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Forked from amitabhaghosh197/lemp1.js
Last active May 31, 2023 23:51
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gsap awwwards wheel scroll functions snippets
function smoothScroll() {
var a = $(window);
a.on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function(b) {
b = b.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120 || -b.originalEvent.detail / 3;
b = a.scrollTop() - parseInt(280 * b);, 1.1, {
scrollTo: {
y: b,
autoKill: !0
ease: Power1.easeOut,
overwrite: 5
function setScrollIcon() {
setTimeout(function() {
$(".scrollDown").hasClass("on") ? $(".scrollDown").removeClass("on") : $(".scrollDown").addClass("on");
}, 4E3)
function setAnimLogo() {
setTimeout(function() {
$logo = $(".logo a img");
$date = new Date;
setTimeout(function() {
$logo.attr("src", "./WD_IMAGES/GLOBAL/animation-logo-lempens-design.gif?" + $date.getTime() + "")
}, 1E3);
}, 3E4)
function detectDevicesandScreens() {
$ifLargeScreen = function() {
return 1600 < $(window).width() ? !0 : !1
function adapt_mainPic_height() {
var a = $(window).height();
function rotateH1() {
$(".rotateH1").each(function(a) {
$(this).prepend('<h1 class="rotateXh1"><span>' + $(this).text() + "</span></h1>")
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: ".rotateH1FR",
triggerHook: .85,
duration: 500
})).addTo($controller).setTween([TweenMax.fromTo($(".rotateH1FR"), 1, {
rotationX: -110
}, {
rotationX: 0,
ease: Linear.easeNone
}), TweenMax.fromTo($(".rotateH1FR").children(".rotateXh1"), 1, {
backgroundColor: "#dcdbdc"
}, {
backgroundColor: "#868586",
ease: Linear.easeNone
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: ".rotateH1LU",
triggerHook: .85,
duration: 500
})).addTo($controller).setTween([TweenMax.fromTo(".rotateH1LU", 1, {
rotationX: -110
}, {
rotationX: 0,
ease: Linear.easeNone
}), TweenMax.fromTo($(".rotateH1LU").children(".rotateXh1"), 1, {
backgroundColor: "#E1DFDE"
}, {
backgroundColor: "#868586",
ease: Linear.easeNone
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: ".rotateH1BE",
triggerHook: 1,
duration: 500
})).addTo($controller).setTween([TweenMax.fromTo(".rotateH1BE", 1, {
rotationX: -110
}, {
rotationX: 0,
ease: Linear.easeNone
}), TweenMax.fromTo($(".rotateH1BE").children(".rotateXh1"),
1, {
backgroundColor: "#DCDBDC"
}, {
backgroundColor: "#868586",
ease: Linear.easeNone
function subnav(a, b, c) {
var d = a.find("li").length;
switch (b) {
case "hover":
overflow: "visible"
});, .35, {
backgroundColor: "#fff",
ease: "Expo.easeOut"
});"a"), .35, {
backgroundPosition: "center 0px",
ease: "Expo.easeOut"
for ($i = 0; $i <= d; $i++) TweenMax.fromTo(a.find("li").eq($i), .35, {
rotationX: 89,
height: 0
}, {
delay: .15 * $i,
rotationX: 0,
height: c,
ease: "Expo.easeOut"
}),"li").eq($i).children(".after"), .35, {
delay: .15 * $i,
opacity: 0
categorizr.isDesktop && (a.find("li").on($mouseEventHover, function() {
subnavLi($(this), "hover")
}), a.find("li").on($mouseEventOut, function() {
subnavLi($(this), "out")
}), a.find("li").on($mouseEventClick, function() {
var a = $(this).attr("class"),
b = 300;
"france" == a && (b = 500);$(window), 1.3, {
scrollTo: {
y: $("#" + a).position().top + b
ease: Expo.easeInOut
case "out":, .35, {
backgroundColor: "#ca0a60",
ease: "Back.easeOut"
}),"a"), .35, {
backgroundPosition: "center -22px",
ease: "Back.easeOut"
}), a.find(".subnav").width(0).css({
overflow: "hidden"
}),"li"), 0, {
height: 0,
rotationX: 90
}),"li").children(".after"), 0, {
opacity: 1
function subnavLi(a, b) {
switch (b) {
case "hover":, .3, {
borderWidth: 2,
x: 25,
rotationY: 0,
ease: "Back.easeInOut"
TweenMax.fromTo(a.find(".logorub"), .7, {
rotationY: 0
}, {
rotationY: 360,
ease: Back.easeOut
case "out":, .3, {
borderWidth: 0,
x: 0,
rotationY: 0,
ease: "Back.easeInOut"
function animate_illustration(a, b) {
$("#" + a).find("div");
TweenMax.killTweensOf($("#" + a));
switch (b) {
case "start":
setTimeout(function() {
$("#" + a).find('div:not(".cloud,.country_name")').each(function(a) {$(this), .5, {
delay: .15 * a,
rotationX: 0,
opacity: 1,
ease: "Back.easeOut",
startAt: {
visibility: "visible"
}, 100);
setTimeout(function() {
$("#" + a).find("").each(function(a) {
TweenMax.fromTo($(this), .5, {
scale: 3,
opacity: 0,
rotationX: 0,
visibility: "visible"
}, {
delay: .15 * a,
scale: 1,
opacity: 1,
ease: "Back.easeOut"
setTimeout(function() {$("#" + a).find("div.country_name"), .5, {
opacity: 1,
left: $("#" + a).find("div.country_name").data("posx") + "%",
ease: "Back.easeOut"
}, 1E3);
case "end":
setTimeout(function() {
$("#" + a).find('div:not(".cloud,.country_name")').each(function(a) {
TweenMax.fromTo($(this), .5, {
rotationX: 0,
startAt: {
visibility: "visible"
}, {
delay: .15 * a,
rotationX: -89,
ease: "Back.easeIn",
opacity: 0,
onCompleteParams: [$(this)],
onComplete: function(a) {
visibility: "hidden",
opacity: 1
}, 400),
$("#" + a).find("").each(function(a) {
TweenMax.fromTo($(this), .5, {
scale: 1,
opacity: 1,
startAt: {
visibility: "visible"
}, {
delay: .15 * a,
scale: 0,
ease: "Back.easeIn",
opacity: 0,
onCompleteParams: [$(this)],
onComplete: function(a) {
visibility: "hidden",
opacity: 1,
scale: 3
}), setTimeout(function() {
$("#" + a).find("div.country_name").each(function(a) {$(this), .5, {
delay: .15 * a,
opacity: 0,
left: "20%",
ease: "Back.easeOut"
}, 1E3)
function init_slides() {
TweenMax.killTweensOf($(".skills_circles"), $(".skills_softwares"));
$(".activeThumb").css("opacity", 0);
$(".skills_circles").find("h1").css("opacity", 0);
top: 0,
opacity: 0
height: 0
marginBottom: -10,
opacity: 0
opacity: 0
function anim_slide_skills_circles() {
$(".svgCircle").each(function(a) {
$(this).delay(580 * a).fadeIn(0, function() {
$(".activeThumb").each(function(a) {
$(this).delay(580 * a).fadeIn(0, function() {
TweenMax.fromTo($(this), .3, {
scale: .2,
opacity: 0,
y: -90
}, {
opacity: 1,
scale: 1,
y: 0,
ease: Back.easeOut
$(".skills_circles").find("h1").each(function(a) {
$(this).delay(680 * a).fadeIn(0, function() {
TweenMax.fromTo($(this), .3, {
opacity: 0,
y: -35
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: 0,
ease: Back.easeOut
function anim_slide_skills_softwares() {
1 < $(".skills_softwares").length && $(".skills_softwares").eq(0).remove();
$(".skills_softwares").children(".row").each(function(a) {
$(this).delay(150 * a).fadeIn(0, function() {$(this), .3, {
top: 45 * a,
opacity: 1,
ease: Back.easeOut
setTimeout(function() {
$(".skills_softwares").find(".col").children("div").each(function(a) {
$(this).delay(150 * a).fadeIn(0, function() {$(this), .3, {
height: parseInt(1.8 * $(this).data("skills")),
ease: Back.easeOut
}, 750);
setTimeout(function() {$(".skills_softwares").next("p"), 1.5, {
opacity: 1,
ease: Back.easeOut
}, 1500);
setTimeout(function() {
$(".skills_softwares").find(".col").children("h1").each(function(a) {
$(this).delay(150 * a).fadeIn(0, function() {$(this), .3, {
marginBottom: 20,
opacity: 1,
ease: Back.easeOut
}, 750)
function int_interests_icons() {
TweenMax.fromTo($(".heart img"), .45, {
scale: 1.4
}, {
repeatDelay: .5,
scale: 1,
repeat: -1,
ease: Back.easeOut
$("#interests_about_me").find("span").each(function(a) {
a *= 145;$(this), 0, {
startAt: {
backgroundPosition: "-" + a + "px 0"
$(this).on("mouseenter", function() {
var a = $(this).css("backgroundPosition").split(" ")[0];
$(this).parent().append('<div class="fillBg"></div>');$(this), .6, {
backgroundPosition: a + " -145px",
ease: Back.easeOut
.3, {
height: 145,
ease: Back.easeOut
$(this).on("mouseleave", function() {
var a = $(this).css("backgroundPosition").split(" ")[0];$(this), .6, {
backgroundPosition: a + " 0px",
ease: Back.easeIn
});$(this).parent().children(".fillBg"), .3, {
height: 0,
ease: Back.easeIn,
onCompleteParams: [$(this).parent().children(".fillBg")],
onComplete: function(a) {
$increment = 0;
function countAwards() {
var a = $("#awards .counter"),
b = $(".slideAwards .slick-slide:not(.slick-cloned) a:not(.not_awards)").length,
c = setInterval(function() {
$increment < b + 1 ? (a.html($increment), $increment++) : clearInterval(c)
}, 120)
(function(g, c, d) {
"undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = d(g, c) : "function" == typeof define && "object" == typeof define.amd ? define(d) : c[g] = d(g, c)
})("categorizr", this, function(g, c) {
function d() {
for (var a = k.length; a--;) e["is" + k[a]] = m(k[a].toLowerCase()), n && (c.$["is" + k[a]] = m(k[a].toLowerCase()));
b && (p.className = p.className.replace(/(^|\s)desktop|tablet|tv|mobile(\s|$)/, "$1$2") + (" " + h));
q && c.$(c).trigger("deviceChange", [{
type: h
var f, b = null != c && c == c.window,
l = !b,
n = b && c.$,
q = function() {
var a;
return n && (a =
c.$("").trigger), a
p = l ? null : document.documentElement,
k = ["Tv", "Desktop", "Tablet", "Mobile"],
l = function(a) {
return a.match(/GoogleTV|SmartTV|Internet.TV|NetCast|NETTV|AppleTV|boxee|Kylo|Roku|DLNADOC|CE\-HTML/i) ? "tv" : a.match(/Xbox|PLAYSTATION.3|Wii/i) ? "tv" : a.match(/iPad/i) || a.match(/tablet/i) && !a.match(/RX-34/i) && !a.match(/pc/i) || a.match(/FOLIO/i) ? "tablet" : a.match(/Linux/i) && a.match(/Android/i) && !a.match(/Fennec|mobi|HTC.Magic|HTCX06HT|Nexus.One|SC-02B|fone.945/i) ? "tablet" : a.match(/Kindle/i) || a.match(/Mac.OS/i) &&
a.match(/Silk/i) ? "tablet" : a.match(/GT-P10|SC-01C|SHW-M180S|SGH-T849|SCH-I800|SHW-M180L|SPH-P100|SGH-I987|zt180|HTC(.Flyer|\_Flyer)|Sprint.ATP51|ViewPad7|pandigital(sprnova|nova)|Ideos.S7|Dell.Streak.7|Advent.Vega|A101IT|A70BHT|MID7015|Next2|nook/i) || a.match(/MB511/i) && a.match(/RUTEM/i) ? "tablet" : a.match(/BOLT|Fennec|Iris|Maemo|Minimo|Mobi|mowser|NetFront|Novarra|Prism|RX-34|Skyfire|Tear|XV6875|XV6975|Google.Wireless.Transcoder/i) ? "mobile" : a.match(/Opera/i) && a.match(/Windows.NT.5/i) && a.match(/HTC|Xda|Mini|Vario|SAMSUNG\-GT\-i8000|SAMSUNG\-SGH\-i9/i) ?
"mobile" : a.match(/Windows.(NT|XP|ME|9)/) && !a.match(/Phone/i) || a.match(/Win(9|.9|NT)/i) ? "desktop" : a.match(/Macintosh|PowerPC/i) && !a.match(/Silk/i) ? "desktop" : a.match(/Linux/i) && a.match(/X11/i) ? "desktop" : a.match(/Solaris|SunOS|BSD/i) ? "desktop" : a.match(/Bot|Crawler|Spider|Yahoo|ia_archiver|Covario-IDS|findlinks|DataparkSearch|larbin|Mediapartners-Google|NG-Search|Snappy|Teoma|Jeeves|TinEye/i) && !a.match(/Mobile/i) ? "desktop" : "mobile"
h = l(c.navigator ? c.navigator.userAgent : c.request ? c.request.headers["user-agent"] :
"No User-Agent Provided"),
m = function(a) {
return h === a
e = function() {
var a = [], 0);
return 2 === a.length && h === a[0] ? (h = a[1], d()) : 1 === a.length && "string" == typeof a[0] && (h = a[0], d()), h
}; = m;
e.test = l;
if (n) {
for (f in e), f) && (c.$["test" == f ? "testUserAgent" : "is" == f ? "isDeviceType" : f] = e[f]);
c.$.categorizr = e
return e
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$("#preload > img").delay(1200).queue(function() {
$("#preload > .countdown").delay(1400).queue(function() {
onUpdate: function(b) {
setTimeout(function() {
$("#preload > .countdown").html(b +
" %");
100 == b && ($endTransition = "webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd transitionend", setTimeout(function() {
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$nav = $(".navButton");
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$liHeightMenu = 130;
$liHeightShare = 97;
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$('<script src="WD_SCRIPTS/JS/iscroll/iscroll-probe.js" type="text/javascript">\x3c/script>').appendTo($("head")), $main.wrapInner('<div id="slider"></div>'), $controller = new ScrollMagic({
container: "#main"
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scrollX: !1,
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useTransition: !0,
probeType: 3
}), document.addEventListener("touchmove", function(b) {
}, !1), $controller.scrollPos(function() {
return -$myScroll.y
}), $myScroll.on("scroll", function() {
/* categorizr.isMobile &&
($("body").addClass("mobile"), $mouseEventHover = $mouseEventClick = "tap", $date = new Date, $("body").html(""), $('<div class="mobileUnderProgress"><h1>Version mobile en construction<br>Mobile version under construction</h1><img src="./WD_IMAGES/GLOBAL/animation-logo-lempens-design.gif?' + $date.getTime() + '" alt="S\u00c3\u00a9bastien Lempens Design -"></div>').prependTo("body"));*/
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#france .mainPicture",
triggerHook: 0,
duration: 5
})).addTo($controller).on("start", function(b) {
"FORWARD" == b.scrollDirection && (animate_illustration("illustration_france", "start"), subnav($(".btn-menu"), "out", $liHeightMenu))
}).on("end", function(b) {
"REVERSE" == b.scrollDirection && (animate_illustration("illustration_france", "end"), animate_illustration("illustration_luxembourg", "end"), animate_illustration("illustration_belgique", "end"), $increment = 0, setTimeout(function() {
$("#awards .counter").html("-")
categorizr.isDesktop && (new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#france .mainPicture",
triggerHook: 0,
duration: $(window).height()
})).addTo($controller).setTween(TweenMax.fromTo("#france .mainPicture", 1, {
backgroundPosition: "center 0px"
}, {
backgroundPosition: "center 200px",
ease: Linear.easeNone
categorizr.isDesktop && (new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#france .mainPicture > .fadeMainPicture",
triggerHook: 0,
duration: $(window).height()
})).addTo($controller).setTween("#france .mainPicture > .fadeMainPicture",
1, {
opacity: .4
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: $(".apropos-1"),
triggerHook: .4,
offset: 50,
duration: $(window).height() / 2
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"DURING" == b.state &&$(".apropos-1").find(".stickers_next"), .3, {
scale: 1,
ease: Back.easeOut
}).on("leave", function(b) {$(".apropos-1").find(".stickers_next"), .3, {
scale: 0,
ease: Back.easeIn
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: $(".apropos-1"),
triggerHook: .4,
offset: 350,
duration: $(window).height()
1, {
css: {
backgroundPosition: "2000px bottom"
ease: Linear.easeNone
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: $(".apropos-2"),
triggerHook: .9,
duration: 350
})).addTo($controller).setTween($(".apropos-2"), 1, {
backgroundColor: "#714463",
ease: Linear.easeNone
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#luxembourg .mainPicture",
triggerHook: 0,
duration: $("#luxembourg .mainPicture").height() / 4
})).addTo($controller).on("start", function(b) {
"FORWARD" == b.scrollDirection && animate_illustration("illustration_luxembourg",
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#luxembourg .mainPicture > .fadeMainPicture",
triggerHook: 0,
duration: $(window).height()
})).addTo($controller).setTween("#luxembourg .mainPicture > .fadeMainPicture", 1, {
opacity: .4
categorizr.isDesktop && (1200 > $(window).width() ? ($bgpFrom = "center -50px", $bgpTo = "center 150px") : ($bgpFrom = "center -200px", $bgpTo = "center 0px"), $(window).resize(function() {
1200 > $(this).width() ? ($bgpFrom = "center -50px", $bgpTo = "center 150px") : ($bgpFrom = "center -200px",
$bgpTo = "center 0px")
}), (new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#luxembourg .mainPicture",
triggerHook: .85,
duration: $(window).height() + 800
})).addTo($controller).setTween(TweenMax.fromTo("#luxembourg .mainPicture", 1, {
backgroundPosition: $bgpFrom
}, {
backgroundPosition: $bgpTo,
ease: Linear.easeNone
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: ".portfolio-tab",
triggerHook: 1,
duration: 200
})).on("end", function(b) {
"REVERSE" == b.scrollDirection && $("#portfolio-details,#portfolio .prow, #top-left-fixed-block,.portfolio-tab,.portfolio-nav").removeClass("on")
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#awards",
triggerHook: .85,
duration: $(window).height() + 400
})).setTween($(".raylight"), 3, {
rotation: 180,
ease: Linear.easeNone
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#awards",
triggerHook: .7,
duration: $(window).height() - 150
})).on("start", function(b) {
"FORWARD" == b.scrollDirection && countAwards()
}).on("end", function(b) {
"REVERSE" == b.scrollDirection && countAwards()
(new ScrollScene({
triggerElement: "#awards",
triggerHook: .3,
duration: $(window).height() /
})).on("start", function(b) {
$("#portfolio-details").hasClass("on") && $("#portfolio-details,#portfolio .prow, #top-left-fixed-block,.portfolio-tab,.portfolio-nav").removeClass("on")
if ($("#portfolio-details").length) {
var g = function() {
$posYportfolio = parseInt($("#portfolio").position().top + 80);
$("#portfolio-details").css("top", $posYportfolio)
c = function() {
$("#portfolio-details .row").each(function() {
$(this).removeClass("on noMouseOut")
$("#portfolio-details section").each(function() {
$("#portfolio-details .slideshow").slickPause()
d = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$("#portfolio-details > div:first").mCustomScrollbar("scrollTo", "top")
}, 500)
f = function() {
$(".portfolio-nav").delay(600).queue(function() {
$(this).find("span").on($mouseEventClick, function() {
$index = $(this).data("type");
$filter = $(this).data("type");
void 0 == $filter && ($filter = "all");
$("#portfolio-details .row").each(function(b) {
$(this).data("type") ==
$filter ? ($index = $(this).data("index"), $(this).addClass("filtered").prependTo(".mCSB_container")) : $(this).removeClass("filtered");
"all" == $filter && ($index = $(this).data("index"), $(this).removeClass("filtered"));
$("section[data-index=" + $index + "]").each(function(b) {
$(this).eq(b).prependTo("#portfolio-details > div:last");
$("#portfolio-details nav").prependTo("#portfolio-details > div:last")
$("#portfolio-details .row:first").addClass("on noMouseOut");
$("#portfolio-details section:first").addClass("on").find(".slideshow").slickPlay()
$("#portfolio .prow").on($mouseEventClick, function() {
categorizr.isDesktop ? $("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: parseInt($("#luxembourg").position().top + $posYportfolio - 200)
}, 1E3) : $myScroll.scrollToElement(document.querySelector(".portfolio-nav"), 0, null, null, !0);
$currentClickedThumb = $(this).children().data("index");
$("section[data-index=" + $currentClickedThumb + "]").prependTo("#portfolio-details > div:last").addClass("on").find(".slideshow").slickPlay();
$("#portfolio-details .row[data-index=" + $currentClickedThumb + "]").addClass("on noMouseOut filtered").prependTo(".mCSB_container");
$("#portfolio-details nav").prependTo("#portfolio-details > div:last");
$("#portfolio .prow").on($mouseEventHover, function() {
$(this).hasClass("on") || $(this).addClass("on").siblings().removeClass("on").parent(".column").siblings().children().removeClass("on");
$(".portfolio-tab").on($mouseEventOut, function() {
$("#portfolio .prow").removeClass("on")
$("#portfolio-details > div:first").mCustomScrollbar({
scrollButtons: {
enable: !0
$("#portfolio-details .slideshow").slick({
cssEase: "cubic-bezier(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000)",
arrows: !1,
draggable: !1,
autoplay: !0,
speed: 800,
dots: !0,
autoplaySpeed: 3E3
$("#portfolio-details .slideshow").slickPause();
$("#portfolio-details .row").on("click", function() {
var b = $(this);
$("#portfolio-details .row").removeClass("on noMouseOut");
b.addClass("on noMouseOut");
$index ="index");
$currentSection = $("#portfolio-details").find("section[data-index=" + $index + "]");
$("#portfolio-details .slideshow").slickPause();
$("#portfolio-details nav > a.close").on($mouseEventClick, function() {
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opacity: 0
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opacity: .8
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opacity: 0
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x: 0,
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ease: Power1.easeOut,
delay: .05
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opacity: 0,
x: 100
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opacity: 1,
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opacity: 0,
x: 100
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opacity: 1,
x: 0,
ease: Power1.easeOut
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x: 100,
opacity: 0
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x: 0,
opacity: 1,
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x: -100
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x: 0,
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x: -100
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opacity: 1,
x: 0,
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x: 0,
opacity: 1,
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this.complete && e(this).trigger("load")
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css: {
color: M[v]
}), O = progressTotalFloor), 100 == progressTotal) {
clearInterval(h); {
(new TimelineMax).add(["#loading", .5, {
delay: .5,
opacity: 0
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delay: .5,
onStart: t,
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strokeDashoffset: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut
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startAt: {
y: 10
y: 0,
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opacity: 1
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opacity: 0,
x: 7,
y: -10
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opacity: 1,
x: 0,
y: 0,
ease: Power1.easeOut,
delay: -.4
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opacity: 0,
x: 10,
y: -10
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opacity: 1,
x: 0,
y: 0,
ease: Power1.easeOut,
delay: -.3
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opacity: 0,
ease: Power1.easeOut,
delay: .3,
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delay: .5
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opacity: 0
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opacity: 1,
delay: 1
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y: 10,
yoyo: !0,
repeat: -1,
ease: Power3.easeIn
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y: 0,
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TweenMax.killTweensOf(e(this).find("img")),"img"), .3, {
y: 0,
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1 == b ? b = 7 : b--,".white-bg", .3, {
x: 100,
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x: -100,
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x: 0
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x: -20,
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x: 0
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x: 20,
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x: 0,
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TweenMax.killTweensOf(e(this).find("img")),"img"), .3, {
x: 0,
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opacity: .1
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opacity: .8
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y: 0,
opacity: 1
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opacity: 0,
y: -300,
ease: Power1.easeIn
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opacity: 0,
y: 300
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opacity: 1,
y: 0,
ease: Power1.easeOut,
delay: .5,
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triggerElement: ".section1",
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if (0 === e(window).scrollTop()) {
Math.abs(e(window).scrollTop() - C)
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y: C
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var a = 2;
Math.abs(e(window).scrollTop() - j[a - 1])
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y: j[a - 1]
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y: "0%"
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y: "100%",
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: "-100%"
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y: "0%",
ease: Linear.easeNone
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x: "0%"
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x: "-100%",
ease: Linear.easeNone
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x: "100%"
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x: "0%",
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U = (new ScrollMagic.Scene({
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triggerHook: "onLeave",
duration: "200%"
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opacity: 0,
x: -100,
ease: Power3.easeOut,
delay: .4,
onStart: n,
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x: -100,
opacity: 0,
ease: Back.easeInOut,
delay: .5
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opacity: 0,
x: 100,
ease: Power3.easeOut,
delay: 1
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opacity: 0,
x: -100,
ease: Power3.easeIn
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y: 300,
opacity: 0,
ease: Back.easeIn
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opacity: 0,
x: 100,
ease: Power3.easeIn
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y: -300,
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x: -100,
ease: Power3.easeOut,
delay: .4
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x: 300,
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ease: Back.easeIn
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x: 100,
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x: 100,
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delay: .4
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x: -300,
opacity: 0,
ease: Back.easeOut,
delay: .4
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x: -100,
ease: Power3.easeOut,
delay: .4
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x: 100,
opacity: 0,
ease: Back.easeInOut
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opacity: 0,
x: 100,
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ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: -250
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y: 0,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 0
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y: 250,
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x: 150,
y: 50,
rotation: 30
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x: -150,
y: -50,
rotation: -30,
ease: Power1.easeInOut
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x: -250,
y: 170,
rotation: -30
}, {
x: 250,
y: -170,
rotation: 45,
ease: Power1.easeInOut
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".parassol.creme", 1.2, {
x: -150,
y: -15,
rotation: 40
}, {
x: 150,
y: 15,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".verre", 1.2, {
x: 120,
y: -25,
rotation: -25
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x: 120,
y: 100,
rotation: 25,
ease: Power1.easeInOut
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y: 0
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scaleX: .8,
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y: 150,
ease: Power1.easeInOut
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x: 150,
opacity: 0
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x: -150,
opacity: 3,
ease: Power1.easeInOut
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x: 0
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x: -200,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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x: -200
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x: -400,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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delay: 23
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ease: Linear.easeNone
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ease: Linear.easeNone,
delay: 1.5
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ease: Linear.easeNone,
delay: 1.5
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onStart: t,
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strokeDashoffset: 0,
ease: Linear.easeNone,
delay: 1.5
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onStart: t,
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strokeDashoffset: 0,
ease: Linear.easeNone,
delay: 1.5
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onStart: t,
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ease: Linear.easeNone,
delay: 1.5
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ease: Linear.easeNone,
delay: 1.5
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delay: 18
J.add([TweenMax.staggerTo("#saladesvg path", 2.5, {
onStart: t,
onStartParams: ["#saladesvg path"],
strokeDashoffset: 0,
strokeWidth: 6
}, .3), TweenMax.staggerTo("#surlepoucesvg path", 2.5, {
onStart: t,
onStartParams: ["#surlepoucesvg path"],
strokeDashoffset: 0,
delay: 17
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onStart: t,
onStartParams: ["#nosplatssvg path"],
strokeDashoffset: 0,
delay: 25.5
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onStart: t,
onStartParams: ["#sushisvg path"],
strokeDashoffset: 0,
delay: 38
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onStart: t,
onStartParams: ["#nosgourmandisessvg path"],
strokeDashoffset: 0,
delay: 51.5
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onStart: t,
onStartParams: ["#cocktailssvg path"],
strokeDashoffset: 0,
delay: 63
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onStart: t,
onStartParams: ["#teatimesvg path"],
strokeDashoffset: 0,
delay: 73.5
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delay: 0
K.add([TweenMax.fromTo(".plate1", 30, {
x: -20,
rotation: -15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".planchecharcuterie", 30, {
x: 20,
rotation: 15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 10
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".burger", 30, {
y: -50,
x: -20,
rotation: -15
}, {
y: 0,
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 30
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".frittes", 30, {
x: 20,
rotation: 15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 34
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".sushis", 30, {
x: 20,
rotation: 15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 40
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".gourmandise-1", 30, {
x: -20,
rotation: -15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 45
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".gourmandise-3", 30, {
x: -20,
rotation: -15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 52
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".gourmandise-2", 30, {
x: 20,
rotation: 15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 55
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".cocktail", 30, {
y: 50,
x: -20,
rotation: -15
}, {
y: 0,
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 64
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".mug-3", 25, {
x: 20,
rotation: 15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 75
}), TweenMax.fromTo(".muffin", 20, {
x: -20,
rotation: -15
}, {
x: 0,
rotation: 0,
ease: Power1.easeInOut,
delay: 80
var V = (new TimelineMax).add([Z, J, K]);
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opacity: 0,
x: 300
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opacity: 1,
x: 0,
ease: Quad.easeInOut,
delay: 10
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var ea = (new TimelineMax).add([TweenMax.fromTo(".section7 .parallax-window", 1, {
y: "-80%"
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y: "0%",
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: "0%"
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y: "80%",
ease: Linear.easeNone
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triggerHook: "onEnter",
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opacity: 0,
y: 100
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opacity: 1,
y: 0,
ease: Quad.easeOut
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opacity: 0,
y: 100
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opacity: 1,
y: 0,
ease: Quad.easeOut
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opacity: 0,
y: 100
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opacity: 1,
y: 0,
ease: Quad.easeOut
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var na = (new TimelineMax).fromTo(".section9 .paragraph", .7, {
opacity: 0,
y: 100
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opacity: 1,
y: 0,
ease: Quad.easeOut
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triggerHook: "onEnter"
var sa = (new TimelineMax).add([TweenMax.fromTo(".section10 .paragraph", 2, {
textShadow: "rgba(154,129,69, 1) -50px 20px 10px"
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textShadow: "rgba(154,129,69, 0) -350px 20px 50px",
ease: Quad.easeIn
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x: -70
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x: 200,
ease: Quad.easeIn
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triggerElement: ".section10",
triggerHook: "onEnter",
duration: "150%"
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y: 300,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 100,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 700,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 150,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 300,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 600,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 1e3,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 400,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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y: 200
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y: -200,
ease: Linear.easeNone
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triggerHook: "onEnter",
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e(this).mouseenter(function() {
e(this).css("cursor", "pointer"), TweenMax.killTweensOf(e(this).find(".roundbtn")),".roundbtn"), .3, {
opacity: 1,
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ease: Back.easeOut,
delay: .03
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delay: .3,
opacity: 1
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TweenMax.killTweensOf(e(this).find(".roundbtn")),".roundbtn #decouvrir"), .2, {
opacity: 0
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scaleX: 0,
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ease: Back.easeIn,
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b = e(this).data("id"), T(b)
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e(this).css("cursor", "pointer"),"img"), .3, {
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x: -100
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scaleX: .5,
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opacity: 1,
ease: Back.easeOut
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x: 0,
ease: Back.easeOut
}),"span"), 1, {
opacity: 0
}), e(this).hasClass("current") ?"div"), .5, {
scaleX: .5,
scaleY: .5,
opacity: 1,
ease: Back.easeOut
}) :"div"), .5, {
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
opacity: .5,
ease: Back.easeOut
}), e(".logoFB").mouseover(function() {"span"), .2, {
opacity: 1
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scaleX: .5,
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opacity: 0
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scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
}), e(".mainmenu li").click(function() {
e(this).addClass("current"), L = !0, w(e(this))
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