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mfahampshire /
Last active May 13, 2021 15:19 — forked from gyrusdentatus/
A full guide on how to set up a Nym mixnode on a fresh server

A beginners guide to server setup for the Nym Finney Testnet


Nym's tech stack is currently in active development. As such, starting and properly configuring a mixnode on the Finney testnet requires a basic level of technical knowledge about various technologies such as the Rust programming language, VPS (Virtual Private Servers), the difference between IPv4 and IPv6, Debian-based Linux, and (most importantly) using a terminal or CLI (Command Line Interface) and Bash.

This guide for people who have absolutely no (or very little) experience with these technologies but want to start experimenting with setting up a server environment for a mixnode. If, however, this doesn't sound like something you have the time for right now, don't worry - a future iteration of the testnet will allow for delegated staking (meaning someone else maintains Nym infrastructure for you and you gain a portion of their rewar

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