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Last active September 24, 2023 14:45
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six variants of classify in Typed Racket
#lang typed/racket
(define-type PreSorted1 (Pairof PreEntry [Listof PreEntry]))
(define-type PreSorted [Listof PreEntry])
(define-type PreEntry [List Symbol Number])
(define-type Classifier [Listof Entry])
(define-type Entry [Pairof Symbol [Listof Number]])
(define-type Accu (mu T (U (Pairof Number T) (List Symbol))))
#; (classify l)
;; associate each symbol in `l` with all values in a single entry
;; ASSUME all key-value pairs with identical keys are in contiguous segments of `l`
;; REQUIRED prerserves the order in which the values show up in `l` from left to right
PreSorted1 Classifier PreEntry
#; {PreSorted1 -> Classifier} #;String
classify-1 version-1
classify-2 version-2
classify-3 version-3
classify-4 version-4
classify-5 version-5
classify-6 version-6)
(define example-1 (list '(a 1) '(a 2) '(b 1) '(b 2) '(b 3) '(b 4) '(c 1) '(c 2) '(c 3)))
(define result-1 '((a 1 2) (b 1 2 3 4) (c 1 2 3)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; correctness testing
(module+ test
(require typed/rackunit)
(: test-me {(PreSorted1 -> Classifier) String -> Any})
(define (test-me f msg)
(check-equal? (f example-1) result-1 msg))
(test-me classify-1 version-1)
(test-me classify-2 version-2)
(test-me classify-3 version-3)
(test-me classify-4 version-4)
(test-me classify-5 version-5)
(test-me classify-6 version-6))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define version-1 "typed ISL-like solution with two calls to reverse")
(: classify-1 (PreSorted1 -> Classifier))
(define (classify-1 l0)
(: classify/a (PreSorted Symbol Accu -> Classifier))
#; (reverse accu)
;; represents the key-value associations for `prev-key` found between the beginning of `l0` and `l`
(define (classify/a l prev-key accu)
(cond [(empty? l) (list (cast (reverse accu) Entry))]
(define curr-key (first (first l)))
(define curr-value (second (first l)))
[(eq? curr-key prev-key)
(classify/a (rest l) prev-key (cons curr-value accu))]
(define sp (cast (reverse accu) Entry))
(cons sp (classify/a (rest l) curr-key (list curr-value curr-key)))])]))
(define first-key (first (first l0)))
(classify/a l0 first-key (list first-key)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define version-2 "typed ISL+-like solution, use `foldr` with two calls to reverse")
(: classify-2 (PreSorted1 -> Classifier))
(define (classify-2 l0)
(: classify-1-element ([List Symbol Number] Classifier -> Classifier))
;; ACCUMULATOR `accum` represents the Classifier from l0 to key-value
;; its _first_ element is the key that was seen in the preceding element of l (wrt to l0)
(define (classify-1-element key-value accum)
((empty? accum) (cons key-value '[]))
(if (eq? (first key-value) (first (first accum)))
(add-to key-value accum)
(cons key-value accum))]))
(: add-to ([List Symbol Number] Classifier -> Classifier))
(define (add-to key-value accum)
(cons (list* (first key-value) (second key-value) (rest (first accum))) (rest accum)))
(foldr classify-1-element '() l0))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define version-3 "typed ISL+-like solution, but avoids the repeated `(empty? accu)` test")
(require/typed SwDev/Lib/should-be-racket
[all-but-last (-> PreSorted PreSorted)])
(: classify-3 (PreSorted1 -> Classifier))
(define (classify-3 l0)
(: classify-1-element {[List Symbol Number] Classifier -> Classifier})
;; ACCUMULATOR `accum` represents the Classifier from l0 to key-value
;; its _first_ element is the key that was seen in the preceding element of l (wrt to l0)
(define (classify-1-element key-value accum)
(if (eq? (first key-value) (first (first accum)))
(cons (list* (first key-value) (second key-value) (rest (first accum))) (rest accum))
(cons key-value accum)))
(foldr classify-1-element (list (last l0)) (all-but-last l0)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define version-4 "typed Racket solution, using for/fold with three accumulators")
(: classify-4 (PreSorted1 -> Classifier))
(define (classify-4 l0)
(define first-key (first (first l0)))
(for/fold ([global : Classifier'()] #; (reverse global) ; is the Classifier between l0 & l
[local : Accu [list first-key]] #; (reverse local) ; classifies 1 key, before l in l0
[last-key : Symbol first-key] ;; the key preceeding `l` in `l0`
#:result #;"of this loop is:" (reverse (plus local global)))
([key-value-pair (in-list l0)])
(define current-key (first key-value-pair))
(define current-val (second key-value-pair))
(if (eq? current-key last-key)
(values global (cons current-val local) current-key)
(values (plus local global) (list current-val current-key) current-key))))
(: plus (Accu Classifier -> Classifier))
(define (plus l-accu g-accu)
(cons (cast (reverse l-accu) Entry) g-accu))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define version-5 "typed ASL-like solution, uses dictionaries, which we all know and love")
(: classify-5 (PreSorted1 -> Classifier))
(define (classify-5 l0)
(define heads (remove-duplicates (map (λ ({x : PreEntry}) (first x)) l0)))
(define-type HT [Immutable-HashTable Symbol [Listof Number]])
(define table0 : HT (make-immutable-hash (map (λ ({s : Symbol}) (list s)) heads)))
(define table
(for/fold ([table : HT table0]) ([x : PreEntry l0])
(hash-update table (first x) (λ ({v : [Listof Number]}) (cons (second x) v)))))
(map (λ ({h : Symbol}) (cast (cons h (reverse (hash-ref table h))) Entry)) heads))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define version-6 "typed Racket solution, using the `group-by` functiion")
(: classify-6 (PreSorted1 -> Classifier))
(define (classify-6 l0)
(define groups ((inst group-by [List Symbol Number] Symbol) first l0))
(for/list : Classifier ([g : PreSorted groups])
(define key (first (first g)))
(define values (map (λ ({p : PreEntry}) (second p)) g))
(cast (cons key values) Entry)))
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