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Created September 9, 2018 15:28
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Async file io in Clojure
(ns api-server.file-io
(:use [ :only (info warn error)])
(:import (java.nio.channels CompletionHandler AsynchronousFileChannel)
(java.nio ByteBuffer)
(java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute)
(java.nio.file StandardOpenOption)
(java.util.concurrent Executors))
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [chan go put! close!]]
[ :as io]))
(def asynch-file-executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 8))
(defn file-exits!?
(.exists (io/as-file file)))
(defn- file-uri
(.toURI (io/as-file file)))
(defn read-file!
(let [ch (chan)
path (java.nio.file.Paths/get (file-uri file))
fileChannel (AsynchronousFileChannel/open path #{StandardOpenOption/READ} asynch-file-executor (make-array FileAttribute 0))
buffer (ByteBuffer/allocate (.size fileChannel))]
(.read fileChannel buffer 0 nil
(proxy [CompletionHandler] []
(completed [result attachment]
(.close fileChannel)
(.flip buffer)
(put! ch buffer))
(failed [e attachment]
(.close fileChannel)
(put! ch e))))
(defn write-file!
[file buffer]
(let [ch (chan)]
(let [path (java.nio.file.Paths/get (file-uri file))
fileChannel (AsynchronousFileChannel/open path #{StandardOpenOption/WRITE} asynch-file-executor (make-array FileAttribute 0))]
(.write fileChannel buffer 0 nil
(proxy [CompletionHandler] []
(completed [result attachment]
(.close fileChannel)
(close! ch))
(failed [e attachment]
(.close fileChannel)
(put! ch e)))))
(catch Throwable t
(warn t "Failed writing file" file)
(put! ch t)))
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