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Last active August 4, 2016 13:57
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vagrant debug log for hashicorp/vagrant#7682
INFO global: Vagrant version: 1.8.5
INFO global: Ruby version: 2.2.3
INFO global: RubyGems version:
INFO global: VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE="C:\\HashiCorp\\Vagrant\\embedded\\gems\\gems\\vagrant-1.8.5\\bin\\vagrant"
INFO global: VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR="C:\\HashiCorp\\Vagrant\\embedded"
INFO global: VAGRANT_LOG="debug"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_="ExitCode=00000001"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_AC_EDITOR_GUI="C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 2\\sublime_text.exe"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_APPDATA="C:\\Users\\mathieu.fenniak\\AppData\\Roaming"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_CLIENTNAME="mfenniak-mbp.lo"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_CommandPromptType="Cross"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_CommonProgramFiles="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_CommonProgramFiles(x86)="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_CommonProgramW6432="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_ComSpec="C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_DevEnvDir="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\Common7\\IDE\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH="C:\\Program Files\\Docker Toolbox"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_ExtensionSdkDir="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v8.0\\ExtensionSDKs"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_Framework35Version="v3.5"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_FrameworkDir="C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_FrameworkDIR32="C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_FrameworkDIR64="C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_FrameworkVersion="v4.0.30319"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_FrameworkVersion32="v4.0.30319"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_FrameworkVersion64="v4.0.30319"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_FSHARPINSTALLDIR="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\F#\\3.0\\Framework\\v4.0\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_GIT_SSH="C:\\Software\\putty\\plink.exe"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_HOMEPATH="\\Users\\mathieu.fenniak"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_INCLUDE="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\INCLUDE;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\ATLMFC\\INCLUDE;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.0\\include\\shared;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.0\\include\\um;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.0\\include\\winrt;"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_JAVA_HOME="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_102"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LIB="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\LIB\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\ATLMFC\\LIB\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.0\\lib\\win8\\um\\x64;"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LIBPATH="C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319;C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v3.5;C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319;C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v3.5;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\LIB\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\ATLMFC\\LIB\\amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.0\\References\\CommonConfiguration\\Neutral;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v8.0\\ExtensionSDKs\\Microsoft.VCLibs\\11.0\\References\\CommonConfiguration\\neutral;"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_LOCALAPPDATA="C:\\Users\\mathieu.fenniak\\AppData\\Local"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_OS="Windows_NT"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_Path="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\Common7\\IDE\\CommonExtensions\\Microsoft\\TestWindow;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\F#\\3.0\\Framework\\v4.0\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\Common7\\IDE\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\BIN\\x86_amd64;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\BIN;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\Common7\\Tools;C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319;C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v3.5;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\VCPackages;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HTML Help Workshop;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\Team Tools\\Performance Tools;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.0\\bin\\x86;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v8.0A\\bin\\NETFX 4.0 Tools;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.0A\\Bin\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NVIDIA Corporation\\PhysX\\Common;C:\\ProgramData\\Oracle\\Java\\javapath;C:\\Software\\Python27\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\iCLS Client\\;C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\iCLS Client\\;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\\DAL;C:\\Program Files\\Intel\\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\\IPT;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\\DAL;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\\IPT;c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SQL Server\\90\\Tools\\binn\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft ASP.NET\\ASP.NET Web Pages\\v1.0\\;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\110\\Tools\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AccuRev\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Web Platform Installer\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\WebEx\\Productivity Tools;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.1\\Windows Performance Toolkit\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\TypeScript\\1.0\\;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\120\\Tools\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\;%USERPROFILE%\\.dnx\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft DNX\\Dnvm\\;C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\130\\Tools\\Binn\\;C:\\Program Files\\Git\\cmd;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Software\\nuget;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\HashiCorp\\Vagrant\\bin"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_Platform="x64"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER="Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_ProgramData="C:\\ProgramData"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_ProgramFiles="C:\\Program Files (x86)"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_ProgramFiles(x86)="C:\\Program Files (x86)"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_ProgramW6432="C:\\Program Files"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PSModulePath="C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\Modules\\;c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Security Client\\MpProvider\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_PUBLIC="C:\\Users\\Public"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_SVN_SSH="C:\\Software\\putty\\plink.exe"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_SystemDrive="C:"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_SystemRoot="C:\\Windows"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_TEMP="C:\\Users\\MATHIE~1.FEN\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_TMP="C:\\Users\\MATHIE~1.FEN\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_UATDATA="C:\\Windows\\CCM\\UATData\\D9F8C395-CAB8-491d-B8AC-179A1FE1BE77"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_USERNAME="mathieu.fenniak"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_USERPROFILE="C:\\Users\\mathieu.fenniak"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH="C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VCINSTALLDIR="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\VC\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VisualStudioVersion="11.0"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VS100COMNTOOLS="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\Common7\\Tools\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VS110COMNTOOLS="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\Common7\\Tools\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VS120COMNTOOLS="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\\Common7\\Tools\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VS140COMNTOOLS="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\Tools\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VS90COMNTOOLS="c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\Common7\\Tools\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_VSINSTALLDIR="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_windir="C:\\Windows"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_WindowsSdkDir="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.0\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_WindowsSdkDir_35="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.0A\\Bin\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_WindowsSdkDir_old="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v8.0A\\"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_windows_tracing_flags="3"
INFO global: VAGRANT_OLD_ENV_windows_tracing_logfile="C:\\BVTBin\\Tests\\installpackage\\csilogfile.log"
INFO global: Plugins:
INFO global: - bundler = 1.12.5
INFO global: - mime-types = 1.25.1
INFO global: - rest-client = 1.6.9
INFO global: - vagrant-share = 1.1.5
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/box/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: box command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/cap/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: cap command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/destroy/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: destroy command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/global-status/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: global-status command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/halt/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: halt command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/help/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: help command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/init/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: init command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/list-commands/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: list-commands command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/login/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-login
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/package/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: package command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/plugin/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: plugin command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/port/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: port command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/powershell/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: powershell command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/provider/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: provider command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/provision/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: provision command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/push/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: push command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/rdp/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: rdp command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/reload/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: reload command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/resume/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: resume command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/snapshot/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: snapshot command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/ssh/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/ssh_config/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh-config command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/status/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: status command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/suspend/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: suspend command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/up/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: up command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/commands/version/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: version command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/communicators/ssh/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh communicator
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/communicators/winrm/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: winrm communicator
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/amazon/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Amazon Linux guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/arch/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/atomic/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Atomic Host guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/bsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: BSD-based guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/coreos/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: CoreOS guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/darwin/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Darwin guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/debian/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Debian guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/esxi/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ESXi guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/fedora/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Fedora guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/freebsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/funtoo/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Funtoo guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/gentoo/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/linux/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/mint/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Mint guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/netbsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NetBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/nixos/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NixOS guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/omnios/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: OmniOS guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/openbsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: OpenBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/photon/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: VMware Photon guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/pld/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: PLD Linux guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/redhat/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Red Hat Enterprise Linux guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/slackware/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Slackware guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/smartos/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SmartOS guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/solaris/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/solaris11/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris 11 guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/suse/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/tinycore/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: TinyCore Linux guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/trisquel/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Trisquel guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/ubuntu/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Ubuntu guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/guests/windows/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/arch/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/bsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: BSD host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/darwin/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Mac OS X host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/freebsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/gentoo/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/linux/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/null/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: null host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/redhat/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Red Hat Enterprise Linux host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/slackware/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Slackware host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/suse/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/hosts/windows/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/kernel_v1/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/kernel_v2/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker-provider
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Hyper-V provider
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: VirtualBox provider
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/ansible/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ansible
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/cfengine/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: CFEngine Provisioner
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/chef/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: chef
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/docker/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/file/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: file
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/puppet/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: puppet
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/salt/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: salt
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/provisioners/shell/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: shell
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/atlas/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: atlas
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/ftp/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ftp
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/heroku/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: heroku
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/local-exec/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: local-exec
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/pushes/noop/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: noop
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/synced_folders/nfs/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NFS synced folders
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/synced_folders/rsync/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: RSync synced folders
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/synced_folders/smb/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SMB synced folders
INFO global: Loading plugins!
INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-share
INFO vagrant: `vagrant` invoked: ["up", "--debug"]
DEBUG vagrant: Creating Vagrant environment
INFO environment: Environment initialized (#<Vagrant::Environment:0x2aea438>)
INFO environment: - cwd: C:/Workspaces/machine-images/devvm/vagrant
INFO environment: Home path: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d
INFO environment: Local data path: C:/Workspaces/machine-images/devvm/vagrant/.vagrant
DEBUG environment: Creating: C:/Workspaces/machine-images/devvm/vagrant/.vagrant
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_plugins_loaded
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: environment_plugins_loaded #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x3470568>
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_load
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: environment_load #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x368a3a8>
INFO cli: CLI: [] "up" []
DEBUG cli: Invoking command class: VagrantPlugins::CommandUp::Command []
DEBUG command: 'Up' each target VM...
INFO loader: Set :root = ["#<Pathname:C:/Workspaces/machine-images/devvm/vagrant/Vagrantfile>"]
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for #<Pathname:C:/Workspaces/machine-images/devvm/vagrant/Vagrantfile>
DEBUG loader: Load procs for pathname: C:/Workspaces/machine-images/devvm/vagrant/Vagrantfile
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (evaluating)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
DEBUG command: Getting target VMs for command. Arguments:
DEBUG command: -- names: ["default"]
DEBUG command: -- options: nil
DEBUG command: Finding machine that match name: default
INFO loader: Set "26818920_machine_default" = []
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "26818920_machine_default"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe", "--version"]
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: 5.0.26r108824
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.0.26
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
INFO environment: Getting machine: default (virtualbox)
INFO environment: Uncached load of machine.
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.0.26
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
INFO loader: Set "26818920_machine_default" = []
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "26818920_machine_default"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
INFO box_collection: Box not found: (virtualbox)
INFO machine: Initializing machine: default
INFO machine: - Provider: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider
INFO machine: - Box:
INFO machine: - Data dir: C:/Workspaces/machine-images/devvm/vagrant/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox
DEBUG virtualbox: Instantiating the driver for machine ID: nil
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.0.26
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
INFO machine: New machine ID: nil
DEBUG virtualbox: Instantiating the driver for machine ID: nil
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.0.26
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
INFO interface: Machine: metadata ["provider", :virtualbox, {:target=>:default}]
INFO command: With machine: default (#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider:0x301ad48 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x301ad18 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x367d820 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x36372f0 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x3637278>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x3634980 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x367d748 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @machine=#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Meta:0x3343680 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x3024c30 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox::meta", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="meta", @path="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x301ad18 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x367d820 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x36372f0 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x3637278>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x3634980 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x367d748 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe", @uuid=nil, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0:0x2f7f960 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x2ea4198 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox_5_0", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox_5_0", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x367d820 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x36372f0 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x3637278>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x3634980 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x367d748 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe", @uuid=nil>, @version="5.0.26">, @cap_logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x3668bf8 @fullname="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox::provider", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="provider", @path="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x367d820 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x36372f0 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x3637278>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x3634980 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x367d748 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @cap_host_chain=[[:virtualbox, #<#<Class:0x3668fa0>:0x3619638>]], @cap_args=[#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>], @cap_caps={:docker=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x3668ec8 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x2fe6068@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:60>, :proxy_machine=>#<Proc:0x2fe5f78@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:65>}, @results_cache={}>, :hyperv=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x3668e50 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x349f920@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:25>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x349f818@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:30>}, @results_cache={}>, :virtualbox=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x3668dd8 @items={:forwarded_ports=>#<Proc:0x2fc19a8@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:27>, :nic_mac_addresses=>#<Proc:0x2fc1948@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:32>, :public_address=>#<Proc:0x2d20a18@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-share-1.1.5/lib/vagrant-share.rb:39>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x2fc1918@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:42>}, @results_cache={}>}>)
INFO loader: Set "26818920_machine_default" = []
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "26818920_machine_default"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
INFO host: Autodetecting host type for [#<Vagrant::Environment: C:/Workspaces/machine-images/devvm/vagrant>]
DEBUG host: Trying: arch
DEBUG host: Trying: darwin
DEBUG host: Trying: freebsd
DEBUG host: Trying: gentoo
DEBUG host: Trying: redhat
DEBUG host: Trying: slackware
DEBUG host: Trying: suse
DEBUG host: Trying: bsd
DEBUG host: Trying: linux
DEBUG host: Trying: null
DEBUG host: Trying: windows
INFO host: Detected: windows!
DEBUG host: Searching for cap: provider_install_virtualbox
DEBUG host: Checking in: windows
DEBUG host: Found cap: provider_install_virtualbox in windows
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.0.26
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
DEBUG command: Getting target VMs for command. Arguments:
DEBUG command: -- names: ["default"]
DEBUG command: -- options: {:provider=>nil}
DEBUG command: Finding machine that match name: default
INFO loader: Set "26818920_machine_default" = []
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "26818920_machine_default"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.0.26
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
INFO environment: Getting machine: default (virtualbox)
INFO environment: Returning cached machine: default (virtualbox)
INFO command: With machine: default (#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider:0x301ad48 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x301ad18 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x367d820 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x36372f0 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x3637278>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x3634980 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x367d748 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @machine=#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Meta:0x3343680 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x3024c30 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox::meta", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="meta", @path="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x301ad18 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x367d820 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x36372f0 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x3637278>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x3634980 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x367d748 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe", @uuid=nil, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0:0x2f7f960 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x2ea4198 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox_5_0", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox_5_0", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x367d820 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x36372f0 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x3637278>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x3634980 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x367d748 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe", @uuid=nil>, @version="5.0.26">, @cap_logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x3668bf8 @fullname="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox::provider", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="provider", @path="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x367d820 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x36372f0 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x3637278>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x3634980 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x367d748 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @cap_host_chain=[[:virtualbox, #<#<Class:0x3668fa0>:0x3619638>]], @cap_args=[#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>], @cap_caps={:docker=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x3668ec8 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x2fe6068@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:60>, :proxy_machine=>#<Proc:0x2fe5f78@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:65>}, @results_cache={}>, :hyperv=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x3668e50 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x349f920@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:25>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x349f818@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:30>}, @results_cache={}>, :virtualbox=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x3668dd8 @items={:forwarded_ports=>#<Proc:0x2fc19a8@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:27>, :nic_mac_addresses=>#<Proc:0x2fc1948@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:32>, :public_address=>#<Proc:0x2d20a18@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-share-1.1.5/lib/vagrant-share.rb:39>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x2fc1918@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:42>}, @results_cache={}>}>)
INFO interface: info: Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
INFO batch_action: Enabling parallelization by default.
INFO batch_action: Disabling parallelization because provider doesn't support it: virtualbox
INFO batch_action: Batch action will parallelize: false
INFO batch_action: Starting action: #<Vagrant::Machine:0x3383e38> up {:destroy_on_error=>true, :install_provider=>true, :parallel=>true, :provision_ignore_sentinel=>false, :provision_types=>nil}
INFO machine: Calling action: up on provider VirtualBox (new VM)
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-9b6fe8f465c9e7c2906bb9b6596b5d87
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-9b6fe8f465c9e7c2906bb9b6596b5d87
INFO interface: Machine: action ["up", "start", {:target=>:default}]
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x4765488>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckVirtualbox:0x47e2048>
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.0.26
INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
DEBUG base: Windows, checking for VBoxManage on PATH first
DEBUG base: Windows. Trying VBOX_INSTALL_PATH for VBoxManage
DEBUG base: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH value: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
INFO base: VBoxManage path: C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe", "list", "hostonlyifs"]
INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #10
GUID: c83e4845-0489-4050-8e20-83c68f6e3fba
DHCP: Enabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:d194:887b:b755:5f69
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:1e
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #10
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #9
GUID: f826cdf3-2bd7-4405-80be-fa283665bcf0
DHCP: Enabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:b0b3:d320:4754:a759
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:1c
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #9
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #8
GUID: 2469a7e2-c7be-4341-8e05-cc66ad63d06f
DHCP: Enabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:2d84:dcf4:4da9:770c
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:16
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #8
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #5
GUID: 33e1f9e6-94fa-4f03-b2bb-8a295809580d
DHCP: Enabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:85bb:585d:17f3:7d1b
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:12
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #5
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #4
GUID: 731555a2-b597-42bf-a131-9de5738dac93
DHCP: Enabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:05fc:3586:1d95:a7fe
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:11
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #4
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3
GUID: 57bbcade-0d02-4fc5-9367-0fb5a8417d13
DHCP: Enabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:79a2:f102:7f66:8037
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:10
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2
GUID: 6a41032d-6edb-41e6-a79b-4b9850e4d2d5
DHCP: Enabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:d4c5:7500:f67f:cbe0
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:0f
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #2
Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
GUID: 64f9410a-6ffc-4cf0-ab2a-f7ffa4285e31
DHCP: Disabled
IPV6Address: fe80:0000:0000:0000:a57b:0d3a:48e0:b322
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 64
HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:0c
MediumType: Ethernet
Status: Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x47e2030>
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x2ff1018>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x498ac68>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x498ac68>
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x49a2308>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x4a21e98@C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleBox:0x49a22c0>
INFO interface: output: Box '' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Box '' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
==> default: Box '' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
INFO interface: detail: Box Provider: virtualbox
INFO interface: detail: default: Box Provider: virtualbox
default: Box Provider: virtualbox
INFO interface: detail: Box Version: >= 0
INFO interface: detail: default: Box Version: >= 0
default: Box Version: >= 0
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x4a56fe0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::BoxAdd:0x4a9a2e8>
INFO environment: Running hook: authenticate_box_url
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 2 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: authenticate_box_url #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x4ad4e48>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::LoginCommand::AddAuthentication:0x4ac5620>
DEBUG client: No authentication token in environment or C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/data/vagrant_login_token
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::LoginCommand::AddAuthentication:0x4ac5620>
INFO box_add: Downloading box: => C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/box615efb47eafc2602a5ea83a293278d4aa67a2a09
INFO downloader: HEAD:
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["C:\\HashiCorp\\Vagrant\\embedded\\bin/curl.EXE", "-I", "-q", "--fail", "--location", "--max-redirs", "10", "--user-agent", "Vagrant/1.8.5 (+; ruby2.2.3)", "--continue-at", "-", "-H", "Accept: application/json", ""]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
0 946M 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG subprocess: stdout: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: SCvy5hCUS/K/6PUKRgjsjTLVKmTRlHyk7R3pyzoL6cUY0IhgU4NScEKTXRpZRd6A1FUuovNCkpk=
x-amz-request-id: 0EBE8382162E90FA
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2016 13:46:51 GMT
Last-Modified: Thu, 04 Aug 2016 12:36:17 GMT
ETag: "4535048faa1c5f54ac3f79e59682f138-119"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Type: application/
Content-Length: 992434724
Server: AmazonS3
INFO interface: output: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
==> default: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
INFO interface: output: Adding box '' (v0) for provider: virtualbox
INFO interface: output: ==> default: Adding box '' (v0) for provider: virtualbox
==> default: Adding box '' (v0) for provider: virtualbox
INFO box_collection: Box not found: (virtualbox)
INFO box_add: Downloading box: => C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/box615efb47eafc2602a5ea83a293278d4aa67a2a09
INFO interface: detail: Downloading:
INFO interface: detail: default: Downloading:
default: Downloading:
INFO interface: info: Box download is resuming from prior download progress
INFO interface: info: ==> default: Box download is resuming from prior download progress
==> default: Box download is resuming from prior download progress
INFO downloader: Downloader starting download:
INFO downloader: -- Source:
INFO downloader: -- Destination: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/box615efb47eafc2602a5ea83a293278d4aa67a2a09
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["C:\\HashiCorp\\Vagrant\\embedded\\bin/curl.EXE", "-q", "--fail", "--location", "--max-redirs", "10", "--user-agent", "Vagrant/1.8.5 (+; ruby2.2.3)", "--continue-at", "-", "--output", "C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/box615efb47eafc2602a5ea83a293278d4aa67a2a09", ""]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: ** Resuming transfer from byte position 5250681
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
0 941M 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
0 941M 0 7385k 0 0 5569k 0 0:02:53 0:00:01 0:02:52 5637k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 0% (Rate: 0/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 0% (Rate: 0/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 0% (Rate: 0/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 0% (Rate: 0/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 0% (Rate: 0/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 0% (Rate: 0/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
1 941M 1 12.3M 0 0 5426k 0 0:02:57 0:00:02 0:02:55 5463k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 0% (Rate: 5637k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:52)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 0% (Rate: 5637k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:52)
default: Progress: 0% (Rate: 5637k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:52)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
1 941M 1 12.6M 0 0 3865k 0 0:04:09 0:00:03 0:04:06 3883k
1 941M 1 12.7M 0 0 3015k 0 0:05:19 0:00:04 0:05:15 3026k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 5463k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:55)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 5463k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:55)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 5463k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:55) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 3883k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 3883k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 3883k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
1 941M 1 12.8M 0 0 2462k 0 0:06:31 0:00:05 0:06:26 2639k
1 941M 1 12.9M 0 0 2100k 0 0:07:38 0:00:06 0:07:32 1182k
1 941M 1 13.1M 0 0 1831k 0 0:08:46 0:00:07 0:08:39 147k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 3026k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:15)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 3026k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:15)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 3026k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:15) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 2639k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:06:26)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 2639k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:06:26)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 2639k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:06:26) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 1182k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:07:32)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 1182k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:07:32)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 1182k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:07:32)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
1 941M 1 13.2M 0 0 1629k 0 0:09:51 0:00:08 0:09:43 134k
1 941M 1 13.3M 0 0 1466k 0 0:10:57 0:00:09 0:10:48 133k
1 941M 1 13.5M 0 0 1339k 0 0:11:59 0:00:10 0:11:49 134k
1 941M 1 13.6M 0 0 1233k 0 0:13:01 0:00:11 0:12:50 137k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:08:39)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:08:39)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:08:39) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:09:43)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:09:43)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:09:43) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 133k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:10:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 133k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:10:48)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 133k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:10:48) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:11:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:11:49)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:11:49)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
1 941M 1 13.7M 0 0 1144k 0 0:14:02 0:00:12 0:13:50 137k
1 941M 1 13.9M 0 0 1070k 0 0:15:00 0:00:13 0:14:47 137k
1 941M 1 14.0M 0 0 1005k 0 0:15:59 0:00:14 0:15:45 138k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:12:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:12:50)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:12:50) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:13:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:13:50)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:13:50) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:14:47)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:14:47)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:14:47)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
1 941M 1 14.2M 0 0 948k 0 0:16:56 0:00:15 0:16:41 140k
1 941M 1 14.5M 0 0 911k 0 0:17:37 0:00:16 0:17:21 182k
1 941M 1 16.8M 0 0 997k 0 0:16:06 0:00:17 0:15:49 634k
2 941M 2 20.8M 0 0 1164k 0 0:13:47 0:00:18 0:13:29 1415k
2 941M 2 26.3M 0 0 1396k 0 0:11:30 0:00:19 0:11:11 2514k
4 941M 4 40.1M 0 0 2024k 0 0:07:56 0:00:20 0:07:36 5344k
5 941M 5 54.9M 0 0 2640k 0 0:06:05 0:00:21 0:05:44 8319k
7 941M 7 69.7M 0 0 3198k 0 0:05:01 0:00:22 0:04:39 10.5M
9 941M 9 85.0M 0 0 3732k 0 0:04:18 0:00:23 0:03:55 12.8M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 138k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:15:45)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 138k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:15:45)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 138k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:15:45) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 140k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:16:41)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 140k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:16:41)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 140k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:16:41) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 182k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:17:21)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 182k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:17:21)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 182k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:17:21) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 1% (Rate: 634k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:15:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 634k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:15:49)
default: Progress: 1% (Rate: 634k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:15:49) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 2% (Rate: 1415k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:13:29)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 2% (Rate: 1415k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:13:29)
default: Progress: 2% (Rate: 1415k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:13:29) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 2% (Rate: 2514k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:11:11)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 2% (Rate: 2514k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:11:11)
default: Progress: 2% (Rate: 2514k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:11:11) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 4% (Rate: 5344k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:07:36)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 4% (Rate: 5344k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:07:36)
default: Progress: 4% (Rate: 5344k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:07:36) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 5% (Rate: 8319k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:44)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 5% (Rate: 8319k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:44)
default: Progress: 5% (Rate: 8319k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:44) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 7% (Rate: 10.5M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:39)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 7% (Rate: 10.5M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:39)
default: Progress: 7% (Rate: 10.5M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:39)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
10 941M 10 99.3M 0 0 4134k 0 0:03:53 0:00:24 0:03:29 13.8M
10 941M 10 99.7M 0 0 4027k 0 0:03:59 0:00:25 0:03:34 11.8M
10 941M 10 99.8M 0 0 3880k 0 0:04:08 0:00:26 0:03:42 9145k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 9% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:55)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 9% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:55)
default: Progress: 9% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:55) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 13.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:29)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 13.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:29)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 13.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:29) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 11.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 11.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:34)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 11.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:34)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
10 941M 10 99.9M 0 0 3743k 0 0:04:17 0:00:27 0:03:50 6166k
10 941M 10 100M 0 0 3619k 0 0:04:26 0:00:28 0:03:58 3093k
10 941M 10 100M 0 0 3500k 0 0:04:35 0:00:29 0:04:06 186k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 9145k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:42)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 9145k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:42)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 9145k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:42) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 6166k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 6166k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:50)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 6166k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:50) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 3093k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:58)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 3093k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:58)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 3093k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:58)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
10 941M 10 100M 0 0 3390k 0 0:04:44 0:00:30 0:04:14 141k
10 941M 10 100M 0 0 3284k 0 0:04:53 0:00:31 0:04:22 137k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 186k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 186k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 186k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 141k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:14)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 141k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:14)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 141k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:14)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
10 941M 10 100M 0 0 3188k 0 0:05:02 0:00:32 0:04:30 147k
10 941M 10 100M 0 0 3098k 0 0:05:11 0:00:33 0:04:38 144k
10 941M 10 100M 0 0 3012k 0 0:05:19 0:00:34 0:04:45 147k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:22)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:22)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:22) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:30)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:30)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:30) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:38)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:38)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:38)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
10 941M 10 101M 0 0 2928k 0 0:05:29 0:00:35 0:04:54 143k
10 941M 10 101M 0 0 2856k 0 0:05:37 0:00:36 0:05:01 169k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:45)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:45)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:45) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:54)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:54)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:54)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
10 941M 10 102M 0 0 2806k 0 0:05:43 0:00:37 0:05:06 330k
12 941M 12 113M 0 0 3019k 0 0:05:19 0:00:38 0:04:41 2492k
13 941M 13 128M 0 0 3339k 0 0:04:48 0:00:39 0:04:09 5582k
15 941M 15 143M 0 0 3656k 0 0:04:23 0:00:40 0:03:43 8824k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 169k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:01)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 169k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:01)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 169k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:01) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 10% (Rate: 330k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:06)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 330k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:06)
default: Progress: 10% (Rate: 330k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:05:06) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 12% (Rate: 2492k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:41)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 12% (Rate: 2492k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:41)
default: Progress: 12% (Rate: 2492k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:41) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 13% (Rate: 5582k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 13% (Rate: 5582k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:09)
default: Progress: 13% (Rate: 5582k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:09)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
15 941M 15 145M 0 0 3595k 0 0:04:28 0:00:41 0:03:47 8955k
15 941M 15 145M 0 0 3513k 0 0:04:34 0:00:42 0:03:52 8790k
15 941M 15 145M 0 0 3437k 0 0:04:40 0:00:43 0:03:57 6647k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8824k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:43)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8824k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:43)
default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8824k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:43) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8955k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:47)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8955k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:47)
default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8955k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:47) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8790k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:52)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8790k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:52)
default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 8790k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:52)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
15 941M 15 145M 0 0 3361k 0 0:04:46 0:00:44 0:04:02 3528k
15 941M 15 146M 0 0 3300k 0 0:04:52 0:00:45 0:04:07 431k
15 941M 15 148M 0 0 3292k 0 0:04:52 0:00:46 0:04:06 788k
17 941M 17 164M 0 0 3562k 0 0:04:30 0:00:47 0:03:43 3974k
17 941M 17 166M 0 0 3534k 0 0:04:32 0:00:48 0:03:44 4373k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 15% (Rate: 6647k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:57)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 6647k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:57)
default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 6647k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:57) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 15% (Rate: 3528k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:02)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 3528k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:02)
default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 3528k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:02) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 15% (Rate: 431k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:07)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 431k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:07)
default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 431k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:07) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 15% (Rate: 788k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 788k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06)
default: Progress: 15% (Rate: 788k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:04:06) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 17% (Rate: 3974k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:43)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 17% (Rate: 3974k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:43)
default: Progress: 17% (Rate: 3974k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:43)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
17 941M 17 166M 0 0 3465k 0 0:04:38 0:00:49 0:03:49 4398k
18 941M 18 170M 0 0 3460k 0 0:04:38 0:00:50 0:03:48 4919k
19 941M 19 184M 0 0 3683k 0 0:04:21 0:00:51 0:03:30 7307k
21 941M 21 200M 0 0 3914k 0 0:04:06 0:00:52 0:03:14 7253k
21 941M 21 203M 0 0 3903k 0 0:04:06 0:00:53 0:03:13 7474k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 17% (Rate: 4373k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:44)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 17% (Rate: 4373k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:44)
default: Progress: 17% (Rate: 4373k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:44) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 17% (Rate: 4398k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 17% (Rate: 4398k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:49)
default: Progress: 17% (Rate: 4398k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:49) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 18% (Rate: 4919k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 18% (Rate: 4919k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:48)
default: Progress: 18% (Rate: 4919k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:48) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 19% (Rate: 7307k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:30)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 19% (Rate: 7307k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:30)
default: Progress: 19% (Rate: 7307k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:30) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7253k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7253k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7253k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
21 941M 21 203M 0 0 3835k 0 0:04:11 0:00:54 0:03:17 7469k
21 941M 21 203M 0 0 3769k 0 0:04:15 0:00:55 0:03:20 6863k
21 941M 21 203M 0 0 3705k 0 0:04:20 0:00:56 0:03:24 3933k
21 941M 21 204M 0 0 3646k 0 0:04:24 0:00:57 0:03:27 840k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7474k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7474k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:13)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7474k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:13) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7469k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:17)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7469k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:17)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 7469k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:17) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 6863k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:20)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 6863k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:20)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 6863k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:20) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 3933k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:24)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 3933k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:24)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 3933k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:24)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
21 941M 21 204M 0 0 3588k 0 0:04:28 0:00:58 0:03:30 230k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 840k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:27)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 840k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:27)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 840k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:27)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
21 941M 21 204M 0 0 3530k 0 0:04:33 0:00:59 0:03:34 198k
21 941M 21 205M 0 0 3484k 0 0:04:36 0:01:00 0:03:36 326k
22 941M 22 214M 0 0 3585k 0 0:04:28 0:01:01 0:03:27 2221k
24 941M 24 228M 0 0 3762k 0 0:04:16 0:01:02 0:03:14 5099k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 230k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:30)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 230k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:30)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 230k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:30) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 198k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 198k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:34)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 198k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:34) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 21% (Rate: 326k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:36)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 326k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:36)
default: Progress: 21% (Rate: 326k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:36) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 22% (Rate: 2221k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:27)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 22% (Rate: 2221k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:27)
default: Progress: 22% (Rate: 2221k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:27)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
24 941M 24 231M 0 0 3740k 0 0:04:17 0:01:03 0:03:14 5519k
24 941M 24 231M 0 0 3683k 0 0:04:21 0:01:04 0:03:17 5512k
24 941M 24 231M 0 0 3629k 0 0:04:25 0:01:05 0:03:20 5384k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5099k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5099k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14)
default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5099k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5519k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5519k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14)
default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5519k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:14) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5512k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:17)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5512k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:17)
default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5512k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:17)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
24 941M 24 231M 0 0 3578k 0 0:04:29 0:01:06 0:03:23 3492k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5384k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:20)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5384k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:20)
default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 5384k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:20)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
24 941M 24 232M 0 0 3533k 0 0:04:32 0:01:07 0:03:25 691k
25 941M 25 238M 0 0 3572k 0 0:04:29 0:01:08 0:03:21 1450k
26 941M 26 246M 0 0 3642k 0 0:04:24 0:01:09 0:03:15 3112k
27 941M 27 255M 0 0 3727k 0 0:04:18 0:01:10 0:03:08 4996k
28 941M 28 268M 0 0 3860k 0 0:04:09 0:01:11 0:02:58 7615k
30 941M 30 283M 0 0 4015k 0 0:04:00 0:01:12 0:02:48 10.2M
31 941M 31 298M 0 0 4169k 0 0:03:51 0:01:13 0:02:38 12.0M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 24% (Rate: 3492k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:23)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 3492k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:23)
default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 3492k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:23) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 24% (Rate: 691k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:25)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 691k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:25)
default: Progress: 24% (Rate: 691k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:25) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 25% (Rate: 1450k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:21)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 25% (Rate: 1450k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:21)
default: Progress: 25% (Rate: 1450k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:21) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 26% (Rate: 3112k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:15)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 26% (Rate: 3112k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:15)
default: Progress: 26% (Rate: 3112k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:15) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 27% (Rate: 4996k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:08)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 27% (Rate: 4996k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:08)
default: Progress: 27% (Rate: 4996k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:03:08) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 28% (Rate: 7615k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:58)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 28% (Rate: 7615k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:58)
default: Progress: 28% (Rate: 7615k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:58) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 30% (Rate: 10.2M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 30% (Rate: 10.2M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:48)
default: Progress: 30% (Rate: 10.2M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:48)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
33 941M 33 311M 0 0 4292k 0 0:03:44 0:01:14 0:02:30 12.9M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 31% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:38)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 31% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:38)
default: Progress: 31% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:38)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
33 941M 33 316M 0 0 4299k 0 0:03:44 0:01:15 0:02:29 12.0M
33 941M 33 316M 0 0 4246k 0 0:03:47 0:01:16 0:02:31 9734k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 33% (Rate: 12.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:30)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 12.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:30)
default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 12.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:30) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 33% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:29)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:29)
default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:29)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
33 941M 33 316M 0 0 4193k 0 0:03:49 0:01:17 0:02:32 6774k
33 941M 33 317M 0 0 4148k 0 0:03:52 0:01:18 0:02:34 3838k
35 941M 35 330M 0 0 4262k 0 0:03:46 0:01:19 0:02:27 3814k
36 941M 36 343M 0 0 4384k 0 0:03:39 0:01:20 0:02:19 5675k
37 941M 37 357M 0 0 4503k 0 0:03:34 0:01:21 0:02:13 8439k
39 941M 39 371M 0 0 4626k 0 0:03:28 0:01:22 0:02:06 11.0M
41 941M 41 386M 0 0 4750k 0 0:03:22 0:01:23 0:01:59 13.8M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 33% (Rate: 9734k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:31)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 9734k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:31)
default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 9734k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:31) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 33% (Rate: 6774k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:32)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 6774k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:32)
default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 6774k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:32) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 33% (Rate: 3838k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 3838k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:34)
default: Progress: 33% (Rate: 3838k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:34) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 35% (Rate: 3814k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:27)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 35% (Rate: 3814k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:27)
default: Progress: 35% (Rate: 3814k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:27) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 36% (Rate: 5675k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:19)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 36% (Rate: 5675k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:19)
default: Progress: 36% (Rate: 5675k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:19) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 37% (Rate: 8439k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 37% (Rate: 8439k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:13)
default: Progress: 37% (Rate: 8439k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:13) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 39% (Rate: 11.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:06)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 39% (Rate: 11.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:06)
default: Progress: 39% (Rate: 11.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:06)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
41 941M 41 394M 0 0 4793k 0 0:03:21 0:01:24 0:01:57 12.8M
41 941M 41 395M 0 0 4740k 0 0:03:23 0:01:25 0:01:58 10.1M
41 941M 41 395M 0 0 4687k 0 0:03:25 0:01:26 0:01:59 7666k
41 941M 41 395M 0 0 4634k 0 0:03:27 0:01:27 0:02:00 4773k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 41% (Rate: 13.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:59)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 13.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:59)
default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 13.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:59) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 41% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:57)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:57)
default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:57) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 41% (Rate: 10.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:58)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 10.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:58)
default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 10.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:58) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 41% (Rate: 7666k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:59)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 7666k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:59)
default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 7666k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:59)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
42 941M 42 395M 0 0 4583k 0 0:03:30 0:01:28 0:02:02 1802k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 41% (Rate: 4773k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:00)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 4773k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:00)
default: Progress: 41% (Rate: 4773k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:00)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
42 941M 42 395M 0 0 4533k 0 0:03:32 0:01:29 0:02:03 141k
42 941M 42 395M 0 0 4485k 0 0:03:34 0:01:30 0:02:04 143k
42 941M 42 395M 0 0 4437k 0 0:03:37 0:01:31 0:02:06 143k
42 941M 42 396M 0 0 4394k 0 0:03:39 0:01:32 0:02:07 210k
43 941M 43 409M 0 0 4492k 0 0:03:34 0:01:33 0:02:01 2881k
44 941M 44 419M 0 0 4552k 0 0:03:31 0:01:34 0:01:57 4894k
45 941M 45 424M 0 0 4557k 0 0:03:31 0:01:35 0:01:56 5858k
45 941M 45 433M 0 0 4603k 0 0:03:29 0:01:36 0:01:53 7625k
47 941M 47 444M 0 0 4675k 0 0:03:26 0:01:37 0:01:49 9866k
48 941M 48 459M 0 0 4786k 0 0:03:21 0:01:38 0:01:43 10.0M
50 941M 50 474M 0 0 4896k 0 0:03:16 0:01:39 0:01:37 11.1M
51 941M 51 489M 0 0 4991k 0 0:03:13 0:01:40 0:01:33 12.9M
52 941M 52 493M 0 0 4984k 0 0:03:13 0:01:41 0:01:32 12.0M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 42% (Rate: 1802k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:02)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 1802k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:02)
default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 1802k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:02) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 42% (Rate: 141k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:03)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 141k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:03)
default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 141k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:03) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 42% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:04)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:04)
default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:04) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 42% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:06)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:06)
default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 143k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:06) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 42% (Rate: 210k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:07)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 210k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:07)
default: Progress: 42% (Rate: 210k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:07) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 43% (Rate: 2881k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:01)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 43% (Rate: 2881k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:01)
default: Progress: 43% (Rate: 2881k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:02:01) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 44% (Rate: 4894k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:57)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 44% (Rate: 4894k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:57)
default: Progress: 44% (Rate: 4894k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:57) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 45% (Rate: 5858k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:56)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 45% (Rate: 5858k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:56)
default: Progress: 45% (Rate: 5858k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:56) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 45% (Rate: 7625k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:53)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 45% (Rate: 7625k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:53)
default: Progress: 45% (Rate: 7625k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:53) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 47% (Rate: 9866k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 47% (Rate: 9866k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:49)
default: Progress: 47% (Rate: 9866k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:49) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 48% (Rate: 10.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:43)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 48% (Rate: 10.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:43)
default: Progress: 48% (Rate: 10.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:43) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 50% (Rate: 11.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:37)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 50% (Rate: 11.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:37)
default: Progress: 50% (Rate: 11.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:37) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 51% (Rate: 12.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:33)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 51% (Rate: 12.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:33)
default: Progress: 51% (Rate: 12.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:33)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
53 941M 53 499M 0 0 5000k 0 0:03:12 0:01:42 0:01:30 11.0M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 52% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:32)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 52% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:32)
default: Progress: 52% (Rate: 12.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:32)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
53 941M 53 500M 0 0 4954k 0 0:03:14 0:01:43 0:01:31 8237k
53 941M 53 504M 0 0 4946k 0 0:03:14 0:01:44 0:01:30 5952k
55 941M 55 518M 0 0 5039k 0 0:03:11 0:01:45 0:01:26 6004k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 53% (Rate: 11.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:30)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 53% (Rate: 11.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:30)
default: Progress: 53% (Rate: 11.0M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:30) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 53% (Rate: 8237k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:31)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 53% (Rate: 8237k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:31)
default: Progress: 53% (Rate: 8237k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:31) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 53% (Rate: 5952k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:30)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 53% (Rate: 5952k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:30)
default: Progress: 53% (Rate: 5952k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:30)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
56 941M 56 532M 0 0 5128k 0 0:03:07 0:01:46 0:01:21 8015k
56 941M 56 533M 0 0 5091k 0 0:03:09 0:01:47 0:01:22 6945k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 55% (Rate: 6004k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:26)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 55% (Rate: 6004k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:26)
default: Progress: 55% (Rate: 6004k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:26) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 56% (Rate: 8015k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:21)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 8015k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:21)
default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 8015k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:21)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
56 941M 56 533M 0 0 5046k 0 0:03:11 0:01:48 0:01:23 6945k
56 941M 56 534M 0 0 5003k 0 0:03:12 0:01:49 0:01:23 6175k
56 941M 56 534M 0 0 4959k 0 0:03:14 0:01:50 0:01:24 3272k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6945k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:22)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6945k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:22)
default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6945k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:22) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6945k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:23)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6945k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:23)
default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6945k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:23) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6175k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:23)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6175k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:23)
default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 6175k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:23)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
56 941M 56 534M 0 0 4917k 0 0:03:16 0:01:51 0:01:25 356k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 56% (Rate: 3272k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:24)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 3272k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:24)
default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 3272k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:24)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
56 941M 56 534M 0 0 4876k 0 0:03:17 0:01:52 0:01:25 253k
57 941M 57 539M 0 0 4871k 0 0:03:17 0:01:53 0:01:24 1080k
58 941M 58 550M 0 0 4928k 0 0:03:15 0:01:54 0:01:21 3294k
59 941M 59 564M 0 0 5007k 0 0:03:12 0:01:55 0:01:17 6063k
61 941M 61 577M 0 0 5083k 0 0:03:09 0:01:56 0:01:13 8774k
62 941M 62 592M 0 0 5169k 0 0:03:06 0:01:57 0:01:09 11.4M
64 941M 64 607M 0 0 5260k 0 0:03:03 0:01:58 0:01:05 13.7M
66 941M 66 622M 0 0 5345k 0 0:03:00 0:01:59 0:01:01 14.5M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 56% (Rate: 356k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:25)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 356k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:25)
default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 356k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:25) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 56% (Rate: 253k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:25)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 253k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:25)
default: Progress: 56% (Rate: 253k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:25) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 57% (Rate: 1080k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:24)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 57% (Rate: 1080k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:24)
default: Progress: 57% (Rate: 1080k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:24) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 58% (Rate: 3294k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:21)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 58% (Rate: 3294k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:21)
default: Progress: 58% (Rate: 3294k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:21) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 59% (Rate: 6063k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:17)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 59% (Rate: 6063k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:17)
default: Progress: 59% (Rate: 6063k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:17) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 61% (Rate: 8774k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 61% (Rate: 8774k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:13)
default: Progress: 61% (Rate: 8774k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:13) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 62% (Rate: 11.4M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 62% (Rate: 11.4M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:09)
default: Progress: 62% (Rate: 11.4M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 64% (Rate: 13.7M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:05)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 64% (Rate: 13.7M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:05)
default: Progress: 64% (Rate: 13.7M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:05)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
66 941M 66 624M 0 0 5316k 0 0:03:01 0:02:00 0:01:01 12.1M
66 941M 66 625M 0 0 5275k 0 0:03:02 0:02:01 0:01:01 9766k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 66% (Rate: 14.5M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 14.5M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01)
default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 14.5M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 66% (Rate: 12.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 12.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01)
default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 12.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
66 941M 66 625M 0 0 5233k 0 0:03:04 0:02:02 0:01:02 6736k
66 941M 66 625M 0 0 5192k 0 0:03:05 0:02:03 0:01:02 3578k
66 941M 66 625M 0 0 5154k 0 0:03:07 0:02:04 0:01:03 581k
67 941M 67 637M 0 0 5211k 0 0:03:04 0:02:05 0:00:59 2669k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 66% (Rate: 9766k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 9766k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01)
default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 9766k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:01) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 66% (Rate: 6736k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:02)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 6736k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:02)
default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 6736k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:02) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 66% (Rate: 3578k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:02)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 3578k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:02)
default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 3578k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:02) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 66% (Rate: 581k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:03)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 581k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:03)
default: Progress: 66% (Rate: 581k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:01:03)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
69 941M 69 649M 0 0 5265k 0 0:03:03 0:02:06 0:00:57 5019k
69 941M 69 654M 0 0 5263k 0 0:03:03 0:02:07 0:00:56 6012k
71 941M 71 669M 0 0 5339k 0 0:03:00 0:02:08 0:00:52 8961k
72 941M 72 684M 0 0 5420k 0 0:02:57 0:02:09 0:00:48 11.7M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 67% (Rate: 2669k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:59)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 67% (Rate: 2669k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:59)
default: Progress: 67% (Rate: 2669k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:59) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 69% (Rate: 5019k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:57)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 69% (Rate: 5019k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:57)
default: Progress: 69% (Rate: 5019k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:57) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 69% (Rate: 6012k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:56)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 69% (Rate: 6012k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:56)
default: Progress: 69% (Rate: 6012k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:56) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 71% (Rate: 8961k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:52)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 71% (Rate: 8961k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:52)
default: Progress: 71% (Rate: 8961k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:52)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
72 941M 72 686M 0 0 5391k 0 0:02:58 0:02:10 0:00:48 9913k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 11.7M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 11.7M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 11.7M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
72 941M 72 686M 0 0 5350k 0 0:03:00 0:02:11 0:00:49 7500k
72 941M 72 686M 0 0 5311k 0 0:03:01 0:02:12 0:00:49 6533k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 9913k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 9913k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 9913k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 7500k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 7500k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 7500k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
72 941M 72 686M 0 0 5271k 0 0:03:02 0:02:13 0:00:49 3554k
72 941M 72 686M 0 0 5233k 0 0:03:04 0:02:14 0:00:50 423k
72 941M 72 686M 0 0 5196k 0 0:03:05 0:02:15 0:00:50 137k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 6533k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 6533k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 6533k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 3554k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 3554k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 3554k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 423k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 423k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 423k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
72 941M 72 687M 0 0 5160k 0 0:03:06 0:02:16 0:00:50 163k
72 941M 72 687M 0 0 5123k 0 0:03:08 0:02:17 0:00:51 165k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 163k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 163k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 163k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
73 941M 73 687M 0 0 5087k 0 0:03:09 0:02:18 0:00:51 166k
73 941M 73 687M 0 0 5052k 0 0:03:10 0:02:19 0:00:51 167k
73 941M 73 695M 0 0 5073k 0 0:03:10 0:02:20 0:00:50 1721k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 72% (Rate: 165k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 165k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
default: Progress: 72% (Rate: 165k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 73% (Rate: 166k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 73% (Rate: 166k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
default: Progress: 73% (Rate: 166k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 73% (Rate: 167k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 73% (Rate: 167k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
default: Progress: 73% (Rate: 167k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
74 941M 74 704M 0 0 5097k 0 0:03:09 0:02:21 0:00:48 3441k
74 941M 74 704M 0 0 5070k 0 0:03:10 0:02:22 0:00:48 3608k
74 941M 74 704M 0 0 5036k 0 0:03:11 0:02:23 0:00:48 3608k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 73% (Rate: 1721k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 73% (Rate: 1721k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
default: Progress: 73% (Rate: 1721k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3441k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3441k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3441k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3608k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3608k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3608k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
74 941M 74 705M 0 0 5002k 0 0:03:12 0:02:24 0:00:48 3594k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3608k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3608k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3608k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
74 941M 74 705M 0 0 4968k 0 0:03:14 0:02:25 0:00:49 2041k
74 941M 74 705M 0 0 4935k 0 0:03:15 0:02:26 0:00:49 185k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3594k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3594k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 3594k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:48) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 2041k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 2041k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 2041k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
74 941M 74 705M 0 0 4902k 0 0:03:16 0:02:27 0:00:49 137k
74 941M 74 705M 0 0 4871k 0 0:03:17 0:02:28 0:00:49 134k
74 941M 74 705M 0 0 4839k 0 0:03:19 0:02:29 0:00:50 137k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 185k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 185k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 185k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:49)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
74 941M 74 705M 0 0 4808k 0 0:03:20 0:02:30 0:00:50 135k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
74 941M 74 706M 0 0 4777k 0 0:03:21 0:02:31 0:00:50 134k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 135k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 135k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 135k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
75 941M 75 706M 0 0 4746k 0 0:03:23 0:02:32 0:00:51 153k
75 941M 75 706M 0 0 4719k 0 0:03:24 0:02:33 0:00:51 236k
75 941M 75 708M 0 0 4702k 0 0:03:25 0:02:34 0:00:51 600k
76 941M 76 721M 0 0 4753k 0 0:03:22 0:02:35 0:00:47 3099k
78 941M 78 735M 0 0 4818k 0 0:03:20 0:02:36 0:00:44 6073k
79 941M 79 749M 0 0 4880k 0 0:03:17 0:02:37 0:00:40 8983k
81 941M 81 764M 0 0 4946k 0 0:03:14 0:02:38 0:00:36 11.6M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 74% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50)
default: Progress: 74% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:50) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 75% (Rate: 153k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 75% (Rate: 153k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
default: Progress: 75% (Rate: 153k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 75% (Rate: 236k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 75% (Rate: 236k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
default: Progress: 75% (Rate: 236k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 75% (Rate: 600k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 75% (Rate: 600k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51)
default: Progress: 75% (Rate: 600k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:51) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 76% (Rate: 3099k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:47)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 76% (Rate: 3099k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:47)
default: Progress: 76% (Rate: 3099k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:47) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 78% (Rate: 6073k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:44)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 78% (Rate: 6073k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:44)
default: Progress: 78% (Rate: 6073k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:44) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 79% (Rate: 8983k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:40)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 79% (Rate: 8983k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:40)
default: Progress: 79% (Rate: 8983k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:40)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
82 941M 82 777M 0 0 4994k 0 0:03:13 0:02:39 0:00:34 13.6M
82 941M 82 777M 0 0 4966k 0 0:03:14 0:02:40 0:00:34 11.2M
82 941M 82 777M 0 0 4936k 0 0:03:15 0:02:41 0:00:34 8613k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 81% (Rate: 11.6M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:36)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 81% (Rate: 11.6M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:36)
default: Progress: 81% (Rate: 11.6M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:36) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 82% (Rate: 13.6M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 13.6M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 13.6M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 82% (Rate: 11.2M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 11.2M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 11.2M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
82 941M 82 777M 0 0 4906k 0 0:03:16 0:02:42 0:00:34 5707k
82 941M 82 778M 0 0 4877k 0 0:03:17 0:02:43 0:00:34 2685k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 82% (Rate: 8613k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 8613k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 8613k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 82% (Rate: 5707k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 5707k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 5707k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
82 941M 82 778M 0 0 4848k 0 0:03:18 0:02:44 0:00:34 210k
82 941M 82 778M 0 0 4820k 0 0:03:19 0:02:45 0:00:34 144k
82 941M 82 778M 0 0 4795k 0 0:03:21 0:02:46 0:00:35 237k
83 941M 83 786M 0 0 4812k 0 0:03:20 0:02:47 0:00:33 1758k
84 941M 84 796M 0 0 4844k 0 0:03:19 0:02:48 0:00:31 3761k
86 941M 86 809M 0 0 4897k 0 0:03:16 0:02:49 0:00:27 6517k
87 941M 87 824M 0 0 4954k 0 0:03:14 0:02:50 0:00:24 9397k
89 941M 89 838M 0 0 5010k 0 0:03:12 0:02:51 0:00:21 11.8M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 82% (Rate: 2685k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 2685k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 2685k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 82% (Rate: 210k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 210k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 210k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 82% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34)
default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:34) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 82% (Rate: 237k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:35)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 237k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:35)
default: Progress: 82% (Rate: 237k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:35) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 83% (Rate: 1758k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:33)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 83% (Rate: 1758k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:33)
default: Progress: 83% (Rate: 1758k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:33) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 84% (Rate: 3761k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:31)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 84% (Rate: 3761k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:31)
default: Progress: 84% (Rate: 3761k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:31) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 86% (Rate: 6517k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:27)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 86% (Rate: 6517k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:27)
default: Progress: 86% (Rate: 6517k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:27) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 87% (Rate: 9397k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:24)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 87% (Rate: 9397k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:24)
default: Progress: 87% (Rate: 9397k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:24)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
90 941M 90 852M 0 0 5063k 0 0:03:10 0:02:52 0:00:18 13.1M
92 941M 92 866M 0 0 5121k 0 0:03:08 0:02:53 0:00:15 14.1M
92 941M 92 874M 0 0 5134k 0 0:03:07 0:02:54 0:00:13 12.8M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 89% (Rate: 11.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:21)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 89% (Rate: 11.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:21)
default: Progress: 89% (Rate: 11.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:21) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 90% (Rate: 13.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:18)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 90% (Rate: 13.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:18)
default: Progress: 90% (Rate: 13.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:18) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 92% (Rate: 14.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:15)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 14.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:15)
default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 14.1M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:15)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
92 941M 92 874M 0 0 5106k 0 0:03:08 0:02:55 0:00:13 9.9M
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 92% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 12.8M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
92 941M 92 874M 0 0 5077k 0 0:03:09 0:02:56 0:00:13 7393k
92 941M 92 874M 0 0 5050k 0 0:03:10 0:02:57 0:00:13 4592k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 92% (Rate: 9.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 9.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 9.9M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 92% (Rate: 7393k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 7393k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 7393k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
92 941M 92 874M 0 0 5023k 0 0:03:11 0:02:58 0:00:13 1615k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 92% (Rate: 4592k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 4592k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 4592k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
92 941M 92 875M 0 0 4997k 0 0:03:12 0:02:59 0:00:13 233k
93 941M 93 878M 0 0 4988k 0 0:03:13 0:03:00 0:00:13 848k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 92% (Rate: 1615k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 1615k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 1615k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 92% (Rate: 233k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 233k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
default: Progress: 92% (Rate: 233k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
94 941M 94 892M 0 0 5040k 0 0:03:11 0:03:01 0:00:10 3724k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 93% (Rate: 848k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 93% (Rate: 848k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)
default: Progress: 93% (Rate: 848k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:13)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
95 941M 95 898M 0 0 5046k 0 0:03:11 0:03:02 0:00:09 4908k
95 941M 95 898M 0 0 5020k 0 0:03:12 0:03:03 0:00:09 4913k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 94% (Rate: 3724k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:10)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 94% (Rate: 3724k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:10)
default: Progress: 94% (Rate: 3724k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:10) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4908k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4908k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4908k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
95 941M 95 899M 0 0 4994k 0 0:03:13 0:03:04 0:00:09 4878k
95 941M 95 899M 0 0 4967k 0 0:03:14 0:03:05 0:00:09 4226k
95 941M 95 899M 0 0 4941k 0 0:03:15 0:03:06 0:00:09 1354k
95 941M 95 899M 0 0 4916k 0 0:03:16 0:03:07 0:00:09 144k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4913k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4913k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4913k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4878k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4878k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4878k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4226k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4226k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 4226k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 1354k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 1354k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 1354k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
95 941M 95 899M 0 0 4890k 0 0:03:17 0:03:08 0:00:09 134k
95 941M 95 899M 0 0 4865k 0 0:03:18 0:03:09 0:00:09 131k
95 941M 95 899M 0 0 4841k 0 0:03:19 0:03:10 0:00:09 134k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 144k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 131k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 131k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 131k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
95 941M 95 899M 0 0 4816k 0 0:03:20 0:03:11 0:00:09 137k
95 941M 95 900M 0 0 4791k 0 0:03:21 0:03:12 0:00:09 134k
95 941M 95 900M 0 0 4768k 0 0:03:22 0:03:13 0:00:09 147k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 137k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 134k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
95 941M 95 901M 0 0 4747k 0 0:03:23 0:03:14 0:00:09 281k
96 941M 96 910M 0 0 4771k 0 0:03:22 0:03:15 0:00:07 2109k
98 941M 98 923M 0 0 4814k 0 0:03:20 0:03:16 0:00:04 4743k
99 941M 99 937M 0 0 4863k 0 0:03:18 0:03:17 0:00:01 7628k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 147k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 95% (Rate: 281k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 281k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09)
default: Progress: 95% (Rate: 281k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:09) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 96% (Rate: 2109k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:07)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 96% (Rate: 2109k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:07)
default: Progress: 96% (Rate: 2109k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:07) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 98% (Rate: 4743k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:04)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 98% (Rate: 4743k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:04)
default: Progress: 98% (Rate: 4743k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:04)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
99 941M 99 940M 0 0 4856k 0 0:03:18 0:03:18 --:--:-- 8272k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 99% (Rate: 7628k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:01)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 7628k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:01)
default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 7628k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:01)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
99 941M 99 940M 0 0 4832k 0 0:03:19 0:03:19 --:--:-- 8124k
99 941M 99 940M 0 0 4809k 0 0:03:20 0:03:20 --:--:-- 6326k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 99% (Rate: 8272k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 8272k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 8272k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 99% (Rate: 8124k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 8124k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 8124k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
99 941M 99 941M 0 0 4786k 0 0:03:21 0:03:21 --:--:-- 3675k
99 941M 99 941M 0 0 4763k 0 0:03:22 0:03:22 --:--:-- 814k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 99% (Rate: 6326k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 6326k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 6326k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 99% (Rate: 3675k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 3675k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 3675k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
99 941M 99 941M 0 0 4740k 0 0:03:23 0:03:23 --:--:-- 165k
100 941M 100 941M 0 0 4729k 0 0:03:23 0:03:23 --:--:-- 157k
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 99% (Rate: 814k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 814k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 814k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 99% (Rate: 165k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 165k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 99% (Rate: 165k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--) INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail: Progress: 100% (Rate: 157k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
INFO interface: detail: default: Progress: 100% (Rate: 157k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)
default: Progress: 100% (Rate: 157k/s, Estimated time remaining: --:--:--)DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31796
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
INFO interface: info:

 INFO interface: detail:
INFO interface: detail: default:
DEBUG box_collection: Adding box: (virtualbox) from C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/box615efb47eafc2602a5ea83a293278d4aa67a2a09
INFO box_collection: Box not found: (virtualbox)
DEBUG box_collection: Unpacking box into temporary directory: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-4vibhe
INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["C:\\HashiCorp\\Vagrant\\embedded\\gnuwin32\\bin/bsdtar.EXE", "-v", "-x", "-m", "-C", "C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-4vibhe", "-f", "C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/box615efb47eafc2602a5ea83a293278d4aa67a2a09"]
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: x Vagrantfile
x box.ovf
x metadata.json
x packer-ubuntu-16.04-amd64-disk1.vmdk
DEBUG subprocess: stderr:
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31997
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
DEBUG box_collection: Added box is a V1 box. Upgrading in place.
DEBUG box_collection: Upgrading box in directory: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-4vibhe
DEBUG box_collection: Temporary directory for upgrading: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4
DEBUG box_collection: Copying to upgrade directory: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-4vibhe/box.ovf
DEBUG box_collection: Copying to upgrade directory: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-4vibhe/metadata.json
DEBUG box_collection: Copying to upgrade directory: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-4vibhe/packer-ubuntu-16.04-amd64-disk1.vmdk
DEBUG box_collection: Copying to upgrade directory: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-4vibhe/Vagrantfile
DEBUG box_collection: Box directory: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/
DEBUG box_collection: Moving: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4/box.ovf => C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/
DEBUG box_collection: Moving: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4/metadata.json => C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/
DEBUG box_collection: Moving: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4/packer-ubuntu-16.04-amd64-disk1.vmdk => C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/
DEBUG box_add: Deleting temporary box: C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/box615efb47eafc2602a5ea83a293278d4aa67a2a09
ERROR warden: Error occurred: No such file or directory @ sys_fail2 - (C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4/packer-ubuntu-16.04-amd64-disk1.vmdk, C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
INFO warden: Recovery complete.
ERROR warden: Error occurred: No such file or directory @ sys_fail2 - (C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4/packer-ubuntu-16.04-amd64-disk1.vmdk, C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
INFO warden: Recovery complete.
ERROR warden: Error occurred: No such file or directory @ sys_fail2 - (C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4/packer-ubuntu-16.04-amd64-disk1.vmdk, C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
INFO warden: Recovery complete.
ERROR warden: Error occurred: No such file or directory @ sys_fail2 - (C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4/packer-ubuntu-16.04-amd64-disk1.vmdk, C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x47e2030>
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
INFO warden: Recovery complete.
INFO warden: Recovery complete.
INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
INFO warden: Recovery complete.
INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-9b6fe8f465c9e7c2906bb9b6596b5d87
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_unload
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: environment_unload #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x4b702a8>
C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:527:in `rename': No such file or directory @ sys_fail2 - (C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/tmp/vagrant-box-add-temp-20160804-4956-1go8ap4/packer-ubuntu-16.04-amd64-disk1.vmdk, C:/Users/mathieu.fenniak/.vagrant.d/boxes/ (Errno::ENOENT)
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:527:in `block in mv'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1570:in `block in fu_each_src_dest'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1586:in `fu_each_src_dest0'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:1568:in `fu_each_src_dest'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.2.0/fileutils.rb:516:in `mv'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:193:in `block (4 levels) in add'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:180:in `each'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:180:in `block (3 levels) in add'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:449:in `with_temp_dir'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:134:in `block (2 levels) in add'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:449:in `with_temp_dir'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:115:in `block in add'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:436:in `block in with_collection_lock'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/lib/ruby/2.2.0/monitor.rb:211:in `mon_synchronize'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:435:in `with_collection_lock'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/box_collection.rb:104:in `add'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/box_add.rb:344:in `box_add'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/box_add.rb:136:in `add_direct'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/box_add.rb:110:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/handle_box.rb:82:in `handle_box'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/handle_box.rb:42:in `block in call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/handle_box.rb:36:in `synchronize'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/handle_box.rb:36:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:95:in `block in finalize_action'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/call.rb:53:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/plugins/providers/virtualbox/action/check_virtualbox.rb:17:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:34:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/builder.rb:116:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `block in run'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/util/busy.rb:19:in `busy'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/action/runner.rb:66:in `run'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:225:in `action_raw'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:200:in `block in action'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/environment.rb:561:in `lock'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:186:in `call'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/machine.rb:186:in `action'
from C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.8.5/lib/vagrant/batch_action.rb:82:in `block (2 levels) in run'
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