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Last active August 20, 2020 21:16
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# #!/bin/env python3.7
from PyInquirer import prompt
import digitalocean
import paramiko
import json
script_version = "1.1.5"
medusa_script = ""
.. .. .. .. . ....... .......... .... .... ..
:**. :**. ***. :**: :*: .::**::: .::::**:::: .*::::*. :*::::*:. :**.
:*.*. :::*. :*.** :***. :*: :*. .*: .*: :*. :* .*: :*.:*
:*.::.*.:*. .*: .*: .*:.*. :*: :*. .*: :*: .*: :*::::::. *: .*:
:*. :*. :*. :* :*. .*: :*..*. :*. .*: :*. .*: :*....:*. :*. :*.
:*. :*. .*:::::*: .*: :*:*: :*. .*: .*: :*. :* :* .*:::::*:
:*. :*. ** :*: :*: :**: ...:*:.. .*: :*:..:*: :*....:*: ** :*.
.: ...... :. ... :.. .......: :. ..::.. ....... ... ..
:::::.:::::******************::::.. ..:::::****************::::::***::::
:F$$$$$V$$$$$MMMMM$$$VFI****::... ..:::**IIV$$$MMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNMMMM$$$V$$$$MMM$VI:
.*IFV$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$$$FI**:... .V$Vo***IF$$$$F*.
..:**IIFVVV$$$$$$$$$M$M$MMMMM$$$$VFI***:... .FVVI**III*II*:.
....:::::******:::::.... :I$$$VVVV$$*
version: {script_version}
by: Adder
contributor(s): Carlos Rincon and Ian Gerard
# lib
def contains(filter_list, list, logic="or"):
if logic == "or":
for filter_item in filter_list:
if filter_item in list:
return True
return False
elif logic == "and":
for filter_item in filter_list:
if filter_item not in list:
return False
return True
def normalize_answers(answers):
if isinstance(answers, list):
return [answer.strip() for answer in answers]
return answers.strip()
def is_not_empty(answers):
answers = normalize_answers(answers)
if answers == None or answers == "" or answers == [""]:
return False
return True
# main
init_answers = prompt(
"type": "list",
"name": "setup",
"message": "What are you interested in doing?",
"choices": ["Cudo Miner", "Command", "Custom Bash Script",],
"type": "list",
"name": "cudo_setup",
"message": "What are you interested in doing?",
"choices": ["Full Setup", "Check Status", "Organization Change"],
"when": lambda answer: answer["setup"] == "Cudo Miner",
"type": "input",
"name": "organization",
"message": "Organization name?",
"validate": is_not_empty,
"filter": normalize_answers,
"when": lambda answer: answer["setup"] == "Cudo Miner"
and (
answer["cudo_setup"] == "Full Setup"
or answer["cudo_setup"] == "Organization Change"
"type": "list",
"name": "service",
"message": "What service would you like to run?",
"choices": ["Snake Handler", "Digital Ocean"],
snake_handler_list = []
if init_answers["service"] == "Snake Handler":
snake_handler_answers = prompt(
"type": "input",
"name": "snake_handler_file_name",
"message": "Name of the Snake Handler list?",
"default": "snake-handler",
"validate": is_not_empty,
"filter": normalize_answers,
with open(snake_handler_answers["snake_handler_file_name"]) as f:
snake_handler_list = json.load(f)
elif init_answers["service"] == "Digital Ocean":
digital_ocean_answers = prompt(
"type": "input",
"name": "username",
"message": "Username for the droplet(s)?",
"filter": normalize_answers,
"default": "root",
"type": "password",
"name": "password",
"message": "Password for the droplet(s)? (leave blank if using pkey)",
"filter": normalize_answers,
"default": "",
"type": "input",
"name": "key_filename",
"message": "Give me the absolute path to your key:",
"validate": is_not_empty,
"filter": normalize_answers,
"when": lambda answer: answer["password"] == "",
"type": "input",
"name": "token",
"message": "What is your Digital Ocean API token?",
"validate": is_not_empty,
"filter": normalize_answers,
"type": "input",
"name": "tags",
"message": "What Tags would you like to filter on? (seperate fields with a comma ',')",
"filter": lambda answer: normalize_answers(
"type": "list",
"name": "tags_logic",
"message": "What filter logic would you like?",
"choices": ["OR", "AND"],
"when": lambda answer: is_not_empty(answer["tags"])
and len(answer["tags"]) > 1,
do = digitalocean.Manager(token=digital_ocean_answers["token"])
droplets = do.get_all_droplets()
def append_droplet(droplet):
server = {
"hostname": droplet.ip_address,
"username": digital_ocean_answers["username"],
"password": digital_ocean_answers["password"],
if "key_filename" in digital_ocean_answers["key_filename"]:
server["key_filename"] = digital_ocean_answers["key_filename"]
if is_not_empty(digital_ocean_answers["tags"]):
logic = "or"
if "tags_logic" in digital_ocean_answers:
if digital_ocean_answers["tags_logic"] == "AND":
logic = "and"
for droplet in droplets:
if contains(digital_ocean_answers["tags"], droplet.tags, logic=logic):
for droplet in droplets:
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
def ssh_connect(server):
except Exception as e:
print(f"""failed to connect onto: {server["hostname"]}, Exception: {e}""")
def print_stdout(stdout, server):
print(f"""hostname: {server["hostname"]}""")
for line in stdout:
line = line.strip("\n")
if init_answers["setup"] == "Cudo Miner":
if init_answers["cudo_setup"] == "Full Setup":
cudo_setup_answers = prompt(
"type": "list",
"name": "miner_type",
"message": "What type of miner will this be?",
"choices": ["CPU", "GPU"],
for server in snake_handler_list:
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(
f"""env miner_type={cudo_setup_answers["miner_type"]} organization={init_answers["organization"]} bash <( wget -qO- {medusa_script} )"""
print_stdout(stdout, server)
elif init_answers["cudo_setup"] == "Check Status":
for server in snake_handler_list:
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(
f"""cudominercli info; cudominercli ps; cudominercli org"""
print_stdout(stdout, server)
elif init_answers["cudo_setup"] == "Organization Change":
for server in snake_handler_list:
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(
f"""cudominercli login {init_answers["organization"]}"""
print_stdout(stdout, server)
elif init_answers["setup"] == "Custom Bash Script":
custom_script_answers = prompt(
"type": "list",
"name": "script_type",
"message": "Where is your script stored?",
"choices": ["Local", "URL"],
"type": "input",
"name": "url_script",
"message": "Give me the url to your custom bash script:",
"validate": is_not_empty,
"filter": normalize_answers,
"when": lambda answer: answer["script_type"] == "URL",
"type": "input",
"name": "local_script",
"message": "Give me the absolute path to your custom bash script:",
"validate": is_not_empty,
"filter": normalize_answers,
"when": lambda answer: answer["script_type"] == "Local",
command = ""
if custom_script_answers["script_type"] == "URL":
command = f"""bash <( wget -qO- {custom_script_answers["url_script"]} )"""
elif custom_script_answers["script_type"] == "Local":
with open(custom_script_answers["local_script"]) as f:
command =
for server in snake_handler_list:
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
print_stdout(stdout, server)
elif init_answers["setup"] == "Command":
command_answers = prompt(
"type": "input",
"name": "command",
"message": "command:",
"validate": is_not_empty,
for server in snake_handler_list:
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(f"""{command_answers["command"]}""")
print_stdout(stdout, server)
name = "manitoba"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Carlos Rincon <>"]
python = "^3.7"
python-digitalocean = "^1.15.0"
PyInquirer = "^1.0.3"
paramiko = "^2.7.1"
pytest = "^5.2"
requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
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