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Created September 9, 2018 00:46
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def answer(map, git_gud=True):
"""Find the shortest path in a binary 2D map where a wall can be removed.
The algorithm uses a modified Dijstra's algorithm to find the shortest path
from the start vertex (0,0) to the end vertex (w-1,h-1) in a 2D binary map.
A single wall can be removed from the map to make the shortest path, if
necessary. The first wall in any path can be ignored easily, but if a wall
is necessary to be removed for a valid solution to exist the simple
algorithm does not remember the minimum path that does not pass through a
wall to arrive at the mandatory wall vertex. Therefore we modify the
distance such that we keep track of the minimum path to a vertex for any
wall removal number up to the max(1).
map: A rectangular 2D list of x el [0,1], where 0 is passable and 1 is
impassable. [Warning] clobbers built-in map function in scope.
git_gud: [Optional] Run algorithm in O(n) time via comparison to known
solutions, default: True
The inclusive number of elements visited by a shortest path solution.
# ascii map for debugging
# print(make_map(map))
# run optional O(n) solution
if git_gud:
success, result = fast_answer(map)
if success:
return result
# do the real algorithm
# get the matrix dimensions
w, h = (len(map[0]), len(map))
# create set of vertices with infinite distance
inf = w*h+1
vs = [Vertex(map[i/w][i % w], i, w, inf=inf) for i in range(h*w)]
q = range(w*h) # set of unvisited vertices
vs[0].set_start() # set start distance to 1 to count inclusive
target = h*w - 1 # set target vertex index
cnt = 0
while len(q) > 0:
cnt += 1
min_dist, min_idx = find_min_dist(q, vs, inf)
el = q[min_idx] # index of the min_dist unvisted vertex
if el == target: # winner
# print("Total tries: {}".format(cnt))
# remove the minimum off the vertex set if it is the minimum without
# going through a wall, if we had to go through a wall we may need to
# come back to the node later, to recalcuate without a wall
if min_dist.get_walls() == 0:
del q[min_idx]
# print path to vertex for debugging
# print_solution(map, vs, target=el)
# get the Vertex with the minimum distance, given that we have passed
# through n walls
u = vs[el].visit(min_dist.get_walls())
# go to neighbor vertices and see if we have a shorter path to any
for n in u.neighbors(vs, min_dist.get_walls()):
n.update_dist(min_dist, el)
if inf == min_dist.get_dist():
raise RuntimeError # solver failed
# print_solution(map, vs)
return min_dist.get_dist()
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