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Created June 19, 2014 20:07
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Save mfenniak/d27e3e7f1b406527b676 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My first ugly working Haskell program, making an HTTP request w/ hard-coded JSON to retrieve data from Replicon's old RepliConnect API.
import Network.HTTP
import Network.URI
import Data.Either
data InstanceInfo =
InstanceInfo {
apiURL :: URI,
companyKey :: String,
loginName :: String,
password :: String
makeRequest :: InstanceInfo -> String -> IO (Either String String)
makeRequest info body =
do resp <- simpleHTTP request
case resp of
Left connError -> error "ERROR" --connError
Right realResp -> do
case rspCode realResp of
code@(1, _, _) -> error $ "1xx: " ++ (show code)
code@(2, _, _) -> error $ "2xx: " ++ (show code)
code@(3, _, _) -> error $ "3xx: " ++ (show code)
code@(4, _, _) -> error $ "4xx: " ++ (show code)
code@(5, _, _) -> error $ "5xx: " ++ (show code)
otherwise -> error "?"
where request = Request { rqURI = apiURL info,
rqMethod = POST,
rqHeaders = [
mkHeader HdrContentType "application/json",
mkHeader HdrContentLength (show $ length body)
rqBody = body }
main =
putStrLn "Hello, world!"
case parseAbsoluteURI("") of
Nothing -> error "Unable to parse hard-coded API URL"
Just uri -> do
let info = InstanceInfo { apiURL = uri,
companyKey = "somecompanykey",
loginName = "someloginname",
Main.password = "somepassword" }
val <- makeRequest info "{ \"Action\": \"GetSystemPreferences\" }"
case val of
Left resp -> putStrLn $ "Got response!: " ++ resp
Right err -> error err
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