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Created November 5, 2012 02:09
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Theme Review of Black Zebra for Extend.
Need to be fixed for inclusion
* The function ```register_sidebar()``` needs to be called during the ```widgets_init``` hook. Please refer to Twenty Twelve's function.php file for an example of how to do this.
* The template tag ```the_title()``` may not be printed inside an attribute. Please use ```the_title_attribute()``` instead. This code was found in line 14 of 404.php, line 11 of archive.php, line 9 of header.php, line 11 of index.php, line 11 of page.php, line 13 of search.php, and line 11 of single.php.
* Please move the function definition for ```blackzebra_custom_styles()``` into functions.php.
* Please remove the additional enqueue for a child theme from ```blackzebra_custom_styles()```. It is best to let the child theme make this decision.
* Please remove the favicon from header.php.
* Please remove the Atom Link from header.php. This functionality should be taken care of by ```add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' )```
* Table headings are the same color as their background: Please rework the styles so that they are readable.
* "Comments are Closed" message should not display on pages having no comments.
* There is no way to navigate between posts shown by single.php.
* All heading tags should clear floats.
* Elements that depend on ```$content_width``` bust out of their containers. Please set ```$content_width``` to 800 instead of 900.
* The screen shot shows that there are four columns in the footer section that appear to be widget areas. This is what the theme looks like when I first install it with no custom widgets enabled: When I install a few custom widgets, this area is converted to one column: I think it would be best to chose one design or the other. Having both might be confusing to users.
* The header section does not contain the menu when there are a lot of links.
* Images have a max width of 510 pixels. This means that larger images are not allowed to fill the full-width of the content area and may appear distorted:
* Floats are not contained in the posts/pages wrapper: I like to use code like this:
* Both ordered and unordered list do not have proper indicators and display with borders when shown in comments.
* Block-level items that appear in the comment body have now margins making them squish together:
* Although there are two theme locations for custom menus registered, no call to ```wp_nav_menu()``` could be found in the theme. Please add this function where appropriate.
Please fix in your next version
* Please hook all code in function.php into the ``after_setup_theme``` action, This includes setting of ```$content_width```, call to ```register_nav_menus()```, ```the calls to add_theme_support```, and the ```blackzebra_translate()``` function.
* There is no need to check for existence of the following functions:
* ```register_sidebar()```, ```register_nav_menus```, and ```add_theme_support()```. The conditional checks can be removed.
* There appears to be an unneeded call to ```get_sidebar()``` in 404.php. This can be removed because it is called in footer.php.
* Smilies are contained in a large black box. Since these are inline elements intended to be used in passages of text, it would be best to remove this box:
* Please move the enqueue of the comments reply into a function in functions.php hooked into the ```comment_form_before``` action. There is a <a href="">code snippet here</a>.
* The ```function_exists()``` check for ```dynamic_sidebar()``` in sidebar.php is not really necessary and can be safely removed.
These items are merely suggestions and have no bearing on the team review process.
* The text "blackzebra is have one column" in the theme description would better read "blackzebra has one column".
* For best possible user experience, it is best to not set the value of the search input to "search". The html5 placeholder attribute is a much better choice in this situation. Please see the example in underscores:
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