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Last active September 26, 2023 13:22
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Convert Docker multi-stage build files into a Mermaid flowchart representation.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This module provides a utility to convert Docker multi-stage build files into a Mermaid flowchart representation.
- Extracts all build stages from a Dockerfile.
- Highlights the default build target.
- Represents external images with dashed borders.
- Maps dependencies between stages using different arrow styles based on the Dockerfile directives:
* `FROM` dependencies are shown with a solid line and a full arrow head.
* `COPY --from=...` dependencies are shown with a dashed line and an empty arrow head.
* (Optional) `RUN --mount=(.*)from=...` dependencies, if implemented, can be shown with a dotted line and an empty diamond arrow head.
Command line interface that accepts the Dockerfile as a mandatory argument. By default, it outputs the Mermaid code to stdout.
An optional `-o` flag allows specifying an output file.
- Python 3.6+
- pathlib
- ChatGPT4 (reviewed by Martín Gaitán)
import argparse
import re
from pathlib import Path
def parse_dockerfile(dockerfile_path: Path):
stages = {}
external_images = set()
stage_counter = 0 # Counter for unnamed stages
content = dockerfile_path.read_text()
# Extract all stages with 'AS' directive
for match in re.finditer(r'(?i)AS\s+(\w+)', content):
stages[] = []
# Extract FROM dependencies
for match in re.finditer(r'(?i)FROM\s+([\w:/.-]+)(?:\s+AS\s+(\w+))?', content):
if # If there's an "AS" alias
stage_name =
# Assign a default name to the unnamed stages
stage_name = f"stage_{stage_counter}"
stage_counter += 1
if stage_name not in stages:
stages[stage_name] = []
if not in stages:
# Extract COPY dependencies
for match in re.finditer(r'(?i)COPY\s+--from=(\w+|\d+)', content):
current_stage = list(stages.keys())[-1]
# Handling the numeric reference
reference =
if reference.isdigit():
reference = list(stages.keys())[int(reference)]
stages[current_stage].append(("dashed", reference))
return stages, external_images
def generate_mermaid_code(stages, external_images):
mermaid_code = "graph TD\n"
# Define Classes
mermaid_code += "classDef external stroke-dasharray: 5 5;\n"
mermaid_code += "classDef default_target fill:#cccccc;\n"
# External Images
for image in external_images:
mermaid_code += f"{image}[{image}]:::external\n"
# Stages
default_target = list(stages.keys())[-1] # Assuming last stage is default
for stage, dependencies in stages.items():
style_class = "default_target" if stage == default_target else ""
for style, dependency in dependencies:
if style == "solid":
arrow = "-->"
elif style == "dashed":
arrow = "-.->"
if style_class:
mermaid_code += f"{dependency} {arrow} {stage}:::{style_class}\n"
mermaid_code += f"{dependency} {arrow} {stage}\n"
return mermaid_code
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate Mermaid flowchart from Dockerfile")
parser.add_argument("dockerfile", type=Path, help="Path to the Dockerfile")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=Path, help="Output file for Mermaid code")
args = parser.parse_args()
stages, external_images = parse_dockerfile(args.dockerfile)
mermaid_code = generate_mermaid_code(stages, external_images)
if args.output:
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