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Last active January 11, 2024 07:10
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# module with ring arithmetic and multiplication and powers
# Did this a while ago on another machine? And made a github gist
from itertools import islice, cycle, tee
import random
from typing import Any
# from
# wrapped in class with `val` property
# This class is unnecessary for functionality, but helpful for debugging
# basically calls make_additive_ring but returns a dictionary s.t.
# d[n].val == n
# eg
# > d = MMDict.create(7)
# > [x.val for x in d[4].values()]
# [4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3]
class MMDict(dict):
lookup = {}
def create(kls, n):
ret = make_additive_ring(n, kls)
for k, v in ret.items():
kls.lookup[id(v)] = k
return ret
def val(self):
return self.lookup[id(self)]
# Make a self-referential dict where d[a][b] is d[a+b%n]
def make_additive_ring(n, dict_class=dict):
dicts = [dict_class() for __ in range(n)]
dicts_c = cycle(dicts)
for d in dicts:
d.update(dict(enumerate(islice(dicts_c, n))))
ret = next(dicts_c)
return ret
# alternative, slightly more cryptic
# def make_additive_ring(n, dict_class=dict):
# a, b = tee(cycle(dict_class() for __ in range(n)))
# for d in islice(a, n):
# d.update(dict(enumerate(islice(b, n))))
# ret = next(b)
# return ret
d = MMDict.create(10)
assert d[3][5][7] is d[5]
assert d[3][5][7].val == 5
# note that any element of d behaves identically to d
#d = d[4]
assert d[3][5][7] is d[5]
d = MMDict.create(100)
# dict class that handles any type by using id(k) as key
# (Can use dicts as keys, but will only work for one singletons)
class IdDict(dict):
def __getitem__(self, __key):
return dict.__getitem__(self, id(__key))
def __setitem__(self, __key, __value):
dict.__setitem__(self, id(__key), __value)
class Multiplicative(IdDict):
def __init__(self, base_dict):
# unlike addition, in multiplication absolute values matter
# we map addition rings dicts to multiplicative rings
# because dictionaries aren't hashable, we use id(dict) instead
# start at all 0s
curr = {k: base_dict[0] for k in base_dict.keys()}
for d in base_dict.values():
self[d] = curr
# add k to each v
curr = {k: v[k] for k, v in curr.items()}
class Mapper(IdDict):
def __init__(self, base_dict, init_val, next_val_f):
# Start with init_val, and call next_val_f for each item
curr = {k: init_val for k in base_dict.keys()}
for d in base_dict.values():
self[d] = curr
# add k to each v
curr = {k: next_val_f(k, v) for k, v in curr.items()}
# Multiplicative(d) is the same as Mapper(d, d[0], lambda k, v: v[k])
# Start with 0, add at each step
m = Mapper(d, d[0], lambda k, v: v[k])
# can we do powers?
# Start with 1, and multiply for each step
power = Mapper(d, d[1], lambda k, v: m[v][k])
# 0*3 = 0
assert m[d[0]][3] is d[0]
# 1*3 is 3
assert m[d[1]][3] is d[3]
# 2**3 is 8 (note operands are flipped, power[d[3]] is all cubes and power[d[3]][2] is second cube == 2**3)
assert power[d[3]][2] is d[8]
# can we do byte arithmetic?
b = make_additive_ring(256)
mb = Multiplicative(b)
# 7 * 8 = 56
assert 7*8 == 56
assert mb[b[7]][8] is b[56]
# 7 * 8 * 9 % 256 is 248
assert 7*8*9 % 256 == 248
assert mb[mb[b[7]][8]][9] is b[248]
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mfm24 commented Oct 29, 2023

d = MMDict.create(10)

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