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Created June 23, 2024 16:44
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Eth Flow Refunder
use alloy::{
network::{EthereumWallet, TransactionBuilder},
providers::{Provider, ProviderBuilder},
sol_types::{SolCall, SolEvent},
use CoWSwapOnchainOrders::{invalidateOrderCall, EthFlowOrderData};
async fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {
let rpc_url = match std::env::var("RPC_URL") {
Ok(url) => match url.parse() {
Ok(url) => url,
Err(_) => {
eprintln!("Invalid URL: {}", url);
Err(_) => {
eprintln!("Environment variable `RPC_URL` is not set");
eprintln!("Usage: RPC_URL=<URL> indexer");
let signer: PrivateKeySigner = std::env::var("PRIVATE_KEY")
.expect("Must supply PRIVATE_KEY via env variable")
.expect("Failed to parse private key");
let wallet = EthereumWallet::from(signer);
let provider = ProviderBuilder::new()
let receipts = provider
.expect("Must specify TX_HASH via env variable")
.expect("Invalid TX_HASH specified"),
// Get the first (and only) log from the transaction
let log = receipts.inner.logs().iter().next().unwrap();
let event = CoWSwapOnchainOrders::OrderPlacement::decode_log_data(&, true)?;
// Reassemble the on-chain order data
let order = EthFlowOrderData {
buyToken: event.order.buyToken,
receiver: event.order.receiver,
sellAmount: event.order.sellAmount,
buyAmount: event.order.buyAmount,
appData: event.order.appData,
feeAmount: event.order.feeAmount,
validTo: event.order.validTo,
partiallyFillable: event.order.partiallyFillable,
// quoteId is tightly packed in ``
// Build the transaction to invalidate the order
let tx = TransactionRequest::default()
println!("{:?}", tx);
let tx_hash = provider.send_transaction(tx).await?.watch().await?;
println!("Sent transaction: {}", tx_hash);
sol! {
contract CoWSwapOnchainOrders {
enum OnchainSigningScheme {
struct OnchainSignature {
/// @dev The signing scheme used by the signature data.
OnchainSigningScheme scheme;
/// @dev The data used as an order signature.
bytes data;
event OrderPlacement(
address indexed sender,
Data order,
OnchainSignature signature,
bytes data
struct Data {
address sellToken;
address buyToken;
address receiver;
uint256 sellAmount;
uint256 buyAmount;
uint32 validTo;
bytes32 appData;
uint256 feeAmount;
bytes32 kind;
bool partiallyFillable;
bytes32 sellTokenBalance;
bytes32 buyTokenBalance;
struct EthFlowOrderData {
address buyToken;
address receiver;
uint256 sellAmount;
uint256 buyAmount;
bytes32 appData;
uint256 feeAmount;
uint32 validTo;
bool partiallyFillable;
int64 quoteId;
function invalidateOrder(EthFlowOrderData calldata order) public {
_invalidateOrder(order, true);
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