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David Alberto Adler mfbx9da4

View GitHub Profile
{ "keys": ["k4.public.9KzD6ag94xlrBpUf1tAs6MAoevCLfHLa530TimMW6lg"] }
import { generateKeys, sign, verify } from "paseto-ts/v4";
const key = generateKeys("public", { format: "paserk" });
console.log("key", key);
import { generateKeyPair } from "jose/key/generate/keypair";
import { exportJWK } from "jose/key/export";
import { JWK } from "jose";
async function generateKey() {
const keyId = globalThis?.crypto.randomUUID();
const algorithm = "EdDSA"; // Some example asymmetric algorithms
const key = await generateKeyPair(algorithm, { extractable: true });
const exportedPrivate = await exportJWK(key.privateKey);
"keys": [
"crv": "Ed25519",
"x": "qD7X8DrHfg0UuYstKt3FPBGqGBqY3N4lGwn9xX-nnXE",
"kty": "OKP",
"kid": "4b901935-5a56-4891-be18-a0a29cc9d35e",
"alg": "EdDSA"
export function foo0(any: string) {
export function bar0() {
const any = "asdf";
export function foo1(as: string) {
mfbx9da4 / App.tsx
Last active March 7, 2022 10:12
Github issue realm-js flatlist + listener poll for transaction
import React, { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { FlatList, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native'
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs'
import Realm from 'realm'
export function App() {
const r = useWaitForRealm()
const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
mfbx9da4 / App.tsx
Last active March 6, 2022 19:44
Github issue realm-js flatlist + listener
import React, { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { FlatList, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native'
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs'
import Realm from 'realm'
export function App() {
const r = useWaitForRealm()
const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false)
* The transformer signature is based on
* Need to use
* The goal is to conver `a!.m()` to `if (!a) { throw new Error('Attempted to use nullish value "a"'} else { a.m() }`
export default function (program) {
const checker = program.getTypeChecker()
return (context) => {
return (sourceFile) => {
mfbx9da4 / BroadcastMethods.ts
Last active January 2, 2022 14:48
Remote procedure calls (RPCs) using BroadcastChannel in deno
// ---- START IMPORTS ----
export type AssertionExtra = (Record<string, unknown> & { name?: ErrorCode }) | ErrorCode
export function assert(predicate: any, message: string, extra: AssertionExtra = {}): asserts predicate {
if (!predicate) {
extra = typeof extra === 'string' ? { name: extra } : extra
if (!('name' in extra)) { = ErrorCode.AssertionError
import { serve } from ''
// import { assert, ErrorCode } from './assert.ts'
export enum ErrorCode {
RaceNotFound = 'RaceNotFound',
RaceMemberNotFound = 'RaceMemberNotFound',
RaceAlreadyExists = 'RaceAlreadyExists',
RaceMemberAlreadyExists = 'RaceMemberAlreadyExists',
AssertionError = 'AssertionError',