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Created August 20, 2016 01:34
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javascript code for Browser MCU, video audio mix
let remoteVideo0 = document.getElementById('webrtc-remote-video-0');
let remoteVideo1 = document.getElementById('webrtc-remote-video-1');
let remoteVideo2 = document.getElementById('webrtc-remote-video-2');
let remoteVideo3 = document.getElementById('webrtc-remote-video-3');
let canvasMix = document.getElementById('canvas_mix');
canvasMix.addEventListener('mousedown', clickMixCenter, false);
canvasMix.addEventListener('mousemove', moveMixCenter, false);
let ctxMix = canvasMix.getContext('2d');
ctxMix.fillStyle = 'rgb(128, 192, 128)';
let mixStream = null;
let animationId = null;
// for audio
let audioContext = new window.AudioContext();
let micNodes = [];
let outputNodes = [];
let audioMixSterams = [];
// mixed video stream
mixStream = canvasMix.captureStream(15);
animationId = window.requestAnimationFrame(drawCanvas)
function onMemberStreamJoin(id, stream, isRemoteVoiceOnly) {
let audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();
let videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
if (audioTracks && (audioTracks.length > 0)) {
console.log('stream has audioStream. audio track count = ' + audioTracks.length);
console.log('' + + ' ,' + audioTracks[0].id);
// --- prepare audio mic node ---
let micNode = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
micNodes[id] = micNode;
for (let key in outputNodes) {
if (key === id) {
console.log('skip output(id=' + key + ') because same id=' + id);
else {
let otherOutputNode = outputNodes[key];
else if (videoTracks && (videoTracks.length > 0)) {
console.log('stream is video only stream.');
function muteRemoteVideos() {
remoteVideo0.volume = 0;
remoteVideo1.volume = 0;
remoteVideo2.volume = 0;
remoteVideo3.volume = 0;
function onMemberStreamLeave(id, stream) {
// clear
// --- remove outputNode ---
let thisOutputNode = outputNodes[id];
if (thisOutputNode) {
for (let key in micNodes) {
if (key === id) {
console.log('skip disconnecting mic, because key=id (not connected)');
else {
let micNode = micNodes[key];
thisOutputNode = null;
delete outputNodes[id];
else {
console.warn('micNode missed');
delete audioMixSterams[id];
// --- disconnect mic from ohter output ---
let thisMicNode = micNodes[id];
if (thisMicNode) {
for (let key in outputNodes) {
if (key === id) {
console.log('skip disconnecting output, because key=id (not connected)');
else {
let outputNode = outputNodes[key];
thisMicNode = null;
delete micNodes[id];
else {
console.warn('micNode missed');
function onPrepareLocalStream(id, peer) {
console.log('--- prepare local stream --- id=' + id);
// -- video stream ---
// -- audio stream --
let newOutputNode = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
let newAudioMixStream =;
outputNodes[id] = newOutputNode;
audioMixSterams[id] = newAudioMixStream;
for (let key in micNodes) {
if (key === id) {
console.log('skip mic(id=' + key + ') because same id=' + id);
else {
console.log('connect mic(id=' + key + ') to this output');
let otherMicNode = micNodes[key];
// ---- mix video ----
let videoPositionSet = [];
let mixWidth = 640;
let mixHeight = 480;
let halfWidth = mixWidth/2;
let halfHeight = mixHeight/2;
let smallWidth = mixWidth/4;
let smallHeight = mixHeight/4;
let largeWidth = mixWidth - smallWidth;
let largeheight = mixHeight - smallHeight;
let mixMode = 'matrix'; // 'stripe', 'horz-stripe', 'matrix-fusion', '3d'
function drawCanvas() {
if (mixMode === 'stripe') {
else if (mixMode === 'horz-stripe') {
else if (mixMode === 'matrix-fusion') {
else if (mixMode === 'cross') {
else {
// animation frame will be drop down, when window is hidden.
animationId = window.requestAnimationFrame(drawCanvas);
function drawCanvasMatrix() {
drawVideo(remoteVideo0, 0);
drawVideo(remoteVideo1, 1);
drawVideo(remoteVideo2, 2);
drawVideo(remoteVideo3, 3);
function drawVideo(videoElement, index) {
ctxMix.drawImage(videoElement, 0, 0, videoElement.videoWidth, videoElement.videoHeight,
videoPositionSet[index].left, videoPositionSet[index].top, videoPositionSet[index].width, videoPositionSet[index].height);
ctxMix.fillText('member' + (index + 1), videoPositionSet[index].left + 2, videoPositionSet[index].top + 10);
function resetVideoPosition() {
mixMode = 'matrix';
videoPositionSet[0] = { left:0, top:0, width:halfWidth, height: halfHeight };
videoPositionSet[1] = { left:320, top:0, width:halfWidth, height: halfHeight };
videoPositionSet[2] = { left:0, top:240, width:halfWidth, height: halfHeight };
videoPositionSet[3] = { left:320, top:240, width:halfWidth, height: halfHeight };
// clear
function clearMixCanvas() {
ctxMix.fillRect(0, 0, mixWidth, mixHeight);
function setMixMode(mode) {
mixMode = mode;
console.log('set MixMode to:' + mode);
// clear
function clickMixCenter(evt) {
//console.log("canvas mix clicked evt:", evt);
if (evt.button === 0) {
let rect =;
let x = (evt.clientX - rect.left);
let y = (evt.clientY -;
console.log('x=' + x + ' ,y=' + y)
setSplitVideo(x, y);
function moveMixCenter(evt) {
if (evt.buttons === 1 || evt.witch === 1) {
let rect =;
let x = (evt.clientX - rect.left);
let y = (evt.clientY -;
console.log('x=' + x + ' ,y=' + y)
setSplitVideo(x, y);
function setSplitVideo(x, y) {
// clear
if ( y < halfHeight) {
if (x < halfWidth) {
videoPositionSet[0] = { left:0, top:0, width:x, height:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth) };
videoPositionSet[1] = { left:(mixWidth-x), top:0, width:x, height:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth) };
videoPositionSet[2] = { left:0, top:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth), width:x, height:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth) };
videoPositionSet[3] = { left:x, top:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth), width:(mixWidth-x), height:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth) };
else {
videoPositionSet[0] = { left:0, top:0, width:(mixWidth-x), height:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth) };
videoPositionSet[1] = { left:x, top:0, width:(mixWidth-x), height:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth) };
videoPositionSet[2] = { left:0, top:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth), width:x, height:(mixHeight*(x/mixWidth)) };
videoPositionSet[3] = { left:x, top:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth), width:(mixWidth-x), height:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth) };
else {
videoPositionSet[0] = { left:0, top:0, width:x, height:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth) };
videoPositionSet[1] = { left:x, top:0, width:(mixWidth-x), height:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth) };
if (x < halfWidth) {
videoPositionSet[2] = { left:0, top:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth), width:x, height:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth) };
videoPositionSet[3] = { left:(mixWidth-x), top:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth), width:x, height:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth) };
else {
videoPositionSet[2] = { left:0, top:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth), width:(mixWidth-x), height:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth) };
videoPositionSet[3] = { left:x, top:mixHeight*(x/mixWidth), width:(mixWidth-x), height:mixHeight*((mixWidth-x)/mixWidth) };
function drawCanvasStripe() {
drawVideoStripe(remoteVideo0, 0);
drawVideoStripe(remoteVideo1, 1);
drawVideoStripe(remoteVideo2, 2);
drawVideoStripe(remoteVideo3, 3);
function drawVideoStripe(videoElement, index) {
let srcLeft = videoElement.videoWidth * (3.0/8.0);
let srcTop = 0;
let srcWidth = videoElement.videoWidth /4;
let srcHeight = videoElement.videoHeight;
let destLeft = mixWidth/4 * index;
let destTop = 0;
let destWidth = mixWidth/4;
let destHeight = mixHeight;
ctxMix.drawImage(videoElement, srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight, destLeft, destTop, destWidth, destHeight);
ctxMix.fillText('member' + (index + 1), destLeft + 2, destTop + 10);
function drawCanvasHorzStripe() {
drawVideoHorzStripe(remoteVideo0, 0);
drawVideoHorzStripe(remoteVideo1, 1);
drawVideoHorzStripe(remoteVideo2, 2);
drawVideoHorzStripe(remoteVideo3, 3);
function drawVideoHorzStripe(videoElement, index) {
let srcLeft = 0;
let srcTop = videoElement.videoHeight * (3.0/8.0);
let srcWidth = videoElement.videoWidth;
let srcHeight = videoElement.videoHeight /4;
let destLeft = 0;
let destTop = mixHeight/4 * index;
let destWidth = mixWidth;
let destHeight = mixHeight/4;
ctxMix.drawImage(videoElement, srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight, destLeft, destTop, destWidth, destHeight);
ctxMix.fillText('member' + (index + 1), destLeft + 2, destTop + 10);
function drawCanvasMatrixFusion() {
drawVideoMatrixFusion(remoteVideo0, 0);
drawVideoMatrixFusion(remoteVideo1, 1);
drawVideoMatrixFusion(remoteVideo2, 2);
drawVideoMatrixFusion(remoteVideo3, 3);
function drawVideoMatrixFusion(videoElement, index) {
let srcLeft = 0, destLeft = 0;
if ( (index === 1) || (index ===3) ) {
srcLeft = videoElement.videoWidth /2;
destLeft = mixWidth /2;
let srcTop = 0, destTop = 0;
if ( (index === 2) || (index ===3) ) {
srcTop = videoElement.videoHeight /2;
destTop = mixHeight /2;
let srcWidth = videoElement.videoWidth /2;
let srcHeight = videoElement.videoHeight /2;
let destWidth = mixWidth /2;
let destHeight = mixHeight /2;
ctxMix.drawImage(videoElement, srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight, destLeft, destTop, destWidth, destHeight);
ctxMix.fillText('member' + (index + 1), destLeft + 2, destTop + 10);
function drawCanvasCross() {
drawVideoCross(remoteVideo0, 0);
drawVideoCross(remoteVideo1, 1);
drawVideoCross(remoteVideo2, 2);
drawVideoCross(remoteVideo3, 3);
function drawVideoCross(videoElement, index) {
let srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight;
let destLeft, destTop, destWidth, destHeight;
let x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
let captionX, captionY;
if (index === 0) {
// upper
x0 = 0, y0 = 0;
x1 = 640, y1 = 0;
x2 = 320, y2 = 240;
captionX = 50, captionY = 20;
srcLeft = 0;
srcTop = videoElement.videoHeight / 4;
srcWidth = videoElement.videoWidth;
srcHeight = videoElement.videoHeight / 2;
destLeft = 0;
destTop = 0;
destWidth = mixWidth;
destHeight = mixHeight / 2;
else if (index === 1) {
// buttom
x0 = 0, y0 = 480;
x1 = 640, y1 = 480;
x2 = 320, y2 = 240;
captionX = 50, captionY = 460;
srcLeft = 0;
srcTop = videoElement.videoHeight / 4;
srcWidth = videoElement.videoWidth;
srcHeight = videoElement.videoHeight / 2;
destLeft = 0;
destTop = mixHeight / 2;
destWidth = mixWidth;
destHeight = mixHeight / 2;
else if (index === 2) {
// left
x0 = 0, y0 = 0;
x1 = 0, y1 = 480;
x2 = 320, y2 = 240;
captionX = 20, captionY = 80;
srcLeft = videoElement.videoWidth / 4;
srcTop = 0;
srcWidth = videoElement.videoWidth / 2;
srcHeight = videoElement.videoHeight;
destLeft = 0;
destTop = 0;
destWidth = mixWidth / 2;
destHeight = mixHeight;
else if (index === 3) {
// right
x0 = 640, y0 = 0;
x1 = 640, y1 = 480;
x2 = 320, y2 = 240;
captionX = 580, captionY = 80;
srcLeft = videoElement.videoWidth / 4;
srcTop = 0;
srcWidth = videoElement.videoWidth / 2;
srcHeight = videoElement.videoHeight;
destLeft = mixWidth / 2;
destTop = 0;
destWidth = mixWidth / 2;
destHeight = mixHeight;
// -- clip --
ctxMix.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctxMix.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctxMix.lineTo(x2, y2);
ctxMix.lineTo(x0, y0);
// -- draw --
ctxMix.drawImage(videoElement, srcLeft, srcTop, srcWidth, srcHeight, destLeft, destTop, destWidth, destHeight);
ctxMix.fillText('member' + (index + 1), captionX, captionY);
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