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Forked from deardooley/
Last active April 10, 2023 06:54
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Parse output of ldapsearch to json
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Example shell script showing how to parse LDIF output from the
# ldapsearch command into a json array. Please note that this
# script almost certainly does not handle every edge case, and
# is best used to pull a handful of fields a user or group
# record in a FreeIPA ldap server and format them as JSON for use
# in other tools.
LDAP_SEARCH_FIELDS=${LDAP_SEARCH_FIELDS:-'cn displayName mail uid'}
# inspered from
ldapsearch -LLL -B -o ldif-wrap=no -x \
$LDAP_SEARCH_FIELDS | jq --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n\n")|
map(split("\n") |
map(select(.[0:1]!="#" and length>0)) |
select(length > 0) |
map(capture("^(?<key>[^:]*:?): *(?<value>.*)") |
if .key[-1:.key|length] == ":" then .key=.key[0:-1] |
.value=(.value|@base64d) else . end) |
group_by(.key) |
map({key:.[0].key,value:[.[].value]})| from_entries)'
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