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Last active August 6, 2023 02:21
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\usepackage[a4paper,left=2cm, right=2cm, top=1.5cm, bottom=1.5cm]{geometry}
\signature{Your Name}
\address{Your Name
\\ Address1
\\ City, STATE 00000
\\ (555) 867-5309
\begin{letter}{Senator Dianne Feinstein
\\ US Senate - California
\\ 331 Hart Senate Office Building
\\ Washington, DC 20510}
\opening{Dear Mrs. Feinstein:}
I'm writing again in regards to the
issue of UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) in restricted US
A hearing on UAPs was held on July 26 by the Subcommittee on National
Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs. Testimony given in that hearing
has made it abundantly clear that one of two things is happening right now:
\item The U.S. government has mounted an extraordinary, decades-long
cover-up of UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering activities.
\item Elements of the defense and intelligence establishment are engaging
in a staggeringly brazen psychological disinformation campaign.
Both of these possibilities are deeply troubling and demand your urgent
A cover-up would imply, at the very least, misappropriation of
funds. \emph{This is theft of the American taxpayer}. The Intelligence
Community Inspector General has deemed these claims to be \emph{credible
and urgent}.
What did we shoot down over Alaska in February? Video footage of the
Chinese balloon shootdown was released almost immediately. Why hasn't the
footage of the ``unknown objects'' been released? Why haven't you pressed
for the release of more public information on the matter? The rampant
overclassification is causing Americans to lose trust in their government.
David Grusch has provided congress with a ``hostile and cooperative witness
list''. Now it is your job to go after these leads and share what you learn
with the American public.
Your timely attention to this important matter is required to ensure public
faith in our government.
\closing{Yours Faithfully,}
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