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Created September 15, 2013 22:18
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open Lwt
include Inotify
let section = Lwt_log.Section.make "inotify_lwt"
external struct_size : unit -> int = "stub_inotify_struct_size"
external convert : string -> (wd * type_event list * int32 * int)
= "stub_inotify_convert"
type t = { fd : Lwt_unix.file_descr; mutable closed : bool }
let finalizer t =
if t.closed then return ()
else begin
t.closed <- true;
Lwt_unix.close t.fd
let wrap fd =
let fd = Lwt_unix.of_unix_file_descr ~blocking:false ~set_flags:true fd in
let r = { fd; closed = false } in
Lwt_gc.finalise finalizer r;
let fd t = Lwt_unix.unix_file_descr t.fd
let init () = wrap (init ())
let add_watch t s l = add_watch (Lwt_unix.unix_file_descr t.fd) s l
let rm_watch t wd = rm_watch (Lwt_unix.unix_file_descr t.fd) wd
let struct_size = struct_size ()
external to_read : Unix.file_descr -> int = "stub_inotify_ioctl_fionread"
let unix_fd t = Lwt_unix.unix_file_descr t.fd
let read t =
(* we don't know the message length, so we wait until we have something to
* read and then grab all the pending events at once *)
let s = String.create 4 in
lwt _ = t.fd s 0 1 in
(* EINVAL returned by read in Linux >= 2.6.12,
* 0 returned in Linux < 2.6.12 *)
raise_lwt (Failure "dummy")
with _ ->
let buf = String.create (to_read (unix_fd t)) in
lwt read = t.fd buf 0 (String.length buf) in
let rec loop acc = function
off when off >= read -> return (List.rev acc)
| off ->
let wd, l, cookie, len = convert (String.sub buf off struct_size) in
let name, off =
if len = 0 then
(None, off + struct_size)
let name_with_zeros = String.sub buf (off + struct_size) len in
let name = String.sub name_with_zeros 0
(String.index name_with_zeros '\000')
in (Some name, off + struct_size + len)
in loop ((wd, l, cookie, name) :: acc) off
in loop [] 0
let close t =
ignore begin
finalizer t
with exn ->
Lwt_log.error_f ~section ~exn "Uncaught exception in Inotify_lwt.close"
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