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Last active November 22, 2019 11:11
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JOKE NR 0: <|endoftext|>START:What's the hardest to get off your face? The elevator.
I'll show myself out.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 1: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving through the countryside when he sees a farmer in a field... He pulls over and asks the farmer, "Excuse me, but I noticed you're not wearing a seatbelt. What's the matter?" The farmer says, "I was just driving past the field and saw a cow grazing on a fence. It scared the bejesus out of me!" So the man pulls over to the side of the road and asks the farmer if he's okay. The farmer says "I'm fine, I was just driving past a field and saw a cow grazing on a fence. I thought it was a cow. I drove over to check and sure enough, it was a bull." The man says, "That's amazing, I was driving by the field when I saw a cow with her hind legs raised up in a sign of pride. I was so excited, I drove over to check and sure enough, it was a bull." The man says, "That's amazing, I was driving by the field when I saw a cow with its hind legs raised up in a sign of pride. I was so excited, I drove over to check and sure enough, it was a bull!" So the farmer says, "
JOKE NR 2: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the see a doctor.
"Doctor, I have a problem," the man says. "Every time I go to the bathroom, I get a little prick in my butt. I think it's from my penis, but it's really just a little prick in my butt. I can't stop masturbating."
The doctor looks up at the man, and says, "You're lucky. If I had known you had this problem, I would have taken you to the gynecologist."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 3: <|endoftext|>START:A group of hunters are out in the woods when they stumble upon a dead bear. The first guy says "Hey, I've got a gun! I'm going to shoot this bear and then I'm leaving!"
The second guy says "I have a gun! I'm going to shoot this bear, and then I'm leaving!"
The third guy says "I've got a gun! I'm going to shoot this bear and then I'm leaving!"
The hunters look at each other and say, "Okay, let's do this."
They all go into the woods, shoot the bear, and then they leave.
A few days later, the hunter comes back to the group. He says "Hey guys, I've got a gun! I'm going to shoot this bear, and then I'm leaving!"
The first guy says, "I've got a gun! I'm going to shoot this bear, and then I'm leaving!"
The hunter looks at him and says "Okay, I got a gun! I'm going to shoot this bear, and then I'm leaving."
The second hunter looks at him and says "You're going to shoot that bear?"
The second hunter replies, "
JOKE NR 4: <|endoftext|>START:Two guys are sitting in the park......when a dog comes running up and bites their balls. One guy says, "What are you doing?!?" The other guy says, "I was walking down the street when I saw a dog bite my balls." The other guy looks at him and says, "I was walking down the street when I saw a dog bite my balls. So I ran home and got the vet." The vet says, "You're lucky. He only bit your balls once, and it was pretty painful." The guy looks at the vet and says, "Well, I guess I'll have to try that again."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 5: <|endoftext|>START:My friend is a very good golfer... He's been golfing for years and is still going. He's a very good golfer.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 6: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes into a bar and asks for a drink... The bartender looks at him and says "I'm afraid you're not allowed in here." The man replies "I'm a man of my word and I'm going home."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 7: <|endoftext|>START:My friend told me to get a job at the circus. I told him to go to the circus and get a job.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 8: <|endoftext|>START:Three women are on a plane......when they are suddenly pulled out of the plane by the pilot. He asks them what they want. The first woman says, "I want to be fucked in the ass." The second woman says, "I want to have a blow job." The third woman says, "I want to be fucked in the ass and then have some ice cream." The pilot asks, "Why do you all want to be fucked?" The first two women respond, "We all know that if we were to get out of this plane, we'd all die." The pilot replies, "Well, if you're gonna die, you might as well be fucked in the ass."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 9: <|endoftext|>START:I went to a restaurant last night and the waiter asked me to bring a cup of coffee... I told him I had no coffee and that he should just leave me a cup of coffee instead.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 10: <|endoftext|>START:The old man and his son... A man and his two sons are walking along a road in the middle of nowhere when they spot a man with a gun. The old man and his sons run towards him, but the man shoots both of them dead.
They come across another man with an assault rifle, and they run towards him. The man shoots them both dead.
They come across yet another man with his own gun, and they run towards him. The man shoots them both dead.
They come across yet another man with an assault rifle, and they run towards him. The man shoots them both dead.
They come across yet another man with his own gun, and they run towards him. The man shoots them both dead.
The old man and his son look at one another, and the old man says, "You know, I'm a little sad. I wish I could've been the first one to shoot that man with the gun." The son replies, "Well, I wish you could've been the first one who shot the man with the assault rifle."
The father says, "Well, I guess you could've been the first one to
JOKE NR 11: <|endoftext|>START:A woman is in the kitchen with her husband... A woman is in the kitchen with her husband. The husband says to her "You know, I've always wanted to try anal." The woman replies, "Well, I've always had a problem getting hard when I'm not wearing a condom." The husband replies, "Well, I've always been afraid of getting a yeast infection from your yeast infections." The woman says, "Well, I've always had a problem getting a yeast infection when I'm not wearing a condom." The husband replies, "Well, I've always had a problem getting a yeast infection when I'm not wearing a condom." The woman replies, "Well, I've always had a problem getting a yeast infection when I'm not wearing a condom." The wife replies, "Well, I've always been afraid of getting a yeast infection when I'm not wearing a condom." The husband replies, "Well, I've always had a problem getting a yeast infection when I'm not wearing a condom." The wife replies, "Well, I've always had a problem getting a yeast infection when I'm not wearing a condom." The wife replies, "Well, I've always been afraid of getting a yeast infection when
JOKE NR 12: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor...... and says, "Doc I've been having trouble with my penis. I think I'm going to have a hysterectomy."
The doctor says, "Well, you'll have to stop masturbating. It's causing you a lot of pain."
The man replies, "I know, doc. I just can't stop."
The doctor says, "Okay, now go get me a blow job."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 13: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black person who can fly? A pilot.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 14: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a black guy and a pizza? The pizza doesn't scream when you put the pepperoni in.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 15: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks in to a bar......and sees a man sitting at a table, drinking a beer, and eating a sandwich.
The man asks, "What are you doing?"
The man says, "I'm trying to get a girlfriend."
The man says, "You're a man of your word. What are you drinking?"
The man says, "I'm trying to get a girlfriend too."
The man says, "You're a man of your word. I'm trying to get a girlfriend too."
The man says, "You're a man of your word. I'm trying to get a girlfriend too."
The man says, "You're a man of your word. I'm trying to get a girlfriend too."
The bartender says, "What's wrong, pal?"
"I'm having a hard time with my girlfriend," the man says.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm having a hard time with my girlfriend."
"What's wrong?"
"I'm having a hard time with my girlfriend."
The bartender says, "What's wrong? You're having trouble with your girlfriend
JOKE NR 16: <|endoftext|>START:I have an idea for a new game I have been working on.
I have a game where you can go into a bar, order a beer and then go home and have sex with your girlfriend.
I call it "The Game".<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 17: <|endoftext|>START:How do you get a girl pregnant? You take the tampon out of the box.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 18: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through the forest when he sees an owl perched on a branch. The owl looks at him and says, 'I'm going to eat you.'
'What's the harm?' the man asks.
'I'm an American,' the owl replies. 'I can't eat a Canadian, so I'm going to eat you.'
The man is taken aback, but he doesn't say anything and continues walking.
A few minutes later, a rabbit is perched on a branch.
'What's the harm?' the man asks the rabbit.
'I'm an American,' the rabbit says. 'I can't eat a Canadian, so I'm going to eat you.'
The rabbit is taken aback, but he doesn't say anything and continues walking.
Finally, a bear is on the branch.
'What's the matter with you, man?' the bear asks.
The man replies, 'I'm an American, and I'm going to eat you.'
'Why not?' the bear asks, 'I'm a Canadian too.'
The man replies, 'I
JOKE NR 19: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call an alligator that can't swim? An in-tandem.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 20: <|endoftext|>START:A boy asks his father... A boy asks his father, "Dad, why did the chicken cross the road?"
The father replies, "Well that chicken is my son."
The boy asks, "Why is your son named 'Chicken'"
The father replies, "That's a chicken because he's my son."
The boy asks his father, "Dad, why is your son named 'Son'"
The father replies, "That's a son of a bitch, because he's my son."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 21: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor... A man goes to the doctor and says:
"Doc I'm having trouble peeing."
The doctor says: "What's wrong doc?"
Man says: "I'm having trouble peeing."
The doctor says: "What's wrong doc?"
Man says: "I can't stop peeing!"
The doctor says: "What's wrong doc?
Man says: "I'm going to kill myself!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 22: <|endoftext|>START:Did you hear the one about the guy that got caught masturbating? He was caught in the act.
(This is a repost, I just found it on /r/Jokes.)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 23: <|endoftext|>START:An old man is sitting on his front porch......and a woman is walking down the street with a baby. The woman says, "I think the baby is mine."
The old man replies "Well, if you're not going to give it up, I don't want to have to pay for it."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 24: <|endoftext|>START:An American, a Mexican, and a Chinese man are on a train... An American, a Mexican, and a Chinese man are on a train.
The train stops in front of the Chinese man's house. The Chinese man says, "I'll have the Chinese take the seat next to me." The American says, "I'll take the seat in the rear."
The train stops in front of the Mexican house. The Mexican says, "I'll take the seat in the front."
The train stops in front of the American's house, and the train driver says to the Chinese man, "I'll have you sit down. You're sitting on your own two feet, and you're eating a bowl of chili. I can see you're not eating much." The Chinese man says, "I'm not eating much."
The train driver says, "I'll give you the ticket back. You're sitting in your own car and you're drinking a beer, and you're eating a bowl of chili." The Chinese man says, "I'm not drinking much."
The train driver says, "I'll give you a ticket back. You're sitting in your own car and you're eating chili,
JOKE NR 25: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the street? To get to the other side.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 26: <|endoftext|>START:The two men were walking down the street when the man in the wheelchair started to fall.
"What are you doing?" asked the man in the wheelchair.
"My wife is having an affair and I can no longer walk. She's been giving me a hard time and I'm trying to get her to stop."
"Well, what's the cure?" the man in the wheelchair asked.
"The cure is to put the condom on and stick it in the hole of the man's ass."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 27: <|endoftext|>START:A little boy and a girl are walking through the forest......when they come to a large tree with a big hole in the middle. The boy asks the girl if she can get down into the hole, but she says she doesn't have the strength to do so. So the boy says "Well, you can try." So the little girl goes down into the hole and the boy says "You can try, too." So she goes down, and he says "You're not going to believe this, but the hole is really big." So she says "Well, then you better go back up and try." So she goes back up and the hole is really big again. The boy asks "Well, you can try, too." So she goes down, and he says "You're not gonna believe this, but the hole is actually really small." So she says "Well then you better go back up and try." So she goes back up and he says "You're gonna have to try, because this is the first time anyone has ever tried to get down that big hole."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 28: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the road? He was trying to get to the other side<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 29: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of gay men on a plane? An airplane.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 30: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar... A man enters the bar, sits down and orders a drink. The bar tender notices this and walks over to the man and asks, "What are you doing in this bar?"
The man replies, "I'm trying to get a drink."
The bartender looks at the man, "What do you mean, trying to get a drink? I've seen you here a few times before. Why are you here at this bar now?"
The man says, "I'm trying to get a drink."
The bartender looks at the man and says, "You're trying to get a drink? You can't get a drink in here without getting a drink. You're a bartender. You should be able to tell me what you're trying to achieve."
The bartender looks at the man and says, "Well, I don't know, but I've seen a guy come in here a couple of times before, and he's never had a drink before."
The man says, "I'm trying to get a drink."
The bartender looks at the man and says, "What do you mean, 'get a drink'? I've seen you
JOKE NR 31: <|endoftext|>START:A guy goes to a barber shop......and the barber asks, "How much would it be if I shaved your balls for you?"
The guy says, "Sure thing. What would you do with them?"
The barber says, "Well I'd put them on a hooker and have a good time."
The man agrees and the barber puts the hooker's balls on a hooker's head and has a good time.
After the barber is done, the man asks the barber, "So what would you do with your balls?"
The barber says, "Well I'd put them on a hooker's head and have a bad time."
The man agrees and the barber puts the hooker's balls on a hooker's head and has a bad time.
After the barber has been doing his work for a while, the man asks, "So how'd it go?"
The barber says, "Well I shaved your balls for $20, but I had to pay for your hooker."
The man says, "What hooker?"
The barber replies, "The hooker
JOKE NR 32: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican that can't drive? Juan on the side of the road.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 33: <|endoftext|>START:So the man goes to a bar... And he sits down at a table and orders a drink.
The bartender looks at him and says, "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't serve alcohol here."
The man looks back at the bartender. "What do you mean?"
The bartender looks back at him. "We don't serve food here."
The man looks back at him. "What do you mean? We don't serve women here?"
The bartender looks back at him. "We don't serve anyone who is deaf, blind, or dumb. You see, we are a bar, not a restaurant. If you order a drink, we serve you, but if you order a woman, we serve you."
The man looks back at him. "I don't want to go to a bar and order a drink and then sit at the table with a deaf, blind, or dumb person."
The bartender looks back at the man and says, "You're a fucking asshole."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 34: <|endoftext|>START:I met a girl at a bar... I met a girl at a bar and we started chatting. I told her that I was a huge fan of her, that I was looking forward to meeting her, and that I would love to have sex with her.
She said, "I know, I'm a huge slut."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 35: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking along the beach when a huge shark comes charging at him. The shark is about to attack the man but he stops and turns to the man and says, "I'm sorry, I'm a shark."
"What are you?" the man says. "You don't have to say it like that."
"No," says the shark, "I am a man."
So the man says, "You're a shark too."
"No, I am a woman."
"You're a man too."
"I am a child."
"You're a man too."
The shark says, in a very menacing tone, "I'm going to bite you right now, you idiot."
"What do you mean? What do I do?" asks the man.
"Well," says the shark, "I'm going to bite the top of your head."
The man says, "What are you?"
"I'm a man too."
"You're a shark too."
"I'm a woman."
"You're a man too."
"I am an octupus
JOKE NR 36: <|endoftext|>START:Two men are walking through the woods when they come across a bear. One of their friend asks, "Hey, what are you doing?"
The other man replies, "We're hunters."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 37: <|endoftext|>START:Why would you never trust a man with a broken pencil? He's a pencil thief.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 38: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through a forest... A man is walking through the woods when he comes across a bear. He approaches it, and after a few minutes of staring at the bear, the bear stops.
"You're not going to eat me?" the bear asked.
The man replies, "No, you're not going to eat me. I have a gun in my pocket and a knife with me, and I don't want you to get any closer."
The bear then proceeds to climb up on top of the man, and the bear starts to eat the man. The bear then looks at the man, and says, "I'm going to give you the same punishment I gave the bear. You have to eat me."
The man, shocked by this, says, "What punishment? I didn't do anything wrong."
"You're going to eat me, then."
The bear looks at the man, then back at the bear, and says, "I'm going to give you the same punishment I gave the bear. You have to eat me, then."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 39: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe? Roberto.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 40: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar with a gun... He walks to the counter and says, "I'm a gun guy. If I shoot you, I'll take you out." The bartender says, "What kind of gun do you have?" He says, "I have a 9mm. I shoot the bartender in the back of the head, and he falls to the floor." The bartender says, "That's not a gun. That's a.45." The man says, "I have a.45 too. I shoot the bartender in the back of the head, and he falls to the floor." The bartender says, "That's not a gun. That's a.45." The man says, "I have a 9mm, and I shoot the guy in the middle of the head. He falls to the floor, and I shoot him in the head." The bartender says, "That's not a gun. That's a.45." The man says, "I have a 9mm, and I shoot the guy in the middle of the head, and he falls to the floor. I shoot him in the back of the head, and he dies."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 41: <|endoftext|>START:Three nuns are in the confessional...... and the first nun is praying. "Lord, please help me, please help me, help me!" She cries, "Lord, I have sinned. I have been having an affair with a priest, a cardinal, and a minister. I have been caught in the crossfire of a political scandal. I have been betrayed by my husband. My children have been betrayed by their father." The priest looks at her, and then to the cardinal. "What do you say?" The cardinal looks back at her and then to the minister. "Lord, please help me, I have sinned. I have been having an affair with the Pope. I have been caught in the crossfire of a political scandal. I have been betrayed by my husband. I've been betrayed by my children. I have been betrayed by my father." The priest looks back at her and then to the cardinal. "I say to you, Sister," he says. "You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you. You're going to have to confess." The first nun looks down at the ground, then up at the priest and says, "I confess that I have had an affair with
JOKE NR 42: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes into a bank... He walks up to a teller and asks, "How can I make a $100,000 loan?"
The teller looks up and asks, "What's your name?"
The man says, "My name is Joe. I work for a construction company and I need a loan to build a new house for my wife."
The teller looks at Joe and says, "Well, Joe, I don't think you understand what you're doing. You're asking for a loan to build a house for your wife, and I'm telling you, that's illegal. You're going to jail for two years."
"What about the $50,000 loan?" the man asks.
The teller replies, "That's also against the law. You're going to jail for three years."
The man looks at the teller and asks, "Well, what's the $50,000 loan for? I need that to buy a new car."
The teller looks at him and says, "Well, Joe, that's also against the law. You're going to jail for five years."
The man looks at the teller and
JOKE NR 43: <|endoftext|>START:The guy who was always on time at now a full time firefighter, he's a real fireman.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 44: <|endoftext|>START:I was going to write a joke about my ex-girlfriend but she's a bitch.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 45: <|endoftext|>START:Two fish were swimming in the ocean One of the fish turned to the other and asked, "What do you think of this, man?"
The other replied, "I'm gonna eat you."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 46: <|endoftext|>START:What does a Mexican magician do? He takes a piece of paper and he puts it on a table, and says, "I'll disappear."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 47: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving down a country road......and he sees a sign that reads:
'No Smoking'
He pulls over and the mechanic looks him up and down, but can't figure out why it says 'No Smoking' on the sign.
The mechanic says: 'I know what you're thinking, but it's a very important sign. If you're going to drive, you should have it marked 'No Smoking.' If you're not going to go, you should have it marked 'Yes.''
The man says: 'But I'm a smoker!'
The mechanic says: 'No, you're not.'
The man says: 'But I've got a wife and three kids!
The mechanic says: 'No, you've got a wife and three kids, too.'
The man says: 'But you're my neighbor!
The mechanic says: 'No, you're not.'
The man says: 'But my wife and kids have never been to a party!'
The mechanic says: 'No, you haven't.
The man says: 'But my wife and kids have been to a party once, twice
JOKE NR 48: <|endoftext|>START:Why do black people hate Christmas? Because it's the black man's fucking Christmas.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 49: <|endoftext|>START:A guy goes to a bar and asks the bartender for some shots of whiskey. The bartender gives him a shot. He downs it quickly, then downs another. He downs a third. He downs another. He downs yet more, then downs another, and downs another, until finally the bartender gives up. He takes a shot, and downs it, downs another, downs another, and downs a third, until the bartender gives up. The guy says to the bartender, "You know, if you gave me one more shot, it would be worth it." The bartender replies, "Well, I don't give a shit what you think, man. Just give me a shot." The guy downs another, downs yet another, then downs another, downs yet another, and downs yet another. The bartender is starting to feel bad, and says, "Well, if you give me a shot, I'll give you a shot." The guy downs a second, downs a third, downs a fourth, downs yet another, downs yet another, and downs yet another. The bartender is starting to feel a little better now, and says, "Alright, I'm gonna give you a shot, and then you drink it." The guy downs another,
JOKE NR 50: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of people who are all in a wheelchair? A wheelchair-riding group<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 51: <|endoftext|>START:What is the difference between a Jew and a pizza? A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 52: <|endoftext|>START:So I was in a bar... And I had to pee.
So I was in a bar and I had to pee. I had a really bad case of the pee-pee-pee.
So I went to the toilet and I was peeing and I had a really big problem.
I had to go back to the bathroom and there was a guy there with a really big dick and he was peeing.
And I said, "Wow! That's a big dick!"
And he said, "Yeah. I have one of those."
So I said, "What's the big deal? I'm not peeing!"
And he said, "You're not peeing. You're peeing in a cup."
I said, "I don't have to drink it."
He said, "You're drinking it."
So I went to the bathroom and there was a man there with a really big dick and he was peeing.
I asked him, "What's the big deal with that? I'm peeing!"
He said, "You're peeing in a cup."
I said, "I don't have to drink it
JOKE NR 53: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a baby in a microwave and a microwave baby? The baby in a microwave doesn't scream.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 54: <|endoftext|>START:The only thing worse than a black guy in a car... The fact that you have to sit in the back seat.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 55: <|endoftext|>START:What did the pirate say to the pirate? "I am the best!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 56: <|endoftext|>START:A blonde, a redhead and a brunette are all sitting in a bar. A blonde, a redhead and a brunette are all sitting in a bar. The blonde looks over to the brunette and says "You know what, you know I can take the whole bar with me. I'm a brunette and I can take a blonde with me."
The brunette says "I'll take you with me, too. I'm also a brunette and I can take a redhead." The redhead looks over at the blonde, and says "You know what, that's a no brainer. I'll take you with me. I'm a redhead too. I can take a blonde too." The brunette looks at him and says "Well, I'm a blonde too, but I can take a brunette with me."
The blonde looks at her friend and says "Well, you're right. If you want to go with me, go ahead. I'm a blonde, too. I'm a blonde too."
The blonde looks back and says "Well, I'll be damned. If I'm going to be a blond, I want to be a blond blonde blonde blonde
JOKE NR 57: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of people who are always on the lookout for the next big thing? A pyramid scheme.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 58: <|endoftext|>START:What does a man with no hands have when he goes to the bathroom? A hand job.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 59: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black man with a steering wheel stuck in the windshield? A windshield wiper.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 60: <|endoftext|>START:Two men were walking through a forest......when they come across a bear. The bear looks at the two and says, "You're both going to die."
The first man looks at the bear and says: "I'm going to go and get my gun, then I'm going to kill myself."
The second man says: "I'm also going to kill myself. I'm also going to go get my knife." The bear looks at both of them and says, "You're both going to die, then you go get my gun."
The man looks at the bear and says: "I'm going to go get my gun, then I'll go get my knife." The bear looks at the man and says: "You're two going to die then you go fuck yourself."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 61: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican with no arms and no legs? Juan<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 62: <|endoftext|>START:Why does a man with a sore throat get a blowjob? Because his throat is dry.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 63: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but they have to change it in a different way.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 64: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call an Asian man who's a member of a terrorist group? An ISIS-man!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 65: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor... A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doc, my penis is so long, I can't pee without falling over."
The doctor says, "That's normal. You're probably just not getting any."
The man says, "Well, I have to go pee. It's a little early for me."
The doctor says, "Okay, come on. I'm sorry. You're going to have to come in the morning."
The man goes into the bathroom and comes out 10 minutes later.
"What happened?" the doctor asks.
The man replies, "Doc, I can't pee."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 66: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None. They're all too busy getting their shit together.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 67: <|endoftext|>START:The first time I met the guy who invented a new word... I was in the bathroom and he was standing in the corner. I looked up and said, "Hey! I'm the inventor of the new word, 'I don't know.'"
He looked back at me and said "I'm not the inventor, I invented the word 'I'm not sure.'"
I looked back at him and said, "You don't have to tell me that. I know the word 'I'm not sure.' I know the word 'I don't know.' I know the word 'I don't know.'"
He looked back at me and said "You're a liar."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 68: <|endoftext|>START:What did the pirate say to his wife after she left him? I can't believe you're gone!
(Credit to /u/Jared_J_Drew)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 69: <|endoftext|>START:Three fish walk into a bar... The first one orders a beer, the second one orders a coke and the third one orders a beer.
The bartender says, “You know what? You guys are drunk. You can't come in here.”
The first fish says, “I'm a carp.”
The second fish says, “I'm a carp too.”
The bartender says, “I told you. We don't serve carp in here.”
The first fish says, “I know. I'm a carp too.”
The second fish says, “I'm a carp too.”
The third fish looks at him and says, “I'm not a carp. I'm a fish.”
The bartender says, “You're a fucking fish.”<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 70: <|endoftext|>START:Why do you never see a black man on the front page of Reddit? He's always on top.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 71: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it heard the cow was about to eat it!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 72: <|endoftext|>START:So this guy is sitting in the back seat of a car, driving down the road. He sees a sign that says "No Smoking". He pulls over and the lady in front of him starts smoking a cigarette. The guy says, "You know what that sign says? You can't smoke in the back of the car." The woman says, "I know, but I'm not going to start smoking." So the man pulls over, gets in the car, and drives off. He gets out, gets in the car, and drives off. He gets out and gets in the car, and drives off. The woman says, "You know, you really shouldn't be driving around in the back of the car. You should be driving around in the front of the car. You're driving around in the front of the car, and you're driving around in the back of the car. You're driving around in the back of the car, and you're driving around in the front of the car. You really shouldn't be driving around in the back of the car." So the man pulls over, gets out, gets in, drives away. He gets out, gets in and drives off. He gets out, gets in and
JOKE NR 73: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between the US and the UK? You can get your coffee in America.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 74: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar......and sees a sign that says "FREE DRINKS ALL NIGHT LONG!"
The man says, "What the hell is a 'Free drinks' night? I don't even have a drink in me."
The bartender replies, "Well, you see, I'm a bartender."
The man says, "What the hell do you mean?"
The bartender replies, "You see, my brother is a bartender. He's got a drink in him, too. But he's a bartender, and a very good one at that, too. So, if you see him, you can ask for a drink."
The man says, "What's a 'brother'?"
The bartender looks at him, then says, "You know, you don't have to be so humble."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 75: <|endoftext|>START:The first time I met the Pope... I had to go to confession. I didn't want to go to confession, but I had to.
The Pope came up to me and said, "I am sorry, I am the Pope. I have sinned. I have sinned by being gay. I am going to change my name to Francis."
I said, "I don't want to change my name, but if you change my name I will change my address."
The Pope said, "Okay, but you must tell your wife first."
I said, "Okay, but if you change my name I will change my address."
So he gave me his card and said, "You have been faithful to your vow. I will give you a million bucks."
I thought for about a moment and said, "Wow, that is a lot of money, what does it cost to change my name?"
He said, "Well, it's a lot, but you have to promise to never tell your wife."
I said, "Okay, I promise not to tell my wife, but I will tell my brother."
He said, "I promise
JOKE NR 76: <|endoftext|>START:An Irishman, a Scotsman, a Scot, and a Welshman are all standing on a cliff... The Irishman says "I'll take the cliff!" and jumps off. The Scotsman says "I'll take the cliff!" and jumps off. The Scot says "I'm Scottish and I'll take the cliff!" and leaps off. The Welshman says "I'll take the cliff!" and jumps off. The Irishman says "You're Scottish, and you're Scottish, I'll take the cliff!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 77: <|endoftext|>START:So my wife and I went on vacation...... and she had to go to the bathroom. So we went to the bathroom, and she was peeing. She says, “I’ve got this weird feeling in my butt.”
I said, “I know. What do you do?”
She said, “I put my finger up my ass and it feels really nice.”
So I went to the bathroom, and she was peeing. She says, “I’m peeing too.”
I said, “You put your finger in there too?”
She says, “No, but my thumb tastes like shit.”
So I went to the bathroom and she was peeing. She says, “I’m peeing too!”
I said, “What do you do?”
She said, “Put your finger in your asshole.”
So I put my finger in her ass, and I felt really good.
Then I put my thumb in her ass.
She said, “What
JOKE NR 78: <|endoftext|>START:The Perfect Son. A: I have the perfect son.
B: Does he smoke?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he drink whiskey?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he ever come home late?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 79: <|endoftext|>START:An American, a Russian and a German are on a plane... An American, a Russian and a German are on a plane. The plane is going down and the pilot is yelling, “We’re going down. We can't get back up. We’ve only got two parachutes.” The American jumps and lands. He jumps again and lands. The German jumps and the plane crashes to the ground.
The pilot yells, “We have parachutes. Get up.” The parachutes are taken off and the pilot yells, “Get up, you stupid bastards! You’ve ruined our lives and I’ll nail your fucking feet to the floor!”<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 80: <|endoftext|>START:The man who invented the vacuum cleaner......was arrested for indecent exposure<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 81: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of gay men? A gaggle of gags.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 82: <|endoftext|>START:A man is sitting at a bar with a woman... The woman is a very attractive young woman.
She asks the man, "Would you like to go home with me?"
The man says, "I don't know, but I'll give it a shot"
So the man goes home and he and the woman have sex.
The man comes back the next day and he and the woman are having sex.
The woman says to the man, "You're sooo cute when you're hard."
The man responds, "Yeah, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish this."
The man says, "I'm sorry. I'm not a good lover, so I'm going to have you go home with me."
The woman agrees, and they go to the bedroom.
The woman is having sex with the man when she hears a knock at her door. She opens the door to see a man in a bathrobe.
"Who is that?" she asks the man.
The man says, "I'm having a shower, and I heard you're having sex with this beautiful young lady."
JOKE NR 83: <|endoftext|>START:What does the chicken do when the egg is laid on its back? He lays an egg.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 84: <|endoftext|>START:The only thing that's better than winning a gold medal in a swimming event is having a gold medal in a weightlifting competition......but the only thing that is better than winning a gold medal in a weightlifting competition is winning a silver medal in a track and field event.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 85: <|endoftext|>START:So a woman goes to the doctors......and says "Doctor, I've been having these strange, uncontrollable, uncontrollable dreams."
The doctor says "Well, what's wrong with you?"
The woman says "Well, I've had these weird, uncontrollable, uncontrollable dreams where I'm going to jump out of this plane and land on a beach and everyone is screaming at me to get out of here."
The doctor says "Well, what's wrong with you?"
The woman says "Well, I've had these weird, uncontrollable, uncontrollable dreams where I'm going to jump out of this plane and land on a beach and everyone is screaming at me to get out of here."
The doctor says "Well what's wrong with you?"
The woman says "Well, I've had these weird, uncontrollable, uncontrollable dreams where I'm going to jump out of this plane and land on a beach and everyone is screaming at me to get out of here."
The doctor says "Well, what's wrong with you?"
The woman says "Well, I've had these weird, uncontrollable, uncontrollable dreams where I'm going to jump out of this plane and land on a
JOKE NR 86: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving through a rural area...... and he sees a small farmhouse on the side of the road.
He drives up to the front door and enters the house.
Inside he sees a woman lying in bed, naked.
He asks the woman, "What are you doing?"
She says, "I'm a witch. I have the power to grant anyone wishes."
The man says, "What are you doing?"
She says, "I'm also a witch. I have the power to make anyone happy."
"What are you doing?"
She says, "I'm a witch. I have the power to make everyone sad."
"You're a witch, aren't you?"
She says, "I am."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 87: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar with his wife... A man walks into a bar with his wife, who is also his secretary. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but we only serve alcohol here."
The man says, "I'll show you." He goes up to the counter and orders three shots. The bartender looks up and says, "You're drinking too much, aren't you?" The man says, "I'm not drinking. I'm just having sex with my wife." The bartender says, "That's not what I meant. You're having sex with your secretary." The man says, "No, that's what I mean. You're having sex with my wife."
The bartender says, "You know, I'm not too sure how to respond to that. I mean, you're both fucking idiots."
The man says, "I'm not having sex with my mistress. I'm having sex with my wife."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 88: <|endoftext|>START:I was at a party the other night and a girl walked up to me. "Excuse me," she said, "but I'm a little short." I looked at her and said, "Well, you're not a virgin either."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 89: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a restaurant with a sign that reads "I'm a vegetarian." The waiter asks, "What do you eat?" The man says, "Meatballs." The waiter says, "You must be a vegetarian, because you're ordering two meatballs." The man says, "No, I'm a vegan." The waiter says, "You must be a vegan, cause you're ordering two vegan meatballs." The man says, "No, I'm a vegetarian." The waiter says, "You must be a vegetarian, cause you're ordering two vegetarian meatballs." The man says, "No, I'm a vegan." The waiter says, "You must be a vegetarian, cause you're ordering two vegan meatballs." The man says, "No, I'm a vegan!" The waiter says, "You have to be a vegetarian, cause you're ordering a vegan meatball." The man says, "No, I'm a vegetarian." The waiter says, "You have to be vegan, cause you're ordering a vegan meatball." The man says, "No, I'm a vegan!" The waiter says, "You have to be vegetarian, cause you're ordering a vegan meatball." The man says
JOKE NR 90: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor... A man goes to the doctor and says "I've got a problem, I'm a man and a father, and I'm not getting any sex."
Doctor: "Well, what's the problem?"
Man: "I'm a man and a father, and I'm not getting any fucking sex."
The doctor is taken back by this and says "Well, you've got a problem, but what's the cure for it? What do you do?"
Man: "Well, I'm a man and a father, and I'm not getting any fucking fucking sex."
The doctor is taken back and says "Well, you've got a problem, but what's the cure for it?"
Man: "Well, I'm a man and a father, and I'm not getting any fucking sex."
The doctor is taken back by this and says "Well, you've got a problem, but what's the cure for it?"
Man: "Well, I'm a man and a father, and I'm not getting any fucking sex."
The doctor is taken back, shocked, and says "Well, you've got
JOKE NR 91: <|endoftext|>START:How Many Doctors Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb? One. He's a Lightbulb, not a Lightbulbs.
(This joke was originally told to me at a party, but I thought it was funny enough to share with you.)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 92: <|endoftext|>START:So this guy walks into a bar with a sign that says, "If you don't have anything, just say it." The bartender asks him if there's anything he can't drink. He says, "I don't drink. I don't drink." So the bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have anything." So the bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have anything." So the bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have anything." So the bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have any." The bartender gives him a drink and says, "I don't have any." So the bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have any." The bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have any." The bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have any." So the bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have any." So the bartender gives him a drink, and he says, "I don't have any!" And the bartender says, "You know, if you're not
JOKE NR 93: <|endoftext|>START:What would you say to a man who is a virgin? "I'm sorry, but I'm not a virgin."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 94: <|endoftext|>START:What's a pirate's favorite letter? Arrrr.
(I know, I know, I'm terrible)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 95: <|endoftext|>START:A man is sitting in his car in the middle of a desert......when he sees a woman in front of the car. She's got her head stuck between two trees. The man says, "Hey! Whatcha doing?" The woman looks up at the man and says, "I'm a witch. I'm going to suck your dick." The man is a little startled and says, "What the hell are you doing? You can't do that!" The woman says, "Well I can't, because you're a fucking witch."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 96: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving down a country lane......and he sees a woman driving a red car.
"Hey lady, are you driving a red car?" He asks.
She replies, "Yes, I'm driving a red car. I was just driving by a cemetery and I saw a gravestone with my face on it. I thought, 'I can't let that happen, I'm a good person and I will not let this happen.'"
The man, being a good person, drives up the cemetery and sees a gravestone with his face on it, and he says "Wow, I am a good person, I'm not driving a car."
The woman replies "You're a good person, but I am not a good person. You're a good person, but I am a bad person. You're a good person, but I'm a bad person."
The man says "Well, then, you're a dead person. I'll go fuck myself."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 97: <|endoftext|>START:A group of scientists were trying to determine the cause of the sudden disappearance of the world's most famous mathematician, but they couldn't figure out how he died. They theorized that he had been poisoned with some sort of radioactive substance and died in a manner that was very similar to a nuclear reactor explosion.
The scientists were so shocked by the news that they immediately called for a meeting to discuss what could have caused the death. The meeting was held and the results of their analysis came back in a very short time.
The scientists concluded that it was a simple matter of the radioactive substance that was in the mathematician's system. They concluded that the radioactive substance was a form of potassium cyanide, which is a very common element in the periodic table. The scientists also concluded that the potassium cyanide was in the mathematician's body and that the potassium cyanide was in his heart.
The scientists were very upset and asked the scientists at Harvard Medical School to conduct an autopsy on the mathematician. They were so upset that they asked the doctors to remove the mathematician's heart and lungs. The doctors agreed, but they were concerned that the heart would be contaminated with potassium cyanide.
The scientists were so concerned, in fact,
JOKE NR 98: <|endoftext|>START:Did you know that there are two types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those that don't?<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 99: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving down the road......when suddenly he sees a sign that says: "WARNING: THIS IS A LIGHT BLONDE DRIVER'S ONLY ROAD."
The man pulls over to the side and sees a sign that says: "THIS IS A LIGHT BLONDE DRIVER'S ONLY ROAD."
The man pulls over again and again, but still sees the sign.
The man pulls over again and again, but still sees the sign.
Finally, the sign says, "THIS IS A LIGHT BLONDE DRIVER'S ONLY ROAD."
The man pulls over again and again and yet again, but still sees the sign.
Finally, the sign says, "THIS IS A LIGHT BLONDE DRIVER'S ONLY ROAD."
The man looks over at the woman and says, "What's the big idea?"
The woman says, "You see that sign?"
He says, "Yeah, I know it's a light blonde, but it's a light blonde. I'm a light blonde."
JOKE NR 100: <|endoftext|>START:So, a guy walks up to a barber shop... and asks the barber to shave his legs for him.
The barber looks at him and replies, "I'm sorry sir, but I can't do that. You have a penis."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't have a penis," says the guy.
The barber looks at him and says, "I'm sorry, but you have a vagina."
The guy looks at him and says, "I'm so sorry, but I can't do that. You have a vagina."
The barber looks at him and says, "I'm sorry, but you have a penis."
"Oh no, I don't have a penis!" says the guy. "I have a vagina."
The barber looks at him and says, "You have a penis?"
The guy looks at him and says, "No, I have a vagina!"
"You have a vagina?"
"Yes, I have a vagina."
The barber looks at him and says, "You have a penis?"
The guy looks at him
JOKE NR 101: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and sees a beautiful woman.
He walks up to the bartender and says, "Excuse me, but I'd like a beer please."
The bar tender replies, "Sure, what's your name?"
"I'm not sure, I don't have one."
He says, "Oh, you don't have one?"
The bartender looks at him and says, "No, I'm sorry, I don't know your name."
The man says, "I'm a man, I have a wife, a kid, and a mortgage."
The bartender looks at him and says, "Oh, I'm sorry, but what does your name be?"
"I don't have a name. I'm not sure, I don't have one."
"Oh, you don't have one?"
The bartender says, "No, I'm sorry, I don't have one."
The man says, "Oh, you don't have one? Well, then I guess I'll have one of those."
The bartender looks at him and says, "No, I'm sorry, I don't
JOKE NR 102: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve alcohol here." The man says "Why not?" The bartender looks at him and says "Well sir, I'm a lawyer. I can't let a drunk man have a drink here."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 103: <|endoftext|>START:I saw a sign at my local supermarket today... "No pets allowed". I was so confused, I went to look it up.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 104: <|endoftext|>START:The man who invented the airplane......was a man with no wings.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 105: <|endoftext|>START:Two men are in an elevator... One is a man and the other a woman.
"What are you doing in here?"
"I'm going to the bathroom."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 106: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving along a highway......and he is driving down a hill. He sees a sign that says "Stop Ahead." He stops and looks at it. It says, "Stop Ahead."
He gets out and starts to walk up and he hears someone say, "Stop Ahead." He walks up and sees a sign that says "Stop Ahead." He stops and looks at it. It says, "Stop Ahead."
He gets out and starts to walk down the hill and he hears someone say, "Stop Ahead." He walks up and sees a sign that says, "Stop Ahead." He stops and looks at it. It says, "Stop Ahead."
He gets out and starts to walk down the hill and he hears someone say, "Stop Ahead." He walks up and sees a sign that says, "Stop Ahead." He stops and looks at it. It says, "Stop Ahead."
The next day, a man is driving along the same highway and he sees a sign that says "Stop Ahead." He stops and looks at it. It says, "Stop Ahead."
He gets out of the car and starts to walk down the hill. He hears someone yell,
JOKE NR 107: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican with no arms and no legs? Roberto<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 108: <|endoftext|>START:A woman is in the hospital... A woman is in the hospital and is being wheeled into the operating room.
The doctor says, "You're in critical condition, and I'm going to have to remove your breasts." The woman is shocked and says, "What do you mean, I'm in critical condition? What's wrong? Why would you do such a thing?"
The doctor says, "Because you have breast cancer."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 109: <|endoftext|>START:A boy asks his father for $50... The father replies, "Son, you have a lot of money, but I have to tell you that your mother is cheating on you with a guy named John." The boy asks why. "Well, John is a big, strong guy, and he is a very good lover. So, when you are a teenager and your mother is a virgin, you will be able to get John."
The boy is ecstatic and says, "Dad, I want that money!" The father replies, "Well, John is a good lover too, so when you are a teenager and your mother is a virgin, you will be able to have John."
The boy is ecstatic and says, "Dad, I want to have John too!" So, the father says, "Well, you have two options, son. Either you go back to your mother and tell her the truth about John or you go back to your father and ask him for $50."
The son goes back to his mother and asks her, "Mommy, Mommy! What's the difference between a good lover and a big, strong, handsome man?" His mother replies, "A big, strong, handsome man
JOKE NR 110: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican with no legs? Juan on a stretcher<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 111: <|endoftext|>START:Why are there only 2 genders in the world? Because the other two don't have balls!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 112: <|endoftext|>START:What is the difference between the United States and the United Kingdom? The British have a flag.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 113: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is sitting at the bar......when he sees a beautiful woman in the corner. He asks her, "What would you like?"
"I would like a beer," she says
"A beer?"
He asks again, "What would you like?"
"I would like a double entendre."
"A double entendre?"
"What would you like?"
"I would like a glass of water."
"A glass of water?"
"What would you like?"
"I would like a glass of wine."
"A glass of wine?
"And would you like a double entendre?"
"And would you like a double entendre?"
The man says, "I would like a double entendre."
The woman looks at him and says, "I don't know if I can handle a double entendre, but I'll take it."
The next day, the same man is sitting at the bar when the same woman comes
JOKE NR 114: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, feminists don't screw in light bulbs.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 115: <|endoftext|>START:Two guys are in a car wreck... The first guy says "I'm so sorry, I'm going to have to have an operation"
The second man says "I'm going to have to have a vasectomy too, I can't take the chance of infection"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 116: <|endoftext|>START:Little Jimmy is sitting in the kitchen with his mom... Little Jimmy is sitting in the kitchen with his mom.
Mom says, “You know Jimmy, I’ve been trying to get your attention for a long time. I’ve tried everything, but you always come back to me.”
Jimmy says, “Mom, I’ve been trying to get your attention for a long, long time. I’ve tried everything, but you always come back to me.”
Mom says, “You know Jimmy, I have to tell you something. I don’t know if you’re aware, but I’ve been seeing your father, Jim, for the past two months. I’ve been trying to convince you that he’s gay.”
Jimmy says, “Mom, I’ve been trying to get your attention for a long, long time. I’ve tried everything, but you always come back to me.”
Mom says, “Jimmy, I’ve been trying to get your attention for a long
JOKE NR 117: <|endoftext|>START:What's a pirate's favourite letter? Arrrr.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 118: <|endoftext|>START:Two gay guys were sitting in a bar. One of them said to the other, "Man, I wish I could be a woman." The other guy said, "You're so full of yourself."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 119: <|endoftext|>START:There's a man who's been in a coma for a long time, but he's still able to speak. His name is Dr. John, and he's been doing a lot of research into the brain. One day, he comes upon a man who's been in a coma for a long time, but he's still able to speak.
"I've got good news and bad news," he says. "The good news is that I've successfully restored your hearing, your eyesight, your eyes are clear. The bad news is that you've lost the use of your left hand."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 120: <|endoftext|>START:Why does Santa have so many presents for naughty boys? He's got a big sack.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 121: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and asks for a drink... The bartender says, "I'm sorry, we don't serve your type in here."
The man says, "I don't drink, I just eat."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 122: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? You can't garbanzo bean your chickpea!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 123: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor... A man goes to the doctor to see if his penis is growing. The doctor tells him it is growing. The man says, "Well doctor, I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I have a question for you."
The doctor asks the man, "Well how long is the problem?"
The man says, "About a month."
The doctor then says, "Okay, but how do you know when it's growing?"
The man says, "Well, I can see your testicles."
The doctor says, "Okay, well I can see your testicles, but how do you know when your penis is growing?"
The man says, "Well, I can see your testicles, but how do you know when it's growing?"
The doctor says, "Well, I can see your testicles, but how do you know when it's growing?"
The man says, "Well, I can see your testicles, but how do you know when its growing?"
The doctor says, "Well, you can see my testicles, but how do you know when it's growing?"
The man says, "Well, I
JOKE NR 124: <|endoftext|>START:I'm not sure why I'm writing a book about the Holocaust. I mean, it's a pretty dark subject.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 125: <|endoftext|>START:What does a Mexican magician do? He makes a wall disappear.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 126: <|endoftext|>START:There are two kinds of people in this world... People who can count to 10, and people who can't.
(Sorry for the bad pun.)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 127: <|endoftext|>START:A man is sitting in a bar......and a man comes up to him and asks "What's up?" The man says "I'm here for the first time in a while, and I want you to tell me a joke. I'm a little old, but I'm not old enough to not be a joke."
So the man tells him a joke.
The man says "So I was sitting in a restaurant one day, and I noticed a man sitting at the end of the restaurant eating a huge bowl of cereal. I asked the man, 'Hey, are you the one that eats the cereal?' He said, 'No, I'm the man behind the counter.'
The man then proceeds to tell the story of how he got to be sitting at the end of the restaurant.
"So I was sitting in a restaurant one day, and I noticed a man sitting at the end of the restaurant. I asked, 'Hey, are you the one who eats the cereal?' And he said, 'No, I'm the one behind the counter.'
So I said, 'Well, you're the one that eats the food!'
The man then proceeds to tell the story
JOKE NR 128: <|endoftext|>START:So I was at the grocery store... So I was at the grocery store when I saw a sign that said "No meat, no vegetables." So I walked over to the counter and asked the lady behind the counter if she could help me. She said, "Well, I don't have any meat on the shelf. I'm sorry. Can you please put a vegetable in the salad bowl?" So, I put a carrot in the salad bowl.
"No meat, no vegetables."
"OK, then. I'm going to have a vegetable in the salad bowl."
I looked around the store and saw a chicken, a turkey, and a cow all sitting at the same counter. So I asked the lady behind the counter what was going on.
"Well, I don't have any meat on the shelf. I'm sorry, sir."
"Can you please put a chicken in the salad bowl?"
So I took the chicken out of the chicken and put it in the salad bowl.
"No meat, no vegetables."
"OK, then. I'm going to have some chicken in the salad bowl."
So I looked at the turkey and said,
JOKE NR 129: <|endoftext|>START:If I had a nickel for every time I told my girlfriend I was going out with a woman......she would be a penny.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 130: <|endoftext|>START:Why was the chicken cross country team so bad at football? They were never really good enough to play in the NFL.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 131: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is walking down the street... He sees a sign that reads "Bathroom for $5.00."
He walks up and asks the cashier, "What do you do with that money, for a bathroom?"
"Well," says the cashier, "you can take it to the drug store, and they'll let you borrow $5.00."
"What do you do with $5.00?"
"Well, you can go to a drugstore and get a bag of heroin."
The guy goes to the drugstore, and the pharmacist says, "We don't sell heroin here."
"What do you do with $5.00?"
"You go to the drugstore, get some condoms, put them on, and you take them home, and you put them in the car, and you drive home."
The guy goes home, and he puts the condoms in the car, and drives to the drugstore, and he asks the pharmacist the same
JOKE NR 132: <|endoftext|>START:I asked a girl to marry me......she said no.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 133: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that reads "The Best Beer in the World". He asks the bartender for a beer, and the bartender says "We have the best beer in the world in this bar. If you want to drink it, you have to come up here and tell us what it is". The man goes up to the bar and says "I'm a chemist, I'm going to prove that you're wrong." He walks up to the counter and says "I'll take the best beer in the world". The bartender says "What is it?" He says "It's water, man". The bartender says "Water? What's that?" The man says "It's the same as the best beer in the world, but it has chlorine in it. It's the chlorine that makes it taste like shit." The bartender says "That's not the best beer in the world, it's the best beer in the world, man. You've got to tell me what it is." The man says "Well I'm a chemist, I'm going to prove that you're wrong." So the man walks up to the counter and says "I'll take the best beer in the world, the best beer in
JOKE NR 134: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving down a road... A man is driving down a road when he comes upon a large pile of dead babies. He pulls over and looks at the pile and says, "What the hell is that?"
The farmer says, "Well, it looks like you just had the best day ever." The man replies, "Yeah, I was just driving down this road when I ran into this woman." The farmer says, "Oh, you must have been in a hurry. I was driving down this road when I ran into a woman. I pulled over and asked her, 'What the hell are you doing down there?'" The woman replies, "I'm just fucking with you, you fat cow. You're a real asshole when you're drunk." The farmer replies, "You must be the one who's driving the tractor down here, then!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 135: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving down the street... He pulls over to a gas station and asks the attendant for a gallon of gas. The attendant says, 'Sir, we only have one gallon of gasoline available.'
'Well, I'll take the whole thing,' the man says. He gets out of the car to pay and the attendant asks him what he wants. He hands over the gallon of gas, pays and leaves.
A few minutes later, he comes back and asks for another gallon of gasoline. Again, the attendant says, 'Sir, we only have one gallon of gasoline available.'
'Well, I'll take the whole thing,' the man says. He gets out of the car to pay and the attendant asks him what he wants. He hands over the gallon of gas, pays and leaves.
A few minutes later, he comes back and asks for a third gallon of gasoline. Again, the attendant says, 'Sir, we only have one gallon of gasoline available.
'Well, I'll take the whole thing,' the man says. He takes a long swig of the gallon and hands it to the attendant. The attendant takes a long swig of the gallon and gives it to the man. He takes
JOKE NR 136: <|endoftext|>START:I just bought a new car... I just bought a new car.
It's an Audi.
I'm a little embarrassed to admit it's an Audi, because it's my wife.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 137: <|endoftext|>START:A blonde woman goes to a doctor for a physical. The doctor says, "I'm sorry, but I have some bad news and some worse news. The worse news is, you have cancer."
The blonde woman is shocked, "What's worse?"
The doctor replies, "Well, you have a very rare form of lung cancer, and you have to live with it for 10 years before you can be cured. You also have a very rare form of heart disease."
The woman is very confused. She asks, "How do I know which is the worse of the two?"
The doctor replies, "Well, you have Alzheimer's disease."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 138: <|endoftext|>START:What is the difference between a Jew and a chicken? A chicken will let you fuck it once.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 139: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is driving down a country road... A guy is driving down a country road when he sees a farmer in a field. He pulls over and the farmer tells him, "I've been growing these potatoes for the last 20 years, and they've been perfect. I've had no complaints. Now you can go ahead and plant them. I'll let you know how it goes."
So the guy goes to the field and starts planting potatoes. About an hour later, he comes back with a bucket full of potatoes and says, "I planted them all, but the tractor hit one and killed one of my potatoes."
The farmer says, "Well you didn’t plant them all, did you? I saw you plant them in the bucket, but you forgot to plant them in the field."
The man says, “No, I didn't, but I saw the tractor hit one and killed one of my potatoes.”<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 140: <|endoftext|>START:A girl asks her father if she can borrow his watch for a night out. "Sure, honey, why not?" he says. "It's only $50."
A few days later, the girl asks her father if she can borrow his watch for a night out.
"Sure, honey, why not?" he asks.
"It's only $50."
A few days later, the girl asks her father if she can borrow his watch for a night out.
"Sure, honey, why not?"
"It's only $50."
A couple of days later, the girl asks her father if she can borrow his watch for a night out.
"Sure, honey, why not?"
"It's only $50."
The next morning, the girl asks her father if she can borrow his watch for a night out.
"Sure, honey, why not?" his wife says. "It's only $50."
The next morning, the girl asks her father if she can borrow his watch for a night out.
"Sure, honey, why not?" his wife says. "It's only $50."
JOKE NR 141: <|endoftext|>START:Three men are in a bar. The first man says, "I'm a chemist. I make all the things you need to make your life worth living. I'm a physicist. I know everything there is to know about the universe. I'm a mathematician. I work it out with my fingers." The second man then says, "I'm a physicist. I know everything there is to know about the universe. I'm a mathematician. I work it out with my hands. I'm a chemist." The third one says, "I'm a chemist. I make all the things you need to make your life worth living." "What do you make?" asked the other two. "I don't know. I don't know. I'm not a chemist. I don't know what you make." "Well, what do you make?" asked the first man. "I don't know," said the other man. "I'm a mathematician." "You don't know what you make." "I don't know. I'm a mathematician." "You don't know what you're making." "I'm not a physicist." "What do you make?" asked the second man. "I don't know," said the other
JOKE NR 142: <|endoftext|>START:Why do you always see the guy in a wheelchair on the bus? Because they're all wheelchair bound<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 143: <|endoftext|>START:What does a man with two penises and a vagina have in common? They both have a hard-on.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 144: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of people who have a problem with the word "rape"? Rape-a-boobies<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 145: <|endoftext|>START:What does a Mexican and a pizza delivery man have in common? They both come in a little pizza<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 146: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is sitting on a bench, drinking beer... A guy is sitting on a bench drinking beer when he notices a beautiful woman in the corner. He approaches the woman and asks her if he can have sex with her.
The beautiful woman says, ‘Sure!’ So he gets up from the bench and walks over to her. He starts to kiss her on the lips.
She says, ‘You know, I’m not that kind of woman. I don’t like it when you kiss me.’ So he stops and says, ‘Okay, fine. I’m not that kind of man. I’m not that kind of woman either.’ So he kisses her again.
She says, ‘Okay, fine. I’m not that kind of woman either.’ So he kisses her again.
She says, ‘Okay, fine, I’m not that kind of woman either.’ So he starts to walk away.
The man says, ‘Wow, you are beautiful! What are you doing?’
She says, ‘I’m going to
JOKE NR 147: <|endoftext|>START:A guy goes to a bar......with an elephant in his lap. He sits down and orders a drink. The bartender looks over at the elephant and says, "Hey, that's an elephant, isn't it?" The guy looks at him and says, "Yeah. It's an elephant, but I like the way it's looking."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 148: <|endoftext|>START:A priest and a lawyer were sitting on a bench... The priest says, "Hey, I bet I can get a girl pregnant!" The lawyer says, "I bet I can get a girl pregnant!" The priest replies, "You can't get a girl pregnant by sitting on a bench." The lawyer then proceeds to get up, walks to the bench, and sits down. The priest then says, "You can't get a girl pregnant by sitting on a bench." The lawyer then walks to the bench, sits down, and says, "You can't get a girl pregnant by sitting on a bench!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 149: <|endoftext|>START:So a man is driving down a road......and he sees a sign on his windshield that reads: "WARNING! A MAN HAS BEEN RUN OVER."
The man stops and pulls over to the side of the road. He sees a man lying on the side of the road, blood all over his face, and he says, "Hey, man! What's wrong? What happened?"
The man looks at him and says, "Well, I was driving down the road when I saw a sign on my windshield that read 'WARNING! A MAN HAS BEEN RUN OVER.' I pulled over, and the cop said, 'You idiot! I saw that sign on your windshield, and I knew I had to do something! I'm going to cuff you to a tree!' So I put a rope around your neck, and I tied you down.
The cop then says, 'Now, what do you want me to do with your clothes?'
The man looks at him and says, 'Well, the first thing I want to do is get my pants down and get my boxers off. Then I want you to take my boxers and put them around my ankles, and when I bend over
JOKE NR 150: <|endoftext|>START:Two hunters are out in the woods... Two hunters are out in the woods when they come across a dead bear.
The first guy says, "I'm going to eat that bear!"
"No way," says the second hunter. "You're not going to eat that bear!"
The first guy looks at him and says, "I'm not going to eat that bear either."
The second guy looks at him and says, "I'm not going to eat that bear either."
The first guy looks at him and says, "You can't go through with it, you're not going to get any food."
The second hunter looks at him and says, "Well I'm not going to eat that bear either."
The first guy turns around and says, "I'm not going to eat that bear either."
The second guy looks at him and says, "Well, you can't go through with it, you're not going to get any food either."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 151: <|endoftext|>START:How many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb? None. They just beat the room for being black.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 152: <|endoftext|>START:The worst joke I've ever heard A guy is driving down the road and sees a sign that says, "Don't drive in fog, fog, fog." He goes to the window and sees that it is foggy and drives in it. He gets pulled over and the cop says, "I can see your license, but I can't see your hands." The guy says, "I don't have any arms or legs." The cop says, "Well, you have no hands or feet. What's wrong, you look like you have no arms or legs." The guy says, "No I'm not." The cop then says, "I can see your hands, but you have no feet. You have no feet." The guy says again, "No I'm not." The cop then says, "I can see your hands, but you have no feet. You have no feet." The guy says, "Well, I don't have no hands or feet." Then the cop asks, "What are your hands?" The man says, "Well, I don't know, I'm not even sure I have arms."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 153: <|endoftext|>START:Two nuns were sitting in a bar... Two nuns were sitting in a bar, drinking and talking about how they got their names.
"My name is Mary and I was born in a convent in France. My mother gave me a bottle of wine and a pair of shoes. When I was about six, my father gave me a pair of shoes and a bottle of wine, too. When I was about twelve, I was given the wine and the shoes, too."
"And what about you, Sister Mary? You were born in the convent in Italy and your father gave you a bottle of wine, too. When you were about six, your mother gave you a bottle of wine, too. When you were about twelve, you were given the wine and the shoes, too."
"Oh, that's nothing, Sister Mary," the first nun said, "I was just about to tell you that I was the one with the shoes."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 154: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 155: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of people who have a lot in common? A family of assholes.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 156: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through the woods......and comes upon a large oak tree with a large snake under it. He approaches the tree and asks the snake what it's doing. The snake says, "I have a question for you. What do you think of this oak tree? Is it a beautiful tree?" The man thinks for a second and says, "I don't know. Maybe it's a beautiful tree. Maybe it's not. Whatever it is, I think it's ugly." The snake then says, "I have a question for you. If you put your penis inside the tree, would it hurt?"
The man thinks for a second and says, "I don't know. Maybe it would hurt. Maybe it wouldn't. Whatever it is, I think it hurts."
Then the snake says, "I have a question for you. If you put your penis inside this oak tree, would it be a beautiful oak tree?"
The man thinks for the second and says, "I don't know. Maybe it would be beautiful. Maybe it wouldn't. Whatever it is, I think it's a beautiful oak tree!"
The snake then says, "I have a question for you. If
JOKE NR 157: <|endoftext|>START:A man is sitting in a park with his dog......and his dog starts to whine. The man walks up to him and says, "What is the matter?" The dog says, "I think I'm gonna die." The man says, "Well, you're gonna die anyway." The dog says, "I'm gonna die anyway." The man says, "Well, what do you think I should do?" The dog says, "I dunno. Let him die." The man says, "I don't care what you do. I'm going to go get him and bring him back here." So he goes to his car, pulls out his gun and shoots the dog. The dog falls to the ground dead. The man goes back to the park and sees his dog dead. The man says, "Well, that was a close call. You could have killed him." The dog says, "I know, I could have. I'm not gonna let you do that to my family."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 158: <|endoftext|>START:A young man was walking along a beach one day... A young man was walking along a beach one day when suddenly a shark swam right up to him.
"What are you doing, you're too young to swim!" said the young man as he swam away.
A few days later, the young man was walking along the beach when the shark swam right up to him. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" said the young man as he swam away.
A few days later, the young man was walking along the beach when the shark swam right up to him. The shark swam right up to the young man and said "YOU'RE NOT THAT DIFFERENT!"
The young man replied "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, YOU'RE too young to swim!"
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU'RE too young to swim!" the shark said. "YOU'RE NOT THAT DIFFERENT!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 159: <|endoftext|>START:An American and a Russian are in a plane... An American and a Russian are sitting in a plane and the pilot announces that the plane will crash at any moment and the passengers must jump out the plane.
The American jumps out and says, "I'm an American, my wife is Russian, and I'm a pilot. I'm the only American in the world."
The Russian jumps out and says, "I'm a Russian, my wife is American. I'm a pilot, too. I'm the only Russian in the world."
Suddenly the plane begins to crash, and everyone dies.
The Russian and the American are sitting in heaven. The American looks at his friend and says, "You know, I'm not sure I should be happy. I'm the pilot of this plane. I'm responsible for everything. I'm the captain, and I have to live with the guilt of killing all the other people on this plane. I can't live with myself for what I've done.
The Russian looks at his friend and says, "I'm the pilot of this plane, and I'm responsible for everything. I'm the captain, and I have to live with the guilt of killing
JOKE NR 160: <|endoftext|>START:A boy asks his mother... "Mommy, why did the chicken cross the road?"
His mother replies, "Well son, that's because I'm a chicken."
"Why is that?" the boy asks.
"Because I'm a chicken and I'm a fucking chicken"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 161: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the street? To get the chicken.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 162: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes to the doctor... She says to the doctor, "Doctor, I have this problem. I'm always having trouble with my stomach."
The doctor says, "You have a problem?"
The woman says, "Yes, I've got this problem with my stomach."
The doctor says, "What's it like?"
The woman says, "It's like a rollercoaster. I always have to keep pushing myself up and down."
The doctor says, "Well, I have a solution for you. I've got some pills that I can give you that'll make you feel better."
The woman says, "What's that?"
The doctor says, "It's called a Viagra."
The woman looks at him and says, "What the hell does a Viagra do?"
The doctor says, "It makes your whole body feel better."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 163: <|endoftext|>START:An old man and a woman were sitting on a park bench... The woman leans over and says "I think I'm gonna have an orgasm" The old man looks at her with a puzzled expression. The woman then leans back over the bench and says, "You think I'm gonna have an orgasm?" The old man looks at her with a confused expression. The woman then leans back over and says, "You think I'm gonna have an orgasm?" The old man looks at her with a confused expression. She leans back over the bench and says, "You think I'm gonna have an orgasm?" The old man looks at her with a perplexed expression. The woman then leans back over the bench and says, "You think I'm gonna have an orgasm?" The old man looks at her with a perplexed expression. The woman then leans back over and says, "You think I'm gonna have an orgasm?" The old man looks at her with a perplexed expression. She then leans back over the bench and says, "You think I'm gonna have an orgasm?"
I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. I just thought of it.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 164: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the road? He heard it was a chicken-road.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 165: <|endoftext|>START:If you are a woman who has had a baby, and you are a man who has had a baby... If you are a woman who has had a baby and you are a man who has had a baby, what do you want for Christmas?
A new BMW, of course.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 166: <|endoftext|>START:Little Johnny's Grandpa's Last Words... Little Johnny is in the kitchen making breakfast for the day when his grandfather comes in and asks, "What's up Johnny?"
Little Johnny says "Grandpa, I think my Grandma is having a heart attack."
Grandfather says, "What do you mean?"
Johnny says, "Well, last night I went into her room and found a dead pig in the bed. When I woke her up, the pig was still there and she was dead."
Grandfather says, "What about you Johnny?"
Johnny says, "Grandpa, last weekend I went into her room and found a dead pig in her bed. When I woke her up, the pig was still there and she was dead."
Grandfather says, "What about you Johnny?"
Johnny says, "Grandpa, last week I went into her room and found a dead pig in her bed. When I woke her up, the pig was still there and she was dead."
Grandfather says, "What about you Johnny?"
Johnny says, "Grandpa, last week I went into her room and found the pig in the middle of the road. When I woke her up, the
JOKE NR 167: <|endoftext|>START:I was at a bar last night, and the bartender said, "Hey, you know, we have a drink named after you. I call it the Jack Daniels."
I replied, "I don't think it's a Jack Daniels."
The bartender replied, "No, it's a Jack Daniels that's for sale at the corner."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 168: <|endoftext|>START:Why can't a man have sex with his wife? Because it's against the law.
(I know this joke isn't funny, but I thought it would be fun.)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 169: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes into the bar... A man goes into the bar, sits down and orders a drink.
The bartender looks at him and says "I'm sorry sir, but I don't serve your kind here."
The guy looks at him and says "I'm a lawyer, and I have to ask, what's the difference between a lawyer and a whore?"
"A whore is a person that you have sex with for money"
"Oh, I see"
"A whore is a prostitute"
The man says "A prostitute is a person that you have sex with for money"
The bartender says "A lawyer is a person that has sex with a prostitute for money.
"Oh, I see"
"A lawyer is someone that has sex with a prostitute for money"
"Oh, I see"
The man says "I'm sorry sir, I'll be right back"
He goes back to the bar and orders another drink.
The bartender says "I'm sorry, but I don't serve your kind here."
The man looks at the bartender and says "I'm a lawyer, and I have to
JOKE NR 170: <|endoftext|>START:The wife of a priest is having trouble getting her husband to come home. She tells him to call the priest and ask for his blessing.
The priest calls the wife and asks for her blessing.
The priest says, 'I am sorry to tell you, but you have been unfaithful to me and you have caused my wife great anguish. I have had to call the police and the priest is going to be charged with adultery.'
The wife is furious and storms into the bedroom and slams the door behind her. The next morning, she wakes her husband and asks, 'What happened? You said you were going to call the priest and you said you would be charged with adultery.'
'I didn't call the priest. I told him to come over and have a look at my wife and see that she is not cheating on me.'<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 171: <|endoftext|>START:An Australian man goes to a bar and asks for a beer. The bartender asks "What's your name?" The man says "My name is John" and the bartender says "John what is your name?" The man says "My name is John" and the bartender says "John what is your name?" The man says "My name is John" and the bartender says "John what is your name?" The man says "My name is John" and the bartender says "John what is your name?" The man says "My name is John" and the bartender says "John what is your name?" the man says "My name is John" and the bartender says "I'm sorry but we don't serve your kind here"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 172: <|endoftext|>START:Little Johnny's Grandma is a slut. She has a hole for a man and a hole for a man.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 173: <|endoftext|>START:A man is sitting at the bus stop......when he hears a knock on his window.
"What's the matter?" he asks.
"It's a man," says the man.
"What's his name?" asks the bus driver.
"I don't know. I don't know who he is," the man says.
A short time passes and the man hears another knock on his window.
"What's the matter?" he asks again.
"It's a man, too," says the man.
"What's his name?" asks the bus driver.
"I don't know," says the man.
"A few minutes pass, and the man hears another knock on the door. "What's the matter?" he asks.
"I don't know," says the man.
"What's it for?" asks the bus driver.
"It's for a friend of mine who's been missing since yesterday," says the man, "and he's not coming out today."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 174: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor for his annual physical... The doctor says, "I'm afraid I have bad news. You have cancer." The man says, "What do you mean, cancer?" The doctor says, "Well, you have acute myeloid leukemia. It's very serious and you have a 50% chance of dying." The man says, "What do I do?" The doctor says, "You take a blood test." The man says, "What do I do?" The doctor says, "Well, you take a urine test." The man says, "What do I do?" The doctor says, "Well, you go into the bathroom, turn the lights off, and then come back out 10 minutes later."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 175: <|endoftext|>START:I'm not a racist......but I'm not racist at all.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 176: <|endoftext|>START:The man who had a dream... A man was in the hospital with a terrible, terrible, terrible headache. His bed was in the middle of the room, his head was in the middle of his body, and he was completely paralyzed.
His doctor was sitting in the chair next to him.
"What seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked.
"Oh, I don't know, doc, it's just that I have a dream that my wife and daughter are getting married."
"Oh, my God!" said the doctor. "What do you mean, your dream?"
"Well, I dreamed that my wife and daughter were getting married, and that I was going to get a ring and a diamond ring for them. I woke up the next morning and my wife and daughter were both in the shower. My wife said 'You know, you've got the ring, but what do I do with the diamond ring?'"
"Well," said the doctor, "you take the ring home, put it on your finger and put on the ring on your ring finger. Then you put the other ring on and put on a condom."
So the next morning the husband and
JOKE NR 177: <|endoftext|>START:Two brothers were playing golf... Two brothers were playing golf when one brother fell off the green, and died. The other brother rushed to his brother, and said, "You have to help me."
"I don’t have any money," the other brother replied. "I have to go to the hospital. I’m in a lot of pain."
So the brother went to the hospital, where the doctor said, “You have to come in right now and we will make sure that your brother is okay."
So the brother went into the operating room and was rushed to the operating room. The surgeon came out and said, “I can’t operate on your brother. He’s dead. You have to come right now."
So the brother went into the operating room, and was brought back in. He was brought back out and the doctor said, “You have to come right now and I’ll make sure that you’re okay.”
So the brother went into the operating room, and was brought back out. The surgeon said, “You have a good heart. You can do what you need to do.
JOKE NR 178: <|endoftext|>START:I was in a bar last night......and I had a few beers and a few shots of whiskey. I noticed a guy with a big black belt in Judo. He was a big dude and he had a huge cock.
I asked the guy if he was the best Judo I had ever seen.
He replied, "No, I'm the best Judo I've ever seen. I've been training with you for the last 10 years and I can still beat you. I can take a guy down to my knees with my bare hands and I can throw him out of the ring.
"You know, I'm the only one in this world who can do this. I've been training with the best Judo instructors in the world for over 10 years. I can do this."
I said, "I'm not impressed."
"Well, then why are you wearing a black belt?" I asked.
"I don't know," he said, "but it looks good on me."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 179: <|endoftext|>START:Two brothers are sitting in the kitchen......when one of them says, "I think we should make a sandwich. I think we should have a sandwich."
"What about the other one?" asks the other.
"Well, I think we should have a sandwich too," says the first. "He thinks we should have a sandwich too, but I'm sure he'll think it's a sandwich too."
"What about you? Do you think we should have a sandwich?"
"Well, I think we should, but I'm not sure I want to have a sandwich."
"Well, then you should have a sandwich too. It's the only sandwich that will satisfy your hunger for a sandwich. And it's also the only one that will satisfy your hunger for a sandwich. So, if you have a sandwich you should have a sandwich too."
The first brother, a bit taken back by his brother's advice, replies, "But, I'm a man of my word."
The second brother replies, "Well, you should have a sandwich too, son. You're a man of your word. But I'm a man of my word."
The first
JOKE NR 180: <|endoftext|>START:The new iPhone 6s Plus has a better camera......but it still has a better screen.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 181: <|endoftext|>START:A girl goes to the doctor A girl goes to the doctor and says:
"I'm having a hard time sleeping and I don't know what's going on. I feel like I'm having a nightmare."
The doctor looks at her and says: "Well, you're probably having a dream, right?"
The girl replies: "No, but I'm sure it's a nightmare."
The Doctor says:
"Okay, let's try this: If you're having a dream, then you're probably having a nightmare. If it's a dream, then you're probably having a nightmare. If it's a nightmare, then you're probably having a nightmare."
The girl says:
"Okay, let's try this: If you're having a dream, and you're having a dream, then you're probably having a dream. If it's a dream, and you're having a dream, then you're probably having a nightmare. If it's a nightmare, and you're having a dream, then you're probably having a nightmare.
So the doctor gives her a shot of Valium. She wakes up the next morning, goes downstairs, and finds
JOKE NR 182: <|endoftext|>START:How many cops does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, it's a bulb.
How many cops does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, it's a lightbulb, and it's in a dark alley.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 183: <|endoftext|>START:A young boy asks his dad for $50... His dad says "Well son, if you can answer one question, I'll let you go."
"What is the difference between a woman and a dollar?"
"Well son, if you can answer one question, I'll let you go."
"What do you call a black man with a dollar?"
"Well son, if you can answer one question, I'll let you go."
"What do you call a Mexican man with a dollar?"
"Well son, if you can answer one question, I'll let you go."
"Son, what do you call two black men?"
The boy looks at his dad, confused, "What do you mean two black men?"
"Well son, if you can answer one question, I'll let you go."
"What do you call a white man with a dollar?"
Again the boy looks confused, "What do you mean two white men?"
"Well, son, if you can answer one question, I'll let you go."
"What do you call a black woman with a dollar?"
JOKE NR 184: <|endoftext|>START:I got a job at a bakery... I'm the bread man.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 185: <|endoftext|>START:Two guys walk into an icecream shop.. They sit down and order the vanilla and chocolate.
"What's that on top of the icecream?" asks the waiter, "That's a chocolate cone."
The waiter replies "No, it's a vanilla cone. It's a chocolate cone, vanilla cone, vanilla cone."
They both stare at the cone for a few seconds, then the waiter hands them their cones.
The first guy takes one and says "Wow, that tastes like chocolate!"
The second guy takes the second cone and says "Wow, that tastes like ice cream!"
The waiter hands him the third cone and says "That tastes like vanilla!"
"What the heck is a vanilla cone?"
The waiter replies "It's a chocolate cone, chocolate cone, chocolate cone!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 186: <|endoftext|>START:Why does the Mexican have a big dick? Because he can't find a wife!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 187: <|endoftext|>START:The only thing that keeps me from giving a shit is my wife. She keeps telling me that she is pregnant, and I keep telling myself that I am the father.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 188: <|endoftext|>START:Three blondes were in a car accident......when they all died and were reborn as three women.
"What do you think you'll do now?" asked the first blonde.
"I don't know, maybe I'll be a nun," she said.
"A nun?" asked the second.
"No, a priest," she said.
"A priest?" asked the third.
"No, a rabbi," she said.
"A rabbi? I thought you said you'd be a nun."
"I didn't," she said. "I was just kidding."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 189: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes to the doctor A woman goes to the doctor and complains that her vagina is really sore.
"I can help," says the doctor. "Take a glass of water and rub it in the sore spot. If that doesn't help it's probably because you're not getting enough oxygen."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 190: <|endoftext|>START:A guy walks into a bar... A guy walks into a bar and sees the sign "No Dogs" and walks over.
"What's the deal, man?" the bartender asks, "I don't want any dogs in here, but you can bring your dog in for a beer and a bite to eat."
The man takes a bite of his beer and says, "That's a real nice dog. I'm going to have a drink and then I'm going to have sex with this dog. It's a real nice dog. Can I have a bite to eat?"
The bartender agrees, and the guy eats his beer.
The next day, the man comes in and sees the sign "No Dogs" again and goes over.
"Hey man, what's the deal?" the bartender asks, "I didn't want any dogs in here, but you can bring your dog in for a beer and a bite to eat."
The man takes a bite of his beer and says, "That's a real nice dog. I'm going to have a drink and then I'm going to have sex with this dog. It's a real nice dog. Can I have a bite to
JOKE NR 191: <|endoftext|>START:Two Irishmen are out hunting... Two Irishmen are out hunting in the woods when a large black bear comes up behind them and starts running at them. The two Irishmen start shooting at the bear but it just keeps running away. The bear gets so frustrated and it starts charging at the two Irishmen. One of the Irishmen says to the other "You know, I've got one shot left. If I shoot, the bear will run away." The Irishman says to the other, "You know, I've got one shot left. If I shoot, the bear will run away." The other Irishman says to him, "I've got one more shot left. If I shoot, the bear will run away." The other Irishmen says to them, "Well, if you shoot, the bear will run away." The two Irishmen shoot and the bear runs. The bear comes up behind them and starts running at them. The two Irishmen start shooting and the bear keeps running away. The bear gets so frustrated and it starts charging at the two Irish men. One of the Irishmen says to the other, "You know, I've got one shot left. If I shoot, the bear will run away."
JOKE NR 192: <|endoftext|>START:A young man is walking along a country lane... He sees a farmer and a young boy walking along.
"Hey boy, what's up with that farmer?"
"He's been giving me a hard time lately."
The farmer looks at the boy. "What's wrong with him? Why are you giving him a hard time? Why are you giving him a hard time?"
"He's been giving me a hard time lately."
The boy looks at the farmer. The farmer looks at the boy.
"What's wrong with him?"
"He's been giving me a hard time recently."
The boy looks at the farmer. "What's wrong with him?"
"He's been giving me a hard time lately."
The boy looks at the farmer. "What's wrong with him?"
The farmer looks at the boy.
"I don't know."
The boy looks at the farmer and says, "I don't know, I'm not sure what to do."
"Well, you're not going to tell me what to do, are you?"
"No." The boy looks at the farmer.
The farmer looks at the boy.
"I don't know.
JOKE NR 193: <|endoftext|>START:My friend told me he was a pedophile He said he had to see his therapist because he was a pedophile.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 194: <|endoftext|>START:I have a new job as a bouncer at a bar... I have a new job as a bouncer at a bar, and I'm really excited about it. I'm going to be a bouncer in every bar I go into!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 195: <|endoftext|>START:How do you get a girl to stop masturbating? Tell her to stop sucking my dick<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 196: <|endoftext|>START:A blonde woman is in her kitchen when a man walks in......with a large, red-haired dog under his arm. He walks up to her and says, "You have the biggest dog I ever saw."
The woman is stunned. "You mean a real dog?" she asks.
"Yes," says the man, "and he's a shitzu."
The woman is stunned. "What the heck is a shitzu?" she asks.
"He shits in your soup," says the man.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 197: <|endoftext|>START:So a man walks into a bar... And the bartender says, "Hey, you're the guy who's been in a bar fight."
"You see this guy sitting at the counter? He's a total asshole."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 198: <|endoftext|>START:An Englishman and a Frenchman are sitting in a restaurant... An Englishman and a Frenchman are sitting in a restaurant. The Frenchman says "I'll have a glass of champagne, please."
"No, you don't understand, I'll have a glass of champagne," says the Englishman, "I'll be back in an hour."
So they sit and wait.
An hour passes and the Frenchman comes back with two glasses.
"I'll have a glass of champagne, please," says the Englishman.
"No, you don't understand, I'll have a glass of champagne," says the Frenchman.
"I'll have a glass of champagne," says the Englishman. "I'll be back in an hour."
The Englishman comes back with a glass of champagne.
"You're not going to believe this!" exclaims the Frenchman. "I'll have a glass of champagne."
"No, you don't understand, I'll have a glass of champagne," says the Englishman. "I'll be back in an hour."
The Frenchman comes back with a glass of champagne.
"You're not going to believe this!"
JOKE NR 199: <|endoftext|>START:A woman was walking through the forest... A woman was walking through the forest when she came across a rabbit.
She approached it and said, "Excuse me, is this your wife? You have a rabbit on your head?"
The rabbit replied with a grin. "I'm not sure, but it looks like your husband."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 200: <|endoftext|>START:Two scientists walk into a bar. They sit down at the counter and order a beer.
The first scientist asks the bartender for a beer.
The second scientist says "Sorry, I'm a scientist. Can you tell me why I'm a scientist?".
The bartender says "Well, you see, we're in the process of creating the first artificial intelligence. We're going to put a chip in your brain that will tell you when it's time to go to the bathroom, and if you don't use the bathroom it will tell you. If you do use the bathroom it will give you the option to go to the bathroom."
"What if I want to go to the bathroom?" the first scientist says.
The bartender says "That'll be $10.00. You have to use the bathroom."
The first scientist looks at the second scientist and says, "I'm a scientist, I'm not going to pay that."
The second scientist says, "I'm a scientist, I'm not going to pay $10 for a beer. You can have the beer, but I'll have to ask you for $10."
So the bartender gives the man $10.
The bartender says, "
JOKE NR 201: <|endoftext|>START:An elderly woman goes into a pet shop... An elderly woman goes into a pet shop and says to the owner, "I'd like a parrot, a parrot for my cat, a parrot for my dog, and a parrot for my cat."
The owner looks at her puzzled and says, "I don't know if you're an idiot or not."
"Well, I don't know if I am either," the woman says, "I'm 85 years old and I've been a single mother for the last 30 years."
"Well," says the owner, "you should get a pet parrot, a pet parrot for your cat, a pet parrot for your dog, and a pet parrot for your cat."
"What do you mean?" asks the elderly woman.
The owner says, "You're a fucking idiot. I told you to get a pet parrot, a pet parrot for your cat, a pet parrot for your dog, and a pet parrot for your cat."
The elderly woman says, "What the hell do you mean, 'get a pet parrot, a pet parrot for your cat, a pet
JOKE NR 202: <|endoftext|>START:How do you know if a woman is a lesbian? She has a vagina.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 203: <|endoftext|>START:Why is a woman's period a big plus? Because it's a big plus.
(I'll see myself out.)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 204: <|endoftext|>START:So a man walks into a bar and sees a beautiful woman... So a man walks into a bar and sees a beautiful woman. He approaches her and says "I'd like a glass of wine." She looks at him and says "No thanks. You'll get drunk easily."
The man goes back to his seat and orders a drink. As he finishes his drink the woman looks at him and says "I'd like a glass of water too, but I don't think you're that kind of man." The man replies, "I'm not."
The woman then says "Well, I'd like a blowjob, but I don't think that's the kind of guy you are."
The man then replies, "I'm not." The bartender says, "Well, you're not going to believe this. I'm the bartender at the top of the stairs. If you say anything I can fire you." The man says, "Okay. I'll prove it to you."
He climbs the stairs and the woman says "You want a blowjob, or water?"
He says, "I don't know, I just want a drink."
She says "Okay, I'll
JOKE NR 205: <|endoftext|>START:A black man and a white man are sitting on the same train... The black man says "Hey, I'm gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The white man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The black man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The white man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The black man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The white man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The black man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The white man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The black man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The white man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The black man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The white man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee." The black man says "You're gonna take a seat, I'll have some coffee."
JOKE NR 206: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a drink......The bartender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve minors here.'
The man says, 'I'm a minor, I can go right now.'
The bartender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve minors here either. You can go right now or I can give you a warning.'
The man says, 'I'm not a minor, I can go now.'
The bartender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve minors here either. You can go right now or I can give you a warning.
The man asks, 'Why do you have a warning on me?'
The bartender says, 'I have a problem with minors. If you're a minor and come into my bar, I'm gonna give you a warning.
The man asks, 'What's wrong?'
The bartender looks at him for a second, then says, 'You have a problem with minors. If you're a minor and come into my bar, I'm gonna give you a warning.'
The man says, 'What's wrong?'
The bartender looks back at him, then says, '
JOKE NR 207: <|endoftext|>START:A little boy is sitting on a swing, when a man walks by. He says, 'Hey kid, do you know what a swing is?'
The little boy replies, 'No, but I know what a penis is.'
The man replies, 'Well then go ask your daddy if he knows what a penis is.'
The little boy goes off and asks, 'Daddy, what does a penis mean?'
The man says, 'Well, son it means a penis that can take a shit.'<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 208: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a black man and a refrigerator? A refrigerator doesn't fart when you pull the plug.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 209: <|endoftext|>START:The other day I went to the zoo and there was only a dog......and a monkey. I asked the lady behind the cage what it was and she said,
It's the same dog every time.
I said,
I know, but I've never seen a dog with a monkey.
The lady said,
It's the same monkey every time.
I said,
I know, but I've never seen a monkey with the dog.
The lady said,
It's the same dog every day.
I said,
It's the same dog every day.
The next day the lady said the same thing. I said,
It's the same dog every morning.
She said,
It's the same dog every morning.
So I asked the lady behind the cage,
It's the same dog every day?
She said,
It's the same dog every morning.
I said,
I know, but I've never seen a dog with a monkey.
She said,
It's the same dog every day.
So I said,
JOKE NR 210: <|endoftext|>START:I was going to tell a joke about the new iPhone 7, but I think it's too corny.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 211: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call an Irishman who is not a member of the Catholic Church? An agnostic<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 212: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor for a check-up... The doctor says, "I'm sorry, but you suffer from an incurable, fatal disease. You'll die in a few days."
The man is devastated and says, "I can't do it!"
The doctor says, "You'll die if you don't stop smoking."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 213: <|endoftext|>START:A blonde woman goes into an art gallery...... and sees a painting of herself.
"Wow, that's a beautiful piece of work," she says.
"I'm not sure," says the curator, "but I'm not sure if you're the one who painted it, or the one who's supposed to."
"I'm not sure," says the blonde. "But I'm not sure if you're the one who painted it, or the one who's supposed to."
"I'm not sure," says the curator, "but I'm not sure if you're the one who painted it, or the one who's supposed to."
"Well, you're not supposed to be here, either," she says. "I'm not sure if you're the one who's supposed to be here, or the one who's supposed to be here."
"I'm not sure," says the curator, "but I'm not sure if you're the one who's supposed to be here, or the one who's supposed to be here."
"I'm not sure," says the blonde, "but I'm not sure if you're the one who's
JOKE NR 214: <|endoftext|>START:I'm a big fan of the "The Lord of the Rings" movie franchise, and I'm not a big fan of the "Lord of the Rings" movie franchise, either. I mean, it doesn't have any Middle-earth references.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 215: <|endoftext|>START:Why do women have to wear panties to work? So that they can see the guy who's trying to get in.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 216: <|endoftext|>START:Two brothers are walking through the woods... Two brothers are walking through the woods when one of them sees a rabbit hopping up and down.
"What's going on?" the other asks.
"It's a rabbit hopping on a branch," says the first brother.
"A rabbit hopping on a branch?" the second brother asks.
"Yeah, it's got a hole in it," the first brother says.
"A rabbit hopping on a branch with a hole in it?" the other asks.
"No, that's a cat," the first brother says.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 217: <|endoftext|>START:What did the pirate say to his ship's captain? "You've got a mate!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 218: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to a doctor for a checkup... The doctor asks the man what's wrong, and the man explains that he's been seeing a ghost every night for the past week.
"What do you mean?" the doctor asks.
"I don't know," the man replies, "I've never seen a ghost."
The doctor looks puzzled, but assures the man that it's nothing to worry about.
The next day, the man comes back to the doctor, and asks for a second opinion.
"What's the matter, doc?" the doctor asks.
The man replies, "Well, I've been seeing a ghost every night for the past week. I don't know why, and I don't want to believe you're telling me, but I've got a confession to make."
"I'm sorry," the doctor says, "I'm afraid I can't let you go."
The man pauses for a moment, thinking about it, and then he says, "I'm a serial killer, and I have to confess to you. I killed my wife, and my daughter."
The doctor is taken aback, but he nods
JOKE NR 219: <|endoftext|>START:There's a new restaurant in town. It’s called “The Pussycat”.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 220: <|endoftext|>START:A woman was driving along a country road......when she sees a farmer with a donkey under his arm.
The woman says "Hey! I thought I was going to see some sheep!"
The farmer replies "No, you're not going to see any sheep. I'm going to have a little game of thrones with my wife."
The woman says "I'm not a thrones player, I don't have a husband, and I don't have a donkey."
The farmer says "Well you're going to have to play the game with me, or I'll throw your donkey out the window!"
The woman says "No, I can't. I'm a virgin and I've never been with a man."
The farmer says "Well then, you'll have to have sex with my wife."
The woman says "I can't. I'm a virgin and I've never been with a woman."
The farmer says "Well then, you better get out of my field, or I'll throw you out the window."
The woman looks at him, confused, and says "What's the matter? Why would you do that to me?"
JOKE NR 221: <|endoftext|>START:A woman is walking along and sees a man in a wheelchair. "Hey!" she yells, "What the hell do you have on?"
"A broken arm, a broken leg, and a broken nose," says the man, "and you think I'm going to help?"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 222: <|endoftext|>START:Three guys are sitting at a bar. One of them says to the other, "I bet I can make you both lose an arm and a leg!" The other two guys are shocked, but agree. So they each take turns putting a dollar in a jar and then throwing it into the air. They each win the jar.
They all get up and head out. The first guy goes to the bathroom, and as he's about to close the door, a jar of money flies out of the toilet. The jar hits his head, and the other guy says, "What the hell was that?" The other guy looks at him and says, "You bet I can make you both lose your arms." The other guy looks back at him and says, "You bet you can make me both lose my leg!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 223: <|endoftext|>START:What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet? Rrrrrrrr<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 224: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of gay guys in space? A space party.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 225: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking along the beach with a baby in his arms. He sees two men walking down the beach. He asks the one, "Hey, do you have any babies?" The man replies, "No, but I've been fucking your wife."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 226: <|endoftext|>START:Did you hear about the guy who had his car stolen? He was a thief, but a good thief.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 227: <|endoftext|>START:A young boy goes to a pet store......and asks the clerk for a cat. The clerk says, "Sure. What's your name?" The boy says, "My name is Johnny, and my name is Johnny the dog." "That's a nice name for a cat, Johnny." The boy says, "I have a lot of friends at school, and I like to play with them. So, I'm Johnny the football team's quarterback." "That's a nice name for a quarterback, Johnny. And what's your name?" The boy says, "My name is Johnny the basketball team's forward." "That's a nice name for a forward. And what's your name?" The boy says, "My name is Johnny the baseball team's catcher." "That's a nice name for a catcher, Johnny. And what's your name?" The boy says, "My name is Johnny the football team's wide receiver." The clerk looks at him, confused, and says, "What do you mean, Johnny the football team's wide receiver?" "Well, my name is Johnny the football team's wide receiver, and I play football. And I like to play football. I play football. And I like playing
JOKE NR 228: <|endoftext|>START:The wife of the guy who died in a car accident......was a very religious woman. She would go to church on Sundays and even go so far as to have a bible in front of the TV. She was a strict Catholic and even went to confession.
One Sunday she came home from the confession, found her husband dead and immediately called the mortuary to tell the mortician what had happened.
The mortician was shocked and said, "I'm sorry, but we couldn't find him."
"What did you find out?"
"He's dead," said the mortician. "He had a heart attack."
The wife was so shocked, she immediately called the police, who arrived and took the body to the mortician's office. The man's body had been wrapped in plastic and was lying on the table in a very bad state.
The mortician said, "I'm so sorry, but we can't do anything about it. We have to do a cadaver examination to make sure he wasn't a priest."
The mortician said, "Okay, but I want to make sure that he wasn't a priest. I want the body to be
JOKE NR 229: <|endoftext|>START:My girlfriend told me to stop being a jerk. She's a bitch.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 230: <|endoftext|>START:The wife and the baby. A man and a woman were sitting on a park bench, when a little girl walked up and started crying. The man asked her why she was crying. She said, "Because I saw your daddy kiss your mommy and your daddy suck your mommy's pussy."
The man said, "Oh my God, that's terrible. Why do you want to know?"
"Because I heard your daddy tell your daddy, 'I am going to eat that p*ssy once Jimmy leaves for school today!'"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 231: <|endoftext|>START:What does a black person and a pizza stand have in common? Both have a crust on the outside.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 232: <|endoftext|>START:A blonde, brunette and redhead are in a car accident. The brunette dies and is reborn as a blonde, and the redhead becomes a blonde, and the blonde becomes a redhead, and so on.
The next day, the blonde, redhead and blonde all meet up in Heaven. The blonde says, "I'm a blonde, and I'm a blonde. I'm a blonde, and I'm a blonde. I'm a blonde, and I'm a blonde.
The redhead says, "I'm a brunette, and I'm a brunette. I'm a brunette, and I'm a brunette."
The blonde looks at the redhead and says, "You're a red head, aren't you?"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 233: <|endoftext|>START:A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar......and they sit down at the bar, drinking a couple of beers and discussing what they're doing.
The priest says, "I'm going to have sex with the girl upstairs."
The rabbi says, "I'm going to have sex with the girl upstairs.
The minister says, "I'm going to have sex with the girl upstairs.
So the priest, the rabbi and the minister sit down at their table, and begin to have sex.
The rabbi says, "I'm gonna have sex with the girl upstairs."
The priest looks at him and says, "I'm gonna have sex with her upstairs."
The rabbi looks at him and says, "I'm going to have sex with her downstairs."
So the minister, priest and rabbi have sex.
The rabbi says, "I'm gonna have anal sex with the girl upstairs."
The priest looks at him and says, "I'm gonna have anal sex with the girl downstairs."
The Rabbi looks at him and says, "I'm gonna have sex with the girl upstairs."
The minister looks at him and
JOKE NR 234: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through the desert when he sees a genie... He asks the genie, "what will it be?"
The genie looks at him, and says, "I'll give you one wish."
The man asks, "what do you want?"
The genie says, "I want you to walk through the desert for three days, and if you can't walk through the desert, you will be granted three wishes."
The man walks through the desert for three days and walks through the desert, and the genie grants him three wishes.
The man goes to the desert and walks through the desert for three days and the man walks through the desert and the genie grants him three wishes.
The man walks through the desert for three days and walks through the desert and the genie grants him three wishes.
The man goes to the desert and walks through the desert and the genie grants him three wishes.
The man walks through the desert and goes to the desert and the genie grants him three wishes.
The man walks through the desert and goes to the desert and the genie grants him three wishes.
The man walks through
JOKE NR 235: <|endoftext|>START:I saw this guy at a bar last night, he was really good looking. I asked him if he was a stripper and he said no.
I said, "You look good, you're a stripper, what's your name?"
He said his name was "Tiger" and he was a good looking guy.
I said, "You look really good, you're a stripper, what's your name?"
He said his name was "Drake" and he was a good looking guy.
I asked him his name, he said, "Tiger."
I said, "You look really good, you're a stripper, what's your name?"
He said, his name was "Drake."
I said, "What's your last name?"
He said, "Tiger."
"What's your last name?" I asked.
He said, "Tiger."
"Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, what's your last name?"
He said, "Tiger."
"Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger... Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, what
JOKE NR 236: <|endoftext|>START:A young boy is walking down the street with a baby. He sees a dog with a big black eye, so he runs over to the dog, and the dog says "hey, I'm the one with the big black eye!" So the boy runs back to his parents. The boy's parents are shocked, and they ask the boy why he's so sure. The boy replies, "well, when I was your age, I was walking with my mom, and I saw a dog with a big black eye. I ran up to the dog and said, hey, I'm the one with the big black eye!" The father looks at him and replies, "you know what, son? I'll bet you $100 that I can't tell the difference between a dog with a big black eye and a baby with a big black eye!" The boy thinks for a minute and then says, "well, I was your age, I was walking with my mom, and I saw a dog with a big black eye. I ran over to the dog, and the dog said, hey, I'm the one with the big black eye!" The father looks at him and replies, "you son, that's not what I'm talking
JOKE NR 237: <|endoftext|>START:My favorite joke. I was at a bar, and a man walks up to me and says, "I'm going to have a drink, but if you tell me a funny one, I'll give you a free drink. I'm going to have a drink and you have to tell me a funny one. If you tell me a funny one, I'll give you a free drink. So, what's your favorite one?"
I said, "Well, I'm going to have a drink and I'll give you a free drink, but if you tell me a joke, you have to tell me a funny one. So what's your favorite joke?"
He says, "Well, I was at the bar, and a guy walks up to me and says, 'I'm going to have a drink, but if you tell me a funny one, I'll give you a free drink.' I'm going to have a drink, and he gives me a drink. He says, 'I'm going to have a drink, but if you tell me a funny one, I'll give you a free drink.'" So I said, "Well, I'm going to have a drink and I'll give you a free drink,
JOKE NR 238: <|endoftext|>START:What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding out you have worms in your apples.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 239: <|endoftext|>START:I had a dream that I was in a room with a bunch of women... I was in a room with a bunch of women.
One of them was a beautiful blonde, the other a brunette.
The brunette said, 'I'm so sorry, but I can't have sex with you because I'm a virgin.'
The blonde replied, 'I'm so sorry, but you're not my husband.'<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 240: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the road? He was a chicken-fucker.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 241: <|endoftext|>START:If the Pope is the Pope, then what is the Pope?<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 242: <|endoftext|>START:The new president is in the Oval Office...... and his secretary is giving him a tour.
"You have to go down the hall to the left, there's a big sign that says, 'Presidential Palace.' You go down the hall to the left and there's a big sign, 'Presidential Library.' "
The president turns to the secretary and says, "You know, the library is right next to it."
The secretary says, "That's a little odd, I thought the library was in the middle of the White House."
The president says, "That's a little odd too, the library is right next to the Oval Office."
The secretary says, "Well, I guess you're right, the library is right next to the Oval Office, but the president's in the middle of the Oval Office."
The president says, "That's right, I'm going to go down the hall and the first floor. The first floor has a sign, 'The White House.' Go down the hall to the left and there's a big sign, 'The Library.' "
The president turns to the first floor and says, "The library is right next to the
JOKE NR 243: <|endoftext|>START:I don't think the government has the right to tell people what they can and can't eat in America......but I guess that's the spirit.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 244: <|endoftext|>START:An elderly couple is having trouble getting their son into the shower... The wife says, "Look, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not the biggest fan of showering. But I can't do it. I'm a woman after all. I can't do it. I can't."
The son says, "Mommy, I'm gonna go in there and try."
So the son goes in there, and he's a little wet, but he comes out and starts peeing all over his dad. The dad says, "Son, you're gonna be a man when you're older. You're gonna go out there and try."
So the son goes out there and he's a real good boy. He comes out and starts peeing all over the dad. The dad says, "Son, you're gonna be a man when you're older. You're gonna go out there and try."
So the son goes out there and he's a real good boy. He comes out and starts peeing all over the dad. The dad says, "Son, you're gonna be a man when you're older. You're gonna go out there and try."
So the son
JOKE NR 245: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black person on a bike? A pedant.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 246: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through the desert when he comes across a camel......and the camel is about to jump out of the way when he notices a man in the distance. The man says to the camel, "You can go, I'm going to go get a drink."
The man goes and gets a drink and as the man is walking away, the camel stops and says, "I'll stay."
"What do you mean?" asks the man.
"I told you, I'm going to get a drink."
The man says, "What do you mean?"
"I told you, I'm going to go get a drink."
"What do you mean?" the man asked.
"You said you'd stay."
"I'm going to get a drink."
"What do you mean, I told you I'd stay?"
"You said you'd go get a drink," the man replied.
"What do you mean?"
The camel says, "I'm going to go get a drink, too."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 247: <|endoftext|>START:What did the pirate say to the pirate captain? You know you can trust me, I know what I'm doing.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 248: <|endoftext|>START:The only thing worse than finding out your girlfriend's a lesbian. The fact that she's still your wife<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 249: <|endoftext|>START:There are three kinds of people in this world. Those that understand binary, and those that don't.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 250: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe? A Roberto!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 251: <|endoftext|>START:A little boy and his grandfather are sitting at the dinner table. The boy asks, "Grandpa, what's that thing on your head?"
"Well," his grandfather says, "when I was your age I had the same thing on my head."
The boy asks, "Grandpa, what's that thing on your chest?"
"Well when my age I had the same thing on my chest," his grandfather says.
The boy asks, "Grandpa, what's that thing on your back?"
"Well when I was your age I had the same thing on my back."
"Grandpa, what's that thing on your head?"
"Well when I was your age I had the same thing on my head," his grandfather replies, "but it's getting bigger and bigger."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 252: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican that's a pedophile? Juan.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 253: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through the forest when he sees a bear. He goes up to the bear and says, 'Bear, I'm sorry, but you're my only chance to live!'
The bear replies, 'Well, if I have to eat your mother for every bite I gets, I'll take the chance.'
The man is a little taken aback, but he agrees.
He eats the bear and the bear dies.
A week later the man is walking through the forest when he sees a rabbit. He goes up to the rabbit and says, 'Rabbit, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'
The rabbit replies, 'Well if I have to eat your mother for every bite I gets, I'll take the chance.'
The man is a little taken aback, but he agrees.
He eats the rabbit and the rabbit dies.
A week later the man is walking through the forest when he sees a snake. He goes up to the snake and says, 'Snake, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.'
The snake says, 'Well if I have to eat your mother for every bite I gets, I'll take the
JOKE NR 254: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? None. They just want to shut it off and start a new one.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 255: <|endoftext|>START:Three friends are in a bar The bartender says, "Hey guys, we got a drink named after you."
The first friend says, "I'll have the Jack."
The second friend says, "I'll have the Jack."
The third man says, "I'm going to have the Jack."
The first man says, "You know what, I'll have the Jack."
The bartender looks at the third man, and says, "What do you have?"
The third man says, "I'm going to have the Jack."
The first man asks, "What do you want me to have?"
The third man says, "I'm going to have the Jack."
The bartender says, "What the heck are you talking about?"
The third man says, "I don't know, I just got the Jack."
The bartender asks, "What the heck do you think you're talking about?"
The third man says, "I'm going to have the Jack."
The bartender says, "What the heck are you talking about?"
The third man says, "I'm going to have the Jack."
JOKE NR 256: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black guy in a wheelchair? A walker<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 257: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking along a beach and sees a man with a huge erection. He walks over and asks, “Hey, man, what’s that all about?”
The man replies, “Well, I’ve been having a really hard time with my wife lately, so I decided to try and make her feel special by giving her a huge erection.”
The man then asks, “So what did you do?”
The man says, “Well, I took her out on a date. I took her out to dinner and I took her out to a movie. I even took her to the beach, but she just couldn’t hold it in anymore.”
The man says, “Well, what did you do?”
The man says, “Well, I gave her the biggest blowjob she’d ever had. I took her to the pool, but she couldn’t even reach the end.”
The man then asks, “Well, what did you do?”
The man says, “Well, I took her to the beach.
JOKE NR 258: <|endoftext|>START:A guy goes to the doctor... A guy walks into a doctor's office and says, "Doctor, I've got a headache, I can't sleep and my stomach hurts." The doctor says, "You have a stomach ache?" "No, doctor," the guy says, "I have a headache." The doctor says, "You have a headache? You're not going to get a headache?" The guy says, "No, doctor. I have a headache." The doctor says, "You have a headache? You can't have a headache?" The guy says, "I have a headache, doctor." "You have a headache?" the doctor says again. The guy says, "No, doctor. I have a headache. I'm not going to have a headache." The doctor says, "You have a headache? You're not going to get a headache?" The guy says, "No, doctor. I have a headache." "Well," said the doctor, "I'm going to have to ask you a few more questions, but you're not going to get a headache." The guy says, "Doctor, I have a headache. I have a headache." The doctor says, "You have a headache?
JOKE NR 259: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of black people? A riot squad.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 260: <|endoftext|>START:What happens when a woman goes to the doctor? She's told she has a yeast infection.
What happens if she goes to the doctor and says "I've got this yeast infection, I'm going to have to have a colonoscopy"?
The doctor says "No you don't have to have the colonoscopy, you just have to come to me with a urine sample".
The woman goes home and comes home and says "Doctor, my husband has been cheating on me with my sister, I can't go to the dinner table with my husband".
The doctor says "No, you don't have a wife, come with us".
So the wife comes with the doctor, the doctor says "Well, you have a yeast infection, come with us".
The wife comes back with the doctor.
"What's wrong with your wife?"
The wife says "Well, I've got a yeast infection, come with us".
The husband says "What's wrong with you, I'm the doctor!"
The wife says "No, I've had a yeast infection, come with us".
The doctor says, "Well, you have
JOKE NR 261: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? I wouldn't pay $20 to have a garbanzo bean on my face.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 262: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? You can garbanzo bean on a chickpea.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 263: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes into a bar and orders a beer......the bartender looks at her and says, "I can tell that you are single." The woman looks at him and says, "I am single, and I am going out with my boyfriend." The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but we don't serve single women here." The woman says, "I don't care, I'm going out with my boyfriend." The bartender says, "You don't understand, I'm not gay, and I'm not a bartender." The woman says, "I'm not going to tell you this, but if you don't serve me, I'm going to go home." The bartender says, "Okay, you go ahead. But you have to promise me one thing. You will never tell anyone about this, or you will get fired." The woman says, "Okay, but I want you to promise me that you will not tell anyone." So the bartender says, "Okay, what's the deal?" The woman says, "You see this sign outside the door? 'If you're single, you can stay here for free.' I went in there and I saw a sign outside that said, 'If you're gay
JOKE NR 264: <|endoftext|>START:My wife and I had a fight about who was more important. She said "I'm the one who has to cook for you, I'm the one who has to clean the kitchen, I'm the one who has to wash dishes and take care of the kids."
"You're right, I have to clean the kitchen, but I'm the one who has to clean the dishes and take the kids."
I said "You're right, I also have to take a shower, I'm the one who has to wash the dishes and take care of the kids, but you're right. I have to take a shower, but you're right, I have to clean the dishes."
I said "You're so right, but what about the kids?" She said, "Well, the kids have to go to school and they have to go back to their room and they have to do their homework. So I'm the one who has to clean the dishes and take the kids to school."
"You're right, and what about me?" I said, "Well the kids also have to go to school, and they have to go back to their room and they have to do their homework. So
JOKE NR 265: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar... and orders a beer, a mop, and a glass of water. He sits down at the counter and orders a mop, and a glass of water. The bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve your kind."
The man says "What do you mean, we don't serve your kind?" The bartender says, "Well, you see this? It's a mop, and it's a glass. If you take the mop out, it'll make your day, but if you drink the water, you'll die. So you take the mop, drink the water, and you'll die, but if you take the glass out, you'll live."
The man thinks about this for a minute. He takes the mop out and drinks it. He takes the mop out, drinks the water, and dies. The bartender says, "That's amazing, but what about the glass?"
The man takes a sip and says "It's a mop, and it's a glass. If you take it out, the water will make your day, but if you drink it you'll die, but if you take the mop, drink the water,
JOKE NR 266: <|endoftext|>START:The first time I ever saw a woman in a bikini... I had to ask her to step out of the way.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 267: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking down the street when he sees a man on the roof of the building. He says, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you have to stop masturbating."
He says, "No, I'm not."
The man says, "You're a pedophile."
"No," says the man, "I'm a pedophile."
The man says, "You're a rapist."
"No," says the man, "I'm a rapist."
The man says, "You're a murderer."
"No," says the man, "I'm a murderer."
The man says, "You're a drug addict."
"No," says the man, "I'm a drug addict."
The man says, "You're a murderer."
The man says, "No," says the man, "I'm a murderer."
The man says, "You're a rapist."
"No," says the man, "I'm not a rapist. I'm a pedophile."
The woman says, "Well, you've obviously been drinking. Why are you masturbating
JOKE NR 268: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is sitting at the bar with a girl and he asks the girl, "Would you like to go home with me?"
The girl says, "I don't know. I'm not a virgin."
He says, "Well, I'm not gonna lie. If you're not a virgin, then you better suck my dick."
The girl sucks his dick.
He says, "You know what? I'm gonna take you home with me, and you better suck my dick. You better suck my dick. You better suck my dick!"
So she sucks his dick.
He says, "You know what? I'm gonna go home with you, and you better suck my dick. You better suck my dick. You better suck my dick!"
He goes home with her, and she sucks his dick.
He says, "You know what? I'm gonna go home with you, and you better suck my dick. You better suck my dick. You better suck my dick!"
He goes home with her, and she sucks his dick.
He says, "You know what? I'm gonna go home with you, and you better
JOKE NR 269: <|endoftext|>START:Two cows are grazing on a pasture......when one cow says to the other, "I bet I can milk a cow for a day."
The other cow says, "You can't milk a cow for a day! I'm a seasoned cow breeder, I can milk a cow three times a day! I bet you a day that I can milk a cow for a week!"
The other cow looks at him with a look of disgust, "I bet you a week! I'm a seasoned cow breeder, I can milk a cow three times a week! I bet you a week! I bet you a week!"
The other cow looks back at him, "I bet you two days!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 270: <|endoftext|>START:Why is it called the "Pillow Fight" in bed? Because the pillow is the one who gets laid.
*edit- added a few more lines<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 271: <|endoftext|>START:There was once a man who was so bad at his job that he got fired for being a dick. His name was Bill.
Bill was a very poor man and had no money. He had to work every night to make ends meet. He had no health insurance and his wife was a drug user.
One night, Bill was at home when his wife came home from the drug dealing. She said to Bill, "I've been high all day and I'm not going to be home for dinner tonight."
Bill said, "I'm sorry, honey. I have a terrible headache and it's really bothering me."
The wife said, "I'm going to bed now. Bill, I'm going to bed now. You're not going to come home until I tell you what's wrong with you and I'll get you the doctor. I'm so sorry."
Bill went to bed.
The next morning, Bill woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen to check on his wife. He looked out the kitchen window and saw his wife laying on the bed with the doctor's note on top.
"What's wrong with you, Bill?" asked the doctor.
JOKE NR 272: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender looks at him and says: “I don’t serve alcohol here.” The man says, “Why not?” The bartender says, “I don’t serve alcohol here. You’re drunk, and you’re in a bar.”<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 273: <|endoftext|>START:Two fish are in a tank... One says to the other "I'm gonna go in there and get some lube" and the other fish says "No, I'm gonna stay out there and suck dick" and the first fish gets in there and gets his cock sucked. The other fish says "I'm gonna stay out there and suck dick" and the other fish says "You're gonna stay out there and suck dick?" and he says "No, I'm gonna stay out there and fuck your mom"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 274: <|endoftext|>START:How to get a man to stop talking about sex with his friends? Tell him you're going to a party.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 275: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks in on his wife in the shower He says, "I bet you $50,000 you can't take a shower with me naked."
She says, "Well, I don't have $50,000."
He says, "I bet you $100,000 you can't take a shower with me naked, too."
She says, "$100,000?! What if I don't have $100,000?"
"Then I'm going to take my money and go home," he says, "because I don't have $100,000."
She says, "But you said you don't have $50,000!"
"No, I don't," he says. "And you don't have $100,000 either!"
The woman says, "But I have a $20 bill!"
He says, "I have a $20 bill, too!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 276: <|endoftext|>START:I went to see a doctor the other day. He told me that I have a yeast infection, and that I need to stop masturbating.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm having an erection"
"What's wrong?"
"I'm not sure if I can stop it."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 277: <|endoftext|>START:I went to the zoo today... I went to the zoo today, and the only animals they had were a cat and a dog. I asked the lady at the counter what the difference was. She replied "Well the cat is a trained killer and the dog is a trained guard." I asked, "What's a trained guard?" She said it's a trained dog. "Well, what's the difference?" I asked. She replied, "Well, the cat's trained to bite and the dog's trained to bark."
I was really confused, so I asked the lady if the dog was a trained guard. She said it was. "Well, what does a trained guard do?" I asked. She said, "The trained dog will chase you and bite you if you try to run."
"What does a trained dog do?" I asked. "The trained dog will chase you and bite you if you try to play with the toys in the cage."
I was aghast. I thought, "That's impossible, that's not a trained dog. That dog is a fucking idiot!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 278: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and orders a beer... He sits down and starts to drink. The man notices a beautiful woman sitting at the bar next to him. The woman is wearing a tight black leather negligee and a pair of high heels. The man notices that the woman's eyes are glistening and she's got an almost animalistic look on her face.
The man asks the bartender, "Hey, you look just like your husband."
The bartender replies, "Yeah, he's my wife."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 279: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes to the doctor... A woman goes to the doctor to get a physical. The doctor says "I can tell that you are a virgin, so I will give you an injection of semen." The woman says "I'm not sure what that is, I've never had a penis." The doctor says "I'll show you what this is." The woman takes the needle and injects the semen. The doctor says to the woman "I can't believe you did that! You're not even a virgin." The woman replies "I'm not even a virgin, I'm not even a virgin, and I'm not even a virgin!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 280: <|endoftext|>START:So a man walks into a bar...... and sees a sign that reads "FREE SHAKES" and asks the bar tender for free drinks. The bar tender says, "I don't give a shit, I just serve the best drinks in town!"
The man walks over to the counter and says, "$20 for a shot of tequila?"
Bar tender says, "That's a little steep, but I'm a bartender. I'm not going to take no for an answer."
The man walks over to the counter and says, "$40 for a shot of tequila?"
Bar tender says, "That's a lot of money, but I'm a bartender. I'm not going to take no for an answer.
The man walks over to the bar and says, "$50 for a shot of tequila?"
Bar tender says, "That sounds like a lot of money, so I'll take it."
The man walks over to the bar and says, "$100 for a shot of tequila?"
Bar tender says, "That sounds like a lot of money, so I'm a bartender. I'm not going to take no for an answer!"
JOKE NR 281: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor... A man goes to the doctor and tells the doctor, "I've got a problem. My penis is like a Christmas tree. I've got a big one up there, and a small one down below it. I can't reach it. I can't pee."
The doctor says, "You have a problem with your penis?"
"No, I've got a problem with my bladder."
"What's the problem?"
"Well, my bladder is like a Christmas tree. It's huge. It's got a lot of branches, and I can't reach it. I can't pee."
The doctor says, "What's the problem?"
"Well, my balls are like Christmas trees. They're huge, and I can't reach them. I can't piss."
The doctor says, "What's the problem?"
"I can't reach my balls, either. I have a problem with my balls. I've got two, but they're just hanging out. I can't pee."
The doctor says, "You have a problem with your balls?"
"No, I've got a problem with my
JOKE NR 282: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to a doctor and tells him he's had a heart attack... He says, "Doc, I'm not sure what happened but I've had an accident."
"What happened?" asks the doc,
"Well I was driving along and I hit a tree. I was rushed to hospital and I was in the ICU for three weeks."
"What happened to your wife, honey?"
"She's fine, she's a bit shaken up, but we're getting married in a few days."
"What about your kids?" the doctor asks.
"They're fine too, but my wife's a bit shaken up."
"What about your dog?" the doctor asks.
"She's fine, he just got a bit of a limp."
"So what happened to you?" the doctor asks.
The man says, "Doc, I was driving along and I hit a truck. I was rushed to hospital and I was in the ICU for two weeks."
"What happened to your wife, honey?" the doctor asks.
"She's fine, she's a bit shaken up, but she'll be fine."
JOKE NR 283: <|endoftext|>START:What did one tampon say to the other tampon? Nothing. They were both stuck up bitches<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 284: <|endoftext|>START:So one day a man goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him he has to stop masturbating... The man asks, "Why? Why?"
The doctor says, "Because I'm trying to examine you."
"Oh, thank God."
The doctor then proceeds to remove his penis from the man's anus.
The man is shocked. "What the hell was that all about?"
The doctor says, "Well, I'm trying to examine you."
"I'm not going to tell you, but I heard you're a doctor."
The man says, "I'm a doctor too, doc."
The doctor then proceeds to remove his penis from the man's anus.
The man is stunned. "What the hell is going on?"
The doc says, "I'm trying to examine you."
"Oh, thank God!"
Then the doctor proceeds to take off his pants, revealing that he's a woman. The man is shocked. "Oh my God, what's that all about?"
The doctor says, "I'm trying to examine you. You're a woman."
"I'm not going to tell
JOKE NR 285: <|endoftext|>START:The new president of the United States is in a meeting with the heads of all major banks. He is discussing the need to cut interest rates and the need to cut the cost of capital. The head of the largest bank says "we need to cut the cost of capital." The president looks at him and says "I'm not going to cut your capital." The banker says "I am. I am going to cut the cost of interest." The president says, "I'm not going to cut your interest." The banker says "I am, I am going to cut the cost of capital." The president says "I'm not going to cut your capital." The banker says "I am, I am going to cut the cost of interest." The president says "You are going to cut my interest?" The banker says "No, I'm going to cut the cost of capital!"
The president looks at the banker and says "You are going to cut my interest?"
The banker looks back and says "I am going to cut the cost of capital."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 286: <|endoftext|>START:The other day I was in the bathroom... I was in the bathroom, and I was looking up at the sky and it looked like a huge cloud of dust was going through the air, and I thought, "I wish I had a telescope to watch that." So I went to my bedroom, and there was a telescope in my bedroom. I looked up and it was really beautiful. I thought, "I wish I had a telescope to look down on that." So I took it out and it was really bright. I thought, "Oh, I wish I had a magnifying glass so I could look down and see what was going on." So I took the magnifying glass out of the bedroom, and I looked at the sky, and it was just a beautiful day. So, I went to the bathroom and I was looking up at the sky. And I thought, "I wish I had a telescope." And I went to the bathroom, and I was looking down at the ground and there was this giant pile of poop. And I thought, "I wish I had a telescope." So I went to the bathroom, and I was looking down, and it was just a pile of poop. And I thought, "I
JOKE NR 287: <|endoftext|>START:The first thing that comes to mind when I think of the Holocaust is the holocaust.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 288: <|endoftext|>START:What are the three things that make up a good joke? A good delivery<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 289: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks in a bar with a sign that says "I'm a pirate, and I'm looking for the best women in the world!" The bartender says, "I don't believe you. I've seen your sign before. It reads 'I am a pirate, and I am looking for the best women in the world!'" The man says, "I don't believe it. I've seen your sign before. This one reads, "I am a pirate, and I have a gun."
The bartender says, "You're not going to believe this. I've seen your sign before. It reads, 'I am a pirate, and I have a gun.' You're not going to believe this. I've seen your sign before. This one says, "I am a pirate, and I have an erection." You're not going to believe this." The man says, "I don't believe this."
The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave. This is a bar. You can stay if you like."
The next day, the man comes into the bar, and the bartender says, "I'm sorry, but you're not coming in today." The man
JOKE NR 290: <|endoftext|>START:A woman is walking down a street... A woman is walking down a street when she sees a man with a dog. She stops to pet the animal.
The man says "I'm sorry but you have a dog. It's a shih tzu."
The woman says "Oh my god, I'm a woman, I can't do that. I'm not allowed to pet a dog. I'm not a lady, and I don't have a dog. Can I have your dog back?"
The man says, "Sure."
The woman says, "You have to give me a reason why this is your dog."
The man says, "Well, it's a shih tzu. He's a shih tzu."
The woman says, "Oh my gosh! I'm a woman, I can't have a dog. I can't even have a cat!"
The man says, "Well I'm not sure about that. I'm not a lady. I can't even have a dog. But I can have your dog back."
The woman says, "Sure." The man says, "You have to give me a reason why
JOKE NR 291: <|endoftext|>START:How do you get a black guy to stop singing? You put a bullet in the back of his head.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 292: <|endoftext|>START:I don't know why I'm not a member of a feminist club. It's a shame, because I'm not a feminist.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 293: <|endoftext|>START:What did the chicken say to the egg? "I can't believe I just laid a egg!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 294: <|endoftext|>START:A husband and wife were in bed when the husband said, "Honey, I just found out my wife is having an affair with another man."
The wife replied, "Oh my God! What do you mean, 'another man?'"
The husband replied, "Well I just found out my neighbor is having an affair with another man."
The wife replied, "Oh my God! What do you mean, 'another man?'"
The husband replied, "Well I just found out my neighbor has a heart attack and dies. I guess you have to say he's another man."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 295: <|endoftext|>START:I have an addiction to sex... I've been addicted to sex for a long time, but I've finally managed to stop.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 296: <|endoftext|>START:Why is a woman's vagina so big? She has to be in the right spot to get a blowjob.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 297: <|endoftext|>START:The Pope and his dog A man is sitting at a bar with a dog. The dog starts barking and the bartender asks the man if he wants to pet the dog. The man says no and leaves.
A few days later the same man is sitting at the same bar, and the dog starts barking again. The man says no and leaves.
A few days later, the same man is sitting at the same bar, and the dog starts barking. The bartender says to the man "I'm sorry, but the dog has to be spayed or neutered." The man says "No, I want him to be Pope"
Edit: grammar<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 298: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through a forest... He comes across a bear and starts to chase it. He gets to a clearing and sees a bear with no arms or legs.
He runs up to the bear, lifts up his shirt, and starts swinging it around. The bear falls down and dies.
He runs back to the bear and says, "You're a real bear." The bear says no. He starts swinging it around again. He gets to a clearing, lifts up his shirt and starts throwing it at the bear.
"You're a real bear."
"You're a real bear." The bear says again.
He runs back to the bear, and says, "You've got a big ass." The bear says no.
The man says, "You're a real bear." The bear says, "You're a real bear."
The man says, "You've got a big ass."
The bear replies, "You've got a big ass."
"You've got a big ass."
"You've got a big ass."
"You've got a big ass.
"You've got a big ass."
JOKE NR 299: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black man with no arms, no legs and no legs? A paraplegic.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 300: <|endoftext|>START:Why was the chicken afraid of the egg? Because he had a chicken-egg problem.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 301: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is sitting in the waiting room at the emergency room... He is waiting for the doctor.
The doctor says, "You have to stop masturbating. It's causing me some serious problems."
The guy says, "What are you talking about?"
The doctor replies, "I'm sorry, but you have to stop masturbating."
"But I'm a doctor," he says, "I have to be able to tell you that you're not a doctor."
The doctor says, "I'm not a doctor, either. You have to stop masturbating."
So the guy does.
"You have to stop masturbating, too," says the doctor.
The guy says, "But I'm a doctor, I have to be able to tell you that I'm a doctor."
The doctor says, "I'm not a doctor, either. You have to stop masturbating.
"But I'm a doctor," the man says again, "I have to be able to tell you that I'm a doctor."
The doctor says, "I'm not a doctor, either. You have to stop masturbating."
So the
JOKE NR 302: <|endoftext|>START:What was the first thing that Jesus did when he got to Heaven? He went to the bathroom.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 303: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one.
(I'm a man)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 304: <|endoftext|>START:Two men are sitting in a bar. The first man asks the bartender for a drink. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve minors." The first man asks the bartender again, "Sorry, I'm 18, and this is a bar, not a juvenile jail." The bartender replies, "I'm sorry, but we don't serve minors in this bar. We serve the finest in the world." The second man says, "I don't drink and drive." The bartender says, "I know. But we don't serve minors in this bar."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 305: <|endoftext|>START:The old man is sitting in a bar......when he hears a knock at his door. He opens the door and finds the old man sitting at the counter with a bottle of whiskey sitting in front of him. The old man looks at the whiskey and says, "Hey old man, I've been drinking whiskey for years, but this one tastes like whiskey!" The old man looks at his whiskey and says, "Well, I've been drinking whiskey too, and I'm not sure what to do with this one." The old man looks at his whiskey and says, "Well, I've been drinking whiskey too, and it tastes like whiskey, so I've got a solution for you. I'll give you a glass of bourbon and a glass of whiskey, then I'll give you a glass of whiskey and a glass of whiskey. Then I'll give you a glass of whiskey and a glass of whiskey. And you'll drink that whiskey, and you'll drink that whiskey, and you'll drink that whiskey, and you'll drink that whiskey, until you die." The old man takes the glass of bourbon from the bartender, and drinks it. The next day, the old man comes back to the bar, and the bartender says,
JOKE NR 306: <|endoftext|>START:The most popular joke in the world. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a rhino? A chicken with no legs.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 307: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving along the highway when suddenly he sees a car in front of him. He swerves to avoid it, but the driver is still there. He pulls over to the side of the road and asks the man, "Hey man, what are you doing there?"
"I'm trying to get my car fixed," the man replies.
The man says, "What's your problem?"
"I've been stuck here for two days now, and I can barely walk," the man explains.
The man looks at him, and says, "I don't have a problem with that, but what's your problem?"
"I don't have a problem with my car, either," the man replies. "But what's your problem, anyway?"
"I'm trying to get a job," the man says.
The man says, "What's your problem, anyway?"
"Well," the man says, "every time I try to get out of my car, the engine blows up."
The man says, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
The man says, "Well, I'm trying to get my car fixed. But every time I try to get out, the
JOKE NR 308: <|endoftext|>START:Two women are sitting at a bar... One says to the other: "I'd like a drink, but I can't afford it."
"I can afford it," says the other woman. "I have a boyfriend, he's worth $50 million."
"Oh, I don't know," says the first woman. "He's a billionaire."
The second woman says: "I'd like to have a drink too."
The first woman says: "I don't have much money. I have a boyfriend, he's worth $100 million. I can pay for him with my credit card."
The second woman says: "You're crazy! He's a billionaire!"
The first man replies, "You're crazy! He's worth $1 billion."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 309: <|endoftext|>START:Little Johnny is playing in the backyard......when he hears a knock at the door, so he runs in.
"Who is it?" he asks.
"It's the sheriff," says the sheriff.
"Sheriff, I need to speak to the chief," says Johnny.
The sheriff looks at him and says, "I don't know who you are, but I'm going to have to talk to you.
You see that house down there?" he points to the driveway. "That's where the sheriff keeps his horses."
Johnny says, "I know that. But I don't know where the horses are, or how they get down that driveway."
The sheriff says, "Well, I can tell you this, but if you tell me where the sheriff keeps his horses, I'll let you in."
"Okay, sheriff. Where are the horses?" Johnny asks.
"Up in the barn, Johnny," says the sheriff.
Johnny says, "But sheriff! Up in the barn with the horses? Where's the sheriff with the horses?"
"Up on the fence, in the
JOKE NR 310: <|endoftext|>START:Little Johnny and the Priest Little Johnny was sitting on the porch with his father when the priest walked up and said, "I want you to go up to the window and look down. I have a question for you. What's the meaning of life?"
"Father, I don't know," replied Little Johnny
The priest looked at him for a minute then asked, "Well, what is the meaning of life?"
Again, Little Johnny said, "Father, I don't know either."
The priest looked a little more closely and asked, "Well, son, what is your answer?"
Little Johnny replied, "Father, I don't know either."
"Well, then, what is it that you do know?" the priest asked.
"Well, Father, I don't know either," said Little Johnny, "but I know that I'm going to hell."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 311: <|endoftext|>START:The worst thing about being a black man in America is that you have to go to the bathroom in the dark.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 312: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? Feminists don't change anything. They just change the bulb<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 313: <|endoftext|>START:I went to the gym today. I went to the gym today and it was a bust up, but I was able to finish.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 314: <|endoftext|>START:I got my first job as a prostitute today. I was hired at $20 an hour.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 315: <|endoftext|>START:I don't know why people think that the world is a big place. I don't know why people think that the world is a big place.
I don't know why people think that the world is a big place.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 316: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar... A man walks into a bar and sees a man sitting at the end of a bar stool, looking at his phone. He walks over and asks the man what he is doing. The man says, "I'm a doctor. I'm trying to find a cure for AIDS. It's a terrible disease and it can kill you." The man says, "I'll take a shot." The man takes the shot and the next thing he hears the sound of a gun. He looks at him and says, "What the hell was that all about? You're the doctor! What's your name, sir?" "I'm John." He says. "I'm the doctor who cured your friend. He's a very sick man. I've been trying to get him into a coma for the past two months." The man says, "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. What's your name?" "I am Dr. John." He says again. "What's your name?" "My name is Dr. Johnson." The man says, "What the hell was your name? You are a fucking moron!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 317: <|endoftext|>START:I got a job as a plumber. It's a good gig.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 318: <|endoftext|>START:I went for a swim with a friend of mine today. It was a nice warm water.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 319: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes into a bar... and sees a beautiful woman. He asks her if she would like to go to the bathroom with him. She says no, so he goes into the bathroom. As soon as he gets out he says, "I'm going to have sex with you right now." The woman looks at his erection and replies, "I can't believe you would do that. I can't believe you're a man!" "Well, I'm not," he says, "I'm a woman."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 320: <|endoftext|>START:There are three men on a boat...... and one of them is an Irishman.
The other two are from Ireland. They're both in the boat with their wives, and one is a beautiful Irish woman.
The Irishman says to the Irish woman, "If you don't have a good husband, I'll marry a woman who has a good husband, and I'll have a good wife."
The Irishwoman says, "You can do it. I have a great husband, and a great wife."
They're married for a year, and they have a great marriage.
One year later, the Irishman comes back to the boat, and he sees the Irish woman.
"I'm married to the Irish woman," he says.
The Irishman says, "You're a good woman, and I love you. But you have a bad husband, and I have a bad husband."
The Irishwoman looks at him, and says, "You can do it. I have a great husband, and a great wife. I'll do it."
The Irishman says, "You can do it. I have a great husband, and a great wife
JOKE NR 321: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to a bar and asks the bartender if he can have a beer. The bartender says "Sorry sir, but we only have one beer on the house."
The man says "I'll take a beer."
He drinks it and then asks the bartender "Can I have another?" The bartender says "Sorry sir, but we only have one beer on the house."
The man says "I'll take a beer."
So he drinks it and then asks the bartender, "Can I take another one?" The bartender replies "Sorry sir, but we only have one beer on the house."
The man says "I'll take a beer."
He drinks it and then asks the bartender, "Can I take a shot?"
The bartender says "Sorry sir, but we only have one beer on the house."
The man says "No way, I'm a man!"
The bartender says "You're a man because you can drink a shot."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 322: <|endoftext|>START:An American, a Mexican, an Irishman and an Englishman are sitting in the back of a taxi. The American says, “I’m going to have some fun.” The taxi driver says, “You can’t have fun, American. You’ll get a heart attack.” The Irishman says, “I’ll have fun, too.” The Englishman says, “I’ll have fun, too.” The Mexican says, “I’ll have fun.” The Irishman says, “I’ll have fun.”
The taxi driver says to the Irishman, “I’ll give you a ride home.” The Irishman says, “But I’m not Irish, I’ll have to drive home.” The cab driver says to the Mexican, “I’ll give you a ride home.” The Mexican says, “But I’m not Mexican, either.”
The taxi driver says, “You’re not Irish, either.”
The Irish
JOKE NR 323: <|endoftext|>START:There's a new movie about the life of a pirate... It's called "A Pirate's Tale"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 324: <|endoftext|>START:I went to a party once and I had a terrible time... The host was a complete dick. He kept saying, "We're all going to die, we're all going to die, you're all going to be cremated."
The guy sitting next to me said, "That's a lot of people to be cremated by, that's a lot of people to be cremated by!"
I said, "No, I think you're wrong."
He said, "Well, I'm going to go get a bag and I'll be right back."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 325: <|endoftext|>START:I was at the bar last weekend and the bartender asked me if I had any tips. "I don't know," I said. "I'm not a tipster," he said. "I'm a bartender, not a tipster."
"You're a bartender, not a tipster," I repeated. "You're a bartender, not a tipster."
The bartender looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you that, but I know you're a bartender, so I'll give you a tip of $1,000."
I said, "I'm not a tipster."
"I'm a bartender, not a tipster," he said.
"I'm a bartender, not a tipster," I repeated.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 326: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through the forest......when he comes across a bear trap.
He shouts, "Bear trap, I want you to fall into it."
The bear looks at him with a puzzled look on its face and says, "What's the use of a trap?"
The man says, "Well, you see this tree? It's a good tree. I planted it with a few hundred dollars. If you fell into it, you would be able to get a good, long, hard meal for the rest of your life."
"But," the bear says, "that's not a good tree. It's got too many dead branches. You can't get a good meal out of that one."
So the man goes to the tree and starts digging, and eventually a good meal is made.
The next morning, the man comes back to the bear trap.
"Bear trap, I want you to fall into it."
Again the bear looks at the man with a puzzled look on its face and says, "What's the use of a trap?"
The man replies, "Well, you see that rock? It's got a
JOKE NR 327: <|endoftext|>START:My friend is a vegan. He's a big fan of his new vegan restaurant. I'm a vegan.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 328: <|endoftext|>START:A black man and a white man are in the back seat of a car... The black man says to his friend "Man, I wish my wife was white." The friend says "Well, you can have mine."
The next day the black man says to his friend "Man, I wish my wife was white." The friend says "Well, you can have mine too."
The following day the black man says to the friend "Man, I wish my wife was white." The friend says "Well, you can have mine too!"
The following day the black man says "Man, I wish my wife was white." The friend says "Well, you can have mine too."
The next day the black man says to his friend "Man, I wish my wife was white." The friend says "Well, you can have mine too."
The next day the black man says to his friend "Man, I wish my wife was white." The friend says "Well, you can have mine too."
The next day the black man says to his friend "Man, I wish my wife was white." The friend says "Well, you can have mine too!"
The next day
JOKE NR 329: <|endoftext|>START:An old man is sitting in a bar. He's drinking a beer, and the bartender asks him what he wants.
"I want a beer with everything," he replies.
"You want a beer with everything? You're a fucking moron."
"I want a beer with everything," he replies.
The bartender asks him if he wants a double.
"I don't know," he says, "I just want a beer with everything."
"You want a beer with everything?" the bartender asks, "and you want a beer with everything? You're a fucking moron."
"I want a beer with everything," he says.
The bartender asks him if he wants a single.
"I don't know," he says, "I just want a beer with everything."
"You want a beer with everything?" the bartender asks.
"And you want a beer with everything?"
"I don't know," he says, "I just want a beer with everything."
"You want a beer with everything?" the bartender says.
"You're fucking stupid," says the old man, "I'm not
JOKE NR 330: <|endoftext|>START:If you can't tell the difference between a joke you heard on a radio show, and a joke you heard on a radio show... You're not a radio host.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 331: <|endoftext|>START:A man is sitting in his car... A man is sitting in his car when suddenly he hears a gunshot. He immediately rushes to the scene and looks around frantically.
He sees a police officer, who is lying on his back, with a gun to his head.
The man asks, "Officer, what's going on?"
The officer says, "I don't know, but I'm going to kill you!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 332: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor for a check-up A man goes to the doctor to get a physical. The doctor asks him, "How old are you, sir?"
The man replies, "I'm 47."
The doctor asks, "What's your occupation?"
The man says, "I'm a plumber."
The doctor says, "What's your age?"
The man says, "I'm 47."
The doctor says, "What do you do?"
The man says, "I'm a plumber, too."
The doctor says, "What do you do at work?"
The man says, "I'm a plumber, too."
The doctor then says, "Well, you're a very interesting man, and I'd like to ask a few questions about you. First, what's your occupation?"
The man replies, "I'm a plumber."
The doctor says, "Wow, that's interesting. Tell me a little more about yourself, then."
The man replies, "I'm a plumber, too."
The doctor then says, "You're a very interesting
JOKE NR 333: <|endoftext|>START:A guy goes to the doctor... A guy goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, I've been having these strange dreams, I can't seem to sleep."
"I know, what do you want to do?"
"Let's go to a bar and have a few rounds."
"I can't believe you're serious!"
"I'm not. I'm not. I just don't want to wake up and find that I'm a prostitute!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 334: <|endoftext|>START:How do you get a nun pregnant? You fuck her sister.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 335: <|endoftext|>START:The most important thing to remember is......that you are not alone.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 336: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes into a pet shop... She walks up to the counter and says,
"Hello, can you help me?"
The owner looks at her and says,
"Yes, I'm a pet therapist. What can I help with?"
"Well, I've got a parrot that's been acting up lately, and I'm worried about it. Can you help me?"
The owner looks at her and says, "Sure, I can help. What can I do for you?"
The woman says, "Well, I'm a vegan, and I've got a dog that's been acting up lately too. I'm worried about that too. Can you help me?"
The owner looks at her and says, "Well, I've got an elephant that I'm worried about too. Can you help me?"
The woman looks at the owner, and says,
"Well, I've got a cat that's been acting up lately too. Can you help me with this?"
The owner looks at the woman, and asks,
"Well, I've got this little guy that's been acting up, and he's really annoying.
JOKE NR 337: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? A garbanzo bean can feed a family of four.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 338: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the chicken had to go back to the coop.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 339: <|endoftext|>START:I'm not a racist, but I don't understand why black people are always getting shot by police......when they are just trying to get out of their car and drive away.
Edit: spelling<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 340: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes on holiday to a remote island. A man goes on holiday to a remote island.
He finds a beautiful girl and they have sex.
The man goes home and his wife says: "You should have stayed with us. You are a good man and you should be proud of yourself."
He replies: "I'm a good man, I love women and I'm married. I'm not a pedophile."
He goes back to his wife and says: "You should have stayed with us. You are a good woman, you are beautiful, you are smart, you are a good mother, you are smart, you are a good wife, you are smart.
You should be proud of yourself."
He goes back to his wife and says: "I'm a good woman, I love women, I am beautiful, I am smart, I am a good father, I love children. I'm a good man."
He goes home and his wife says: "You should have stayed with us. You are a good woman, you are beautiful, you are smart, you are a good mother, you are smart.
You should be proud of yourself
JOKE NR 341: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor and says "Doc, I have a problem. I have a huge erection and it's driving me crazy!"
The doctor looks at him and says "Well, you have a yeast infection. It's a yeast infection. You have to stop masturbating."
The man says
"No, it's not that. It's that I have a yeast infection."
The doctor says, "You have to stop masturbating."
The man says "I don't want to stop, doc. It's driving me crazy!"
The doc replies, "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. You have a yeast infection."
"No, I have a yeast infection."
The doctor says, "You must stop masturbating.
"No, doc. I have a yeast infection."
JOKE NR 342: <|endoftext|>START:Why is it called "The Big Bang Theory"? The first two episodes of the show are about a man's discovery of a new universe.
The third episode is about a guy's discovery of a new planet.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 343: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking along the beach......when he comes upon an attractive blonde woman sitting on a bench, reading a newspaper. He walks up to her and says, "Excuse me, miss, but I'd like to ask you a favor."
"Sure, what's the favor?" she replies.
"You know, I've been married to this gorgeous woman for the past 20 years. We have a wonderful house, a beautiful car, a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter. I've never had a single affair. I don't know why you would ask me for sex. I'm married to my wife and I love her."
"Oh, really?" she replies. "What's the catch?"
He says, "If you give me a blow job and then you have sex with my daughter, you'll be my wife."
The blonde is stunned. "Wow, that's incredible!" She says.
"Well, if you don't mind me asking," he says, "why the hell are you giving me a blow job?"
"Well, I've been married for 20 years and I've never had an affair."
The blonde says
JOKE NR 344: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking down the street... A man is walking down the street and sees a woman with a cat on her back. He walks up to her and says "Hey, what's your cat for?"
The woman says "Well, I'm a cat person. My cat has two balls and a tail, so I call her 'the tail' and I have a cat named 'the balls' that I call'my balls'."
The man says, "Wow, that's a lot of balls. What's your name?"
"I'm named John."
"John, what's your cat name?"
"I'm named Bob."
"Bob, what is your cat name?"
"I'm named Sally."
The man says, "Sally what's your cat name?"
"I'm named Sally."
"Sally, what's your cat's name?"
"I'm named Sally."
"Sally, what's your cat's name?"
"I'm named Bob."
The man says, "What is your cat's cat's name?"
"Bob, Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob!"
JOKE NR 345: <|endoftext|>START:Two cows are grazing in the pasture... One cow looks up and says "Hey, do you have any idea how big this is?"
The other cow says "No."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 346: <|endoftext|>START:I got a tattoo of a penis in the shape of a cross. It's a little weird but I like it.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 347: <|endoftext|>START:My wife and I are having a baby. I have to go to work today.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 348: <|endoftext|>START:I met a woman who was a vegan. She told me she had a vegan boyfriend.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 349: <|endoftext|>START:What's the best thing about a black guy? He doesn't have to go to jail.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 350: <|endoftext|>START:What did the chicken say when it saw a duck on the street? "I'm not a chicken, I'm a duck."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 351: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican with no arms and no legs? Carlos.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 352: <|endoftext|>START:Two men are sitting on the beach......and one is a man and one is a woman.
The man looks at his wife, "Honey, I'm going to go out and buy some condoms."
The woman says, "What are you going to do with all the condoms?"
The man replies, "Well, I'm gonna go out and fuck a chick."
The woman is disgusted and says, "What are you going to do with all the condoms?"
The man says, "I'm gonna go out and get some blowjobs too."
"What are you going to do with all the condoms?"
The man says, "I'm gonna go out and fuck a chick and a guy and a cow."
The woman says, "What are you going to do with all the condoms?!"
The man replies, "I'm gonna go out and get some pussy too."
The woman is disgusted and says, "What are you going to do with all the condoms?!"
The man says, "I'm gonna go out and fuck a cow and a chicken, and a pig."
The woman says, "WHAT are you
JOKE NR 353: <|endoftext|>START:A man is sitting in the bar with his wife......when a man enters. He asks for a drink and the bartender hands him a beer, which he takes and drinks.
He then asks for a second drink and the bartender hands him one, which he takes and drinks.
Finally, the bartender asks, "Hey man, you know what? I'm gonna give you a free beer. You can go home, have a drink, then come back in and I'll give you another one."
The man, confused, asks, "What's the catch? I asked for two drinks and you gave me one."
"No, no. I told you, I'm gonna give you a free beer." The bartender replies.
The man, now a bit confused, asks, "What if I don't drink? What if I don't drink?"
To which the bartender replies, "You're not going to drink if you're not going to drink, are you? You're not going to drink if you're not going to drink, are you? You're not going to drink if you're not going to drink, are you? You're not going to drink if you're
JOKE NR 354: <|endoftext|>START:What did one tampon say to the other tampon? You're a real tampon, you're a real tampon!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 355: <|endoftext|>START:The man who invented the airplane. A young man is walking down the street when his neighbor stops him.
"Hey, son. What's the matter?"
The man replies, "Well, I just invented an airplane."
The neighbor asks him, "What did you do with all the money?"
The man says, "Well, the first thing I sold was the plane. Then I sold all the other planes. Then I sold all the other planes. I sold all the other planes. Then I sold all the other planes. I sold all the other planes. Then I sold all the other planes."
"And how much did you make?"
"I made $100,000."
"And how much did you sell?"
"I sold $1,000,000."
"And how much did you make?"
The man says, "I made $500,000."
"And how much did you sell?"
"I sold my house and my car."
The neighbor asks him why he's selling his house.
"I don't know, my wife died last week. I had her cremated."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 356: <|endoftext|>START:Why do women have such small penises? Because they're so sensitive.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 357: <|endoftext|>START:An American, a Frenchman and a Russian are on an airplane... The plane crashes and they all survive. They land on the beach, and the American, the Frenchman and the Russian all get into a canoe. The Frenchman and the Russians swim to shore and start making love. The Frenchman gets a boner, and says to the Russian: "You're a real gentleman, I'm so proud of you." The Russian replies: "No, I'm a real sailor, I'm so proud of you." The Frenchman gets a boner, and the Russians say: "You're a real sailor too. I'm so proud of you. "The American says: "I'm not a sailor. I'm an American." The Frenchman says: "You are American too, and I'm so proud of you. "The Russian says: "I'm not Russian, I'm a German. And I'm so proud of you." The American says: "I'm not American, I'm an American. "The Russian says: "I don't know what's so great about you, I'm a German." The American says: "You're German, and you're so proud of yourself. "The Russian says: "I'm
JOKE NR 358: <|endoftext|>START:A young man was sitting on a park bench... when a man walked up to him and said, "Hey man, you're a real asshole."
The man replied, "No, I'm a real asshole, and I'm not going to apologize for it."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an asshole, you're just an asshole who's not getting laid."
"You're not an
JOKE NR 359: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is sitting in a bar......and a beautiful girl walks in. She sits down and asks him to get her a drink. The man says "I'll take the glass of water." The girl takes the glass and starts to drink. The man asks "What is this, some kind of magic potion?" The girl says, "I don't know, but it's making me feel like a woman." The man then says, "What is that, some kind of magic potion?" The girl says, "I don't know, but it's making me look like a woman." The man says "What the hell are you drinking?" The girl says, "I'm drinking this because I'm feeling horny." The man then asks "What's that, some kind of magic potion?" The girl says, "I don't know, but it's making me feel like a woman." The man then asks, "What the hell are you drinking?" The girl says, "I'm drinking this because I'm feeling horny." The man then says, "What the hell are you drinking?" The girl says, "I'm drinking this because I'm feeling horny." The man then says, "What the hell are you drinking?"
JOKE NR 360: <|endoftext|>START:I used to be a vegetarian but I stopped eating meat. I'm not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but now it's a vegetable.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 361: <|endoftext|>START:The other day I went to a restaurant and ordered the same thing......but the waiter came up behind me and asked if it was my wife.
I said, "No, it's your husband."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 362: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor... He says "Doc, I have a problem. I have a problem with my penis. I can't get it hard. I've been having sex all day, but when I try, I just can't get it hard."
The doctor replies "Well you have a problem with your balls, right? Well I've got a cure for that, but first you need to stop masturbating." The patient goes to the bathroom and starts to masturbate. He starts to feel a little bit better, but then he feels a bit of pain. The doctor says "You have a problem with your penis. Well I've got a fix for that, but first you have to stop masturbating.
The man starts to feel better, but then he feels a bit more pain, and he starts to get a little bit hard. The doctor says "You have a problem with your penis. Well I've got a cure for that, but I need you to stop masturbating right now." The man starts to get even harder and harder. The doctor says "You're going to die, you can't have that. You have a terminal illness." The man says "Well
JOKE NR 363: <|endoftext|>START:What does a black man with no arms and no legs do? He's in a wheelchair!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 364: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black guy who's been shot in the back? A bulletproof vest<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 365: <|endoftext|>START:My friend is a great cook He has the perfect recipe for every meal. He is a master of his craft.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 366: <|endoftext|>START:Why should you not trust a man with two balls? He can't be that good at math.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 367: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes on a date with an extremely hot girl. He goes up to her, and she says, "You're so hot, I'm going to give you the best blowjob I've ever had!" The man says, "No, no. I'm serious. Give me the best blowjob I've ever had." The girl says, "I can't. I'm allergic to latex." The man says, "You can't be allergic to latex. You're allergic to your own dick."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 368: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of people who are all addicted to the same thing? A group of people who are all addicted to the same thing.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 369: <|endoftext|>START:A husband and wife are having a baby, the wife is in labor and the husband is in the hospital. He is in the operating theatre and is in a coma.
The wife is in labor and the husband is in the operating theatre.
The wife is in labor and the husband is in the operating theatre.
The husband is in the operating theatre, the wife is in the coma, and the husband is in the hospital. The wife wakes up and goes to the husband and asks, "Honey, what happened?" The husband says, "I'm not sure, honey, I think I had a heart attack."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 370: <|endoftext|>START:I was going to tell a gay joke but I couldn't think of anything good.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 371: <|endoftext|>START:Two guys walk into a bar...... and one says to the other, "Hey man, you know, I've been having these weird dreams." The other man says "What's the problem?" The first guy says "I've been having these dreams where I'm flying around the sky, and I'm just a little bit off." The second guy replies "Well, I've had these dreams too, but this is the first time I've had one that's actually happened." The first guy says "Well, I'm going to have you wake up." So they both wake up and go downstairs and he says "I'm going to have you have sex with me." The other guy looks at him and says, "What the hell, what the fuck are you doing?" The other guy looks at him and says "Well, I was going to tell you, but it turns out you woke up."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 372: <|endoftext|>START:I have an addiction to sex......I'm not sure what it is.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 373: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a black man on the moon and an elephant on the beach? An elephant on the moon has a trunk.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 374: <|endoftext|>START:Did you hear about the man who had to have a vasectomy? He was in a bad mood.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 375: <|endoftext|>START:What's the hardest thing to do in bed? The wheelchair<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 376: <|endoftext|>START:The most common joke in my class. What do you call a group of Mexicans?
What do you call a group of blacks?
What do you call an Asian?
An Asian-American.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 377: <|endoftext|>START:An elderly man walks into a bar... He sits down at the counter and orders a drink, when the bartender says, "Sorry, we only serve the elderly." The elderly man says, "I'm not old enough to drink!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 378: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes into a bar and orders a beer... The bartender asks, "What can I get you?"
She says, "I'm a woman and I want a beer."
"Well," he says, "I'm not going to give a woman a beer."
"What about the $5 I owe you?"
"I don't owe a man a beer."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 379: <|endoftext|>START:An old couple is in their bedroom......when the old man turns to his wife and says "Honey, you know I'm going to have sex tomorrow. You know I'm going to have sex with my wife tomorrow."
The wife is shocked and asks, "Why? What do you want with me? I work here and have no money."
The old man replies, "I'm going to have sex with you tomorrow. You know I'm going to have sex with my wife tomorrow."
The wife says, "I'm going to have sex with my husband tomorrow. You know I am going to have sex with my husband tomorrow."
The husband says, "I'm not going to have sex with you tomorrow, I'm going to have sex with my wife."
The wife says, "I'm going to have sex with my husband tomorrow."
The old man says, "I'm not going to have sex with my wife, I'm going to have sex with my secretary."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 380: <|endoftext|>START:My friend told me he's going to be a doctor... I told him I'd take his advice. He's a doctor, after all!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 381: <|endoftext|>START:I met a woman with a huge dick today. She was a bit of a slut.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 382: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes to the doctor... A woman is in the hospital and the doctor tells her that she has a terminal illness and that she must have her breasts removed.
The woman goes to the surgeon and says "I don't know what you're doing, but my breasts are growing and growing."
The surgeon says "Well, I'm not going down on you like that. You're a woman, you have the right to choose what happens to your breasts. I'm going to put them in the freezer and bring them back when you're ready."
So the woman goes back to the doctor and says "Doctor, what happened to the other breasts?"
The doctor replies, "Well they're still growing, but they're not as big. I put them back in, and they are now the size of melons."
The woman is very upset and says "What's wrong with melons?"
The surgeon says "Well, they are still growing but they're not as big."
The woman says "What's wrong with melons?"
The surgeon then says, "Well, I put them back in, and they are now as big as a grapefruit."
JOKE NR 383: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican who can fly but can't drive? A pilot<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 384: <|endoftext|>START:My friend asked me if I had ever had sex with a woman... I told him I had but it wasn't as good as his.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 385: <|endoftext|>START:What did one mosquito say to the other mosquito? You're both stuck up cunts.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 386: <|endoftext|>START:Little Johnny and his dad are sitting on the porch... Little Johnny is sitting on the porch with his dad.
"Daddy, what's the difference between a girl and a dog?"
"A dog can jump higher than a girl, but a girl can jump lower than a dog."
"Well then, why is your dog a girl?"
"Because she's my bitch."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 387: <|endoftext|>START:So, I was walking around the park one day and I see a man with his hands in his own pockets. So I was walking around the park one day and I see a man with his hands in his own pockets. I ask him what's wrong.
He says, "I got a heart attack."
I said, "What's a heart attack? You're not going to die!"
He says, "No. I got pneumonia."
I said, "What's pneumonia? You're not gonna die either!"
He then said, "I had a stroke."
I said, "What? What? What? What? What? What?"
He said, "I had to take the wheel."
I said, "What?! You had to take the wheel?!"
He said,"No, I had to take the bus."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 388: <|endoftext|>START:So I was at the bar with my girlfriend, and she said to me, "I'm not sure if I should tell you this, but you're a huge asshole." I said, "You mean a real one?" She said, "Yes."
I replied, "I'm not saying you're the biggest asshole in this world, I'm just saying you're the worst asshole in my life."
She said, "You mean the one who's always telling me to stop drinking and smoking?" I said, "Yes."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 389: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black guy who's been shot? A felonious.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 390: <|endoftext|>START:Three old men are sitting on a bench in a park... The first one says "I bet I can get the biggest erection of all of us." The second man says "I bet I can get my dick to the size of a basketball." The third man says "I bet I can get my dick to the size of a golf ball"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 391: <|endoftext|>START:My friend is a vegan... He doesn't like meat. He's vegan.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 392: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is walking through the forest... A guy is walking through the forest, when he comes across an old man. He approaches and asks, "Hey, old man, what's your name?"
The old man says, "John."
The man asks, "What's your name?"
The old man says, "John Smith."
The man says, "What's your name?"
The old mans replies, "John Smith, of course."
The man asks, "What's your name?"
The old man says, "John Smith."
The man says, "What's your name?" The old man says, "John Smith, of course."
The man says, "What's your name?"
The old mans says, "John Smith."
The man says, "What's your name?"
The old mans says, "John Smith, of course."
The man then asks, "What's your name?"
The old man says, "John Smith, of course." The old man says, "What's your name?"
JOKE NR 393: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black man in the sky? A meteorologist.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 394: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Just one, but she has to get it out of there first.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 395: <|endoftext|>START:Why didn't the chicken cross the road? He didn't want to get in the way of the car.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 396: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes into a bank... A man goes into a bank, and asks the teller, "I have a question for you, sir. Do you know how much money I owe?"
The teller says, "I don't have that kind of information."
The man says, "Then I'll go to the front desk, and ask the cashier."
The man goes to the cashier, who says, "I'm sorry, sir. We don't have that kind of information."
The man says, "Then I'll ask the secretary. She's also not that kind of woman."
The teller says, "I'm also not that kind of woman. You go to the back of the bank, and ask the teller."
The teller says, "I'm sorry, sir. We don't have that kind of information."
The man says, "Go ahead and ask the teller." The teller says, "I'm sorry, sir. We don't have that kind of information."
The man says, "Go ahead and ask the secretary." The teller says, "I'm sorry
JOKE NR 397: <|endoftext|>START:An American, a Russian, and an Irishman walk into a bar The American says to the bartender, "I'm going to have a pint." The bartender looks at him and says, "I don't think you understand the pint is half full." The American replies, "Well, I'm a pint."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 398: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes to the doctor A woman goes to the doctor and complains of stomach pains.
Doctor says, "You're pregnant."
Woman replies, "What? What do you mean?"
Doctor says, "Well I'm going to have to remove your appendix. You're going to have to stop eating."
Woman says, "What?! What do you mean?"
Doctor says, "Well you're going to have to stop masturbating."
The woman looks at her stomach and says, "What?! Why would you do that?"
Doctor says, "Because I have to take your testicles out."
Edit: formatting<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 399: <|endoftext|>START:Why can't the chicken eat the broccoli? Because the broccoli is broccoli.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 400: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a group of people who are always in a hurry? An elevator.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 401: <|endoftext|>START:What did the man with no arms and no legs get for Christmas? His girlfriend<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 402: <|endoftext|>START:An American, an Irishman, and an Englishman are on an island. They decide to have a picnic. They all get together and decide they'll go for a swim. The Englishman swims for a while and then comes back and says "I can't swim." The Irishman swims for a while and then comes back and says "I can't swim." The American swims for a while and then comes back and says "I can't swim." The Irishman says to the Englishman "You know, if I could swim, you'd be the happiest person on the island." The Englishman says, "Well, I'm sure as hell not gonna be the happiest person on the island!" The Irish man says, "You know, if I could swim, you'd be the happiest person on the island!" And the American says, "Well, you'd be a lot happier if you could swim, too."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 403: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving through a forest and sees a deer......and he pulls over.
"What are you doing?" he asks
The deer looks up at him, and says, "I'm going to eat you."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 404: <|endoftext|>START:The wife of the man who killed his wife and child. She was so angry at the man that when he was in the hospital she had to go and pick up his wife and child.
When they got there, the man asked his wife, "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"
She said, "No, I want you to go and get me a drink from the tap."
The man said, "I'm sorry, I can't go."
She said, "You're not going to get me another drink, are you?"
He said, "I can't, I'm a doctor."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 405: <|endoftext|>START:The Pope's favorite joke A priest is driving down the street and sees a young man in front of a church, he stops to ask the young man what he wants to do.
The young man says he wants to go to the movies, and the priest says, “Well, you can go, but you have to tell me your name.”
The young man says, “My name is John.”
The priest says, “Well, I'm sorry, but you’re not allowed to tell a name to a child under the age of eighteen.” The young man says, “I'm eighteen.”
The priest says, “Well, you’re not allowed to tell a child under the age of twelve.”
The young man says, “I'm twelve.”
The priest says, “Well, you’re not allowed to tell a child under the age of eight.”
The young man says, “I’m eight.”
The priest says, “Well, you’re not allowed to say the name Jesus.�
JOKE NR 406: <|endoftext|>START:There's two guys at the of them is a lawyer and the other a doctor. The doctor says, "I have some bad news for you. I have some bad news for you." The lawyer replies, "What's the bad news?"
The doctor says, "Well, you have a tumor on your penis."
The lawyer says, "What the hell does that have to do with me?"
The doctor says, "Well, it's about a foot in diameter and it's growing."
The lawyer says, "What the heck does that have to do with me?"
The doctor says, "Well, it's about a foot in diameter and it's growing."
The lawyer says, "What the fuck does that have to do with me?"
The doctor says, "Well, it's a foot in diameter and it's growing."
The lawyer says, "What the hell does that have to do with me?"
The doctor says, "Well, it's a foot in diameter and it's growing."
The lawyer asks, "Well, what's the good news?"
The doctor says, "It's about a foot
JOKE NR 407: <|endoftext|>START:Two men are walking down a road. One is an old man and the other is a young man.
The old man looks over and says "Hey, look at this. I'm old, but I can walk this way."
The young man looks back and says "You're a liar, old man. You can't walk this way."
The old man replies, "I know, I'm a doctor. I can walk the other way. I'm a lawyer too. I can go the other way."
The young man looks over and asks, "What do you think you're doing? You're a doctor, and you're a good one at that. I can walk this way."
The old man replies, "Well, look at you. You're a young man. You don't even know where you are!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 408: <|endoftext|>START:I was at the bar last night......and a man walked in.
I asked him what his problem was.
He said "I can't stop singing the 'I'm the man' song."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 409: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a black man and a pizza? I can't eat a pizza with my dick out<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 410: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black person who is not allowed on the moon? An astronaut<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 411: <|endoftext|>START:An Irish man is walking down the street... An Irish man is walking down the street when he comes to a house. He knocks on the door and a woman opens the door. The Irish guy says "Excuse me ma'am but you're a little drunk and you're not wearing a condom."
"I am, I just wanted to say thanks for the condom, I'm Irish and I don't drink."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm Irish too."
The Irish man says, "I'm sorry, I'm Irish too."
"I'm Irish too, I'm Irish too."
The woman says "I'm Irish too, I'm Irish too!"
The Irish man says, "I'm Irish too, I'm Irish too."
The Irish man says "I'm Irish too, I'm Irish too."
The woman says "I'm Irish too, I'm Irish too."
The Irish man says "I'm Irish too, I'm Irish too."
"I'm Irish too, I'm Irish too."
The woman says "I'm Irish too, I'm Irish too."
The Irish
JOKE NR 412: <|endoftext|>START:My friend is so fat, he can't even see his own shadow. He can't even see his own dick.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 413: <|endoftext|>START:A blonde, a red head, and a brunette were all standing on the side of the street......when they saw a car coming towards them. The brunette said, "We should all get out of here."
The red head said, "We should all get out of here."
The blonde replied, "We should all get out of here. The police are going to kill us."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 414: <|endoftext|>START:I'm going to make a joke about my dick......but I'll tell you when it's time.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 415: <|endoftext|>START:Did you hear about the guy who was arrested for stealing a car? He was charged with car theft<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 416: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor for a check up. Doctor : I have some bad news. You have to stop masturbating.
Man : What's wrong?
Doctor : Well I'm afraid you've got cancer.
Man : What? What is it?
Doctor : Your testicles are cancerous.
Man : Wow that's awful, what can I do?
Doctor : You can stop masturbating and you can come back in a week.
Man comes back the week after and the Doctor says "Well, you have to stop masturbating, I'm afraid you have cancer. What's the problem?"
Man : Doctor, I don't have cancer.
Doctor : Well I'm afraid you have AIDS.
Man : What?! What's AIDS?
Doctor : Your testicles are cancerous.
Man : Wow that's awful, what can I do?
Doctor : Go to the doctor, he'll give you the cure.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 417: <|endoftext|>START:Why aren't there any black jokes on this subreddit? I'm not sure, I've heard some black jokes on /r/jokes, but not enough to make it a black subreddit<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 418: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? None, feminists change everything!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 419: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a black guy and a baby? A baby can't jump off a cliff!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 420: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black guy in a wheelchair? A walk in the park<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 421: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican with a rubber toe? Roberto.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 422: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Feminists can't change a lightbulb.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 423: <|endoftext|>START:How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 424: <|endoftext|>START:Three men are sitting in a bar... The first guy says "I'll bet you $50 you don't know who the other two are." The second guy says "I'll bet $100 you don't know who the third is." The third guy says "I'll bet you $500 you don't know who I am!" The first two guys say "I'll give you both $500, but you have to tell me who I am." The first guy says "I'm a lawyer." The second guy says "I'm a doctor." The third guy says "I'm the bartender."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 425: <|endoftext|>START:I went to the doctor the other day......and he told me I had a yeast infection. I asked him what that meant. He said, 'You have to drink a lot of water.'
I said, 'No, I don't.'
Then he asked me, 'You have to eat very little.'
'No, I don't,' I said.
Then he said, 'You need to drink lots of coffee.'
I said, 'No, I don't.'
Then he said, 'You need to eat lots of sugar.'
I said, 'No, I don't.'
Then he said, 'You need to have sex a lot.'
I said, 'No, I don't.'
Then, he said, 'You have to drink a lot of alcohol.'
I said, 'No, I don't.'
Then he asked me, 'What's your sex life like?'
'Well, I have sex with my girlfriend every other week.'<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 426: <|endoftext|>START:So a man goes on vacation... He goes on his first day in Hawaii. He is walking down the road and sees a sign that reads, "Holidays Only" He goes up and says "I can't believe this, I'm going to Hawaii!" He walks down the road and sees the same sign. He goes up and asks the man "I'm going to Hawaii, can I come with you?" He says yes. He walks back down and says "I'm sorry I can't come with you, but can you please let me know if there is anything I can do to help?" He says "Sure, just tell me if there is anything I can do for you, and I'll do my best to help!" He walks back up the road and sees the sign again. "Holidays only!" He walks back down the road and sees it again. "Holidays only!" He goes back down the road and sees it again, "Holidays only!" He walks back up to the man, "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to Hawaii to see my friend."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 427: <|endoftext|>START:A man is walking through the woods......when he comes upon a large, beautiful woman.
"Excuse me," he says, "but do you have any idea how old I am?"
"Yes, you are," she replied. "I was your mother's nurse."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 428: <|endoftext|>START:The worst thing about being a pedophile is......that it's always in the back of your head.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 429: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar... and sits down. The bartender asks him if he would like a beer. The man looks at him and says, "I'm not a beer guy."
"You're a whiskey guy." The bartender replies. "You drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey."
"I don't drink whiskey, I drink whiskey." The man replies. "I drink whiskey. I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey. I drink whiskey. I drink whiskey. I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey."
"You drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey."
"I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey."
"You drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink whiskey."
"I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey, you drink whiskey, you drink
JOKE NR 430: <|endoftext|>START:How many people in the world can you fit in the back of a car? Two in front and one at the back.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 431: <|endoftext|>START:Did you hear about the guy with no arms and no legs who was a great wrestler? He was called The Hulk.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 432: <|endoftext|>START:A guy walks into a bar and sees a beautiful woman sitting on the bar stool next to him... He asks her if she'd like to have some drinks with him.
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to decline. You're the only one who can see my dick."
The guy is a bit confused, but he's not going to complain.
He takes a seat next to her. The woman looks up and asks, "What do you mean,'see my dick?'"
The guy is a bit flustered now, but he doesn't say anything.
"You see my dick? It's like the biggest dick you've ever seen, but it's not hard. It's the size of a golf ball. I can fit it between my thumb and forefinger, but it's still not hard. If you put one in my mouth, it'll feel like a million bucks. But if you pull it out, it's still not hard. I could swallow a full bottle of whiskey, but it's still not hard. If your hand gets wet, I could stick my finger up your ass, but I can't do that. If you get too hard,
JOKE NR 433: <|endoftext|>START:The wife of a man is getting on with her life......when her husband comes home from work and sees his wife naked on the sofa.
He asks what's wrong, and the wife replies, 'I've been having an affair with the gardener.' The husband, shocked, asks what the gardener is. The wife explains that the gardener is the man's lover.
The husband is furious, but the wife says, 'He's my lover, he's my best friend, and he's been cheating on me with the gardener for years. I don't care who knows it, I'm going to get him to confess to me.
The next morning, the husband comes home and finds his wife naked on the sofa. 'What's wrong?' he asks. 'I've been having an affair with the gardener,' she replies. The husband is shocked, but the wife explains that the gardener is the man's lover.
The husband is furious. But the wife explains that the gardener is the man's best friend, and he's been cheating on her with the gardener for years. 'I don't care who knows it, I'm going to get him to confess to me,' the
JOKE NR 434: <|endoftext|>START:I'm not a fan of the new iPhone 6S Plus. It's got an 8 inch screen.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 435: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and asks the bar tender for a beer. He then orders a beer and drinks it. The bar tender asks the man what happened and the man replies, "I had a stroke and now I can't drink anymore."
A few minutes later the man returns with a glass of water and drinks it. The bar tender asks the man what happened and the man says, "I had a stroke and now I can't drink anymore."
A few minutes later the man returns with two bottles of beer, one of which he drinks. The bar tender asks the man what happened and the man says, "I had a stroke and now I can't drink anymore."
The bartender asks the man what happened and the man says, "Well, I had a stroke and now I can't drink anymore."
The bartender then asks the man, "So what's the matter with you?"
The man says, "I can't drink anymore."
"Well then, what's the matter with your wife?" the bartender asks.
The man says, "Well, I had a stroke and now I have to go to the hospital. I'm going to the doctor to see if
JOKE NR 436: <|endoftext|>START:A woman is walking through a park......and she comes across a dog. The dog is obviously a pit bull, and the woman thinks to herself, "Wow, I wish I had this dog."
The woman goes up to the dog and says, "I'm going to give you a bone."
The dog says to her, "You're a real bitch, you're not supposed to give a bone to a pit bull. I'm going to bite you in the ass."
The woman is shocked. "Oh my god, I thought you said you were a pit bull."
The woman says, "Yeah. I'm going to bite your balls."
The dog says, "No, no. I'm going to bite your tits. You're not supposed to give a bone to a pit bull."
The woman says, "Oh my god, I thought you said you were a pit bull. I'm going to bite your tits!"
The dog says, "No, no. I'm gonna bite your tits!"
The woman says, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
JOKE NR 437: <|endoftext|>START:A guy walks into a bar......and sits down at the bar. He orders three beers and starts drinking them. He finishes them and goes back to his seat. The bartender notices that the guy has no arms, legs, or hands and is sitting there looking very uncomfortable.
He asks the bartender, "Hey, man, do you have any arms or legs?" The bartender says, "No, but I have a feeling you'll have some problems with your head."
The guy replies, "No, but I have a feeling you'll have some problems with your head too."
The bartender says, "Well, what about your head?"
The man replies, "No, but I have a feeling you'll have some problems with your head too."
The bartender asks, "What about your legs?"
The guy says, "No, but I do have a feel you'll have some problems with your legs too."
The bartender is starting to worry about this guy, and he asks the bartender, "What's your problem? You have a head and you have legs, what the hell are you having?"
The guy says, "Well, I'm a bartender,
JOKE NR 438: <|endoftext|>START:The only thing that makes me sad is that I'm going to be a dad for the rest of my life... I guess that makes me a dad-ish.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 439: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving down a country road......and he sees a farmer in the field. The farmer is a very old farmer, and he is wearing a large, wrinkled old hat. He is sitting in his field with his tractor.
"What are you doing here?" he asks.
"I'm looking for a cow," replies the old farmer.
"What are you going to do with the cow? You have no idea what you're going to find."
"I'm going to take the cows to the slaughterhouse and get them all cleaned and ready for the butcher."
"What about you, old farmer? What are you going to do with the cows? You have no idea what you're going to find."
"Well, I'm taking the cows to the butcher and getting them all cleaned and ready to go to market. I'm going to put the cow in the back of the tractor and start pulling it."
"And what about the cow that looks just like you?"
"I took her to the butcher and got her all cleaned and ready for market."
"And what are you going to do with the cow?" the old farmer asks.
JOKE NR 440: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes to the doctors... She says, "Doctor, I have a problem. Every time I touch my breast, it feels like I'm going to explode."
The doctor says, "Well, what do you mean? Every time you touch your breast, it feels like you're going to explode?"
"Well, I'm not sure," she says. "Every time I touch my breast, it feels like a bomb goes off."
The doctor says, "Well, what do you mean? Every time you touch your breast, it feels like a bomb goes off?"
"Well, I'm not sure," she says. "Every time I touch my breast, it feels like a bomb goes off."
"Well, what do you mean?" says the doctor.
"Every time I touch my breast, it feels like a bomb goes off."
The doctor says, "Well what do you mean?"
"Every time I touch my breast, it feels like a bomb goes off."
The doctor says, "Well, what do you mean?"
"Every time I touch my breast, it feels like a bomb goes off!"
The doctor
JOKE NR 441: <|endoftext|>START:Didja know the word for "fart"? "Poop".
I'll see myself out now.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 442: <|endoftext|>START:The Pope and the Rabbi The Pope and the Rabbi are walking along the road and the Pope says "I'm gonna fuck you both!" The Rabbi looks at the Pope and says "You're gonna fuck me too?" The Pope replies "No, I'm gonna fuck the rabbi."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 443: <|endoftext|>START:What's a pirate's favorite letter? Arrrr!<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 444: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes to the doctor for a checkup A woman goes to the doctor for a checkup.
"I think I'm pregnant," she says.
The doctor looks at her and says, "I'm afraid you're pregnant."
"What?" she says, "What does that mean?"
"Well, you're not pregnant," says the doctor.
"Oh," says the woman, "I thought I was pregnant."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 445: <|endoftext|>START:What did one tampon say to the other tampon? "You look like you've just had a shit!"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 446: <|endoftext|>START:The Perfect Son. A: I have the perfect son.
B: Does he smoke?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he drink whiskey?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he ever come home late?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 447: <|endoftext|>START:I was going to tell a joke about the new iPhone 6s Plus, but I think it'll just be too corny<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 448: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor and says "Doctor I have this terrible problem, I can't pee without making a huge mess."
The doctor says,"Well I can help you."
He says,"Take a bath and rub it on your penis, then rub it on the wall."
The man says,"I'm going to make a big mess, I can't pee!"
The doctor says,"Take a bath and rub it on your penis, then rub it on the wall."
The man says,"I'm going to make a mess, I can't pee! What's the big idea? I have a bladder infection!"
The doctor says,"Take a bath and rub a bath towel on your penis, then rub it on the wall."
The man says,"I'm going to make a mess, I can't pee!"
The doctor says,"Take a bath and rub it on your penis, then rub it on the wall."
The man says,"I'm going to make a mess! What are you doing?! You're going to make me piss all over the wall!"
The doctor says,"Take a bath and rub a bath towel on your penis, then rub it on the wall."
The man
JOKE NR 449: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between an Irish wedding and a funeral? One is a funeral and one is a funeral.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 450: <|endoftext|>START:A young man was walking through the park......when he came upon a dog.
He picked it up, and held it up in his hand.
"What are you doing?" asked the dog.
"I'm trying to teach you a lesson," replied the man.
"I don't think I'm learning much at this point."
The dog sniffed and then snorted.
"What are you doing?" asked the dog.
"I'm trying to teach you a lesson," replied the man.
"I don't think I'm learning much at this point."
The dog sniffed and then snorted.
"What are you doing?" asked the dog.
"I'm trying to teach you a lesson," replied the man.
"I don't think I'm learning much at this point," said the dog.
"What are you doing?" asked the dog.
"I'm trying to teach you a lesson," said the man.
The dog sniffed and then snorted.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to teach you a lesson," replied the dog.
JOKE NR 451: <|endoftext|>START:What is the difference between a black man and a refrigerator? A refrigerator can keep a shitload of food warm.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 452: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and asks for a drink... The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve alcohol here." The man replies, "I'm a lawyer, I know that. I'm not drinking."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 453: <|endoftext|>START:Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 454: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is driving down a country road when he sees a sign for a "Tractor" A guy is driving down a country road, when he sees a sign for a "Tractor".
He goes up to the owner, looks him in the eye and says "You know, I've been driving this truck for the last 10 years, but I've never had any luck with tractors. I'm looking for a new one, but I don't know if I can afford it, so you can give it to me."
The owner looks at him for a second, and says "Well, that's a good thing, because I've been having a hard time finding a good one. I've had a lot of luck finding a good tractor in the past, but this is the best I can find."
"Well, that's good, but what's the condition of the truck?"
"Well, it's been in the shop for a few days, but it's just not working. The tires are flat, and the wheels are flat, and it's just not working. I think it might be time I took it to a mechanic."
The mechanic looks at the guy for a second and says, "
JOKE NR 455: <|endoftext|>START:What did the pirate say to the pirate captain when they were in trouble? "I'll be a good boy and let's go back."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 456: <|endoftext|>START:So, I went to the doctor......and he asked me if I had ever had sex before.
"No" I replied.
"Well, you have to stop masturbating."
"What?" I said. "I'm over here."
"You have to stop touching yourself."
"Oh, I'm over here too."
"You have to stop masturbating."
"What?" I asked.
"You have to stop touching yourself."
I said, "But, I'm over here."
The Doctor looked at me and said, "You have to stop masturbating, or I'll call the cops."
I said, "But, I'm over here too."
"Well, then, you have to stop touching yourself."
I looked at the doctor, then back to him and said, "But I'm over here too."
"You have to stop masturbating."
"You have to stop masturbating."
"I can't stop masturbating, I'm over here too."
"You have to stop masturbating."
JOKE NR 457: <|endoftext|>START:Two hunters are out in the woods. They come upon a large, dead bear. One of the hunters says, "What are we supposed to do?" The other hunter replies, "I'm going to stick my finger up the bear's asshole and see what happens." So he does. The bear starts grunting and grunting. The first hunter says, "What the hell is going on?" The bear starts laughing. The second hunter says, "What's so funny?" The bear starts laughing even harder. The first hunter says, "You idiot! I told you to stick your finger up that asshole." The bear starts laughing even harder. The second hunter says, "What the hell are you doing? This is a trap! Get out!" The bear starts laughing even more. The first hunter says, "I'm going to stick my finger up your ass, too. If you can make that bear laugh again, I'll let you go." So he does. The bear laughs and starts laughing even harder. "What the hell is going on?" The bear starts laughing even harder, and starts laughing even louder. The first hunter says, "You idiot! I told you to stick your finger up that asshole!" The bear starts laughing
JOKE NR 458: <|endoftext|>START:The two men are walking along a beach...... when they come across two women having sex on a bench. The first one says, "Hey! I'm not gonna get caught!"
The second one responds, "Well, I'm not gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The first one says, "You're not gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The second one says, "You're gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The first man says, "You're gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The second one says, "You're gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The first man says, "You're gonna get caught either, so why not?"
Then, the second man turns around and says, "I'm not gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The first man says, "You're gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The other man says, "You're gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The first man says, "You're gonna get caught either, so why not?"
The second man says, "You're gonna get caught either, so why not?"
JOKE NR 459: <|endoftext|>START:A young man was walking down the street when he was hit by a car......he was rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
The police were called, but the coroner said that there was no foul play and that it was just a case of an accident.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 460: <|endoftext|>START:The man who invented the vacuum. A young boy was sitting on the front porch of his house when he heard his mother's voice.
"Son, you have the perfect vacuum!" she said.
The boy looked up and said, "Mom, I have the vacuum."
His mother replied, "Well then, go get the vacuum."
The young boy went back to his room and came back about half an hour later.
"Son, I have the vacuum," his mother said. "Go get the vacuum."
"Mom, I have the vacuum," the boy said. He then went to the garage and came back half an hour later.
"Son, I have the vacuum," the boy said. "Go get the vacuum."
"Son, I have the vacuum," his mother said, "go get the vacuum."
The boy went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, and said, "Mommy, the fridge is full of ice."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 461: <|endoftext|>START:A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water... The bartender asks "What are you doing?" The man replies "I'm trying to drown." The bartender says "You're lucky I don't see you in here."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 462: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a black man on fire with a firecracker? A cracker.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 463: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving down the road when he sees a sign that reads "Stop at a stop sign." The man drives up and sees the sign and decides to stop. As he gets to the stop sign he sees a sign that reads, "Stop at a red light." The man drives up and sees the sign, and decides to stop. As he gets to the stop sign he sees another sign that reads, "Stop at a yellow light." The man drives up and sees the sign, and decides to stop. As he gets to the stop sign, he sees a third sign that reads, "Stop at a green light." The man drives up and sees the third sign. He drives up to it and says, "I'll take that one." The other two signs read, "Stop at a red light." And, "Stop at a yellow light."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 464: <|endoftext|>START:Did you hear about the guy who got arrested for masturbating in public? He was caught in the middle of a public restroom<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 465: <|endoftext|>START:Why should you never go to a bar with a broken leg? Because you can't run with one.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 466: <|endoftext|>START:What does the Pope and the KKK have in common? They both hate the Jews.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 467: <|endoftext|>START:A husband and wife are having a conversation... The husband is a bit more serious and the wife is a bit more serious, so they go to the bathroom together. The husband comes out with a towel under his arm. The wife looks at him and asks, "Why are you so serious?" The husband looks back at her and says, "I'm a priest."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 468: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the doctor... A man goes to the doctor to have his testicles removed. The doctor says "You have to do this in a couple of days. You have two options. One is to have your testicles removed, and the other is to wait a couple of weeks."
The man agrees and the doctor removes them. The man is ecstatic. He says "Wow! What an amazing feeling! I can feel the balls of my feet growing. I can feel my balls are getting bigger."
A week later the man comes to the doctor and says "Doctor I can't believe it. I can feel my testicles growing. I'm going to have a baby."
The doctor says "Well, you're going to need a sperm bank, because I can't give you a vasectomy."
The man says "What do I do? I have no money."
The doctor says "Well you're going to have to do it yourself."
The man says "What do I do? I have no job."
The doctor says "Well you're going to have to do it yourself."
The man says "I have no family. I'm going to
JOKE NR 469: <|endoftext|>START:What happened when you put a black person in an elevator? You got a nigger in there.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 470: <|endoftext|>START:A young boy goes up to his father......and asks, "Daddy, how come I have such big breasts, but you only have big dicks?" The father replies, "Son, I'm sorry. I don't know how to explain it."
"Well," the boy says, "when your mommy and daddy were making love to your mommy, they made sure that your dick was big enough to hold the big tits."
"Oh my god," his father says, "that's terrible. What did your mother say to you?"
"I don't know," the boy says, "but when your daddy was making love to your daddy, he said, 'I'm going to eat that pussy one day!'"<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 471: <|endoftext|>START:A man is driving through the countryside......and he sees a sheep grazing in the fields.
He pulls over to the side of the road and asks the farmer if he could take a look.
"Yes," says the farmer, "but you have to give me a sheep.
He takes off the sheep's collar, and it's just the right size for him to fit in.
He takes off his trousers and it fits perfectly."
"What about the hat?" he asks. "I thought you said you didn't want to wear a hat to this country."
The farmer replies,
"I didn't say it was a hat, I said it was for the sheep."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 472: <|endoftext|>START:An elderly couple were having dinner... An elderly couple were having dinner and they were having some conversation.
The wife asks, "What's your favorite letter in the alphabet?"
The husband replies, "I love the letter 'C' because it's the hardest letter in the world to pronounce."
The wife asks, "What's your favorite letter in the alphabet?"
The husband replies, "I love the letter 'D', because it's the most common letter in the world.
The wife says, "Well, what's your favorite letter in the alphabet?"
The husband says, "The letter 'F'.
The wife asks, "Well what's your favorite letter in the alphabet?"
The husband responds, "The letter 'G', because it's the most common letter in the world."
The wife asks, "Well what's your favorite letter in the alphabet?"
The husband says, "The letter 'H'.
The wife says, "What the hell, what's your favorite letter in the alphabet?"
The husband says, "The letter 'I'.
The wife asks, "Well what is
JOKE NR 473: <|endoftext|>START:What would you call a Mexican who has been in the military? A Mexican-Soldier<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 474: <|endoftext|>START:The other day I was in a restaurant and a man walked up to me. He said to me, "Hey, do you have a pen?" I said, "No, what do you have?" He said, "I got a pen and a pencil." I said, "Wow! You got a pen and a pencil?" He said, "Yes, I got a pencil." I said, "Wow! You got a pen and a pencil?" He said, "Yes, I have a pen and I have a pencil. I got a pen and I have a pencil and a pencil. I got a pen and I have a pen and I got a pencil and I got a pencil. I got a pen and I have a pen and I got a pencil. I got a pen and I have a pen and I got a pencil and a pencil. I got a pen and I have a pen and I got a pencil." I said, "Wow!" Then he said, "I got a gun and I'm going to kill you." I said, "What do you have?" He said, "I got a gun and I'm going to kill you." I said, "What do you have?" He said, "
JOKE NR 475: <|endoftext|>START:My wife is like a baby... She doesn't want any of the babies.
She's a bitch.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 476: <|endoftext|>START:I saw my girlfriend having sex with a guy in a bar. I asked him what was wrong. He said, "You're not getting laid tonight."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 477: <|endoftext|>START:I went to a bar and asked for some punch... I was told it was a "no-brainer".<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 478: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a black man and a baby seal? A baby seal has a job.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 479: <|endoftext|>START:A woman goes into the doctors office...... and says "Doc, I've got a problem." The doctor looks at her and says "Well, I can see you have two problems. First, you're bald. Second, your husband is a huge dick. What's wrong with you?"
The woman looks at her husband and says "Well, he's a big dick, too. He's got two dicks, but he's a big dick. He's got two dicks, but he's a big dick."
The doctor looks at his wife and says "What about your husband?"
The wife looks at her husband and says "Well, he's also a big dick. He's got two dicks, but he's a big dick. He's got two dicks, but he's a big dick."
The doctor looks at his wife and says "What about your husband's other problem?"
The wife looks at her husband and says "Well, he's a huge dick. He's got two dicks, but he's a big dick. He's got two dicks, but he's a big dick."
JOKE NR 480: <|endoftext|>START:I met a girl named "Molly" at the bar last night... I met a girl named "Molly" at the bar last night. She had long, black hair and was wearing a black top. She looked really good, so I asked her if she was single and if she had a boyfriend.
"No," she said. "I'm single."
I asked her why and she said, "I'm single because my husband is gay."
I said, "Oh, I see. I thought you were single."
"Yeah, but my boyfriend is gay too."
"I see," I said.
So she went to her boyfriend's apartment. She came out to him and said, "Hi, I'm Molly."
"Hi Molly," his boyfriend replied, "How you doing?"
"I'm doing fine," Molly replied, "I just had a really rough night last night."
"Oh," said the boyfriend, "What happened? What did he say to you?"
"Well," Molly replied, "He said, 'You're ugly, you smell like shit, you look fat and you have a huge cock.'
I said, 'What did he say to you
JOKE NR 481: <|endoftext|>START:I asked my girlfriend to stop calling me "Mr." So I can stop calling her "Miss."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 482: <|endoftext|>START:What's the difference between a black man and a baby seal? One is a seal, the other is a black man<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 483: <|endoftext|>START:What do you call a Mexican that can read? Juan.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 484: <|endoftext|>START:A young boy is sitting on a park bench, reading a newspaper......when a large, muscular, black man comes up to him. The boy asks, "What are you doing here?"
The muscular black man replies, "I'm here to pick up your lunch money."
The boy says, "What are you doing with all of that money?"
The muscular black man says, "I'm going to take you out to the bar and have a few drinks and then I want to give you back the money."
The boy says, "What are you going do with all of that money?"
The muscular black man replies, "I'm going to take you to the mall and buy you some new clothes, and I want your number so I can call you when you're ready to go."
The boy says, "What are you going to do with all of that money?"
The muscular black man says, "I'm going to take you out to a nice restaurant and have a few drinks, then I want to give you back the money."
The boy says, "What are you doing with all of that money?"
The muscular black man replies,
JOKE NR 485: <|endoftext|>START:If a man is in love, what is he? A man is in love, he is in love with the woman he loves. He is in love with the man who will make him happy. He is in love with the man who will make him happy. He has a wife and three children. He is in a relationship with a woman. He has three children.
He is in love with the woman he loves. He is in love with the woman who will make him happy. He is in love with the woman who will make him happy. He has a wife and three children. He is in a relationship with a woman. He has three children.
He is in a relationship with a woman. He has three children.
He is in a relationship with a woman. He has three children.
He is in a relationship with a woman. He has three children.
He is in a relationship with a woman. He has three children.
He is in a relationship with a woman. He has 3 children.
He is in a relationship with a woman. He has three children.
He is in a relationship with a woman. He has three children.
He is in a relationship with a woman.
JOKE NR 486: <|endoftext|>START:The man with the bad breath A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, "We don't serve fart jokes."
The man says, "I don't have a problem with that."
The bartender says, "I don't serve fart jokes either, but you're not allowed to fart in here."
The man says, "I don't fart in here, so I don't have a problem with that."
So the bartender says, "Well, I'm not going to serve you either. You can go back in and tell us your problem."
The man goes back to the bartender and says, "I'm having a problem with my breath. I farted and the air in the room was so strong that I broke my finger. I'm not sure if I should go back in or not."
The bartender says, "Well, you're not allowed to fart in here, but I'll take care of that."
So the man goes back into the bar and the bartender says, "You're not allowed to fart in here, and you can't fart in here either. But you're not allowed to fart in here either. So go back in
JOKE NR 487: <|endoftext|>START:A black guy, a white guy, and a Hispanic are on a plane A black guy, a white guy, and a Hispanic are on a plane, the plane starts to crash. The black guy, who is in the back, says to his friend "I'm so sorry, I'm black, and I'm white and I'm Hispanic." His friend replies "I know what you meant, but you are also a black guy and a white guy and a Hispanic." The black guy says "Well I'm black too, and I'm white and a Hispanic too." His friend then asks "So you're black, white, Hispanic, black, white, and a black guy, white and a Hispanic, and you're black, white, Hispanic, black, white, and a black guy, white, and a Hispanic, but you're white, black, white, and a black guy, white, and a Hispanic?" The black guy says "Yeah, but I'm white and a white guy."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 488: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes to the hospital to have his appendix removed. The doctor asks the man, "How long have you been having these?"
The man says, "About a month and a half."
"What happened?" asks the doctor.
"Well, my wife and I had a little fight and I had to go to the hospital. I was in the operating room, and I was in the middle of the operation, and I heard my wife screaming and crying, 'I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!'"
The doctor asks, "What was she doing?"
The man says, "She was trying to get me to stop screaming."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 489: <|endoftext|>START:A man goes into a bar... A man goes into a bar. He sits at a table and orders a beer.
The bartender says, "You know what this is? A double entendre."
The man looks at him and says, "No, no. This is a double entendre."
"A double entendre? Why not a triple entendre?"
"No, no, this is a double entendre."
The man says, "What do you mean, a triple entendre?"
"No, no, this is a triple entendre."
The man looks at him, confused, and says, "What the heck is a Triple Entendre?"
The bartender looks at him and says, "A double entendre, you idiot."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 490: <|endoftext|>START:There was this one girl who had a really bad case of dyslexia... She was always in a hurry.
She would get up in the morning and go to work, but then get up in the afternoon and work, but then get up in the evening and go home.
She was really, really bad.
One time, she got up in the morning and went to work, but then got up in the afternoon and went home.
She was really, really, really, bad.
She was so bad, that when she went to the doctor's office, she had to sit down and wait in the long line for the appointment to begin.
She had to wait for about an hour and a half.
The doctor came in and said, "You have to sit here for a minute. I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with you."
She said, "Doctor, I can't do this. I'm a student. I can't do this."
The doctor looked at her and said, "You have to sit here and wait for the rest of the class to get here. I'm going to have to ask them what they did in the
JOKE NR 491: <|endoftext|>START:An Irishman, a Scotsman and an Englishman walk into a bar... The Irishman says to the Scotsman, "I'll have a pint, and if you can tell me where the nearest pub is, I can get a drink for free."
The Scotsman replies, "Well if you're not going to pay for a pint, you better have a pint first."
"Well, if you're not going to pay for a pint, then you better have a pint before I can get you a drink."
The Englishman says, "If you're not going to pay for a pint, I'll go and get me a pint myself."
"Well, if you are going to pay for a pint, you better have a pint before I can get you a drink."
The Irishman says, "If you're not going to pay for a pint, then you better have a pint before I can get you a drink."
The Scotsman says, "Well, if you are not going to pay for a pint, then you better have a pint before I can get you a drink."
The Englishman says, "If you aren't going to pay for
JOKE NR 492: <|endoftext|>START:If the Pope is a man, then what is the Catholic Priest? A man who can't get a girl pregnant.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 493: <|endoftext|>START:What are the two most common names of a black person? Uncle John
(I'll be here all week)<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 494: <|endoftext|>START:Why was the chicken so angry? Because it was feeling a little frisky.<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 495: <|endoftext|>START:An Asian man goes to the hospital... An Asian man goes to the hospital with his penis hanging from his penis.
The doctor says to the Asian man, "You've got a problem with your penis."
The Asian man replies, "No, no, I'm fine. I've got a problem with my penis."
The doctor says, "Well, what's the problem?"
The Asian man replies, "Well, I'm a little Asian."<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 496: <|endoftext|>START:How do you know if your girlfriend is a slut? When she starts to fart<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 497: <|endoftext|>START:Three boys are playing in the woods... Three boys are playing in the woods when a bear comes up behind them, grabs them both and eats one. The bear then turns and looks at the other two boys and says, 'You're gonna die if you eat that one.' The boys look at each other and one boy says, 'I don't think so.' The bear turns and looks at the other two boys and says, 'You're gonna live if you eat that one.' The boys look at each other and one boy says, 'I don't think so.' The bear turns and looks at the other two boys and says, 'You're gonna die if you eat that one.' The boys look at each other and one boy says, 'I don't think so.'
The bear turns and looks at the other two boys. He says, 'You're gonna die if you eat that one.'<|endoftext|>
JOKE NR 498: <|endoftext|>START:A guy is sitting at a bus stop, when a woman sits down next to him. He asks her if she would like to have sex with him. The woman says, "Sure." He says, "I'm going to take off my shirt." The woman says, "No, no, no. You have to remove your pants first. I can see you have a hard-on." The man removes his shirt, and she says, "Oh my God! You have a big cock!"
The man says, "Oh no, no, no, no. You have a hard-on too." The woman says, "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were a bus driver!"
The man says, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. I was just curious."
The woman says, "I'm a bus driver. I drive the bus to and from work."
The man says, "Oh my God. You're so beautiful. I can't believe you're a bus driver!"
The woman says, "I'm a bus driver. I drive the bus from home to work."
The man says
JOKE NR 499: <|endoftext|>START:The guy with the bad breath A man goes to a doctor for a routine check up.
"Doc, I've got a bad breath."
The doctor says, "I'm sorry, but I can't help you."
The man says, "Well, doc, I have a problem with my penis. I can't have sex with my wife."
The doctor looks at him and says, "Well, I can't help you either. You have a problem with your testicles, too."
The man says, "Well, doc, I have a problem with my penis. I can't have sex with my wife."
The doctor looks at him and says, "Well, doc, I can't help you either. You have a problem with your testicles, too."
The man says, "Well, doc, I have a problem with my penis. I can't have sex with my wife."
The doctor looks at him and says, "You have a problem with your penis?"
The man says, "No, doc, I have a problem with my testicles."
The doctor says, "Well, I have a problem
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