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Created October 27, 2022 22:16
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Create a Clock with Elm after working through the tutorial at
module Main exposing (..)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Task
import Time
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias ZoneAwareTime =
{ posix : Time.Posix
, zone : Time.Zone
type alias Model =
{ time : Maybe ZoneAwareTime
, pausedAt : Maybe ZoneAwareTime
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( { time = Nothing
, pausedAt = Nothing
, Task.perform InitZoneAwareTime <|
Task.map2 ZoneAwareTime
type Msg
= InitZoneAwareTime ZoneAwareTime
| Tick Time.Posix
| Pause
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
InitZoneAwareTime { posix, zone } ->
( { model | time = Just <| ZoneAwareTime posix zone }
, Cmd.none
Tick newPosix ->
( { model
| time = (\zoneAwareTime -> { zoneAwareTime | posix = newPosix }) model.time
, Cmd.none
Pause ->
case model.pausedAt of
Nothing ->
( { model | pausedAt = model.time }, Cmd.none )
Just _ ->
( { model | pausedAt = Nothing }, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ =
-- this causes a little delay in the UX after unpausing, as we have to wait
-- for the next tick before updating the model and effectively, the view
-- case model.pausedAt of
-- Nothing ->
-- Time.every 1000 Tick
-- Just _ ->
-- Sub.none
-- to make the clock appear to tick immediately after being unpaused
-- we keep subscribing to the tick even when paused
-- so that we have the correct tick to update the view with on unpause
Time.every 1000 Tick
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
case model.time of
Nothing ->
text "loading..."
Just zoneAwareTime ->
case model.pausedAt of
Nothing ->
div []
[ viewTime zoneAwareTime
, button [ onClick Pause ] [ text "Pause" ]
Just pausedZoneAwareTime ->
div []
[ viewTime pausedZoneAwareTime
, button [ onClick Pause ] [ text "Unpause" ]
viewTime : ZoneAwareTime -> Html msg
viewTime { posix, zone } =
formatTimePart : Int -> String
formatTimePart =
String.fromInt >> String.padLeft 2 '0'
hour =
Time.toHour zone posix |> formatTimePart
minute =
Time.toMinute zone posix |> formatTimePart
second =
Time.toSecond zone posix |> formatTimePart
h1 [] [ text (hour ++ ":" ++ minute ++ ":" ++ second) ]
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