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Last active August 29, 2023 17:03
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Parse a tag string with attributes.
// Export regular expressions used in this module that other modules may need.
// -----
// Characters used to indicate a `#document-fragment` should be created
export const fragRE = /^([!#]+|<>|<\/>)/;
// Characters that indicate a new element should be created...
// ...possibly from another library, like: parseTag('<div>');
export const createRE = /^[\s<+=]*|[/>\s]*$/g;
// -----
* Return a tuple with the tagName and an object containing element attributes.
* @param {string} tag - tag string with optional attributes
* @returns {[string, {}]} - returns tuple with tag and attributes object
* @example parseTag('|title="Select Option"|checked');
* --> ['input', {
* type: 'checkbox',
* id: 'foo',
* 'class': 'bar',
* name: 'baz',
* title: 'Input text',
* checked: true
* }];
* @example Used with a library that creates DOM elements (like `h` from SolidJS or React's non-JSX syntax)
* const [tag, attr] = parseTag('input:checkbox#subscribe.ckbx?subscribe|title="Subscribe"|checked');
* const { ['class']: className, ...props } = attr;
* props.className = props.className || className;
* React.createElement(tag, props);
* --> <input type="checkbox" id="subscribe" class="ckbx" name="subscribe" title="Input text" checked />
* @example Q: Why would something like this be useful?
* A: Let's say we're working with a system that uses YAML to generate a DOM tree. 😳
* In this example there are arrays of objects used to build the DOM heirarchy:
* ---
* - 'main.content':
* - '|title="About"': "About Us"
* - '': "Here's what we're about..."
* (there's a function that processes the above YAML and uses parseTag() to process the property names)
* --> <main class="content">
* <h2 id="about" class="text-xl mx-2 p-4" title="About">About Us</h2>
* <p class="mx-2 p-4">Here's what we're about...</p>
* </main>
export function parseTag(tag = '') {
// Don't try to handle fragments - they have no attributes.
if (tag === '' || fragRE.test(tag)) {
return ['<>', {}];
let tagName = tag.replace(createRE, ''),
[tagName, ...tagAttrs] = tagName.split(/\s*[\[\]|]\s*/);
[tagName, name] = tagName.trim().split('?');
[tagName, ...classes] = tagName.split('.');
[tagName, id] = tagName.split('#');
[tagName, type] = tagName.split(':');
// Attributes object
const attr = {};
if (tagAttrs.length) {
for (const tagAttr of tagAttrs) {
let [name, value = ''] = tagAttr.split('=');
// Only process attributes with a non-empty attribute name
if (name) {
attr[name] = value.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '') || name;
if (name) = name;
if (classes.length) attr['class'] = classes.join(' ');
if (id) = id;
if (type) attr.type = type;
return [tagName, attr];
// Adding a default export, but using the named export is preferred.
export default parseTag;
* Convert 'class' and 'style' attributes to React-friendly props
* @param {Object} attr - object to make React-friendly
* @returns {{}} - returns object with 'className' string and 'style' object
export function reactProps(attr) {
const {
['class']: className,
} = attr;
if (className || props.className) {
props.className = props.className || className;
if (style) { = parseStyle(style);
return props;
* Convert 'style' attribute string to style object
* @param {string} style - style string to convert to object
* @returns {{}|*} - returns style object
export function parseStyle(style) {
if (typeof style === 'string') {
try {
return style.split(';').reduce((obj, styleProp) => {
styleProp = styleProp.trim();
if (styleProp) {
let [prop, value] = styleProp.split(':');
obj[camelCase(prop.trim())] = value.trim();
return obj;
}, {});
} catch (e) {
console.warn('Could not parse style: ', style);
} else {
return style;
// Super-simple kebab-case to camelCase converter
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/-./g, (match) => match.slice(1).toUpperCase());
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