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Created September 8, 2010 19:24
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# List of previously installed modules was created with:
# perldoc -o text perllocal | grep '"Module"' | cut -d'"' -f3 | cut -d' ' -f2
my $installed = shift;
$installed = "$ENV{HOME}/perl-installed-20100908-1917.txt" unless defined $installed;
print "Using modules list from $installed\n";
my @modules;
open my $f, '<', $installed or die "Cannot open $installed: $!";
@modules = <$f>;
close $f;
chomp @modules;
# preserving order
my @unique_modules;
my %marker;
for my $module ( @modules ) {
push @unique_modules, $module if !defined $marker{$module};
for my $modulename ( @unique_modules ) {
print "Installing $modulename...\n";
my $rc = system("cpanm",$modulename);
if ( $rc ) {
print "Errors found while installing $modulename; aborting\n";
exit $rc
print "Installed $modulename\n";
system(qw/git add ./);
system(qw/git commit -am/, "Installed $modulename");
print "Committed to Git repo\n";
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