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Forked from makuchaku/
Created October 23, 2019 20:33
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import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Copies logic from
# Algo storing -
class ChartMillBackTester(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetCash(1000*100) # Are't we rich? :D
self.SetStartDate(2017, 1, 1) # Starting from further before than actual data date, so that ema's can be ready by the time our data is available
self.SetEndDate(2019, 10, 3) # if not specified, the Backtesting EndDate would be today
self.MyPortfolio = {} # {:ticker => date_invested_on}
self.MaxHoldingPeriodInDays = 5
self.MaxQuanityToHoldPerTicker = 10
scannerDataUrl = "<URL>"
scannerData = json.loads(self.Download(scannerDataUrl)) # {:long_tickers => {}, :short_tickers => {}}
self.LongScannerData = scannerData["long_tickers"] # {:date => [ticker, ...], ...}
self.ShortScannerData = scannerData["short_tickers"] # {:date => [ticker, ...], ...}
self.spy = self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily
for date in self.LongScannerData:
tickers = (self.LongScannerData[date] + self.ShortScannerData[date])
for ticker in tickers:
self.AddEquity(ticker, Resolution.Daily)
# Constant fee model -
self.Securities[ticker].FeeModel = ConstantFeeModel(0) # Let's assume for a sec that there's no tx fee! :)
# Schedule the rebalance function to execute at the begining of each day
self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(self.spy,5), Action(self.LongShortStrategy))
# create a 90 day exponential moving average
self.SlowEma = self.EMA("SPY", 28, Resolution.Daily)
# def ChatMillScannerData_CoarseSelectionFunction(self, coarse):
# #self.Debug("Inside ChatMillScannerData_CoarseSelectionFunction")
# return self.GetSymbolsFromChartMill()
# def ChatMillScannerData_FineSelectionFunction(self, fine):
# #self.Debug("Inside ChatMillScannerData_FineSelectionFunction")
# return self.GetSymbolsFromChartMill()
# Returns [Symbol, ...]
# longOrShort => "long" / "short"
def GetSymbolsFromChartMill(self, longOrShort):
date = str(self.Time).split(" ")[0]
symbols = []
symbolsForDate = []
symbolsForDate = self.LongScannerData[date] if (longOrShort == "long") else self.ShortScannerData[date]
self.Debug("Error in fetching symbols for date : " + date)
for ticker in symbolsForDate:
symbols.append(Symbol.Create(ticker, SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA))
self.Debug("Error in creating symbol : " + ticker)
return symbols
def OnData(self, data):
# This function is not needed as we rely on the self.Schedule function to trigger the algo
# Returns {"long" : N, "short" : N} based on price/ema relationship
# Force return {"long" : 1, "short" : 1} to remove any long/short bias
def GetHedgeBias(self):
longBias = {"long" : 1, "short" : 0.7}
shortBias = {"long" : 0.7, "short" : 1}
neutralBias = {"long" : 1, "short" : 1}
price = self.Securities["SPY"].Price
slowEmaValue = self.SlowEma.Current.Value
return neutralBias
# if not self.SlowEma.IsReady or price == self.SlowEma.Current.Value:
# return neutralBias
# else:
# if price > slowEmaValue: # long bias
# return longBias
# else: # short bias
# return shortBias
# Algo : if invested, liquidate after N days. Else, go long or short!
def LongShortStrategy(self):
#self.Debug("Inside Rebalance")
longSymbols = self.GetSymbolsFromChartMill("long")
shortSymbols = self.GetSymbolsFromChartMill("short")
# Go Long on long symbols
quantityToHold = self.GetHedgeBias()["long"] * self.MaxQuanityToHoldPerTicker
for symbol in longSymbols:
ticker = str(symbol)
# If not bought the ticker already, buy it
if not self.Securities[ticker].Invested:
quantityToHold = self.GetHedgeBias()["long"] * self.MaxQuanityToHoldPerTicker
self.Order(ticker, quantityToHold)
# Update the ticker's last invested date in MyPortfolio
self.MyPortfolio[ticker] = self.Time
except Exception as error:
self.Debug("E/Long[" + ticker + "] ==> " + str(error))
# # Go Short on short symbols
quantityToHold = self.GetHedgeBias()["short"] * self.MaxQuanityToHoldPerTicker
for symbol in shortSymbols:
ticker = str(symbol)
# If not sold the ticker already, short it
if not self.Securities[ticker].Invested:
self.Order(ticker, -1 * quantityToHold)
# Update the ticker's last invested date in MyPortfolio
self.MyPortfolio[ticker] = self.Time
except Exception as error:
self.Debug("E/Short[" + ticker + "] ==> " + str(error))
# Liquidating
for ticker in list(self.MyPortfolio): # we need to use list() because we pop
# Buy the ticker and update it's holdings in MyPortfolio
today = self.Time
investedDate = self.MyPortfolio[ticker]
tickerHoldingPeriod = abs((today - investedDate).days)
if tickerHoldingPeriod > self.MaxHoldingPeriodInDays:
# liquidate the ticker and remove it from holding tracking
#self.Debug("Liquidating ticker : " + ticker)
except Exception as error:
self.Debug("E/Liquidate[" + ticker + "] ==> " + str(error))
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