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Last active February 8, 2017 22:15
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#!/usr/bin/env planck
(ns march.core
[clojure.string :as string]
[planck.core :refer [spit]]
[ :as shell]))
(def start-commit "r1.8.51")
(def out-file "/Users/mfikes/timings.edn")
(defn get-commits
(shell/sh "git" "checkout" "master")
(-> (shell/sh "git" "rev-list" (str start-commit "..HEAD") "--reverse")
(string/split "\n")))
(defn get-timing
(shell/sh "git" "checkout" commit)
(shell/sh "script/clean")
(shell/sh "script/bootstrap")
(let [start (system-time)
result (shell/sh "script/test-self-parity")
timing (if (== 0 (:exit result))
(- (system-time) start)
(prn [commit timing])
(spit out-file
(->> start-commit
(map (fn [commit]
[commit (get-timing commit)]))
(remove (fn [[commit timing]]
(= :not-available timing))))))
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