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Last active April 30, 2023 08:06
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Open new (popup) window within the bounds of, and centered over, the calling parent window with max dimensions of 1400x900.
* Open a new browser window centered to the parent window.
* @param {string} url - Required URL for popup window
* @param {string} [name] - optional window name
* @param {object} [cfg] - optional config object for parameters
* @returns {*} - returns reference to popup
* @example
* // open a 600x400 popup named 'foo' centered over parent window:
* centeredPopup('/page/foo', 'foo', { width: 600, height: 400 });
* // open a nameless window that's 100px narrower than parent window:
* centeredPopup('/page/bar', null, { width: window.outerWidth - 100 });
export function centeredPopup(url, name, cfg = {}) {
/devmode/.test(window.location.hash) && console.log('centeredPopup');
// browser sniffing? :-/
// const isEdge = /Edg/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
// const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
const maxWidth = cfg.width || 1400;
const maxHeight = cfg.height || 860;
// keep a 20px pad inside the available screen area
const availWidth = window.screen.availWidth - 40;
const availHeight = window.screen.availHeight - 40;
// constrain dimensions to screen size?
const W = maxWidth > availWidth ? availWidth : maxWidth;
const H = maxHeight > availHeight ? availHeight : maxHeight;
// position new window centered over the parent window
const LEFT = window.screenLeft + (window.outerWidth / 2) - (W / 2);
const TOP = window.screenTop + (window.outerHeight / 2) - (H / 2);
const params = {
location: cfg.location || 'yes',
resizable: cfg.resizable || 'yes',
width: W,
height: H,
left: cfg.left != null ? cfg.left : LEFT,
top: != null ? : TOP
let paramString = Object.entries(params).map(([key, val]) => `${key}=${val}`).join(',');
const popup =
name || '_blank',
// is this the only reliable way to ensure proper cross-browser size/placement?
popup.resizeTo(params.width, params.height);
return popup;
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