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Created August 27, 2015 09:32
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π ~/go/src/ ./hack/test-extended/s2i/
[INFO] Compiling test/extended package ...
pkg/cmd/cli/config/loader.go:8: inconsistent definition for type pflag.Flag during import
struct { Name string; Shorthand string; Usage string; Value pflag.Value; DefValue string; Changed bool; NoOptDefVal string; Deprecated string; Annotations map[string][]string } (in "")
struct { Name string; Shorthand string; Usage string; Value pflag.Value; DefValue string; Changed bool; Deprecated string; Annotations map[string][]string } (in "")
pkg/cmd/cli/config/loader.go:8: inconsistent definition for type cobra.Command during import
struct { name string; Use string; Aliases []string; Short string; Long string; Example string; ValidArgs []string; BashCompletionFunction string; Deprecated string; flags *pflag.FlagSet; pflags *pflag.FlagSet; lflags *pflag.FlagSet; PersistentPreRun func(*cobra.Command, []string); PreRun func(*cobra.Command, []string); Run func(*cobra.Command, []string); PostRun func(*cobra.Command, []string); PersistentPostRun func(*cobra.Command, []string); commands []*cobra.Command; parent *cobra.Command; commandsMaxUseLen int; commandsMaxCommandPathLen int; commandsMaxNameLen int; flagErrorBuf *bytes.Buffer; args []string; output *io.Writer; usageFunc func(*cobra.Command) error; usageTemplate string; helpTemplate string; helpFunc func(*cobra.Command, []string); helpCommand *cobra.Command; helpFlagVal bool; globNormFunc func(*pflag.FlagSet, string) pflag.NormalizedName } (in "")
struct { name string; Use string; Aliases []string; Short string; Long string; Example string; ValidArgs []string; BashCompletionFunction string; Deprecated string; flags *pflag.FlagSet; pflags *pflag.FlagSet; lflags *pflag.FlagSet; PersistentPreRun func(*cobra.Command, []string); PreRun func(*cobra.Command, []string); Run func(*cobra.Command, []string); PostRun func(*cobra.Command, []string); PersistentPostRun func(*cobra.Command, []string); commands []*cobra.Command; parent *cobra.Command; commandsMaxUseLen int; commandsMaxCommandPathLen int; commandsMaxNameLen int; flagErrorBuf *bytes.Buffer; cmdErrorBuf *bytes.Buffer; args []string; output *io.Writer; usageFunc func(*cobra.Command) error; usageTemplate string; helpTemplate string; helpFunc func(*cobra.Command, []string); helpCommand *cobra.Command; helpFlagVal bool; globNormFunc func(*pflag.FlagSet, string) pflag.NormalizedName } (in "")
pkg/cmd/cli/config/loader.go:8: method redeclared: cobra.Command.MarkFlagRequired
method(*cobra.Command) func(string) error
method(*cobra.Command) func(string)
pkg/cmd/server/api/validation/validation.go:10: inconsistent definition for type pflag.Flag during import
struct { Name string; Shorthand string; Usage string; Value pflag.Value; DefValue string; Changed bool; NoOptDefVal string; Deprecated string; Annotations map[string][]string } (in "")
struct { Name string; Shorthand string; Usage string; Value pflag.Value; DefValue string; Changed bool; Deprecated string; Annotations map[string][]string } (in "")
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