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Created February 18, 2012 00:58
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python ethernet bridge
import sys
import signal
from threading import Thread,Lock
from scapy.all import sniff,IP,sendp,srp1,Ether,ARP,get_if_list,get_if_hwaddr
def usage():
print 'Usage: host1_interface host1_ip host2_interfcae host2_ip'
print ''
print 'Example: sudo python eth1 eth2'
print ' Sets up a bridge between the hosts connected on eth1 and eth2'
print ' with ips and, respectively.'
class Sniffer():
pktcnt = 0
def discover_mac_address(self, ip, interface):
"Figures out MAC address for given IP"
print 'trying to get MAC address of ' + ip
# arp ping
p = srp1(Ether(dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') / ARP(pdst=ip), iface=interface)
print 'got ' + p[ARP].hwsrc
return p[ARP].hwsrc
def __init__(self, input_interface, output_interface, dest_ip, sniffer_name):
self.input_interface = input_interface
self.output_interface = output_interface
self.dest_ip = dest_ip
self.sniffer_name = sniffer_name
self.dest_mac_address = self.discover_mac_address(self.dest_ip, self.output_interface)
self.my_macs = [get_if_hwaddr(i) for i in get_if_list()]
self.output_mac = get_if_hwaddr(self.output_interface)
def process_packet(self, pkt):
# ignore packets that were sent from one of our own interfaces
if pkt[Ether].src in self.my_macs:
self.pktcnt += 1
p = pkt.copy()
forwardtxt = []
# if this packet has an IP layer, change the dst field
# to our final destination
if IP in p:
forwardtxt.append( 'changing IP %s -> %s' % (p[IP].dst, self.dest_ip) )
p[IP].dst = self.dest_ip
# if this packet has an ethernet layer, change the dst field
# to our final destination. We have to worry about this since
# we're using sendp (rather than send) to send the packet. We
# also don't fiddle with it if it's a broadcast address.
if Ether in p \
and p[Ether].dst != 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff':
forwardtxt.append( 'changing MAC dst %s -> %s' % (p[Ether].dst, self.dest_mac_address) )
p[Ether].dst = self.dest_mac_address
# forwardtxt.append( 'changing MAC src %s -> %s' % (p[Ether].src, self.output_mac) )
# p[Ether].src = self.output_mac
send(p, iface=self.output_interface)
return "==============\n" \
+ " ".join([self.sniffer_name] + forwardtxt) \
+ "\n=============="
def stopper_check(self, pkt):
return not still_running_lock.locked()
def sniffloop(self):
sniff(iface=self.input_interface, prn=self.process_packet, stop_filter=self.stopper_check)
# global list of running threads
threads = []
# global lock to signal that we're still running
still_running_lock = Lock()
# catch Ctl-c and clean up threads
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print 'Cleaning up sniff threads...'
for t in threads: t.join()
print 'exiting.'
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv or len(sys.argv) != 5:
(host1_interface, host1_ip, host2_interface, host2_ip) = sys.argv[1:]
sniffer1 = Sniffer(host1_interface, host2_interface, host2_ip, 'TO')
sniffer2 = Sniffer(host2_interface, host1_interface, host1_ip, 'FROM')
threads.append( Thread(target=sniffer1.sniffloop) )
threads.append( Thread(target=sniffer2.sniffloop) )
# set our "state" to running by acquiring the lock
for t in threads: t.start()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
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