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mfikes/core.clj Secret

Created November 4, 2014 21:12
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Solution to Bank OCR User Story 1
(ns bank-ocr.core)
(def ^:private rendered-digit-lines
"A sequence of 3 lines representing all of the digits in order."
[" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
"| | | _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_|"
"|_| ||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _| "])
(defn- lines->digit-representations
"Converts a sequence of 3 lines into a sequence of representations
of the digits on those lines, where each digit representation is
a sequence of character triplets."
(apply map list (map #(partition 3 %) lines)))
(def ^:private digit-representation->digit
"A map from digit representation to digit."
(zipmap (lines->digit-representations rendered-digit-lines)
(range 10)))
(defn- lines->account-number
"Takes a sequence of 3 lines and converts them into the sequence of digits
for a bank account number."
(map digit-representation->digit (lines->digit-representations lines)))
(defn- lines->account-numbers
"Takes a sequence of lines (representing multiple account numbers with
blank lines in between) and produces a sequence of account numbers (each
represented as a sequence of digits)."
(map lines->account-number
(partition 3 4 lines)))
(defn- account-number->string
"Converts an account number (a sequence of digits) to a string (for display)."
(apply str account-number))
(defn print-account-numbers
"Prints the account numbers in a file."
(with-open [r ( file)]
(doseq [account-number (lines->account-numbers (line-seq r))]
(println (account-number->string account-number)))))
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