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Created March 31, 2023 14:31
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enum cudaError
enum __device_builtin__ cudaError
* The API call returned with no errors. In the case of query calls, this
* also means that the operation being queried is complete (see
* ::cudaEventQuery() and ::cudaStreamQuery()).
cudaSuccess = 0,
* This indicates that one or more of the parameters passed to the API call
* is not within an acceptable range of values.
cudaErrorInvalidValue = 1,
* The API call failed because it was unable to allocate enough memory to
* perform the requested operation.
cudaErrorMemoryAllocation = 2,
* The API call failed because the CUDA driver and runtime could not be
* initialized.
cudaErrorInitializationError = 3,
* This indicates that a CUDA Runtime API call cannot be executed because
* it is being called during process shut down, at a point in time after
* CUDA driver has been unloaded.
cudaErrorCudartUnloading = 4,
* This indicates profiler is not initialized for this run. This can
* happen when the application is running with external profiling tools
* like visual profiler.
cudaErrorProfilerDisabled = 5,
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error
* to attempt to enable/disable the profiling via ::cudaProfilerStart or
* ::cudaProfilerStop without initialization.
cudaErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6,
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error
* to call cudaProfilerStart() when profiling is already enabled.
cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7,
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 5.0. It is no longer an error
* to call cudaProfilerStop() when profiling is already disabled.
cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8,
* This indicates that a kernel launch is requesting resources that can
* never be satisfied by the current device. Requesting more shared memory
* per block than the device supports will trigger this error, as will
* requesting too many threads or blocks. See ::cudaDeviceProp for more
* device limitations.
cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9,
* This indicates that one or more of the pitch-related parameters passed
* to the API call is not within the acceptable range for pitch.
cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12,
* This indicates that the symbol name/identifier passed to the API call
* is not a valid name or identifier.
cudaErrorInvalidSymbol = 13,
* This indicates that at least one host pointer passed to the API call is
* not a valid host pointer.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 10.1.
cudaErrorInvalidHostPointer = 16,
* This indicates that at least one device pointer passed to the API call is
* not a valid device pointer.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 10.1.
cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17,
* This indicates that the texture passed to the API call is not a valid
* texture.
cudaErrorInvalidTexture = 18,
* This indicates that the texture binding is not valid. This occurs if you
* call ::cudaGetTextureAlignmentOffset() with an unbound texture.
cudaErrorInvalidTextureBinding = 19,
* This indicates that the channel descriptor passed to the API call is not
* valid. This occurs if the format is not one of the formats specified by
* ::cudaChannelFormatKind, or if one of the dimensions is invalid.
cudaErrorInvalidChannelDescriptor = 20,
* This indicates that the direction of the memcpy passed to the API call is
* not one of the types specified by ::cudaMemcpyKind.
cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21,
* This indicated that the user has taken the address of a constant variable,
* which was forbidden up until the CUDA 3.1 release.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Variables in constant
* memory may now have their address taken by the runtime via
* ::cudaGetSymbolAddress().
cudaErrorAddressOfConstant = 22,
* This indicated that a texture fetch was not able to be performed.
* This was previously used for device emulation of texture operations.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was
* removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
cudaErrorTextureFetchFailed = 23,
* This indicated that a texture was not bound for access.
* This was previously used for device emulation of texture operations.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was
* removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
cudaErrorTextureNotBound = 24,
* This indicated that a synchronization operation had failed.
* This was previously used for some device emulation functions.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was
* removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
cudaErrorSynchronizationError = 25,
* This indicates that a non-float texture was being accessed with linear
* filtering. This is not supported by CUDA.
cudaErrorInvalidFilterSetting = 26,
* This indicates that an attempt was made to read a non-float texture as a
* normalized float. This is not supported by CUDA.
cudaErrorInvalidNormSetting = 27,
* Mixing of device and device emulation code was not allowed.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was
* removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
cudaErrorMixedDeviceExecution = 28,
* This indicates that the API call is not yet implemented. Production
* releases of CUDA will never return this error.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 4.1.
cudaErrorNotYetImplemented = 31,
* This indicated that an emulated device pointer exceeded the 32-bit address
* range.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was
* removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
cudaErrorMemoryValueTooLarge = 32,
* This indicates that the CUDA driver that the application has loaded is a
* stub library. Applications that run with the stub rather than a real
* driver loaded will result in CUDA API returning this error.
cudaErrorStubLibrary = 34,
* This indicates that the installed NVIDIA CUDA driver is older than the
* CUDA runtime library. This is not a supported configuration. Users should
* install an updated NVIDIA display driver to allow the application to run.
cudaErrorInsufficientDriver = 35,
* This indicates that the API call requires a newer CUDA driver than the one
* currently installed. Users should install an updated NVIDIA CUDA driver
* to allow the API call to succeed.
cudaErrorCallRequiresNewerDriver = 36,
* This indicates that the surface passed to the API call is not a valid
* surface.
cudaErrorInvalidSurface = 37,
* This indicates that multiple global or constant variables (across separate
* CUDA source files in the application) share the same string name.
cudaErrorDuplicateVariableName = 43,
* This indicates that multiple textures (across separate CUDA source
* files in the application) share the same string name.
cudaErrorDuplicateTextureName = 44,
* This indicates that multiple surfaces (across separate CUDA source
* files in the application) share the same string name.
cudaErrorDuplicateSurfaceName = 45,
* This indicates that all CUDA devices are busy or unavailable at the current
* time. Devices are often busy/unavailable due to use of
* ::cudaComputeModeProhibited, ::cudaComputeModeExclusiveProcess, or when long
* running CUDA kernels have filled up the GPU and are blocking new work
* from starting. They can also be unavailable due to memory constraints
* on a device that already has active CUDA work being performed.
cudaErrorDevicesUnavailable = 46,
* This indicates that the current context is not compatible with this
* the CUDA Runtime. This can only occur if you are using CUDA
* Runtime/Driver interoperability and have created an existing Driver
* context using the driver API. The Driver context may be incompatible
* either because the Driver context was created using an older version
* of the API, because the Runtime API call expects a primary driver
* context and the Driver context is not primary, or because the Driver
* context has been destroyed. Please see \ref CUDART_DRIVER "Interactions
* with the CUDA Driver API" for more information.
cudaErrorIncompatibleDriverContext = 49,
* The device function being invoked (usually via ::cudaLaunchKernel()) was not
* previously configured via the ::cudaConfigureCall() function.
cudaErrorMissingConfiguration = 52,
* This indicated that a previous kernel launch failed. This was previously
* used for device emulation of kernel launches.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 3.1. Device emulation mode was
* removed with the CUDA 3.1 release.
cudaErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53,
* This error indicates that a device runtime grid launch did not occur
* because the depth of the child grid would exceed the maximum supported
* number of nested grid launches.
cudaErrorLaunchMaxDepthExceeded = 65,
* This error indicates that a grid launch did not occur because the kernel
* uses file-scoped textures which are unsupported by the device runtime.
* Kernels launched via the device runtime only support textures created with
* the Texture Object API's.
cudaErrorLaunchFileScopedTex = 66,
* This error indicates that a grid launch did not occur because the kernel
* uses file-scoped surfaces which are unsupported by the device runtime.
* Kernels launched via the device runtime only support surfaces created with
* the Surface Object API's.
cudaErrorLaunchFileScopedSurf = 67,
* This error indicates that a call to ::cudaDeviceSynchronize made from
* the device runtime failed because the call was made at grid depth greater
* than than either the default (2 levels of grids) or user specified device
* limit ::cudaLimitDevRuntimeSyncDepth. To be able to synchronize on
* launched grids at a greater depth successfully, the maximum nested
* depth at which ::cudaDeviceSynchronize will be called must be specified
* with the ::cudaLimitDevRuntimeSyncDepth limit to the ::cudaDeviceSetLimit
* api before the host-side launch of a kernel using the device runtime.
* Keep in mind that additional levels of sync depth require the runtime
* to reserve large amounts of device memory that cannot be used for
* user allocations. Note that ::cudaDeviceSynchronize made from device
* runtime is only supported on devices of compute capability < 9.0.
cudaErrorSyncDepthExceeded = 68,
* This error indicates that a device runtime grid launch failed because
* the launch would exceed the limit ::cudaLimitDevRuntimePendingLaunchCount.
* For this launch to proceed successfully, ::cudaDeviceSetLimit must be
* called to set the ::cudaLimitDevRuntimePendingLaunchCount to be higher
* than the upper bound of outstanding launches that can be issued to the
* device runtime. Keep in mind that raising the limit of pending device
* runtime launches will require the runtime to reserve device memory that
* cannot be used for user allocations.
cudaErrorLaunchPendingCountExceeded = 69,
* The requested device function does not exist or is not compiled for the
* proper device architecture.
cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98,
* This indicates that no CUDA-capable devices were detected by the installed
* CUDA driver.
cudaErrorNoDevice = 100,
* This indicates that the device ordinal supplied by the user does not
* correspond to a valid CUDA device or that the action requested is
* invalid for the specified device.
cudaErrorInvalidDevice = 101,
* This indicates that the device doesn't have a valid Grid License.
cudaErrorDeviceNotLicensed = 102,
* By default, the CUDA runtime may perform a minimal set of self-tests,
* as well as CUDA driver tests, to establish the validity of both.
* Introduced in CUDA 11.2, this error return indicates that at least one
* of these tests has failed and the validity of either the runtime
* or the driver could not be established.
cudaErrorSoftwareValidityNotEstablished = 103,
* This indicates an internal startup failure in the CUDA runtime.
cudaErrorStartupFailure = 127,
* This indicates that the device kernel image is invalid.
cudaErrorInvalidKernelImage = 200,
* This most frequently indicates that there is no context bound to the
* current thread. This can also be returned if the context passed to an
* API call is not a valid handle (such as a context that has had
* ::cuCtxDestroy() invoked on it). This can also be returned if a user
* mixes different API versions (i.e. 3010 context with 3020 API calls).
* See ::cuCtxGetApiVersion() for more details.
cudaErrorDeviceUninitialized = 201,
* This indicates that the buffer object could not be mapped.
cudaErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205,
* This indicates that the buffer object could not be unmapped.
cudaErrorUnmapBufferObjectFailed = 206,
* This indicates that the specified array is currently mapped and thus
* cannot be destroyed.
cudaErrorArrayIsMapped = 207,
* This indicates that the resource is already mapped.
cudaErrorAlreadyMapped = 208,
* This indicates that there is no kernel image available that is suitable
* for the device. This can occur when a user specifies code generation
* options for a particular CUDA source file that do not include the
* corresponding device configuration.
cudaErrorNoKernelImageForDevice = 209,
* This indicates that a resource has already been acquired.
cudaErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210,
* This indicates that a resource is not mapped.
cudaErrorNotMapped = 211,
* This indicates that a mapped resource is not available for access as an
* array.
cudaErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212,
* This indicates that a mapped resource is not available for access as a
* pointer.
cudaErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213,
* This indicates that an uncorrectable ECC error was detected during
* execution.
cudaErrorECCUncorrectable = 214,
* This indicates that the ::cudaLimit passed to the API call is not
* supported by the active device.
cudaErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215,
* This indicates that a call tried to access an exclusive-thread device that
* is already in use by a different thread.
cudaErrorDeviceAlreadyInUse = 216,
* This error indicates that P2P access is not supported across the given
* devices.
cudaErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217,
* A PTX compilation failed. The runtime may fall back to compiling PTX if
* an application does not contain a suitable binary for the current device.
cudaErrorInvalidPtx = 218,
* This indicates an error with the OpenGL or DirectX context.
cudaErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219,
* This indicates that an uncorrectable NVLink error was detected during the
* execution.
cudaErrorNvlinkUncorrectable = 220,
* This indicates that the PTX JIT compiler library was not found. The JIT Compiler
* library is used for PTX compilation. The runtime may fall back to compiling PTX
* if an application does not contain a suitable binary for the current device.
cudaErrorJitCompilerNotFound = 221,
* This indicates that the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain.
* The most common reason for this, is the PTX was generated by a compiler newer
* than what is supported by the CUDA driver and PTX JIT compiler.
cudaErrorUnsupportedPtxVersion = 222,
* This indicates that the JIT compilation was disabled. The JIT compilation compiles
* PTX. The runtime may fall back to compiling PTX if an application does not contain
* a suitable binary for the current device.
cudaErrorJitCompilationDisabled = 223,
* This indicates that the provided execution affinity is not supported by the device.
cudaErrorUnsupportedExecAffinity = 224,
* This indicates that the code to be compiled by the PTX JIT contains
* unsupported call to cudaDeviceSynchronize.
cudaErrorUnsupportedDevSideSync = 225,
* This indicates that the device kernel source is invalid.
cudaErrorInvalidSource = 300,
* This indicates that the file specified was not found.
cudaErrorFileNotFound = 301,
* This indicates that a link to a shared object failed to resolve.
cudaErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302,
* This indicates that initialization of a shared object failed.
cudaErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303,
* This error indicates that an OS call failed.
cudaErrorOperatingSystem = 304,
* This indicates that a resource handle passed to the API call was not
* valid. Resource handles are opaque types like ::cudaStream_t and
* ::cudaEvent_t.
cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400,
* This indicates that a resource required by the API call is not in a
* valid state to perform the requested operation.
cudaErrorIllegalState = 401,
* This indicates that a named symbol was not found. Examples of symbols
* are global/constant variable names, driver function names, texture names,
* and surface names.
cudaErrorSymbolNotFound = 500,
* This indicates that asynchronous operations issued previously have not
* completed yet. This result is not actually an error, but must be indicated
* differently than ::cudaSuccess (which indicates completion). Calls that
* may return this value include ::cudaEventQuery() and ::cudaStreamQuery().
cudaErrorNotReady = 600,
* The device encountered a load or store instruction on an invalid memory address.
* This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work
* will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
* and relaunched.
cudaErrorIllegalAddress = 700,
* This indicates that a launch did not occur because it did not have
* appropriate resources. Although this error is similar to
* ::cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration, this error usually indicates that the
* user has attempted to pass too many arguments to the device kernel, or the
* kernel launch specifies too many threads for the kernel's register count.
cudaErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701,
* This indicates that the device kernel took too long to execute. This can
* only occur if timeouts are enabled - see the device property
* \ref ::cudaDeviceProp::kernelExecTimeoutEnabled "kernelExecTimeoutEnabled"
* for more information.
* This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work
* will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
* and relaunched.
cudaErrorLaunchTimeout = 702,
* This error indicates a kernel launch that uses an incompatible texturing
* mode.
cudaErrorLaunchIncompatibleTexturing = 703,
* This error indicates that a call to ::cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess() is
* trying to re-enable peer addressing on from a context which has already
* had peer addressing enabled.
cudaErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled = 704,
* This error indicates that ::cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess() is trying to
* disable peer addressing which has not been enabled yet via
* ::cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess().
cudaErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled = 705,
* This indicates that the user has called ::cudaSetValidDevices(),
* ::cudaSetDeviceFlags(), ::cudaD3D9SetDirect3DDevice(),
* ::cudaD3D10SetDirect3DDevice, ::cudaD3D11SetDirect3DDevice(), or
* ::cudaVDPAUSetVDPAUDevice() after initializing the CUDA runtime by
* calling non-device management operations (allocating memory and
* launching kernels are examples of non-device management operations).
* This error can also be returned if using runtime/driver
* interoperability and there is an existing ::CUcontext active on the
* host thread.
cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708,
* This error indicates that the context current to the calling thread
* has been destroyed using ::cuCtxDestroy, or is a primary context which
* has not yet been initialized.
cudaErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709,
* An assert triggered in device code during kernel execution. The device
* cannot be used again. All existing allocations are invalid. To continue
* using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.
cudaErrorAssert = 710,
* This error indicates that the hardware resources required to enable
* peer access have been exhausted for one or more of the devices
* passed to ::cudaEnablePeerAccess().
cudaErrorTooManyPeers = 711,
* This error indicates that the memory range passed to ::cudaHostRegister()
* has already been registered.
cudaErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered = 712,
* This error indicates that the pointer passed to ::cudaHostUnregister()
* does not correspond to any currently registered memory region.
cudaErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered = 713,
* Device encountered an error in the call stack during kernel execution,
* possibly due to stack corruption or exceeding the stack size limit.
* This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work
* will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
* and relaunched.
cudaErrorHardwareStackError = 714,
* The device encountered an illegal instruction during kernel execution
* This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work
* will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
* and relaunched.
cudaErrorIllegalInstruction = 715,
* The device encountered a load or store instruction
* on a memory address which is not aligned.
* This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work
* will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
* and relaunched.
cudaErrorMisalignedAddress = 716,
* While executing a kernel, the device encountered an instruction
* which can only operate on memory locations in certain address spaces
* (global, shared, or local), but was supplied a memory address not
* belonging to an allowed address space.
* This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work
* will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
* and relaunched.
cudaErrorInvalidAddressSpace = 717,
* The device encountered an invalid program counter.
* This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work
* will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
* and relaunched.
cudaErrorInvalidPc = 718,
* An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel. Common
* causes include dereferencing an invalid device pointer and accessing
* out of bounds shared memory. Less common cases can be system specific - more
* information about these cases can be found in the system specific user guide.
* This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work
* will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated
* and relaunched.
cudaErrorLaunchFailure = 719,
* This error indicates that the number of blocks launched per grid for a kernel that was
* launched via either ::cudaLaunchCooperativeKernel or ::cudaLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice
* exceeds the maximum number of blocks as allowed by ::cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor
* or ::cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags times the number of multiprocessors
* as specified by the device attribute ::cudaDevAttrMultiProcessorCount.
cudaErrorCooperativeLaunchTooLarge = 720,
* This error indicates the attempted operation is not permitted.
cudaErrorNotPermitted = 800,
* This error indicates the attempted operation is not supported
* on the current system or device.
cudaErrorNotSupported = 801,
* This error indicates that the system is not yet ready to start any CUDA
* work. To continue using CUDA, verify the system configuration is in a
* valid state and all required driver daemons are actively running.
* More information about this error can be found in the system specific
* user guide.
cudaErrorSystemNotReady = 802,
* This error indicates that there is a mismatch between the versions of
* the display driver and the CUDA driver. Refer to the compatibility documentation
* for supported versions.
cudaErrorSystemDriverMismatch = 803,
* This error indicates that the system was upgraded to run with forward compatibility
* but the visible hardware detected by CUDA does not support this configuration.
* Refer to the compatibility documentation for the supported hardware matrix or ensure
* that only supported hardware is visible during initialization via the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
* environment variable.
cudaErrorCompatNotSupportedOnDevice = 804,
* This error indicates that the MPS client failed to connect to the MPS control daemon or the MPS server.
cudaErrorMpsConnectionFailed = 805,
* This error indicates that the remote procedural call between the MPS server and the MPS client failed.
cudaErrorMpsRpcFailure = 806,
* This error indicates that the MPS server is not ready to accept new MPS client requests.
* This error can be returned when the MPS server is in the process of recovering from a fatal failure.
cudaErrorMpsServerNotReady = 807,
* This error indicates that the hardware resources required to create MPS client have been exhausted.
cudaErrorMpsMaxClientsReached = 808,
* This error indicates the the hardware resources required to device connections have been exhausted.
cudaErrorMpsMaxConnectionsReached = 809,
* This error indicates that the MPS client has been terminated by the server. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.
cudaErrorMpsClientTerminated = 810,
* This error indicates, that the program is using CUDA Dynamic Parallelism, but the current configuration, like MPS, does not support it.
cudaErrorCdpNotSupported = 811,
* This error indicates, that the program contains an unsupported interaction between different versions of CUDA Dynamic Parallelism.
cudaErrorCdpVersionMismatch = 812,
* The operation is not permitted when the stream is capturing.
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900,
* The current capture sequence on the stream has been invalidated due to
* a previous error.
cudaErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901,
* The operation would have resulted in a merge of two independent capture
* sequences.
cudaErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902,
* The capture was not initiated in this stream.
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903,
* The capture sequence contains a fork that was not joined to the primary
* stream.
cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904,
* A dependency would have been created which crosses the capture sequence
* boundary. Only implicit in-stream ordering dependencies are allowed to
* cross the boundary.
cudaErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905,
* The operation would have resulted in a disallowed implicit dependency on
* a current capture sequence from cudaStreamLegacy.
cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906,
* The operation is not permitted on an event which was last recorded in a
* capturing stream.
cudaErrorCapturedEvent = 907,
* A stream capture sequence not initiated with the ::cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed
* argument to ::cudaStreamBeginCapture was passed to ::cudaStreamEndCapture in a
* different thread.
cudaErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908,
* This indicates that the wait operation has timed out.
cudaErrorTimeout = 909,
* This error indicates that the graph update was not performed because it included
* changes which violated constraints specific to instantiated graph update.
cudaErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure = 910,
* This indicates that an async error has occurred in a device outside of CUDA.
* If CUDA was waiting for an external device's signal before consuming shared data,
* the external device signaled an error indicating that the data is not valid for
* consumption. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA
* work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be
* terminated and relaunched.
cudaErrorExternalDevice = 911,
* This indicates that a kernel launch error has occurred due to cluster
* misconfiguration.
cudaErrorInvalidClusterSize = 912,
* This indicates that an unknown internal error has occurred.
cudaErrorUnknown = 999,
* Any unhandled CUDA driver error is added to this value and returned via
* the runtime. Production releases of CUDA should not return such errors.
* \deprecated
* This error return is deprecated as of CUDA 4.1.
cudaErrorApiFailureBase = 10000
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