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Created October 28, 2012 04:57
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insert mongoose model to mongodb collection causes stack overflow.
/*jshint asi: true globalstrict: true*/
"use strict";
* 507 backend service
* Coded by Developer Hive at Terrarium Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Terrarium Inc.
var async = require('async'),
mongo = require('mongodb'),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
util = require('util'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema
var Foo = new Schema({
var FooModel = mongoose.model('Foo', Foo)
var db = null,
collection = null
var settings = {
uri: 'mongodb://localhost/testdb',
name: 'testdb',
host: 'localhost'
mongoConnect: function(callback) {
mongoose.connect(settings.uri, function(err) {
mongo.connect(settings.uri, {db:{safe:true}}, function(err, connectedDb) {
db = connectedDb
callback(err, connectedDb)
createCollection: function(callback){
db.createCollection("test", function(err, coll){
collection = coll
testFooInsert: function(callback){
var badfood = new FooModel()
//var badfood = new ObjectID()
console.log(util.inspect(badfood, true, null, true));
collection.insert(badfood, callback)
}, function(err) {
{ _id: 508cbb9ae2bf9a5c28000001 }
[RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded]
{ _shardval: undefined,
_events: {},
{ _id:
{ _bsontype: 'ObjectID',
id: 'PŒ¹Õ›»i\'\u0000\u0000\u0001' } },
_maxListeners: 0,
_validationError: undefined,
__version: undefined,
{ save:
[ [Function],
[Function] ] },
_inserting: undefined,
_selected: undefined,
_removing: undefined,
errors: undefined,
_strictMode: true,
__getters: {},
{ states: { require: {}, modify: {}, init: {}, default: [Object] },
paths: { _id: 'default' },
[ 'require',
'default' ] },
isNew: true,
_saveError: undefined,
_adhocPaths: undefined,
__id: undefined,
save: [Function],
_posts: { save: [] } }
{ _shardval: undefined,
_events: {},
{ _id:
{ _bsontype: 'ObjectID',
id: 'PŒ¹Õ›»i\'\u0000\u0000\u0001' } },
_maxListeners: 0,
_validationError: undefined,
__version: undefined,
{ save:
[ [Function],
[Function] ] },
_inserting: undefined,
_selected: undefined,
_removing: undefined,
errors: undefined,
_strictMode: true,
__getters: {},
{ states: { require: {}, modify: {}, init: {}, default: [Object] },
paths: { _id: 'default' },
[ 'require',
'default' ] },
isNew: true,
_saveError: undefined,
_adhocPaths: undefined,
__id: undefined,
save: [Function],
_posts: { save: [] } }
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