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Created May 17, 2013 13:27
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Notes from the May 16 talk, "A Moving Experience" at Google I/O 2013

A Moving Experience

Elements of Good Animations

  • Keep them short, but appropriate to the action that is happening
    • (defaults to 300ms on Android for property animator)
  • Keep them smooth
    • Don't run layout during animation! Do it first.
    • Use the right timing curve
  • Keep them natural
    • Don't be whizzy for the sake of it, keep it organic to the app
  • Keep them purposeful
    • No burning windows just for the sake of it
    • Make the animation exist for a reason

List Animation

  • View.setHasTransientState(true), makes the list view leave those views alone while you animate them. If you don't - they might get recycled or whatever!
    • ViewPropertyAnimator sets this automatically for you

Activity Animations

  • overridePendingTransition(0, 0); Tells the OS not to do any activity animation - we'll take care of it!
    • We also call it when we finish() so that we customize the exit animation

Cartoon Animation Techniques

  • PropertyValuesHolder, ObjectAnimator - they're your friends!
  • OvershootInterpolator gives you a nice wobble/bounce at the end of the animation
  • AnimationSet for doing a series of animations in sequence
  • Curved motion feels more natural than straight-line motion

Quick tips

  • Avoid layout during the animation
  • ViewTreeObserver can be used to listen to global events in the view hierarchy
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