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Created May 23, 2012 06:29
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Operation Git SVN
Commit Files (A) Add, commit and push 113 modified files (2164+, 2259-) 0.64 2.60 4x
Commit Images (B) Add, commit and push 1000 1k images 1.53 24.70 16x
Diff Current Diff 187 changed files (1664+, 4859-) against last commit 0.25 1.09 4x
Diff Recent Diff against 4 commits back (269 changed/3609+,6898-) 0.25 3.99 16x
Diff Tags Diff two tags against each other (v1.9.1.0/v1.9.3.0 ) 1.17 83.57 71x
Log (50) Log of the last 50 commits (19k of output) 0.01 0.38 31x
Log (All) Log of all commits (26,056 commits - 9.4M of output) 0.52 169.20 325x
Log (File) Log of the history of a single file (array.c - 483 revs) 0.60 82.84 138x
Update Pull of Commit A scenario (113 files changed, 2164+, 2259-) 0.90 2.82 3x
Blame Line annotation of a single file (array.c) 1.91 3.04 1x
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