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Created January 23, 2020 14:11
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Differentiable torch.eig() for real eigenvalues
import torch
class eig(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, A):
# normalize the shape to be batched
Ashape = A.shape
if A.ndim == 2:
A = A.unsqueeze(0)
elif A.ndim > 3:
A = A.view(*A.shape[:-2], A.shape[-2], A.shape[-1])
nbatch = A.shape[0]
evecs = torch.empty_like(A).to(A.device)
evals = torch.empty(A.shape[0], A.shape[-1]).to(A.dtype).to(A.device)
for i in range(nbatch):
evalue, evec = torch.eig(A[i], eigenvectors=True)
# check if the eigenvalues contain complex numbers
if not torch.allclose(evalue[:,1], torch.zeros_like(evalue[:,1])):
raise ValueError("The eigenvalues contain complex numbers")
evecs[i] = evec
evals[i] = evalue[:.0]
# reshape the results
evecs = evecs.view(*Ashape)
evals = evals.view(*Ashape[:-1])
ctx.evecs = evecs
ctx.evals = evals
return evals, evecs
def backward(ctx, grad_evals, grad_evecs):
# grad_evals: (...,na)
# grad_evecs: (...,na,na)
batchshape = grad_evals.shape[:-1]
na = grad_evals.shape[-1]
dLde = grad_evals.view(-1,na) # (nbatch, na)
dLdU = grad_evecs.view(-1,na,na)
U = ctx.evecs.view(-1,na,na) # (nbatch,na,na)
Hcurly = ctx.evals.view(-1,na) # (nbatch,na)
UT = U.transpose(-2,-1) # (nbatch,na,na)
# calculate the contribution from grad_evals
UUT = torch.bmm(U, UT)
UdiagUT = torch.bmm(U, UT*dLde.unsqueeze(-1))
econtrib, _ = torch.solve(UdiagUT, UUT)
# calculate the inverse of H-evals
Hmevals = Hcurly.unsqueeze(-2) - Hcurly.unsqueeze(-1) # (nbatch,na,na)
Hmevals.diagonal(offset=0, dim1=-2, dim2=-1).fill_(float("inf"))
Hmevals_inv = 1.0 / Hmevals
# calculate the contribution from grad_evecs
# orthogonalizing the dLdU first before applying the other operations
dLdU_ortho = dLdU - (dLdU * U).sum(dim=-2, keepdim=True) * U
B = Hmevals_inv * torch.bmm(UT, dLdU_ortho)
A = torch.bmm(B, UT)
Ucontrib = torch.solve(A, UT)[0]
# reshape the contributions
shape = grad_evecs.shape
econtrib = econtrib.view(*shape)
Ucontrib = Ucontrib.view(*shape)
return econtrib + Ucontrib
if __name__ == "__main__":
def finite_differences(fcn, args, iarg, eps=1e-6):
with torch.no_grad():
nelmt = args[iarg].numel()
shape = args[iarg].shape
dxs = torch.eye(nelmt) * eps
loss0 = fcn(*args)
dlossdx = torch.empty(nelmt).to(args[iarg].dtype)
for i in range(nelmt):
newarg = args[iarg] + dxs[i,:].view(shape)
newargs = [(args[j] if j != iarg else newarg) for j in range(len(args))]
loss = fcn(*newargs)
dlossdx[i] = (loss - loss0) / eps
return dlossdx.view(shape)
A = torch.tensor([
[[0.7, 0.2, 0.0],
[0.3, 0.8, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 2.0]],
[[0.4, -1.4, -1.1],
[-1.4, 1.0, 1.3],
[-1.2, 1.3, 0.1]]
evals, evecs = eig.apply(A)
print(evals, evecs)
def getloss(A):
evals, evecs = eig.apply(A)
loss1 = (evals**4).sum()
loss2 = (evecs.abs()**3).sum()
loss = loss1 + loss2
return loss
loss = getloss(A)
Agrad =
with torch.no_grad():
Afd = finite_differences(getloss, (A,), 0, eps=1e-4)
print(Agrad / Afd)
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