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Last active June 7, 2024 18:33
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Concurrency comparison Swift async/await and Clojure core.async
(require '[clojure.core.async :refer [go <!]])
(defn fetch-user-id [server]
(if (= server "primary")
(defn fetch-username [server]
(let [user-id (<! (fetch-user-id server))]
(if (= user-id 501)
"John Appleseed"
(defn connect-user [server]
(let [user-id-ch (fetch-user-id server)
username-ch (fetch-username server)
greeting (str "Hello " (<! username-ch) ", user ID " (<! user-id-ch))]
(println greeting))))
(connect-user "primary"))
func fetchUserID(from server: String) async -> Int {
if server == "primary" {
} else {
func fetchUsername(from server: String) async -> String {
let userID = await fetchUserID(from: server)
if userID == 501 {
return "John Appleseed"
} else {
return "Guest"
func connectUser(to server: String) async {
async let userID = fetchUserID(from: server)
async let username = fetchUsername(from: server)
let greeting = await "Hello \(username), user ID \(userID)"
Task {
await connectUser(to: "primary")
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