host -Prompt "file extension of the file to be renamed"
Set-Variable -Name sourcedir -Value $myrootDrive':\'$myrootDir
$desiredFileExtension = ".txt"
Write-Host "You want to rename all *.'$desiredFileExtension' in '$sourcedir'"
Write-Host "sourcedir = '$sourcedir'"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcedir -Filter *$desiredFileExtension
#$files = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\mezce\Documents\PowershellDemo\textFolder
foreach ($file in $files)
Write-Host "Renamed: '$file'"
Rename-Item $ ("P100000"+$mycounter+$desiredFileExtension)
$mycounter = $mycounter+1
Write-Host "Press any key"
$pause = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
# rem End ------
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