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Last active March 1, 2022 18:02
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A typical GeoSpatial Env for Python using miniconda, defining the dependencies - Feb2022
# Development environment for MagGeo
name: MagGeoEnv
# Only use conda-forge
- conda-forge
# Environment management tools
- python=3.8
- pip=22.0.3
# Jupyter & interactive stuff
- jupyter=1.0.0
- jupyterlab=3.2.9
# - ipywidgets
# - ipympl
# - jupyter-resource-usage=0.6
# - jupyterlab-git=0.32
# Scientific Python
- numpy=1.22.2
- scipy=1.8.0
#- sympy=1.8
#- dask=2021.8
#- dask-ml=1.9
#- dask-labextension=5.1
# Data tools
- pandas=1.4.1
- xarray=0.21.1
- netcdf4=1.5.8
- h5py=1.12.1
- pytables=3.7.0
- ipyleaflet=0.15.0
- flake8=4.0.1
- dask=2022.2.0
- h5py=1.12.1
- netCDF4=1.5.8
- jinja2=2.11.3
#- networkx=2.6
#- zarr
#- intake
#- intake-xarray
# Visualisation
- matplotlib=3.5.1
#- seaborn=0.11
# Progress Bars and user interaction
- tqdm=4.62.3
- click=8.0.3
- PyYAML=6.0
- ipywidgets=7.6.5
# Geospatial
#- geopandas=0.10.2
#- cartopy=0.20.2
# Holoviz advanced visualisation tools
# - holoviews
#- hvplot=0.7.3
#- bokeh=2.4.2
# - geoviews
# - datashader
# - param
# - colorcet
# - pyct[cmd]
# - fastparquet
# - panel
# - jupyter-panel-proxy
# - selenium
# MagGeo Dependencies
- pip:
- markupsafe==2.0.1
- viresclient=0.10.0
- chaosmagpy=0.8
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