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Last active October 27, 2020 11:04
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Gerador de labirinto e buscador de caminho usando busca em profundidade.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Gerador de Labirinto e busca A*
Aplicativo que gera labirinto e monstra o caminho da origem ao destino utilizando o algoritmo de busca A*
@author: Marcos Filipe Lino
import string
import random
import operator
route = {}
rooms = {}
class Room(object):
Class que representa as salas do labirinto
def __init__(self, name, pos_x, pos_y):
self.__name = name
self.__posicao = (pos_x, pos_y)
self.__visitado = False
self.fn = 0
def getposicao(self):
return self.__posicao
def visitado(self):
return self.__visitado
def visitado(self, v):
self.__visitado = v
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__name)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def get_neighbor(room, maze):
neighbor = []
max_x = len(maze)
max_y = len(maze[0])
x, y = room.getposicao()
if y > 0:
neighbor.append(maze[x][y - 1])
if x > 0:
neighbor.append(maze[x - 1][y])
if x < max_x - 1:
neighbor.append(maze[x + 1][y])
if y < max_y - 1:
neighbor.append(maze[x][y + 1])
return neighbor
def create_view_maze(m, n):
linha = 2 * m + 1
coluna = 2 * n + 1
lista = sorted(route.keys())
mapa = [['#' for _ in range(coluna)] for _ in range( linha) ]
for i in range(1, linha-1, 2):
for j in range(1, coluna, 2):
mapa[i][j] = lista.pop(0)
return mapa
def get_neighborNoVisited(room, maze):
def isVisitado(n):
if n.visitado == False:
return n
neighbors = get_neighbor(room, maze)
return filter(isVisitado, neighbors)
def create_routes(maze):
maze[0][0].visitado = True
stack = []
while stack != []:
room = stack.pop()
neighbor_nv = get_neighborNoVisited(room, maze)
if neighbor_nv != []:
neighbor = random.choice(neighbor_nv)
neighbor.visitado = True
def create_rooms(m, n):
Cria as roms do labirinto de m x n dimensoes
maze = [ [None for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(m)]
names = list(string.uppercase)
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
name = names.pop(0)
maze[i][j] = Room(name, i, j)
rooms[name] = maze[i][j]
route[maze[i][j]] = []
return maze
def delwall(maze_view, maze):
for i in range(1, len(maze_view) -1, 2):
for j in range(1, len(maze_view[0]), 2):
if maze_view[i][j] != '#':
room = maze_view[i][j]
neighbors = route[room]
for n in neighbors:
x, y = retiraWall(room, n, maze)
maze_view[i + x][ j + y] = ' '
def retiraWall(room, neighbor, maze):
x, y = room.getposicao()
max_x = len(maze)
max_y = len(maze[0])
if y > 0 and neighbor == maze[x][y -1] :
return (0, -1)
if x > 0 and neighbor == maze[x - 1][y]:
return (-1, 0)
if x < max_x - 1 and neighbor == maze[x + 1][ y]:
return (1, 0)
if y < max_y - 1 and neighbor == maze[x][y + 1]:
return (0, 1)
return (0,0)
def print_view(maze_view):
for linha in maze_view:
for c in linha:
print c,
def hn(origem, destino, maze):
x0, y0 = origem.getposicao()
x1, y1 = destino.getposicao()
dx = 0
dy = 0
if x1 > x0:
dx = x1 - x0
dx = x0 - x1
if y1 > y0:
dy = y1 - y0
dy = y0 - y1
return dx + dy
def Astar(origem, destino, maze):
custo = 1
fila = []
print origem,
while origem != destino:
visinhos = route[origem]
for v in visinhos:
v.fn = hn(v, destino, maze) + custo
fila += visinhos
origem = fila.pop(0)
print origem,
def main():
Função main resposavel por iniciar a aplicação
maze = create_rooms(5, 5)
maze_view = create_view_maze(5, 5)
delwall(maze_view, maze)
while True:
origem = str(raw_input("Digite a origem"))
destino = str(raw_input("Digite o destino"))
Astar(rooms[origem], rooms[destino], maze)
#print route
if __name__ == '__main__':
Identifica se o arquivo foi executado corretamente com os argumentos corretos
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mfilipelino commented Oct 27, 2020

Valeu @cpusam, eu tinha até me esquecido desse código

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