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Last active February 6, 2020 14:42
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Symbolic interval matrix power
# =====================================
# Version using MacroTools + SymEngine
# =====================================
using IntervalMatrices
using SymEngine
using MacroTools: postwalk
subidx(i) = join(Char.(0x2080 .+ convert.(UInt16, digits(i)[end:-1:1])))
function symbolic_matrix(n; name="M")
M = Matrix{SymEngine.Basic}(undef, n, n)
for i in 1:n, j in 1:n
M[i, j] = name * subidx(i) * subidx(j)
return M
function subs(ex, imat; name="M")
n = size(imat, 1) # imat assumed square
for i in 1:n, j in 1:n
name_ij = Symbol(name * subidx(i) * subidx(j))
ex == name_ij && return imat[i, j]
return ex
Msym_eval(Msym, M, k) = [postwalk(ex -> subs(ex, M), convert(Expr, m)) for m in Msym]
# this version gives a more accurate result than just M^k because lots of intermediate
# interval evaluations are saved. however, it is very bad in terms of performance because
# the expression tree is consdered for each term..
function power(M, k)
@assert size(M, 1) == size(M, 2)
Msym = symbolic_matrix(size(M, 1))
X = Msym_eval(Msym^k, M, k)
return eval.(X)
# =====================================
# Version using DynamicPolynomials
# =====================================
using DynamicPolynomials
# this version is as fast as M^k where M is an inteval, but it is not accurate. the reason is that
# DynamicPolynomials expands the symbolic polynomial products
function power_poly(M::IntervalMatrix, k::Int)
n = size(M, 1)
@polyvar Msym[1:n, 1:n]
vars = vec(Msym) # symbolic variables, column-major
Msym_k = Msym^k # symbolic matrix multiplication << can we "hold" this product?
Mk = map(x -> subs(x, vars => vec(M)), Msym_k) # substitution of the intervals
return Mk
using SymEngine: toString
# this works but it is slow
# it has been reported here:
# using lambify2 didn't help, it gives world age issues (see below)
function power2(M, k)
n = size(M, 1)
@assert n == size(M, 2)
Msym = symbolic_matrix(n)
Msymᵏ = Msym^k
vars = Tuple(Msym)
Msym_callable = map(x -> lambdify(x, vars), Msymᵏ)
vals = Tuple(M)
Mᵏ = map(Mij-> Mij(vals...), Msym_callable)
return Mᵏ
#lambdify2(ex, vars=free_symbols(ex)) = eval(Expr(:function, Expr(:call, gensym(), map(Symbol,vars)...),
# convert(Expr, ex)))
MethodError: no method matching ##371(::Interval{Float64}, ::Interval{Float64}, ::Interval{Float64}, ::Interval{Float64})
The applicable method may be too new: running in world age 26092, while current world is 26096.
Closest candidates are:
##371(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any) at none:0 (method too new to be called from this world context.)
lambdify3(ex, vars=free_symbols(ex)) = eval(Meta.parse("ex(x)="*SymEngine.toString(ex...)))
function power3(M, k)
n = size(M, 1)
@assert n == size(M, 2)
Msym = symbolic_matrix(n)
vars = Tuple(Msym)
Msymᵏ = Msym^k
# create callable entries
Msymᵏ_callable = []
for j in 1:n, i in 1:n
push!(Msymᵏ_callable, eval(Meta.parse("M$i$j("* vars_str_concat * ") = " * SymEngine.toString(Msymᵏ[i, j]))))
# evaluate them
vals = Tuple(M)
Mᵏ = map(Mij-> Mij(vals...), Msymᵏ_callable)
Mᵏ = reshape(Mᵏ, n, n)
return Mᵏ
# ===========================
# Version using TaylorSeries
# ===========================
function power4(M, k)
n = size(M, 1)
@assert n == size(M, 2)
# the order should be sufficiently high (>= k ?)
vars = set_variables("M", numvars=n^2, order=k+1) # coeffs are float
#vars = set_variables(Interval{Float64}, "M", numvars=n^2, order=k+1) # coeffs are intervals
Msym = reshape(vars, n, n)
Msymᵏ = Msym^k
vals = vec(M)
Mᵏ = map(Mij -> evaluate(Mij, vals), Msymᵏ)
return Mᵏ
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